Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2207
Planning of Uwe River PLTMH Jayawijaya Regency
Capacity 2 X 750 KW
Toni, Hendri
Institut Teknologi PLN, Indonesia
Email: tnmaniero@gmail.com
Corespondence: tnmaniero@gmail.com*
PLTMH; Renewable Energy;
Planning; Hydrology;
Stockpiling; Turbine
Indonesia has great potential to develop renewable energy,
especially through Micro Hydro Power Plants (MHP) that utilize
river flow. The Papua region, including Jayawijaya Regency, has
significant water resources potential but has not been optimally
utilized to meet local energy needs. This study aims to evaluate the
technical feasibility of building an MHP in Uwe River, Jayawijaya
Regency, with a capacity of 2 x 750 kW as an effort to increase the
electrification ratio in Papua Mountains. The research uses a
quantitative approach with field survey methods and primary data
collection, such as water discharge measurements and interviews
with relevant parties. The data were analyzed using the FJ Mock
method for water discharge estimation and hydraulic power
calculation to assess the technical feasibility of MHP development.
The results showed that Uwe River has a potential hydraulic power
of 2063.965 kW with a capacity factor of 88%, which is able to
support the operation of two turbines with a capacity of 733.76 kW
each. The conclusion of this study shows that the construction of an
MHP in Sungai Uwe is technically feasible and has great potential to
increase the electrification ratio, support local economic
development, and reduce dependence on fossil fuels in remote
areas. The implication of these results is the importance of
investment and policy support in the development of renewable
energy projects in Papua to achieve national electrification targets.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
             
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2208
PLTMH is a power plant based on hydropower, which comes from the potential energy/power
contained in water due to the difference in altitude, the first hydropower plant in the world was made
in the United Kingdom by William Armstrong around 1878, the first hydropower plant in America
was made at the Grand Rapid Michigan in 1880, while in Indonesia the development of the use of
water as an energy source has started since 1900, namely in Java and Sulawesi. and The first
hydropower plant in Indonesia was the Tonsea Lama Hydropower Plant in North Sulawesi with a
capacity of 40 MW which operated in 1912, 
             
(Dewanto et al., 2018; Sofyan & Sudana, 2022; Wibowo, 2013)
The potential for the development of Micro Hydro Power Plants (PLTMH) in the Jayawijaya
Regency area is very large, supported by favorable geographical and hydrological conditions
(Purwoko, 2018; Shafira, 2020; Sukamta, 2018). This area has several large watersheds such as the
Baliem watershed, where the Uwe River is a sub-watershed, as well as the Lorentz watershed, the
Central Taritatu watershed, and the Sobger watershed. These rivers offer a fairly abundant and
continuous flow of water, which is an important resource for the development of PLTMH. The Baliem
Valley, with an altitude between 1500 - 2000 meters above sea level, provides a significant elevation
difference to harness the potential energy of water. An average annual rainfall of 1,900 mm and
conditions that support a steady flow of rivers throughout the year reinforce this potential. The air
temperature that varies between 14.5°C to 24.5°C and the even distribution of rainfall throughout the
year add advantages to the operational sustainability of the PLTMH. By utilizing locally available river
water flows, PLTMH can be an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution to meet electrical
energy needs, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and increase electrification ratios in Mountainous
Papua which is currently low. This potential not only contributes to meeting energy needs but also
encourages local economic development and improves the quality of life of people in the region.
Indonesia has a large potential for renewable energy, especially from water resources which
reaches 75,000 MW, but only a small portion has been utilized (Directorate General of EBTKE, 2020)
(Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, 2009). Previous studies such as those conducted by
Syukri (2017) and Purwanto(2020) have evaluated the technical feasibility of MHPs in other
locations, but no research has specifically explored the potential of MHPs in Uwe River, Jayawijaya
Regency, Papua. This study differs from previous studies in that it focuses on a unique geographical
location, namely the mountainous region of Papua which has a very low electrification ratio of only
12.09% according to PLN (2022).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2209
This study is important as it aims to evaluate the technical feasibility of constructing a Micro
Hydro Power Plant (MHP) in Sungai Uwe, which could provide a sustainable solution to increase the
electrification ratio and support local economic development. In addition, this study highlights the
importance of investing in renewable energy projects in remote areas to achieve national
electrification targets and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Thus, this study contributes to the
literature on MHP development in remote areas with typical geographical and hydrological
Materials and Methods
             
