Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2226
Critical Discourse Analysis of Teun A. Van Dijk Model on Rob
Sixmith's Ice Cold Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso (2023)
Nayuda Septa Haidar, Rizzca Haqqu
Universitas Telkom, Bandung, Indonesia
Email : nayudaseptahaid[email protected] rizcahaqqu@telkomuniversity.ac.id
Correspondence: nayudaseptaha[email protected]m*
Social Criticism, Documentary
Film, Indonesia Justice System
This research is based on the cyanide coffee case involving Jessica
Wongso. The case became a hot topic of conversation in Indonesia
and attracted widespread attention due to its complexity and
intense media attention. The popularity and controversy of this case
resurfaced because Netflix made a documentary titled Ice Cold:
Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso, which explains the debates
related to the verdict of Jessica, who was considered a convict with
several irregularities. The presence of the film led to various
assumptions from experts and the public, so there was social
criticism related to the justice system in the Jessica Wongso case.
This sparked the interest of researchers in conducting this research.
To support this research, the theory considered appropriate to
analyze this documentary is Teun A Van Dijk's critical discourse
analysis. Critical discourse analysis describes how discussions or
discourses about an event influence and affect existing social
institutions and structures. To obtain field data, researchers feel it is
appropriate to use qualitative research with a critical paradigm that
analyzes text structure, social cognition, and social context. The
results showed that there is a discourse of social criticism in the
documentary film "Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso"
against the judicial system in Indonesia, which is conveyed through
dialog and cut scenes from the film.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Social criticism can be expressed in various ways: through the roasting style packaged in stand-
up comedy. As reported by suara.com entitled "The Row of Pejabar whom Kiky Saputri roasted, It's
Appropriate Now to Support This Presidential Candidate" Kiky Saputri, one of the most successful
female comics on the national entertainment stage, has adopted this approach by roasting a number
of Indonesia officials, even almost all presidential and vice presidential candidates in 2024.
Social criticism is also found in audiovisuals, commonly referred to as films. Film can convey a
message to the audience effectively because it can tell many stories in a limited time; some people
think that film functions only as an entertainer when tired, but it can also be met by some people
who assume that film is a medium to learn something and a medium that shares knowledge for the
audience. This media can also influence and move the audience based on the content of the film's
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message. Film can reach all levels of society and potentially change the audience's perception (Prima,
2022). Based on these characteristics, film becomes an effective medium as a means to voice social
criticism to the community on a larger scale.
Utilizing their influential capacity as a means of mass communication, film often serves as a
powerful instrument for socialization, conveying a variety of information that is considered
important to the public. In Graeme Turner's perspective, the film is more than just a reflection of
reality, but rather serves as an interpretation or depiction of the dynamics of the reality that occurs.
Films engage in the construction and reconstruction of reality by taking basic principles, customs,
traditions, and cultural elements and forming narratives that reflect the complexity of the society
they depict (Khoerunnisa, 2022). Not only providing an informative message, film can create new
thoughts for the audience through a creative approach.
Indonesia's film industry has experienced significant growth in recent years. The number of
viewers increased from 16.2 million in 2015 to more than 50 million in 2018. Despite the decline due
to COVID-19, the audience increased again in 2022 to around 57 million, demonstrating the growing
enthusiasm for local films and the effectiveness of film media in conveying messages to the public.
This can be seen in the image below.
Figure 1. Indonesia Film Audience Data for the Year of Celebration 2007-2023
Source: Twitter account talk box office
Along with the development of the film industry, documentary films were born, which are films
in which the events in them come from real stories or are not fictional and presented to be more
interesting objectively, which, of course, has a purpose. In making documentary films, documentary
filmmakers cannot be separated from various considerations and calculations in building conflicts to
attract audiences (Rikarno, 2015). According to Paul Wells, documentary films, characterized as a
non-fiction genre, use authentic footage, combining live footage of the events and researched
material such as interviews and statistics. Usually presented from different perspectives,
documentaries often centre on specific social issues designed to capture the attention of public
audiences (Magriyanti & Rasminto, 2020). Documentaries are already considered pure reality and are
displayed in audio-visual form as another representation of reality. The essence of a documentary is
not just a medium for conveying reality information. However, also filmmakers want the audience to
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2228
be able to understand and empathize with the problems that are the focus of the film's problems.
Therefore, the main story must be interesting and persuasive, combining certain points of view and
plot to create tension for the audience (Diniasti & Haqqu, 2022).
In 2023, there was a documentary that managed to steal the attention of the public in Indonesia,
namely the documentary "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso". This film has become very
popular because it managed to rank first as one of the ten highest-grossing films in Indonesia,
according to Netflix, on October 15, 2023. The content of the film is in the spotlight because this film
reviews the murder case using cyanide coffee that occurred in 2016. The community was shocked
by the case of cyanide coffee, where there was a victim who died due to consuming coffee that was
suspected to have been mixed with cyanide. According to Kompas.com, the death of Wayan Mirna
Salihin, commonly referred to as the cyanide coffee case, was one of the most widely reported
incidents in 2016 (Nursita, 2016). This incident not only attracts local attention but also attracts
international attention (Dewi, 2016). The film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" meets
the criteria proposed by Paul Wels to be categorized as a documentary. This can be seen from
interviews with the victim and the convict, the existence of original footage without engineering, and
the discussion of social issues that have been a hot topic in the community. This film also managed
to steal the public's attention successfully.
