Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2278
The Effect of Group Guidance Simulation Game Technique to
Improve Emotional Intelligence of Students of Class X-RPL SMK
Negeri 10 Semarang
Ira Lelly Wahyuni, Wiwik Kusdaryani, Desi Maulia
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia
Email : iralellywahyuni6@gmail.com
Corespondence: iralellywahyuni6@gmail.com
Group guidance; Simulation
game; Emotional intelligence
This research investigates the effect of group guidance using
simulation game techniques to improve the emotional intelligence
of students in Class X-RPL at SMKN 10 Semarang. This study uses
an experimental pre-test and post-test control group design. Based
on the results of research conducted on class X - RPL students at
SMKN 10 Semarang, it was concluded that group guidance services
using simulation game techniques affected increasing emotional
intelligence. This is proven by the results of the experimental group
questionnaire, which obtained an increase in the mean or average
score from the pretest of 57.6 to the posttest of 63.11, in other
words, an increase of 9.5%. Furthermore, the T-test results
obtained a sig (2-tailed) value of 0.001. This means that providing
treatment with group guidance and simulation game techniques
has a significant influence on increasing the emotional intelligence
of class X-RPL students at SMKN 10 Semarang.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
One of the periods in the span of human life is adolescence. Adolescence is an important stage
of life in the individual development cycle, a transitional period that can lead to healthy adult
development. According to Susilo, p. (2018, p. 24), adolescence lasts around the age of 12 to 21
years, when individuals experience development to reach physical, mental, social and emotional
maturity. During this transitional period, an individual experiences development both mentally,
socially, physically and emotionally. It is undeniable that in adolescence there are often ups and
downs in hormones, especially in terms of emotions. Adolescents tend to have desires that must be
fulfilled, and the emergence of these desires makes adolescents act without thinking about the
impact and consequences of their treatment. Teenagers tend to easily vent their negative emotions
and obey all the desires that must be obtained. This is something that can happen that causes
teenagers to fall into complicated things (Rahayu, 2017; Skinner & Wellborn, 2019).
Adolescence is the peak period of emotions, a period of high emotional development; physical
changes, especially in the sexual organs, affect the development of emotions and emotions such as
love, happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, and anxiety (Ratnasari et al., 2020; Septiyani, 2018).
According to Semiawan (2009, p. 72), not all adolescents experience emotional instability due to
adaptation to new behaviour patterns. Emotional behavior that occurs and is felt in daily life
functions as a factor that raises and motivates enthusiasm in taking the necessary actions to
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2279
maintain the ego so that emotions become a benchmark for a person's resilience in facing and
solving problems that arise (Bocci & Niemiec, 2020).
Goleman, p. (2016, p. 38), states that an individual has two brains, two thoughts, and two
different types of intelligence, namely rational intelligence and emotional intelligence. A person's
success in life is determined by both, not only by reasoning, but the emotional intelligence that plays
a role. Based on this opinion, it can be seen that high reasoning cannot guarantee that a person will
be able to deal with experiences outside the academic world. In contrast to reasoning, which is a
genetic factor that is permanent and cannot be changed, Emotional Quotient (EQ) or emotional
intelligence can be developed, nurtured, studied in the learning process and react through life
experiences, from birth to death. Basically, what worries me is that students who are only highly
reasoning can act irrationally and are unable to manage their emotions properly. In addition, a
person who is only highly reasonable, but has low emotional intelligence often lacks empathy for
others, has difficulty expressing and understanding his emotions, has difficulty adapting, and tends
to be individualistic, causing difficulties in solving the problems he faces.
This is due to the low emotional intelligence of students, so they cannot manage their feelings
well, are irritable, lack empathy and cannot maintain good relationships with each other. In fact, in
the teaching and learning process at school, many children are often found to be intelligent but lack
of emotional intelligence development such as a lack of self-awareness in understanding their
emotions, not understanding how to manage emotions well, low self-motivation, lack of
participation in what others feel, lack of adjustment to others, so that there are students who are
hampered in learning activities at school and lack respect for others. As expressed by Shapiro
(Taluke et al., 2019), emotional intelligence as part of social intelligence involves the ability to
monitor one's own and others' emotions and feelings, organize them, and use this information to
guide thoughts and actions.