                  
            
               
Results and Discussions
                
PLTMH Uwe is located in Yellai Village, Wallaik District, Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Province.
The location can be reached from Wamena city to Yellai Village as far as ±15 km with a travel time
range of one hour,The location of the Uwe PLTMH plan is located in Yellai Village, Wallaik District at
coordinates 260510.33 m E, 9540909.19 m S.
Based on the results of field visits/surveys to collect data and test samples, the following preliminary
data were obtained
A watershed is an area bounded by topography and surface drenades, where rainwater that
falls will flow and gather into a main river and its tributaries. The watershed includes all land and
water surfaces that contribute to the flow to the main rivers, including tributaries, lakes, swamps, and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2210
other related water sources, geomorphologically the area of the Jaya Wijaya Protected Forest
Management Unit (KPHL) is a stretch of high mountainous area that stretches from East to West and
also from North to South so as to form a very wide valley area, namely the Baliem Valley. This area
used to be the area of Jaya Wijaya Regency which then some time ago has been expanded into several
administrative areas of the district government. With such geographical conditions, two large
watershed areas have been formed in this region, namely in the northern part of the watershed group
is in the Mamberamo watershed group, while those included in the Eilanden watershed group are
river streams that flow to the southern area. KPHL Jaya Wijaya itself is located in a highland forest
that enters several districts and the expanse of the Baliem valley plain, an alluvial valley that stretches
in an area with an altitude of 1500 - 2000 m above sea level. The air temperature varies between 14.5
0C to 24.5 0C. In a year the average rainfall is 1,900 mm and in a month there are approximately 16
rainy days. The dry season and the rainy season are difficult to distinguish. Based on the data, March
is the month with the largest rainfall, while the lowest rainfall is found in July.The surface water
potential in the Jayawijaya Regency area is in the form of several watersheds, namely:
1. Baliem Watershed, Uwe River is a sub-watershed of the Baliem Watershed
2. Lorentz Watershed,
3. Central Taritatu Watershed, and
4. Sobger watershed.
In this final project/thesis study, the map used as the basis for making a map of the watershed
is a map obtained from the National Survey and Mapping Coordinating Board (BAKOSURTANAL)
with a scale of 1 : 50,000. The area of the Uwe PLTMH watershed is 397 km2.
The soil type in Jayawijaya Regency consists of most types of alluvial, lithosporic, podsolic, and
metamorphic rocks (phyllite, quaternary, chrite) of the Pacific plate that is pressed by the Baltic
embankments. The conditions of dispersal of the soil type are as follows:
In the valley district there are alluvial types of soil. This type of soil is characterized by low
organic matter content, moderate to high wet saturation with large absorption power and low
permeability, while soil sensitivity to erosion is very small;
In hilly areas there are types of lithosol soils. This type of soil is characterized by acidity
properties, organic matter content, alkaline saturation, absorption power, permeability and nutrient
content are very varied as well as sensitivity to large erosion;
Highland areas generally have brown podsolic types. This type of soil is characterized by soil
acidity varying between slightly acidic at the top and wetter at the bottom. It has low organic matter,
high wet saturation and high sensitivity to erosion. The use of this land is generally for forests and/or
The data used for hydrological analysis at the Uwe PLTMH are meteorological and
climatological data taken from the Wamena Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency
(BMKG) Station in Jayawijaya Regency as well as a base map of the study location from
BAKOSURTANAL with a scale of 1: 25,000. The distance between the PLTMH location and Wamena
Airport is 15 km.
Rainfall and rainy day data used for hydrological analysis of the Uwe PLTMH were taken from
the Wamena BMKG Station in Jayawijaya Regency which was recorded from 2001 to 2012 as follows.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2211
The average annual precipitation is 2243.06 mm per year with the highest precipitation being 2646
mm (2005) and the lowest being 1478 mm (2004).
Based on observation data through the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency
(BMKG) of Wamena Jayawijaya Regency, in general, the average air temperature is in the range of
19oC. The average air humidity ranges from 69-73% with the average monthly solar exposure
ranging from 44-58% (a low of 44% in September and a high of around 58% in May). In general, the
average wind speed in 20012012 ranged from 3-8 knots/hour.