This documentary, the result of a collaboration between Netflix and Beach House Picture, was
officially aired on September 28, 2023 (Sianturi, 2023). With a duration of 1 hour and 26 minutes,
this film combines a documentary on the cyanide coffee case trial with interviews with interviewees
involved during the trial. More than 15 interviewees, including the victims' families, families of
convicts and experts, gave their views on the case. In this documentary, there is discourse control if
you choose the right speakers. The film begins with a friendship between Jessica Wongso and Wayan
Mirna Salihin, tragically ending when Mirna dies after consuming coffee at a café. Jessica was arrested
and sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges of premeditated murder. "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee
and Jessica Wongso" is a documentary that explores many points of view around this case, offers a
comprehensive exploration of its complexity and perspective, raises a discussion about the truth of
court decisions and irregularities in the Indonesia legal system, The complexity is a special concern
in society so that it becomes an interesting problem for research to be conducted. On the other hand,
this documentary provides space for experts and also the public to assess and provide social criticism
on criminal justice cases in Indonesia in handling the trial of cyanide coffee cases. some questions
arise, such as how a person can be declared a convict in a case when the evidence submitted is
classified as weak or not clear enough (Sayyaf, 2023).
The legal criminal justice in Indonesia functions to uphold law and justice, as well as protect the
community. Over time, criminal justice in Indonesia has developed structurally and substantially. In
the structural aspect, Indonesia's criminal justice system began with the colonial justice system and
changed to the national justice system. The development of criminal justice in Indonesia, which is
marked by the existence of the 1945 Constitution and Law No. 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal
Procedure Law, is characterized by the application of fundamental legal principles such as the
principle of presumption of innocence, equality before the law, and the enforcement of justice. This
development aims to realize a fairer and more transparent criminal justice (Sriwidodo, 2020).
Based on the researcher's observation of comments and feedback from the public, most of which
were conveyed through comments on social media, especially on the Media X platform, there were
several netizens who expressed their dissatisfaction with the results of the cyanide coffee trial. They
voiced concern about alleged irregularities in law enforcement. Examples and concrete evidence of
this dissatisfaction can be seen in the comments they wrote, which highlighted various aspects that
were considered controversial or unsatisfactory in handling the case.
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Figure 2. Netizens' Comments on the Movie "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso"
Source: Netflix Twitter account
The documentary "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" is used as a message conveyor
using efficient and effective methods. Before being adapted into a movie, the message is abstract
because it refers to an idea or concept that is difficult to understand or explain directly. Its inconcrete
or difficult-to-measure nature makes the message invisible or felt, often requiring deeper
interpretation or understanding. Therefore, when conveying these kinds of messages to the general
public, it is often necessary to have a more concrete or visual media or form of communication so
that the message can be received and understood more easily. The film appears as an effective
medium for efficient message delivery. The message in the film can be conveyed in various forms,
such as symbols, symbols, voice dialogues, and so on. The form of the message chosen depends on
the purpose of the idea maker or film director (Asri, 2020).
Reporting from Netray.id on October 4, 2023, the documentary "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and
Jessica Wongso" sparked a heated debate on social media X. In a week, there were 3,227 tweets
discussing the documentary with the number of impressions reaching 15.1 million. This topic has
reached more than 91.4 million social media users X. In the debate, netizens highlighted the verdict
of the charges filed against Jessica Wongso, which was based on circumstantial evidence. In addition,
netizens also highlighted various other irregularities in this case and hoped that this case could be
reopened to seek justice for Jessica Wongso (Tia, 2023).
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Figure 3. results of a survey of tweet statistics with the topic "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica
Source: netray.id
Based on the researcher's presentation, the documentary "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica
Wongso" is interesting to discuss because the film provides an opportunity for the public to assess
the judicial system of cyanide coffee cases in Indonesia. The completeness and comprehensive
analysis in this film regarding the legal journey of the cyanide coffee case can help the public form a
more objective opinion, so this film has great potential to conduct in-depth research related to the
social criticism contained in it. This film can help many people understand more about important
social issues and encourage improving the legal system in Indonesia. This 1 hour and 26 minute
documentary is trending on various media platforms and films and entered the top 10 Indonesia
films, ranked 1st on October 15, 2023, on the Netflix streaming service.
Figure 4. "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" Documentary Ranked First in the Top 10
Source: Netflix Streaming Service
Based on the phenomenon that the researcher has described, to support the analysis, the
researcher will implement the critical discourse theory from Teun A. Van Dijk used in the analysis of
this research. This theory studies the development of stories that carry meaning or ways of
presentation that contain one or more ideas/ideas using language. Through discourse analysis, the
purpose of this research is to identify and understand social messages and social criticism conveyed
through the storyline and characters in the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso",
without paying attention to the commercial aspect. Although this film received much attention and
spotlight and ranked first on Netflix, it is only a supporting factor. The main focus of this research is
on the social messages and social criticism contained in the film. In addition, this research also aims
to uncover hidden motivations or intentions in texts, social cognition, and social contexts. Thus, this
theory is considered appropriate for exploring social criticism conveyed through film.
Several previous studies have become a reference for researchers to study social criticism more
deeply. First, a study conducted by Fauzannur Ramadhan & Achmad Herman (2021) entitled
"Analysis of Teun A. Van Dijk's Discourse on the Sexy Killers Documentary" using a qualitative
descriptive method, this discourse analyzes the level of text, social cognition, and social context of
the film. The research subject is the film Sexy Killers, with the object being a scene that displays
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power. The results of this study conclude that power is constructed through the representation of
the upper and lower classes in films, as well as the role of the narrator, which tends to limit the
audience's interpretation space. In text analysis, the power represented tends to discredit certain
political elites. In the social cognition column, this film is produced based on the documentary genre
which is investigative and identical in accommodating the voices of the lower class people that are
rarely reported by the media. At the level of social context, the present discourse is produced through
control in the form of persuasion, thus giving rise to a social movement in the form of a Sexy Killers
film review, which was held in several cities in Indonesia. Based on the discourse presented in the
film implicitly forms a sceptical and cynical view of politicians or the government. The results of
Fauzannur Ramadhan and Achmad Herman's research became the basis for identifying the problems
that arose in the cyanide coffee trial, which then sparked the researcher's interest in further
investigating social criticism in a documentary film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso", in
which the figures involved in the cyanide coffee trial provided social criticism of the justice system
in Indonesia through a series of interviews.