Based on several research studies related to student's emotional intelligence, the researcher
conducted interviews with BK teachers with the results that some students experienced emotional
instability as a result of self-adjustment to fellow friends in the school environment, judging each
other when expressing opinions, holding grudges, being irritable, lacking empathy for fellow
friends, and not respecting friends who are expressing opinions. Meanwhile, the results of the
interview with one of the X RPL students showed that students were easily angered, easily rude, and
lacked empathy for their fellow friends. This behaviour is in accordance with the characteristics
stated by Goleman, p. (2005, p. 35), related to emotional intelligence which is characterized by
aggressive behaviour, impatience, easy despair, lack of sensitivity to the feelings of oneself and
others, lack of empathy, inability to control emotions, short-temperedness, and acting according to
feelings without thinking about the consequences.
According to Hartanti, p. (2022, p. 11), group guidance services can be interpreted as
assistance to individuals that is carried out in a group situation. Group guidance can be in the form
of information delivery or group activities discussing educational, work, personal and social issues.
In the group guidance service, general topics that are of concern to group members will be
discussed, and problems that are topics of discussion will be discussed through the atmosphere of
group dynamics in a great and organized manner so that group members under the guidance of the
group leader will follow.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2280
According to Yohardini in (Mubarokah et al., 2019, p. 107), the simulation game technique is
one to reflect the reality of daily life through the atmosphere of play and is made for certain
purposes such as to help students learn experience experiences related to social rules. Students are
invited to have fun while learning, can break away from inhibiting seriousness, relieve stress in the
learning environment, and encourage students to be fully involved in achieving goals without
realizing them and achieving a sense of learning experience. It can be said that reducing stress
during the learning process can be done by using games.
Emotional intelligence (EQ) plays a crucial role in students' success, influencing their
interpersonal relationships and academic performance. Goleman (2016) emphasizes that emotional
intelligence, alongside cognitive abilities, determines life success. However, many students struggle
with emotional regulation, affecting their academic and social interactions. Recent studies, such as
those by Hartinah (2017) and Ulandari and Juliawati (2019), highlight the benefits of emotional
intelligence interventions in school settings. This study aims to address this gap by exploring the
effectiveness of group guidance with simulation game techniques to enhance emotional intelligence
among vocational high school students.
Materials and Methods
This study employed a pre-test and post-test control group design. Two groups of Class X-RPL
students were randomly selected, with 18 students in each group. The experimental group received
group guidance with simulation game techniques, while the control group did not receive any
intervention. Data were analyzed using the Shapiro-Wilks test for normality, followed by paired T-
tests to determine the significance of the results.
Research variables
This study has two variables, namely the independent variable is the group guidance service
of the simulation game technique (X) and the bound variable increases emotional intelligence.
Research Design
The design in this study uses a pre-test and post-test control group. It consists of two
randomly selected groups, which are then given a pre-test to determine the initial state and a post-
test to determine whether there is a difference in the results between the experimental group and
the control group.
Population and Sample
The researcher used a population of 3 classes, namely class X RPL 1-3. The researcher used a
sample of 1 class, which was divided into 2 groups, the experimental group and the control group.
So, in the experimental group, there were 18 students, and in the control group, there were 18
students. The experimental group will be divided into 2, which originally had 18 members to 9
members each; therefore, later, the 9 members will be given treatment.
Research Instruments
This research instrument uses indicators from books, which are made to be the item item of
the question. The researcher obtained 30 question items from the book's indicators, then all items
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2281
were tested for validity whether each item was valid or not. Of the 30 questions that were valid, only
26 and 4 items were declared invalid.
Data Analysis Techniques
In this study, the researcher used a normality test, a homogeneity test and a hypothesis test.
The normality test is used to find out whether the test result data is normally distributed or not. for
homogeneity test, this analysis was carried out to determine the fulfilment of homogeneity
assumptions for each data category. If the homogeneity assumption is proven, the researcher can
perform further data analysis steps. Furthermore, the hypothesis test, After the prerequisite test of
the analysis, the data will be tested hypothetically to determine the influence of the services
provided by students. T-test: This paired sample t-test is used to show whether the paired sample
has undergone meaningful changes. The results of the paired sample t-test are determined by their
significance. This value then determines the decision taken in the study.
Results and Discussions
After being given treatment or treated with group guidance with simulation game techniques,
then the data is analyzed and calculated from the results of the questionnaire that has been given to
the respondents. The following data explains the influence of group guidance with simulation game
techniques to increase the emotional intelligence of students in class X - RPL SMKN 10 Semarang.
