e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 3184
the welfare of the people. Likewise, local governments (provincial and district / city) carry out the
function of supervising and maintaining control of natural resources in their respective regions.
Indonesia also regulates the holders of rights to ownership of underground excavation materials.
Basically, land rights do not include rights to underground excavation. Underground excavation is
regulated by the government in the form of mining laws, in order to realize the welfare of the people.
Along with the development of mining on the island of bangka, there are various negative
impacts that can harm the local community, this is because almost all areas on the island of bangka
Belitung contain tin. Lampur Village is one of the villages that is the location of tin mining managed
by Pt tin. Lampur Village is located in Sungai Selan District, Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung
Islands Province, Indonesia. The population of Lampur village is approximately 5000 people, with 1
village head starting with the border with the train to the border of air tugu. Lampur village has 3
hamlets, namely lampur hamlet, complex hamlet and air pasir hamlet. Lampur village is classified as
one of the villages that has quite a lot of content. Pt tin did mining for quite a long time in lampur
village, until Pt tin experienced a crisis and decided to move to muntok. When Pt Timah left lampur
village, Pt Timah had time to do reclamation, namely greening by planting acacia trees and sengon
trees, but it did not last long, because the community resumed mining. As a result, the community can
be said to have damaged the environment that has been attempted to be reclaimed. This is fairly
reasonable considering that most of the people of Lampur Village depend on tin mining for their
economic needs. The people of Lampur village have advantages in terms of mining because it has been
passed down from generation to generation from ancestors since decades. The mining carried out by
the lampur village community consists of residents' own land and there is also former land from Pt
Timah mining, which has been reclaimed by Pt Timah but the local community dismantled it again to
look for tin at that location. The kphp wants to reclaim the natural damage. However, the village does
not dare to fully guarantee the remaining assets, because the local community is also looking for tin
to survive, which is not a village asset.
At this time illegal Tin mining carried out by residents there are partners and some are not,
where there is also collaboration between Pt Timah and MSP and take Tin from lampur village but
there is no large scale in lampur village. The miners are also not based on permits in accordance with
the applicable law, namely Law no.4 of 2009 Article 67 Paragraph 1 reads "Regents / mayors provide
IPR, especially to local residents, both individuals and community groups and / or cooperatives"
based on interviews conducted by miners who do not meet the terms and conditions in accordance
with the law. Not only that, there is a lack of land clarity and a lack of understanding of the community,
so that people return to mining on the former Pt tin mining land. So that the village head does not
have the realm to stop people who want to do illegal mining on the land. Coupled with the thinking of
people who think instantly, not thinking about the natural damage caused by the mining.
In contrast to farming or gardening, it takes a long time to get a sizable profit, while tin mining
is faster because today can be tin today also the miners get money. Natural damage is definitely the
main impact of mining carried out by the community. Not only tin mining, but all those who carry out
mining activities are certain to damage nature. Regarding the matter of mining licenses, it can be
concluded that the community has constraints regarding funds, this is because if the community
wants to sell to partners the profits generated cannot be immediate. The community must follow
several existing procedures, while people who sell tin to collectors they immediately get profit at that
time. In addition, the price of tin at collectors is much higher than at Pt Timah. Because illegal tin