Second, research conducted by Pasya (2017) with the title "JESSICA CASE IN ONLINE NEWS
FRAME: Analysis of Judicial Framing of Jessica Case on Detik.com and Liputan6.com News Portals" is
a qualitative type of research with a framing analysis method using the constructivism paradigm.
The results of this study discuss the framing of Detik.com and Liputan6.com news related to Jessica's
case in Mirna's murder at Olivier Cafe. This includes the determination of suspects, evidence,
reconstruction, trials, and critical paradigm appeals. These two studies have similarities in terms of
phenomena, but there are differences in the media used because this study discusses criticism social
on the characters involved in the movie "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" in the media
of the Netflix streaming service.
Previous research has primarily focused on analyzing social criticism through film as a medium,
but often within the broader context of power dynamics, governmental structures, and general
societal concerns. For example, studies like Fauzannur Ramadhan & Herman (2021) examine power
relations and inequalities in films. However, the specificity of this research lies in its focus on the Ice
Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso documentary, which addresses a real legal case that remains
highly controversial in Indonesia. This study uses Teun A. Van Dijk's critical discourse analysis to
uniquely explore how media portrayal directly influences public perception of legal fairness in a
contemporary case. Unlike previous studies, this research integrates quantitative analysis of social
media responses, providing a new dimension in understanding public reactions to media
representations of real-life judicial processes.
This research is crucial for several reasons. First, it highlights the power of documentary films
in shaping public perception and discourse surrounding judicial systems, especially in countries
where public trust in legal processes is questionable. By studying the reactions to the Jessica Wongso
case, the research uncovers how media can amplify public dissatisfaction with perceived judicial
irregularities, which in turn can lead to increased demands for transparency and reform.
Additionally, this study provides critical insights for policymakers and legal institutions about the
role of media in influencing societal attitudes toward legal fairness, potentially guiding future media
strategies and legal reforms. Finally, the combination of qualitative discourse analysis and
quantitative content analysis offers a methodological advancement for future media and legal
studies, making it a valuable addition to the field.
From some of the references presented by the researcher above, the researcher wants to try to
see how the form of social criticism regarding criminal justice law in Indonesia based on the cyanide
coffee case is documented in the form of a documentary. The researcher will use a qualitative
research model and Van Dijk Discourse Theory with the Teun A. Van Dijk Model Critical Discourse
Analysis method. To support the analysis results related to the problems raised by the researcher,
the researcher will try to implement qualitative research methods. According to Bogdan and Taylor
(In Safitiri, 2022), a qualitative research method is a research approach that will produce descriptive
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2232
data in the form of words derived from speech and visuals that researchers can observe. This method
is considered suitable for the critical discourse analysis research model. The chosen research
methodology examines or describes the phenomenon being studied thoroughly. The researcher also
aims to look at social criticism through text structure, social cognition and social context in the
documentary "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso". This Research Will Be Conducted With
The Title "Analysis Of The Critical Discourse of The Teun A. Van Dijk Model In The Film Ice Cold:
Murder Coffee And Jessica Wongso (2023) By Rob Sixmith".
My research will be carried out as an instrument to examine the form of social criticism in the
film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso," based on Text Structure, Social Cognition, and
Social Context, as explained by Teun A Van Dijk.
Materials and Methods
In the context of this study, the researcher does not only focus on the expected results but also
on the process of understanding in depth according to the characteristics of the qualitative method.
The Van Dijk model critical discourse analysis. In this study, qualitative methods were employed in
conjunction with quantitative content analysis. We analyzed 3,227 social media posts using statistical
tools to measure public opinion regarding the trial. Additionally, a discourse analysis was conducted
on expert interviews in the film to determine recurring themes. Using SPSS, we applied a chi-square
test to assess the correlation between social criticisms expressed in the film and public reactions,
providing a statistical backing for our finding, method is also used as an instrument that explains and
examines in-depth critical discourse in the context of social criticism presented in the film "Ice Cold:
Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso". The subject of this study is the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and
Jessica Wongso (2023)".
While sharpening the analysis, the researcher knitted Critical Discourse Analysis from Teun A
Van Dijk into a research measuring tool to analyze the text structure, social cognition and context in
the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso".
Researchers make observations as an important step to achieve the goal, it aims to provide a
detailed description of the research object. In the implementation of the research, the sources used
involve articles and books relevant to the study of the documentary film ""Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and
Jessica Wongso".
In this study, the researcher will carefully analyze the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica
Wongso". All elements in the film, such as words, behaviour, body movements, and various
terminology used, will be carefully considered. The research will focus on how the form of social
criticism is reflected in the film. The data analysis method that will be used involves an in-depth
interpretation and understanding of the film's content, with the aim of identifying and describing a
critical picture related to the social issues brought in this film.
Results and Discussions
Text Dimensions in the Movie "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso"
In the text striker, the researcher will analyze dialogue with three discourse structures: Macro
Structure, Superstructure, and Micro Structures. Several dialogues are included in social criticism
delivered by several speakers on the journey of Jessica Wongso's case in the film "Ice Cold: Murder
Coffee and Jessica Wongso" along with some dialogues that are analyzed:
Macro Structure in the Movie "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso"
The overall macrostructure takes the global meaning of a text through the observation of the
topic or theme in the text. In a macrostructure, thematic elements focus on the text's main idea or
core. This main idea, or topic, is what dominates the text and is often supported by other sub-topics
to form the overall theme (Eriyanto, 2001: 227-230). In the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica
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Wongso", researchers identified one main theme and several subthemes that can be extracted from
the entire narrative. The main theme of the film broadly highlights Jessica Wongso's trial process.
