Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2268
Content Analysis of the Effects of Domestic Violence on Child
Victims in the Movie Precious
Zaynab Army Sijaya, Silviana Purwanti, Jaka Farih Agustian,
Kadek Dristiana Dwivayani
Universitas Mulawarman, Indonesia
Email: zaynabarmy.s[email protected]m, silvianapurwanti@fisip.unmul.ac.id
Corespondence: zaynabarmy.sijaya@gmail.com*
Content analysis; Effects of
domestic violence; Movies;
Domestic violence is a dynamic phenomenon that can occur in all
walks of life. Given the role of film as a tool to convey ideas and
influence the audience, research on the effects of domestic violence
in the movie Precious is interesting to do. The rampant news about
domestic violence makes this research relevant because this movie
can provide an overview of the destructive impact of domestic
violence on children as victims. The aim of this research is to find
out what the physical, psychological, sexual, and social effects are
due to domestic violence experienced by the main character in the
film Precious. This research uses a quantitative content analysis
method with a descriptive approach. Data will be measured using a
measurement table. The research population is the movie Precious
with a duration of 1 hour 50 minutes, with a sample of scenes
containing the effects of domestic violence. The results showed
that Precious depicts various effects of domestic violence, such as
loss of self-confidence, anxiety, lack of attention from parents,
withdrawal from the family, use of harsh words, stress, depression,
self-isolation, not given living expenses, embarrassment to meet
others, problematic education, trauma, pregnancy, children
replacing parental roles, loss of jobs, imagining the violence
experienced, bruises, bumps on the body, and injuries.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Films reflect the development of people's lives in a certain period. Over time, films have
progressed, both in terms of production technology and the selection of themes. In the current era
of the development of communication media, films have an essential role as one of the most
influential media in conveying messages. Films function as a modern medium used to spread
entertainment, which has become a habit and is accepted by the general public. With the
development of the function of film as a communication medium, not only entertainment is
conveyed but also various social messages that are relevant to the current conditions of society. One
important message that is often raised through film is the issue of violence, including domestic
violence (KDRT).
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2269
As a form of mass media, film serves as a medium to communicate various ideas and
concepts and can create an impact through its screening. When individuals watch a movie, its
message indirectly influences the formation of individual perceptions of the message the film wants
to convey. The reality of violence reflected in cinema serves as a reflection of society and a tool to
influence public perception and understanding. When a film raises the theme of domestic violence,
it not only depicts reality but also has the potential to change the audience's perspective on this
Turner in Sobur (2016) stated that films reflect not only reality but are more of a
representation or depiction of reality. Films play a role in shaping and 're-presenting' reality by
referring to codes, conventions, and ideologies associated with a particular culture. The latest
research by Asri (2020) in his writing, namely "Reading Films as a Text: Content Analysis of the Film
'Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini (NKCTHI)'" shows that films reflect the reality that is developing
in society and display it on the screen. Because of this reality, films can be made to fit the audience's
feelings. As a result, the audience feels close to the scenes, intentions, goals, and messages conveyed
in the film, both while watching and after. One aspect that reflects the reality that is developing in
society is violence. The reason why violence is developing in society is because society itself
considers violence to be something beautiful and can create a pleasant sensation. This kind of
depiction of violence can be identified in popular films (Nabila & Sugandi, 2020).
Violence itself is a term used to describe the act of using physical force or power, either
through threats or actual actions, against oneself, another individual, or a group of people, which
can cause physical injury, trauma, death, psychological harm, developmental disorders, or violations
of their rights (Ariani & Asih, 2022). Based on data recorded in the Online Information System for
the Protection of Women and Children (Simfoni PPA), from January to June 2024, there were 7,842
cases of violence against children in Indonesia. Of that number, 5,552 victims were girls, while 1,930
victims were boys (Law and Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and
Child Protection, 2024). These data show that girls are the more dominant victims in cases of
violence against children. Various acts of violence occur in society, including in the family sphere.