In planning Micro Hydro Power Plants (PLTMH), understanding the flood recurrence period is
a critical aspect. This is because floods can significantly affect the performance and sustainability of
PLTMH. Flood recurrence period is a statistical measure used to predict the likelihood of flooding of
a certain scale within a given period of time, flood recurrence analysis helps in the design of
infrastructure that is able to withstand extreme conditions. It includes site selection, dam design
(Haryani et al., 2015; Wahyuridha, n.d.), water carriers, and other supporting facilities. Selection with
a long re-discharge period which means a large rain discharge, the presentation of the risk of damage
can be minimized, but the construction cost increases due to the large discharge capacity. Likewise,
the selection of a small re-discharge period can reduce the construction cost budget, but the risk of
damage loss due to flooding will increase.
Rainfall frequency is the likelihood of the amount of precipitation reaching or exceeding a
certain amount of precipitation.
1. Normal Distribution
2. Normal Log Distribution 2 Parameters
3. Normal Log Distribution 3 Parameters
4. Gumbell Distribution
5. Pearson III Distribution
6. Pearson Log Distribution III
The data parameters used to be able to determine the right type of distribution are divided into
5 large parts of the measurement, namely: measurement or calculated average, standard deviation
(standard deviation), awkwardness (coefficient of variation), and coefficient of sharpness
(coefficient of curtosis). The results of the analysis of the maximum daily rainfall frequency with
various methods tested with the Smirnov Kolmogorov Method.
To see the greatest chance deviation between the observational data and the theoretical data,
the test method used is the Smirnov-Kolmogorov method. From the data testing of the Smirnov-
Kolmogorov method that meets the requirements is the result of calculations using the Gumbel
To compile flood hydrograph statistics on river flows that do not have data or are rarely
observed by flood hydrographs, the first way is to find the characteristics or parameters of the river
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2212
flow area first, for example, the peak time to reach the hydrograph, the width of the river bed, the
area, the slope, the length of the longest channel, the runoff coefficient and so on.
The measurement of the instantaneous discharge of the Uwe river is carried out downstream
of the river, namely in the power house area close to the tributary.
From the results of the instantaneous discharge test using a current meter at the upstream and
downstream locations, there is a difference in discharge values of about 2 m3/second.Figure 4.16
Location of Upstream Instantaneous Discharge Measurement (Weir), Source Pusenlis
From the image of the cut above, a momentary discharge calculation will be carried out based
on the test results. The calculation was carried out by dividing the river area into 3 segments, each
segment was calculated at several elevations, namely at a depth of 0.3h; 0.6 h and at the base. From
each segment, an average discharge will be obtained, which will be accumulated as a whole to get a
total discharge along the width of the river in the bending area (upstream).
Momentary discharge measurements for the downstream area were carried out in the power
house area close to the tributary branch that surrounds Yellai village. The downstream area is
relatively shallower compared to the upstream area of the weir, in the downstream area a
momentary discharge of 10.09 m3/second is obtained.
One of the methods of estimating flow discharge based on the concept of water balance was
proposed by FJ Mock. However, the estimation process is an approach, not as accurate as the basis of
direct debit recording data. However, in the event that this information is urgently needed while
there is no direct debit observation data, an estimate or estimate is needed. The results of the
calculation are monthly debits from 1998-2014 which are then sought as mainstay debits for design
The data on the potential of UWE PLTMH is as follows:
Headgross : 17.83 m
Debit : 11.08 m3/s
Based on the data mentioned above, the potential for hydraulic power to be generated is as
The potential hydraulic power that can be generated is as follows:
P = 1000 kg/m3 x 11.08 m3/s x 9.81 m/s2x 17.83 m
P = 2,063,965 kW
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2213
 PLTMH UWE is planned to use 2 turbines with identical capacity, the maximum power
that can be produced by the turbine is:
P = 1000 x 5.54 x 17.04 x 9.81 x 0.86
P = 796.428.53 Watts
P = 796.5 kw
If the efficiency assumption is taken into account, the total mechanical efficiency (turbines,
bearings, couplings, seals) is 86%, the total electrical efficiency (generator 94%, transformer 98%)
is 92.12%, then the power that can be generated by each turbine is as follows:
= 0.86 x 0.9212 x 1000 x 5.54 x 9.81 x 17.04
= 733.76 kW
               