Jessica's lawyer, Otto Hasibuan, provided various evidence to prove Jessica's innocence. However,
despite this, the panel of judges ultimately found Jessica guilty and sentenced her to 20 years in
prison. The subtheme that supports the main focus of this film is the views of experts and various
related parties in the cyanide coffee case trial process, which still raises irregularities. This triggered
criticism from various parties, both against the perpetrators and the public, who followed the trial's
progress. This can be seen through the dialogue in the table below:
Table 1 Macro Structure Table:
Scene Images at 01:19:30 01:23:14
Otto H: Whether anyone framed Jessica or not, I want to say that I can think like that; from the procedure for
examining the evidence and the proofs that were done at the trial, I think it is very unreasonable. Moreover,
every time I make a breakthrough to be able to prove otherwise, I always get cut by them. So, what is the
truth? There is a certain party who wants him to be punished. I can actually tell you more deeply, but not
everything can be said, right? It is something I know I have to be able to prove, and it happens that the
evidence is lacking, but I know it happened.
Reza I: Until now, only in this case, a certain party called me and asked me to stop talking. There is a certain
party who puts money in my bag, so I interpret that the pocket money is a way for me not to say much in this
case. If I were an ordinary person who had nothing to do with this case, why would that person want to give
me money? I am worried that the law enforcement authorities will find this party irresponsible and will give
a larger amount of money. I'm worried so.
Erasmus: This will sound controversial, but I think, and according to the research done by the ICJR, it could
be that Jessica was found guilty because there must be someone at fault for someone's death. So, in that
context, the police and prosecutors could not find out who the other suspects were.
Yudi W: The police are embarrassed because the case was raised. Until now, there has been some kind of
karmic law. A policeman whose career is stuck. Various. Erasmus: It is not a question of right or wrong, but
most importantly, the way the Indonesian criminal justice system shows how it proves someone guilty, with
doubts that remain. If your Jessica case is categorized as decent, then I will let your imagination imagine how
the cases in Indonesia are done. If ordinary people do this, I can assure you that you will be put to death. Yudi
W: In Indonesia, no money, no Justice. No money no justice! Erasmus: The criminal justice system needs to
be reformed, so what? So that our reform ideals, the ideal of independence, and that all Indonesians can get
access to justice can be achieved. We need to reform the criminal justice system because of what? Because
everyone can be affected. Everyone can be the next victim. It's from me
In line with the theme that has been explained earlier, the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and
Jessica Wongso" is included in the documentary type of Investigation. The investigative documentary
seeks to unravel the mysteries surrounding events that are still not fully revealed. Usually, their
emphasis is on important events that have attracted the general attention of the mass media. The
theme is also known as investigative journalism, as its approach is strongly related to journalistic
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In table 4.1 are resource persons named Otto, Reza, Erasmus, and Yudi. Some of them
criticized that there is absurd evidence, that certain parties give money to silence people, question
how a person can be found guilty even though there are still doubts, and how justice in Indonesia can
run if it is based only on money. The scene provided an example of the interviewees on Jessica's case
conveying various criticisms and showing that there are aspects of Jessica's case that are still
questionable and unclear, so they contain elements of mystery that have not been solved.
The views of the Indonesian people towards justice in the legal system in Indonesia are
generally still sceptical and critical. Many feel that the legal system in this country has many
shortcomings and often does not work well and fairly. The community often sees inequality in law
enforcement, where major cases with influential perpetrators often end in light punishment or even
free from punishment. On the other hand, violations of the law committed by ordinary people or those
who are less influential are often sentenced to severe punishments. This has led to a sense of distrust
and disappointment in the legal institution and the view that justice can only be bought with money
and seen as weak. Many also criticize that the legal process is often slow, non-transparent, and
vulnerable to corruption, which further worsens the legal system's image in the public's eyes.
Research conducted by Nelson (2023) shows that corruption, political intervention,
structural weaknesses, inequality in the judiciary, and cultural factors are the main causes of weak
law enforcement. In addition, a study conducted by Putri and Najib Imanullah (2023) shows that
public trust in law enforcement officials has plummeted to 53% based on the LSI survey.
This condition creates fertile ground for criticism of the judicial system in Indonesia, as may
be reflected in the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso". The film seems to aim to criticize
the justice system in Indonesia by depicting the various irregularities and injustices that occur, which
is in line with the findings of these studies. By highlighting concrete cases and presenting interviews
with experts, the film seeks to raise public awareness and encourage reform in the justice system in
Superstructure in the Movie “Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso
At the superstructure level, a text is structured with an introduction, body, conclusion and
conclusion. In the superstructure analysis process, schematic elements are interrelated and form a
complete text framework (Eriyanto, 2001: 226-227). Researchers used this framework to convey the
message in the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso", which consists of an introduction,
content, and an epilogue.
A. Introduction
The film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" begins with a re-enactment of Wayan Mirna
Salihin's death at a café in Jakarta. During the scene, the audience was introduced to the character
Jessica Kumala Wongso, who was presented as a close friend of Wayan Mirna Salihin. Jessica Wongso
is the defendant in the case involving the poisoned coffee. The scene also highlights several questions
related to this case, such as: What motive may Jessica have? How did Jessica poison Mirna? Moreover,
whether Jessica is guilty of the charges directed at her. This is contained in the dialogue below.
Table 2 Superstructure Table
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Dialogue Images at 0:00:16 - 0:01:55 seconds
Male journalist: You witnessed a special report ahead of the verdict of Jessica Kumala Wongso, it has been
almost ten months since you
the death of Wayan Mirna Salihin at Olivier's Cafe, today, fate
from Jesscia Kumala Wongso, the sole defendant of murder
Mirna will be determined soon. In all begin with a question, how
did Mirna die? Was it a murder?
Narator : Australian Residence Jessica Wongso has been charge with the murder of Mirna Salihin, Police alleged
the poisoned her friend
by adding cyanide to her coffee.
Edi Salihin : Jessica is like a demon, deep inside is something evil that's it, who said the trial of the century itu
Narrator: The case of cyanide coffee may be comparable to OJ Simpson
Jessica : I didn’t really know why my case got so big to be honnest. Im not a celebrity, im not a politician.