This is often called domestic violence (KDRT). In line with the definition of violence explained
previously, domestic violence (DV) refers to all criminal acts that are often experienced by women
in the household environment, which can cause physical, psychological, sexual, and psychological
suffering. It also includes threats, coercion, and other unlawful acts in the household (Idham et al.,
With such a vital role of film in shaping mass culture, it is crucial for films that raise the theme
of domestic violence to pay attention to the way they are depicted and their impact on the audience.
This influence is not only limited to entertainment but also includes aspects of education and social
awareness. The use of media, including films, can influence public perception and understanding of
domestic violence. Films are often used to convey messages and social values, including issues
related to domestic violence. The presence of domestic violence in films can play an essential role in
shaping public perception and attitudes towards the problem. This is in line with the opinion
expressed by McQuail (1992) that films have an essential role in shaping mass culture. Meanwhile,
Pratista (in Prasetya & Rahman, 2020), as quoted in Cahyani and Aprilia (2022), also said that film is
a type of mass communication media that is effective in conveying messages to the public.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2270
Another opinion written by Lestari (2015) in Cahyani and Aprilia (2022) states that film is a
form of media often used to show existing social realities so that the audience can understand and
feel that reality. As an art in the 20th century, film can entertain, educate, arouse emotions, trigger
thoughts, and provide encouragement to its audience. Dayanti (2011) in Cahyani & Aprilia (2022)
also explain that the most popular film stories highlight violence against women. However, films
with women's themes often depict women in weak, irrational, or seductive stereotypes, while men
are depicted with strong, rational, and dominant stereotypes (Cahyani & Aprilia, 2022). Therefore,
films must be considered as part of the social response to the problem of domestic violence. Films
must be able to show ways of depicting domestic violence and must ensure that they do not
reinforce harmful gender stereotypes. In addition, films should also be able to depict women as
strong characters who can fight against violence, as well as provide accurate information about the
signs and consequences of domestic violence. Therefore, film is not only a medium of entertainment
but also a tool with great potential in preventing domestic violence. Accurate and sensitive
depictions of this issue can help strengthen the message about the importance of fighting domestic
The film Precious, the object of this thesis, can be an example of how film can influence public
perception and understanding of domestic violence. Precious is a 2009 drama film that made the
audience empathize with the characters in the story. The film, produced by Oprah Winfrey and
directed by Lee Daniels, received great success by winning a total of 75 awards and 135
nominations in film awards, some of which are three nominations (Best Motion Picture, Best
Performance By An Actress In A Motion Picture, and Best Performance By An Actress In A
Supporting Role In A Motion Picture) at the 67th Golden Globe Awards. In addition, six nominations
at the 82nd Academy Awards won two awards: Best Supporting Actress Winner and Best Adapted
Screenplay Winner.
The main character in the film Precious is a teenage girl named Clairecee Precious Jones who
experiences domestic violence and has to become a young mother of two children due to being
molested by her biological father. In addition to being molested by her biological father, Precious
also experiences acts of violence, such as beatings by her biological mother. The character Precious
is played by an American actress named Gabourey Sidibe. The film Precious combines elements of
dark comedy that are satirical and bitter, conveyed through the narrative story brought by the main
character, Precious. The violence experienced by Precious in this film is told very clearly, including
scenes of beatings and sexual harassment. In addition, the film Precious also shows how society and
the environment around the character Precious give various responses to the violence she
experiences. Some people, such as Precious's teacher and a social worker, support and help Precious
escape the dangerous environment. However, some people do not understand the situation faced by
Precious and instead blame herself for the violence that occurs.
In its story, the film Precious very well describes the tragedy experienced by a teenager who
does not have the opportunity to develop well in her family because she is exposed to domestic
violence (KDRT). This film is adapted from a novel, "Push" by Sapphire. This film successfully
depicts the complex reality of the impact of domestic violence (KDRT), which is very destructive to a
child. Overall, the film Precious successfully provides a solid and accurate representation of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2271
domestic violence and its impact on victims. This film also provides a clear picture of how society
and the surrounding environment can influence and help victims of domestic violence.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher chose the film Precious as the object of
research because this film is quite popular, which can be seen from the awards that this film has
won. In addition, the film Precious is also relevant to people's lives, especially in depicting violence
in the family. As is often known in society, many phenomena of domestic violence in Indonesia have
an impact on children frequently occurring. Some of them are like the case that occurred in January
2024 in Surabaya, where a child was abused by his biological mother. Some of the acts of violence
carried out by the mother of this child were pouring hot water on the child, forcing him to gargle
with boiling water, burning him with cigarettes, and even pulling out the child's teeth with pliers
(Widiyana, 2024). In addition, another case that also occurred in January 2024 in the same city,
namely Surabaya, this case came from a 13-year-old child who was the victim of molestation by his
biological father, brother, and two uncles. Based on the chronology that the victim revealed to the
media, the victim had received violent treatment since she was in the 3rd grade of elementary
school but only revealed it when she was in the 1st grade of junior high school (Rinanda, 2024).