Based on the type of coupling to be used, namely the direct couple type to the generator for
generators with a frequency of 50 Hz, in the literacy process, a turbine rotation of 300 rpm (20 poles,
50 Hz) is selected, then the specific speed can be calculated with the following equation:
Tipe Turbin
Pelton wheel with 1 mozzel
Pelton wheel with 2 mozzel
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2214
Pelton wheel with 4 mozzel
Francis Turbin, low speed
Francis Turbin, Normal
Francis Turbin, high speed
Francis Turbin, express
Propeller and Kaplan Turbin
If the Selection of Turbine Type is based on lugaression and mass
 = 
 = 
 
Selection of Turbine Type Based on Specific Speed of Rotation (ESHA 2004)
NQE Specific Speed Values
Graph of Turbine Type Selection Based on Discharge and Head (ESHA 2004)
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2215
Turbine Selection Chart Based on Discharge
Turbine Selection Based on Turbine Character
Ns (rpm in
kW, m)
Kaplan and Propeller
(Axial Flow)
Francis (High specific
Francis (Low specific
< 30
Turbine Efficiency Curva Based on Load Percentage
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2216
The maximum possible load that occurs in the Turbine Housing is due to hydrostatic
compressive load assuming the guide vane is closed 100%, the amount of load that occurs is:
So that it is obtained:
P = ( 1000 x 9.81 x 17.83 )
P = 174912.3 Pa
The load that occurs on the runner is the water pressure load and on the runner there is no
water hammer so from the results of the hydrostatic pressure calculation that occurs is as follows:
74912.3 Pa
The runner material is G-X5 CrNi 13.4 with a tensile yield strength of 550 Mpa (JIS SCS 6 and
ASTM A487 Grade CA6NM)
G-X5 CrNi 13.4 material has resistance to corrosion caused by water, moisture and chloride-
containing environments.
Rapid pipelines at Micro Hydro Power Plants (PLTMH) are an important part of this power
generation system. The rapid pipeline functions as a channel to drain water from the water source to
the PLTMH turbine. Rapid pipes must be carefully designed to withstand considerable water pressure
and optimize the flow of water to the turbine. The materials used for rapid pipelines are usually made
of materials that are resistant to pressure and corrosion due to water, such as stainless steel or
concrete. In addition, rapid pipeline maintenance is also very important to maintain the performance
of PLTMH. Regular inspections should be carried out to ensure that there is no damage or leakage in
the rapid pipeline. If damage is found, immediately repair it so as not to interfere with the flow of
water and the overall performance of the PLTMH.
With planning, proper material selection, and good maintenance, the PLTMH rapid pipeline can
work optimally to support the generation of electricity from environmentally friendly water energy,
in the rapid pipeline planning several things need to be considered:
1. Number of Rapid Pipes to be used
2. Suitable Rapid Pipe Diameter
3. Rapid Pipe Thickness
4. Pressure on Rapid Pipes
Number of Rapid Pipes
Some considerations to consider to determine the number of rapid pipelines needed, namely:
Capacity, Generation, Water Source Characteristics, Geographical Location and Topography of the
Water Source, Turbine Design, System Efficiency
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2217
From the results of the calculation above, the number of rapid pipes based on discharge is using
2 units of rapid pipes.
Rapid Pipe Diameter
The method for finding the diameter of a rapid pipe typically involves calculations that consider
several factors, such as the flow rate, type of fluid, pressure loss, and desired flow rate. The following
are some of the common methods used to find rapid pipe diameters, The choice of method depends
on the complexity of the project, the availability of data, the need for precision, and the resources
available. A combination of the above methods or modifications of existing methods is also often used
to meet the specific needs of planning a project, and the preparation of the final project / thesis
method learned during lectures
Dp = 2.69 
 