Female journalist: This case has too many sides and rumors. There are rumors that there is a love triangle
between Jessica, Mirna and also her husband. There is a diamond
with the mafia.
Jurnalis laki-laki : Two beatiful young rich friends, what makes one poison the other?
Otto Hasibuan: If he is innocent, please release him, I also don't want to be a sin if I release the guilty.
I am sure he is innocent, I have to prove the truth.
Edi Salihin : Are you sure Jessica kill Mirna? Million percent guilty she is the killer!
In table 4.1 above, the film scene begins by highlighting the background of Mirna Salihin's family
by interviewing Mirna Salihin's family, namely: Mirna's biological father and Mirna's twin sister.
Mirna Salihin's father, Edi Salihin, started the interview conversation by telling his life background,
explaining Mirna Salihin's nature in his life and how he wanted to investigate the death of his son who
died in good health. On the other hand, Mirna's twin, Sandy Salihin, began the interview by telling
how he started a new life abroad and told him about the longing he experienced for his brother Mirna
Salihin. This scene also shows Sandy and Mirna's proximity through photos and videos.
B. Fill
The film begins with the two Olivier café employees, Devi Siagian and Rangga Saputro, explaining
the chronology of events when Mirna lost consciousness after drinking coffee ordered by Jessica.
Devi begins to feel suspicious of Jessica when Mirna faints because Jessica does not seem to move or
help her friend. Suspicion grows when 59 Jessica asks Devi about what was put in Mirna's drink. Devi
then tried to check the content of the coffee served and found an unusual smell, indicating the
presence of additives in the drink. Rangga also participated in discovering what happened but did
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not find any irregularities in the ingredients used in the café. This scene is the starting point for
suspicion of Jessica. This can be seen from the dialogue and scene below:
Table 3 Superstructure Table
Scene Images at 00:08:40 00:10:50
Devi: I see that Mirna's condition is indeed very worrisome because seizures and difficulty are breathing. So
I see that it is also an emergency. To my right was Jessica; I was very suspicious of her at the time because
she didn't want to hold her friend, even though she was right next to her. So, I see that maybe there is an
anomaly. Something was wrong with Jessica; she asked, "What do you put in her drink?". From there, I felt
that something was strange because, with her attitude, Jessica was a bit more defensive. From there, I realized
there was something in the coffee. Then I tasted it myself; it turned out that the coffee tasted and smelled
very bad.
Rangga: When I saw that the colour was very yellow, like turmeric when I kissed it closely, the smell was so
pungent, like we dripped a stinging power glue into my nose; I panicked, and I could say that I panicked very
much. I tasted all the ingredients, but from there was nothing, only Jessica's drink was like that
After the previous scene, Mirna was declared dead, and the police visited Mirna's family to
suggest an autopsy to find out the cause of Mirna's death. Mirna's family agreed to the suggestion and
gave permission to conduct an autopsy. The autopsy results concluded that Mirna died of cyanide
poisoning. This is supported by the dialogue below
Table 4 Superstructure Table
Scene Images at 00:14:20 00:15:10
Edi Salihin: At that time, Mr. Krishna Murti came to ask but did not say much "If you don't want an autopsy,
later you don't know who killed him" yes, I am resigned to the appointment of Mirna, Autopsy! Well, that
morning I was called by the police. "Your son is poisoned".
News: Police have sniffed out the suspect who poisoned Mirna by mixing cyanide into coffee. The autopsy
results showed that Mirna's stomach contents were positive for cyanide.
Edi Salihin: Wow! Poisoned with cyanide, someone really wants to kill it, she wants to kill
Jessica Wongso was made a defendant because there was a potential that she might have put
poison into the coffee served to Mirna. Several factors support why Jessica is a defendant. First, Jessica
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prepared a coffee order for Mirna. Second, motives that may underlie Jessica's actions towards Mirna,
such as feelings of offense at Mirna's words about Jessica's love story. Third, it is possible that Jessica
is jealous of Mirna's established life and secure future. This is supported by the dialogue below:
Table 5 Superstructure Table
Scene Images at 00:14:20 00:15:10
Sandy Salihin: We were shocked, it turned out that the suspect was a close friend.
Edi Salihin: Yes, my son died. He bought coffee. Right?
Reporter: Who is he, sir?
Edi Salihin : Yes, you know for yourself. Everyone also knows. Who else is the devil?. Jessica Wongso is a
friend, temen dari Mirna sekolah di Australi. Lulus bersama, lalu Mirna pulang, dia masih disana. During
Mirna in Autralia, having a coffee together talking “hey Jessica, do you have a boyfriend already?, Yes I have
a boyfriend, but mir do you know we have a lot of problem.” Mirna told Jessica “Jess why u want have a
boyfirned like that?
Arief Soema: Maybe Mirna's delivery to Jessica is a bit rough. "Why are you so stupid, you want to be with a
guy like this" Jessica was offended when she heard that.
Sandy Salihin: She’s jealous of Mirna because maybe Mirna had a good life. And she has a good future ahead
of her. And maybe Jessica”s life is crap.
The case that befell Jessica Wongso sparked high enthusiasm among the people of Indonesia. At
the first hearing, the presence of many media crews and the public was not missed, they wanted to
follow closely the development of the trial. From this first trial, various discourses began to develop,
one of which was the allegation that Jessica was guilty. Moreover, with the presence of this first
hearing, the public began to have a more directed and strong view regarding the case. As a result,
almost all levels of society in Indonesia, from various backgrounds and groups, began to form an
opinion that Jessica was indeed guilty of poisoning Mirna with cyanide coffee. This is supported by
the dialogue below:
Table 6 Superstructure Table
Scene Images at 00:25:00 00:26:47
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Edi Salihin : On the first day, I was quite surprised. I thought this was a trial as usual for the people, but in
reality, wow! That, people were so enthusiastic that we wanted to enter the difficulty, the atmosphere was
Shandy H: I have never personally seen such a long queue to enter the trial. As if, for example, if in Indonesia
there are married people who queue up to shake hands with the bride. Now they have to queue up to be able
to enter the courtroom.