Then another case also occurred in November 2023 in Sandai, Ketapang, West Kalimantan, where a
7-year-old girl died due to being tortured by her adoptive parents (Bella, 2023). Similar to the
examples of domestic violence cases in Indonesia that have been explained, this film tries to reflect
the problem of violence that exists in society. However, the views of its producers limit this reality.
Film producers recreate reality to show societal inequality and depict the expected reality.
The movie “Precious” clearly shows how movies can influence people's perception and
understanding of domestic violence. Released in (2009), this critically acclaimed drama film (IMDb,
2009), tells the story of a teenage girl who experiences domestic violence and must become a young
mother of two due to her father's molestation. “Precious” clearly depicts the destructive impact of
domestic violence on a child and is relevant to the lives of Indonesians, especially in the context of
family violence. This is in line with the data on violence against children during 2023, as revealed by
the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) below.
Figure 1. Child Violence Data in Indonesia by Type Throughout 2023 (Pratiwi, 2024)
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2272
This research focuses on the effects of domestic violence experienced by the main character in the
movie “Precious”. Taking research to see the impact of domestic violence felt by the main character
of the film Precious led researchers to study previous similar studies. Several studies regarding
objectives and theories are used: Analysis of the Content of Violence in the Animated Film Series
The Simpsons (Aditama, 2018). This study uses the Parents Television Council's theory of violence
and content analysis techniques to find out what violent scenes are in the animated film series The
Simpsons season 28. The following study is Violence Against Women in Indonesian Films
(Quantitative Content Analysis in Indonesian Films Set in 1998-2021) by Cahyani and Aprilia,
(2022). This study focuses on finding out the forms of violence against women in Indonesian films
set from 1998 to 2021; in addition, this study also wants to find out how often violent scenes appear
in the film. The last study is entitled Analysis of the Content of Violence in the "Christmas Carol" film
by Writer Joo Won Kyu (Dhevie, 2023). This study focuses on finding out what forms of violence
occur against people with disabilities in the film Christmas Carol. Based on the results obtained after
studying the previous studies that have been presented previously, the innovations that will be
included in this study are in terms of the object and focus of the research, namely the use of the film
Precious with a focus on finding out what impacts of domestic violence are received by the main
character in this film. This research then turns to exploring the effects of the violence received, with
the aim of understanding the impact of domestic violence on the main character of the movie
Materials and Methods
This research will apply a quantitative content analysis method with a descriptive approach,
which aims to provide a detailed description of a particular message or text (Eriyanto, 2015). In
analyzing the data in this study, the researcher did not rely on specific tools or software; instead, the
entire process was carried out manually following relevant formulas. The data obtained will be
processed by creating a frequency table of occurrence, as shown above, and a pie chart to visualize
the distribution and pattern of the data. In addition to presenting data in tables and diagrams, the
analysis will also include an in-depth discussion that links the research results to the theories and
concepts previously explained. This approach allows the analysis results to be more easily
understood and connected to the existing theoretical framework. The population in this study is the
movie “Precious” which lasts 1 hour 50 minutes 6 seconds. This research will use non-probability
sampling techniques, specifically purposive sampling, where sample members are specifically
selected based on research objectives (Hardani et al., 2020). This research aims to identify the
effects of domestic violence received by the victim, so only scenes that depict the effects of violence
on the main character are needed. The researcher has determined the context unit to facilitate
analysis in the form of categorizing the effects of domestic violence experienced by victims.