Furthermore, the sample data is divided into two groups, namely the control group and the
experimental group, the following are the results of each calculation of each group as follows:
1. Control group
Table 1 descriptive statistics of the control group
Highest score
Lowest score
Standard deviation
Based on the results of the questionnaire from the respondents who amounted to 18 students
from the control group, the results of the pretest were obtained with a mean or average value of
68.7, a median or middle score of 66, the highest score of 93, a low score of 52 and a standard
deviation value (std. deviation) of 9.96 while for the results of the posttest, the results of the mean
or average value were obtained of 62.3, the median value or middle value was 62.5, the highest
score was 69, The lowest score was 58. The standard deviation value (std. deviation) was 2.78.
2. Experimental group
Furthermore, for the results of the questionnaire from the respondents totalling 18 students
after the pretest was carried out, treatment was given with group guidance using simulation game
techniques and the final results were given the posttest following the results of the questionnaire
from the experimental group as follows:
Table 2 Descriptive Statistics of Experimental Groups
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2282
Highest score
Lowest score
Standard deviation
The experimental group showed a significant increase in emotional intelligence, with the
mean score rising from 57.6 in the pre-test to 63.11 in the post-test, reflecting a 9.5% improvement.
The paired T-test results indicated a p-value of 0.001, confirming the statistical significance of the
intervention. In contrast, the control group did not show any significant change, with the mean
score decreasing slightly from 58.5 to 56.1.
3. Results of both groups
From the results of the questionnaire of respondents, each of which amounted to 18 students
in the experimental group and the control group regarding emotional intelligence, students of class
X - RPL SMKN 10 Semarang after being given treatment with group guidance using simulation game
techniques in the experimental group experienced an increase in the mean or average value from
the pretest of 57.6 to the posttest of 63.11, in other words, an increase of 9.5% while the results of
the emotional intelligence questionnaire students of class X - RPL SMKN 10 Semarang in the control
group had a mean or average value from a pretest of 58.5 to a posttest of 56.1 and there was no
Table 3 Percentage of improvements
Prettest control group
Postest Experimental Group
Prettest control group
Posttest control group
4. Validity Test
Of the 30 Instruments, there are 6 that are classified as invalid. Therefore, the total valid items are
26 questions.
5. Reliability
Reliability is an instrument that will produce the same data if used several times to measure
the same object. Therefore, a valid and reliable instrument is an absolute requirement to obtain
valid and reliable research results (Sugiyono, 2019), following the results of reliability tests:
Table 4 Feasibility test results
Cronbach’s alpha
N of items
Based on the reliability test results, the instrument is declared reliable with an Alpha Cronbach
value equal to or greater than 0.70, namely 0.945 > 0.70.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2283
6. Analysis
a. Normality test
The calculation of this normality test uses the Shapiro-Wilks formula using the help of SPSS
software. The following results were obtained:
Table 5 Normality test
Based on the data from the normality test results above, Asymp.Sig was obtained. (2 tailed) for all
pretest and posttest data is more than α = 0.05, so it can be concluded that all data are typically
b. Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity test was carried out to find the similarity of variance or to test whether the
data obtained came from a homogeneous population. Variance is said to be homogeneous if the sig
value > 0.05. The results of the homogeneity test can be seen in the table below:
Table 6 Homogeneity test
Df 1
Df 2
All results
The results of the research variables' homogeneity test stated that the data's variance was
homogeneously distributed with the value of Asymp. Sig. (2 tailed) is greater p > 0.05 or 0.062 >
0.05. So it can be concluded that the data of the research results are homogeneous.
c. Hypothesis test
The test of the difference in pretest and posttest results data was carried out to determine the
difference between before and after being given treatment with group guidance using simulation
game techniques in the experimental group. The hypothesis test uses a paired sample t-test whose
results can be seen in the table, as follows: (Zaki & Saiman, 2021)
Hο : There is no influence of group guidance on simulation game techniques to improve the
emotional intelligence of students in class X-RPL SMKN 10 Semarang
Hα: There is an influence of group guidance on simulation game techniques to improve the
emotional intelligence of students in class X-RPL SMKN 10 Semarang.