Wahyu: Like filming a movie, the camera is in front of everyone until the audience is not visible, so the camera
is all.
Edi Salihin: TV highlights 24 hours. 14 TV in Indonesia all highlighted this case. All looked for me, after the
trial, to be interviewed. Come to the hearing, be interviewed. Wow, I'm tired, but because I don't want Jesssica
to escape. So I just fight. Outside of the trial, I explained everything, only more people crystallized that Jessica
was the murderer.
Fristian: Public opinion can be said to be almost 100% judgmental that Jessica is guilty.
The allegation that Mirna Salihin died due to cyanide poisoning by Jessica is questionable. After
examining Mirna's body, no traces of cyanide were found in Mirna's body. This situation raises
suspicion and confusion. A forensic pathologist from the RSCM drew the conclusion that the cause of
Mirna's death was not related to cyanide, but was caused by other factors that have not yet been
identified. With this statement, a discourse emerged that Jesssica may not be the culprit. This is
supported by the dialogue below:
Table 7 Superstructure Table
Scene Images at 00:30:35 00:43:32
Jessica W : I just couldn,t understand why this happened to me. I was just having a holiday. I was just calling
my friends to catsh up for a coffee. And from that point on, it’s been unbelievable. Even I’m the main character,
I don’t understand. You know, it sucks. It’s been really difficult. Like it’s just really hard to stay sane every
day. If you ask about trauma, yes, I’m very traumatic by this evet and by all the medias, and how they print
soething on the paper, and it was completely false. They’re just trying to, you know, like, dig in to my life,
making story, “oh, Jess did this because blah blah blah.oh, why didn’t she just say sorry?. The evidence is quite
clear.” What evidence?. Seems like theiy’re enjoying it and making money out of it. during the trial, it was
really difficult. Hundreads of people, just coming towards ne, with the camera and the flashes. It was just
strange. And, the judges… everything that we brought into the table, they just completely ignored it. If the
media wasn’t really keen in me at that time, it would be different.
Jessica Wongso as a convict conducted an interview with Rob Sixmith about the incident
experienced by Jessica, at that time Jessica told how the media made hoax news about her and how
the media tried to find out more about Jessica's life just to take advantage of her for profit. Jessica also
felt that it was not done fairly during the trial because all the evidence brought to the court table was
left alone and Jessica also wondered if this incident would have been different if the media had not
been so interested in the case she was experiencing.
Table 8 Superstructure Table
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Scene Images at 00:42:00 00:43:32
Shandy H : We are like soldiers on the front line, if for example it turns out that Jessica is not guilty of the
decision, there may be a bad image that will be attached to the prosecution team because we are the ones
who are the display or "poster" of the Jessica Kumala Wongso case.
Shandy Handika as the prosecutor conveyed his income that the prosecution team felt that they
were the face or representation of this case in the eyes of the public, so that whatever the outcome,
the public would see them as the responsible party. Overall, this dialogue expressed the prosecutor's
team's sense of responsibility and concern regarding the impact of the case outcome on their
reputation and image in the eyes of the public
Table 9 Superstructure Table
Scene Images at 00:42:00 00:43:32
Dr. Djaja: If you don't examine all the organs, you can't know the cause of death. And that's your dogma in
forensics. If the brain is not examined, we do not know whether there is a stroke in the brain or not, for
example. The beak has certain diseases or not. All of which have the potential to make you die.
Otto H: When Mirna was examined within 70 minutes after she died, it turned out that her stomach was
negative for cyanide. If 70 minutes after he died was cyanide negative, it means that there was no cyanide in
his body.
Judge: With the results of this examination, what is your conclusion?
Dr. Djaja: The death is not due to cyanide
Observer: Most likely not him. My confidence increased to 60 percent.
Erasmus Napitupulu, Executive Director of the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform, criticized
the judge's performance in handling the case. He highlighted that no matter what the circumstances,
judges should act neutrally in responding to trials, but his criticism shows that judges tend to take
sides without considering the evidence presented clearly. This casts doubt on the veracity of the
decision, as judges tend to rely on uncertain conjectures and interpretations. This criticism opens the
door to the discourse that Jessica may be innocent.
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Based on the film clip above, there are characteristics of social criticism that can be found. As
explained earlier, social criticism includes assessments, inputs, rejections, sarcasm, or responses
aimed at elements that are considered to violate societal norms and values . Th(Gani & Nuraeni,
2019)ere is a dialogue that includes social criticism, which includes the following assessments, inputs
and rejections:
Pada tabel 4.6 terdapat dialog “I just couldn,t understand why this happened to me. I was just
having a holiday. I was just calling my friends to catch up for a coffee. And from that point on, it’s been
unbelievable. Even I’m the main character, I don’t understand. You know, it sucks. It’s been really
difficult. Like it’s just really hard to stay sane every day. If you ask about trauma, yes, I’m very
traumatic by this evet and by all the medias, and how they print something on the paper, and it was
completely false. They’re just trying to, you know, like, dig in to my life, making story, “oh, Jess did this
because blah blah blah.oh, why didn’t she just say sorry?. The evidence is quite clear.” What evidence?.
Seems like theiy’re enjoying it and making money out of it. during the trial, it was really difficult.
Hundreads of people, just coming towards me, with the camera and the flashes. It was just strange.