Table 1 Research Analysis Unit
Research Analysis
Context Unit
Effects of Violence
Physical Violence
Lumps on the body
Embarrassed to meet others
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2273
Job loss
Psychological Violence (Psychic)
Withdrawing from the family sphere
Accustomed to using harsh words
Loss of confidence
Experiencing anxiety
Imagine the violence committed by
the perpetrator
Sexual Violence
Menstrual disorders
Premature delivery
Fetal death in utero
Social Violence
Not given living expenses.
Lack of attention from parents
Children take the place of tasks that
parents should do
Problematic education
Source: Salwa and processed by researchers
The context unit of the effects of domestic violence, which has been mapped based on
previous research and Johan Galtung's theory of violence, will be measured using coders. This
research involves two coders, Lailatul Fadila (42 years old) and Handy R. Nakita (23 years old), who
have backgrounds as undergraduate Psychology students with knowledge of domestic violence and
its prevention from Family Counseling courses. This research hypothesizes that the movie
“Precious” shows many effects of domestic violence. Content analysis has an element of subjectivity,
so a test is needed to measure the level of agreement. Therefore, the intercoder reliability test will
be used in this study to ensure consistency and objectivity (Dhevie, 2023). This test involves two
coders to ensure the calculated data is consistent and valid when compared with other coders.
Results and Discussions
The film "Precious" depicts domestic violence vividly, including the impact victims receive
and the effect it has on their daily lives. This research focuses on scenes that show the effects of
domestic violence in the film. The analysis of the content of the film "Precious" was carried out by
two coders, with the following results.
Table 2 Coding of Result
Context Unit
Coder 1
Coder 2
Lumps on the body
Embarrassed to meet others
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2274
Loss of employment
Withdrawing from the family sphere
Accustomed to using harsh words
Loss of self-confidence
Experiencing anxiety
Imagine the violence committed by the
Menstrual disorders
Premature labor
Fetal death in the womb
Not given living expenses
Lack of attention from parents
Children take the place of tasks that
parents should do
Problematic education
Source: Researcher's preparation, 2024
Table 3 Reliability Test Results
Context Unit
Coder 1
Coder 2
Effects of Physical
Lumps on the body
Embarrassed to meet others
Loss of employment
Effects of Psychological
Withdrawing from the family sphere
Accustomed to using harsh words
Loss of self-confidence
Experiencing anxiety
Imagine the violence committed by the
Effects of Sexual Violence
Menstrual disorders
Premature labor
Fetal death in the womb
Effects of Social Violence
Not given living expenses
Lack of attention from parents
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2275
Children take the place of tasks that
parents should do
Problematic education
Total S = 18
Total TS = 5
Intercoder Reliability =2𝑀
𝑁1+𝑁2 =2(18)
23+23 = 0,78 = 78%
Source: Researcher's preparation, 2024
This study aims to determine the effects of domestic violence (DV) experienced by the main
character in the film, Precious. The method used is quantitative content analysis, where scenes in
the film are analyzed to identify the effects of DV experienced by the main character, Precious. The
research sample consists of nine sequences showing scenes depicting situations of expulsion from
school, physical violence by the biological mother, neglect, and lack of financial support. Data
collection techniques in this study were carried out through documentation and observation. In
contrast, data analysis was carried out using inter-coder reliability tests to ensure consistency and
reliability of the research context unit.
The results of the study indicate that the effects of domestic violence experienced by the main
character in the film Precious include physical, psychological, sexual, and social violence. The effects
of physical violence include wounds, bruises, lumps on the body, embarrassment when meeting
other people, and loss of work. Scenes showing wounds cover 0.41% of the total scenes analyzed,
lumps and bruises 0.83%, feelings of embarrassment when meeting other people 6.20%, and loss of
work 3.72%. This impact is consistent with Johan Galtung's theory of violence, which identifies
direct violence as the use of physical and verbal force. The effect of this physical violence is seen in
the sequence where Precious is pelted with a frying pan by her mother until she faints because she
no longer has allowance money to buy cigarettes.