Table 7 Test the difference between Pretest and Experimental Posttest
T count
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2284
The basis for decision-making is seen from a significant level (sig-2tailed). If (sig-2tailed) >
0.05, then Hο is accepted, and if (sig-2tailed) < 0.05, then Ha is accepted. With a confidence level =
95% or ( ) = 0.05, according to the results of data analysis, the t-value of the pretest and post-test
calculations was 2.475, then from the results of the mean pretest and post-test values, there was a
difference or average difference of 6.389 and a sig value. (2-tailed) 0.001. Thus, the alternative
hypothesis (ha), which reads that there is an influence of group guidance on simulation game
techniques to improve the emotional intelligence of students in class X-RPL SMKN 10 Semarang,
was accepted. This means that providing treatment with the guidance of the simulation game
technique group significantly influences the improvement of students' emotional intelligence in
class X-RPL SMKN 10 Semarang. Then, it can be concluded that there is an influence and a
significant increase in students' emotional intelligence in class X-RPL SMKN 10 Semarang through
group guidance with simulation game techniques.
Based on the results of the existing research, the results of the calculations that have been
carried out are discussed and explained. Discussion about the influence of group guidance with
simulation game techniques to increase the emotional intelligence of students in class X - RPL SMKN
10 Semarang experimental group for the experimental group was given treatment or treatment
with group guidance with simulation game techniques while the control group was not given any
treatment. The following are the statistical descriptive results of each group as follows:
From the results of the calculation of the questionnaire of the control group of 18 students,
the results of the pretest were obtained with a mean or average value of 68.7, a median value or
middle score of 66, the highest score of 93, a low score of 52 and a standard deviation value (std.
deviation) of 9.96 while for the results of the posttest obtained a mean or average value of 62.3, a
median value or middle score of 62.5 and a highest score of 69, The lowest score was 58 and the
standard deviation value (std. deviation) was 2.78. For the results of the emotional intelligence
questionnaire of students of class X - RPL SMKN 10 Semarang in the control group, the mean or
average value from the pretest was 58.5 to the posttest of 56.1, and there was no increase. As for the
T-test, the t-value of the pretest and posttest calculation was -1.514, then from the results of the
mean pretest and posttest values; there was a difference or the average value of the difference of -
5.500 and the sig value. (2-tailed) 0.148. The control group had no treatment or treatment with
group guidance with simulation game techniques. From these results, it can be concluded that it is
not significant, and there is no increase in the control group.
As for the calculation of the questionnaire of the experimental group of 18 students, the
results of the pretest were obtained with a mean or average value of 57.6, a median value or middle
score of 64, the highest score of 83, a low score of 26 and a standard deviation value (std. deviation)
of 15.9 while for the results of the posttest after treatment, the results of the mean or average value
were obtained of 63.1, the median value or middle value of 64, The highest value is 6, the lowest
value is 60. The standard deviation value (std. deviation) is 1.60. Furthermore, from the average
mean results of the emotional intelligence questionnaire results of students in class X - RPL SMKN
10 Semarang, after being given treatment with group guidance using simulation game techniques,
the experimental group experienced an increase in the mean value or average from the pretest of
57.6 to the posttest of 63.11, in other words, an increase of 9.5%. Furthermore, the results of the T-
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2285
test obtained a t-value of 2.475 for the pretest and post-test calculations, then from the results of the
mean pretest and post-test values, there was a difference or the average value of the difference of
6.389 and the sig value. (2-tailed) 0.001. This means that providing treatment with the guidance of
the simulation game technique group significantly influences the improvement of students'
emotional intelligence in class X-RPL SMKN 10 Semarang.
Based on the results of research conducted on class X - RPL SMKN 10 Semarang students, it
was concluded that group guidance services with simulation game techniques are influential in
increasing emotional intelligence. This is evidenced by the results of the questionnaire of the
experimental group, which obtained an increase in the mean or average value from the pretest of
57.6 to the posttest of 63.11, in other words, an increase of 9.5%. Furthermore, the results of the T-
test obtained a value of sig. (2-tailed) 0.001. This means that providing treatment with the guidance
of the simulation game technique group significantly influences the improvement of students'
emotional intelligence in class X-RPL SMKN 10 Semarang. This study demonstrates that group
guidance with simulation game techniques significantly improves emotional intelligence among
vocational high school students. The findings suggest that such techniques could be incorporated
into counseling programs to help students better manage their emotions. Future research could
explore the long-term effects of these interventions and their applicability in other educational
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