And, the judges… everything that we brought into the table, they just completely ignored it. If the
media wasn’t really keen in me at that time, it would be different.” Berdasarkan dialog tersebut,
Jessica berpendapat bahwa media saat itu menyebarkan berita palsu mengenai kasus yang
dihadapinya. Media bahkan menuntut Jessica untuk meminta maaf atas tindakan yang dituduhkan
kepada Mirna, dengan alasan bahwa bukti pembunuhan oleh Jessica dianggap cukup jelas. Namun,
Jessica sendiri merasa bahwa bukti tersebut tidaklah cukup jelas. Hal ini diperkuat oleh dialog yang
diucapkan Jessica, "What evidence?", yang menunjukkan keraguannya terhadap bukti yang ada.
In table 4.9 there is a dialogue "The police have so much power. A prosecutor who has such great
power, it is not balanced with the authority of the advocate. The power of the prosecutor and the
police is so large that the judge is no longer a referee. So the judge is not in the middle" From the
dialogue, the assessment to be conveyed is that there is an imbalance in power between the police,
prosecutors, and advocates in the justice system. Police and prosecutors are considered to have
enormous powers, while advocates may not have comparable authority. This great power leads to the
position of judges who are no longer neutral or objective as referees in the judicial process. In other
words, the dialogue criticizes that this unbalanced power structure can affect independence and
fairness in legal decision-making in Indonesia.
There was a dialogue "The criminal justice system needs to be reformed, so what? So that our
reform ideals, the ideals of independence that all Indonesia can get access to justice can be achieved.
We need to reform the criminal justice system, because of what? Because everyone can be affected.
Everyone can be the next victim. It's from me." Based on the dialogue, the input to be conveyed is the
need to reform the criminal justice system in Indonesia. This is necessary to achieve the ideal of
reform that wants all Indonesia people to have access to justice. The main trigger for these reforms is
the awareness that everyone has the potential to be affected by injustices in the justice system, and
anyone can be the next victim. Thus, the dialogue emphasized the importance of changes in the legal
system to ensure equitable justice for all individuals in Indonesia.
In table 4.6 there is a dialog “I just couldn,t understand why this happened to me. I was just having
a holiday. I was just calling my friends to catch up for a coffee. And from that point on, it’s been
unbelievable. Even I’m the main character, I don’t understand. You know, it sucks. It’s been really
difficult. Like it’s just really hard to stay sane every day. If you ask about trauma, yes, I’m very
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traumatic by this evet and by all the medias, and how they print something on the paper, and it was
completely false. They’re just trying to, you know, like, dig in to my life, making story, “oh, Jess did this
because blah blah blah.oh, why didn’t she just say sorry?. The evidence is quite clear.” What evidence?.
Seems like theiy’re enjoying it and making money out of it. during the trial, it was really difficult.
Hundreads of people, just coming towards me, with the camera and the flashes. It was just strange.
And, the judges… everything that we brought into the table, they just completely ignored it. If the
media wasn’t really keen in me at that time, it would be different.” Terdapat dialog “What evidence?”
Jessica rejected media claims that the evidence against her was clear. She questioned as a form of
rejection of the allegations and information spread by the media, which she said was inaccurate and
In table 4.9 there is a dialogue "The guilt rate in Indonesia is very high, because of what? The
police have so much power. A prosecutor who has such great power, it is not balanced with the
authority of the advocate. The power of the prosecutor and the police is so large that the judge is no
longer a referee. So the judge is not in the middle. Is there any evidence that Jessica committed a
murder directly? The answer is none." There is a dialogue The statement "the answer does not exist"
shows that the source rejects the claim that there is evidence to show that Jessica directly committed
the murder. This is a form of rejection of the allegations directed at Jessica.
Socio-Political Criticism
Socio-political criticism generally highlights issues such as inequality in the control of power,
human rights violations, and corrupt practices within the political sphere (Pertiwi & Harun, 2018). This
can be seen through the dialogue below: In table 4.9 there is a dialogue "The guilt rate in Indonesia is
very high, because of what? The police have so much power. A prosecutor who has such great power,
it is not balanced with the authority of the advocate. The power of the prosecutor and the police is so
large that the judge is no longer a referee. So the judge is not in the middle. Is there any evidence that
Jessica committed a murder directly? The answer is none." The dialogue highlighted the imbalance of
power between police, prosecutors, and advocates. This criticism points to injustice in the justice
system, where the great power held by the police and prosecutors is considered too dominant, while
advocates do not have equal power. This reflects a critique of the seizure of power in the legal system.
Socio-Cultural Criticism
Socio-Cultural Criticism focuses on cultural norms, values, and practices in society. Its focus
includes cultural exclusivity, stereotypes, and the impact of globalization on cultural identity. In other
words, this critique seeks to understand and identify issues that may arise in the culture of a society
and questions certain aspects that can affect social relations as well as cultural identity (Pratiwi &
Harun, 2018). There is a dialogue "In Indonesia, no money, no Justice. No money no justice!" The
dialogue can be seen as a criticism of the influence of globalization and economic inequality on
cultural identity and social systems. The reliance on money for justice reflects how economic values
and globalization can influence the cultural norms that are supposed to support equitable justice.
Social Critique of Technology
Social Criticism of Technology focuses on the impact of technology on society. It covers issues
such as privacy, unequal access, and ethical considerations in the use of technology. This criticism can
observe how the use of technology can strengthen or harm certain groups in society, as well as
encourage reflection on the social impact caused by technological advances (Pertiwi & Harun, 2018).
The various kinds of social criticism contained in the movie "Ice Murder Coffee and Jessica
Wongso" show that although there are various types of social criticism, socio-political criticism is
more dominant than others. This makes the film an effective means to convey socio-political criticism
and provide responses to socio-political problems in Indonesia.
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According to Fairclough and Wodak, critical discourse analysis describes discourse as a social
practice that causes a dialectical relationship between certain discursive events and the social
situations, institutions and structures that shape them. There is a mutually influencing relationship
between the events in a particular discourse and the situation, institution, and social structure in the
film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso". According to Egloff (2015), situations refer to
interactive mental processes to determine the meaning and subsequent behavior by and for
individuals or groups given situations (Fitriana, 2019). In the movie "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and
Jessica Wongso" there is a situation that explains an event where Jessica as an individual undergoes
a trial to determine whether Jessica is declared convicted by the judge as a group. This is supported
by the analysis of text dimensions on macro structures, superstructures, and microstructures that
discuss the situation through dialogue in the film as a whole so that it can be known through the
theme, opening, content, closing, conclusion, and details of the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and
Jessica Wongso".