In addition to the physical effects, this study also found significant psychological
consequences of violence. These psychological effects include the behavior of withdrawing from the
family circle, the habit of using harsh words, stress, trauma, depression, self-isolation, loss of self-
confidence, experiencing anxiety, and imagining violence by the perpetrator. Sequences showing the
main character withdrawing from her family, using harsh words, stress, depression, and self-
isolation account for 6.61% of the frequency of occurrence, trauma 5.79%, loss of self-confidence
and experiencing anxiety 7.44%, and imagining violence by the perpetrator 3.31% of the frequency
of occurrence in the film. This supports the findings of Anggraeni and Sama’i (2014), who stated that
child victims of domestic violence tend to isolate themselves and adopt verbally aggressive behavior
as a defense mechanism. These psychological impacts are reflected in the scene where Precious
drives away her former principal with harsh words at the direction of her mother, as well as the
scene where Precious feels insecure and imagines the violence she experienced when asked to read
by Miss Rain.
Then, the effect of sexual violence identified in this study is pregnancy, with a frequency of
occurrence of 5.79%. This effect is depicted in the early scene, which shows Precious condition of
being pregnant while still a student at her school. The impact of social violence was also identified in
this study. Social effects include not being given living expenses, lack of attention from parents,
children replacing parents' duties, and having problems in education. Scenes depicting not being
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2276
given living expenses are 14%, lack of attention from parents is 15%, children replacing parents'
duties are 14%, and educational problems are 15%. This neglect is by the concept of structural
violence by Johan Galtung, which includes exploitation and marginalization of weak groups, as well
as research conducted by Anggraeni and Sama’i (2014), which found that neglect by parents causes
children to experience difficulties in their economy and education. This social impact is seen in the
sequence where Precious has to steal because she is hungry and is not given money by her mother.
The limitation of this study is the difficulty in determining a fixed indicator of the effects of
domestic violence. Each case of domestic violence has different characteristics and effects, so finding
a fixed indicator as a reference is very difficult. This limitation makes it difficult for researchers to
determine the focus of the study and ensure that all aspects of the effects of domestic violence are
well covered in the analysis. In addition, this study is also limited to a sample of scenes in the film
Precious, so the results cannot be generalized to all domestic violence cases.
Nevertheless, this study provides in-depth insight into the forms and effects of domestic
violence on children as victims, primarily through film media. By understanding these effects, it is
hoped that it can increase awareness and attention to the issue of domestic violence, as well as
encourage more effective prevention and handling efforts. The film Precious clearly shows how
domestic violence can affect various aspects of the victim's life, from physical, psychological, and
sexual to social life.
This study also emphasizes the importance of the media's role in highlighting social issues
such as domestic violence. Films can be an effective tool to raise public awareness of the effects of
domestic violence (DV) and encourage more comprehensive discussion about ways to prevent and
address such violence. By showing the real effects experienced by victims, films can help change
public attitudes and behaviors towards domestic violence.
For further research, it is recommended that the research sample be expanded and consider
various social and cultural contexts to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of
domestic violence on children. More in-depth research on the factors that influence the effects of
domestic violence is also needed to develop more effective prevention and response strategies. This
study can be a basis for such efforts by providing a clear picture of how domestic violence affects the
lives of victims, especially children.
Overall, this study highlights the importance of understanding and addressing the impact of
domestic violence on child victims. With increased awareness and understanding of the effects of
domestic violence, it is hoped that communities and governments can work together to create a
safer and more supportive environment for children. Efforts to prevent and address domestic
violence need to be continuously improved so that children can grow and develop without
experiencing violence that is detrimental to their physical, psychological, and social well-being.
Research shows that the movie “Precious” depicts various effects of domestic violence,
including loss of confidence, anxiety, lack of attention from parents, withdrawal from the family, use
of abusive language, stress, depression, self-isolation, denial of living expenses, embarrassment of
meeting others, educational problems, trauma, pregnancy, replacement of parental roles by
children, loss of employment, imagery of the perpetrator's violence, bruises, bumps, and injuries.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2277
The most frequently displayed effects of domestic violence are loss of confidence, anxiety, and lack
of attention from parents. The presentation of the effects of domestic violence in this movie has the
potential to raise awareness about the negative impact of domestic violence on child development.
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