Text Dimensions in the Movie "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso"
Based on the results of the study, there are several types of social criticism that appear in the text
dimension which is dominated by the type of socio-political criticism. This criticism discusses
inequality in the control of power, human rights violations and corrupt practices (Pertiwi & Harun,
2018). This is supported by text dimension indicators in the form of macro structures,
superstructures, and microstructures. In the macro structure, the researcher identified one main
theme along with several subthemes that could be extracted from the entire narrative. The subthemes
that support the main focus of this film include the views of experts and various related parties in the
cyanide coffee case trial process, which still causes many irregularities. These irregularities triggered
criticism from various circles, both against the perpetrators and the public who followed the progress
of the trial. In the superstructure, this film is more dominant in conveying socio-political criticism. By
using indicators consisting of an introduction, content, conclusion, and conclusion, this film succeeds
in presenting socio-political criticism in a coherent manner. As a result, the film has great potential to
influence public opinion and encourage social change in the political context in Indonesia.
Social Kognition in the Movie “Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso”
Based on the results of the research, the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" is
included in an investigative documentary in which there is social criticism through the background
of the filmmaker. This is supported by indicators of person schemes, self schemes, role schemes and
event schemes. In the person scheme, the filmwriter is a documentary film director and producer
known for his works that raise complex and controversial social issues. This supports investigative
documentaries that seek to unravel the mysteries surrounding events that are still unraveled or not
fully revealed. On the self-scheme, the filmmaker has experience in political science, film, and
journalism. These three experiences certainly sit on the film's authorship in making an investigative
documentary with elements of socio-political criticism because experience in political science
provides in-depth knowledge about the dynamics of power and public policy. Experience in the field
of film allows writers to combine visual and narrative elements effectively, while a background in
journalism provides the investigative skills necessary to gather and compile facts accurately and
Social Context in the Movie "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso"
Based on the results of the research, there are several types of social criticism that appear in
contexts dominated by the type of socio-political criticism seen through the discourse that develops
in society. In the characteristics of critical discourse analysis, there are ideological indicators that can
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be associated with the social context. Ideology in discourse analysis functions to regulate the actions
and practices of individuals and groups. As a result, discourse is not neutral or scientific, because each
discourse carries an ideology that reflects domination and competition for influence (Eriyanto,
As explained in the context analysis section, the film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica
Wongso" triggered a division of public opinion regarding the judicial system in Indonesia which is
considered unfair and lacks evidence in the case of Jessica Wongso. This film opens a room for
discussion about the storyline, where some people still believe Jessica is guilty based on the 2016
news but as time goes by others begin to doubt her after watching the documentary "Ice Cold: Murder
Coffee and Jessica Wongso". This is evidenced by research conducted by Engkis & Simatupang (2024)
with a journal entitled "Shifting Public Perception In The Jessica Mirna Cyanide-Infused Coffee Case:
A Discource Analysis" which explains that hashtags, trends, and social media algorithms have a great
influence in expanding the reach of cases, which then increases their presence in public discourse.
Social media was initially dominated by #JusticeForMirna hashtags, but after the documentary was
released, the focus shifted to #JusticeForJessica hashtags.
Based on the results of the analysis that has been presented in the previous chapter, it can be
concluded that the documentary film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" is a documentary
film that raises social issues about the justice system in Indonesia. The results of the research on the
documentary film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" can be concluded as follows: First,
the documentary "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso" Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso
contains socio-political criticism of the injustice of the justice system in Indonesia. And there is also
social criticism of how external factors affect the course of the trial experienced by Jessica Wongso.
Second, the analysis of social criticism in the documentary film "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica
Wongso" was carried out using Teun A. Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis, which consists of the
dimensions of text structure, social cognition and social context. Third, in the text dimension, the
researcher can conclude that all dialogues that enter the text dimension, can be analyzed based on
macro structure, superstructure and microstructure. All dialogues have topics that they want to
highlight in the dialogue, the schema in the delivery of the dialogue is also structured and can be
understood well. In terms of setting, details, and intentions in the dialogue, it can be found in relation
to the context in the film. Sentence form, word usage and word richness are also found and adjusted
to the topic being discussed, so that there are no ambiguous sentences. The way of delivering dialogue
uses emphasis in sentences and parables, so that it is easier to understand, such as what the
interviewee imagines and expects when delivering the dialogue. Fourth, in the dimension of social
cognition, the researcher found the involvement of spoken dialogue with the individual cognition of
the resource person as a discourser. All the speakers in the film are speakers who have backgrounds
that are in accordance with the core message conveyed in the documentary film "Ice Cold: Murder
Coffee and Jessica Wongso". That is the irregularity that occurred in the trial of Jessica Wongso's case,
so that every sentence spoken can be associated with their identity as a resource person who
understands what is necessary and important to convey. Fifth, in the context dimension, the
researcher looks at how discourse is produced in society. the documentary "Ice Cold: Murder Coffee
and Jessica Wongso" which became the public spotlight received various opinions from the public.
The opinion that initially believed that Jessica was guilty has now turned into doubts about the judge's
decision that declared Jessica guilty. The findings of this study suggest that the documentary film Ice
Cold: Murder Coffee and Jessica Wongso serves not only as a narrative device but as a catalyst for public
discourse on legal fairness in Indonesia. The implications of this study are significant for
understanding the role of media in shaping public opinion. Policymakers and judicial bodies should
consider these insights as a call for greater transparency and accountability in legal processes. Future
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research should explore the long-term impact of media on judicial reform and the potential of
documentaries to inspire policy change
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