Dp = 2.69 󰇡
 󰇢
Dp = 2.69 󰇡
 󰇢
Dp = 2.69 󰇛󰇜
Dp = 1.35 m rounded to 1.5 m
In the planning and design of a Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH), the calculation of water
pressure in the rapid pipeline (penstock) is a very important step. This water pressure affects the
overall performance of the PLTMH system and determines the technical specifications required for
the material and construction of penstock pipes, the water pressure in the pipeline can be calculated
using the following formula:
The location of the Uwe PLTMH is planned to be at an altitude of 2152.17 MDPL so that the
atmospheric pressure at the location is:
- ) = 790.771 Pa
Then the rapid pipe pressure can be calculated by the following equation:
Pa = ( 1000 x 9.81 x 73 ) + 790.771
Pa = 716,920 N/m2
Rapid pipeline design in PLTM uses SS400 material, SS 400 material is a type of carbon steel
25085013.6 Kg /m2 = 246000000 N /m2
1. Economical Price
SS400 is relatively inexpensive compared to stainless steel or other high-alloy steels, making
it an economical choice for a wide range of construction and manufacturing applications.
2. Resistance to Corrosion:
As a low-carbon steel, SS400 has limited corrosion resistance and typically requires plating
or surface treatment to increase its durability in corrosive environments.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2218
3. Formability:
SS400 has good formability, allowing this material to be cut, shaped, bent, and welded easily.
4. Welding Ability:
SS400 can be welded easily using a variety of conventional welding techniques such as
manual metal arc welding (SMAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), and submerged arc
welding (SAW).
In the planning and design of Microhydro Power Plants (PLTMH), determining the thickness of
the rapid pipeline (penstock) is an important step to ensure the reliability and safety of the system.
The thickness of the pipe must be strong enough to withstand the internal pressure of flowing water
without undergoing damage or deformation, the rapid thickness of the pipe can be calculated using
the following formula:
Tp = 
 
 = Tensile Tension of Pipe Material ( 25085013.6 Kg/m2 )
g = gravity (9.81 m/s2)
Tp = 
 
Tp = 0.00200 m
To anticipate oxidation in the pipe, the pipe must be added about 1 -3 mm, the minimum
requirement for pipe thickness needs to be considered:
1. Up to 0.8 m in diameter.... 5 mm.
2. Up to 1.5 m in diameter.... 6 mm.
3. Up to 2.0 m in diameter ..... 7 mm (O.F. Patty, 1995).
So the Pipe Thickness is rapid with a diameter of 1.5 meters, using a minimum thickness of 6 mm.
         so that the flow velocity can be
calculated by the following equation:
Q = A x V
V =
V = 
V= 3.1 m/s
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2219
             
 = Specific gravity of steel
Wp = 1/4 .3.14 󰇛󰇜
Wp = 109.1 Kg/m
Wt = 1/4 x 3.14 x x 1000
Wt = 1.752.14 Kg/m
Wf = Wp + Wt
Wf = 109.1 Kg/m + 1,752.14 Kg/m
Wf = 1.861.24 Kg/m
L max = 182.61 󰇡󰇛
 󰇜󰇢
L max = 182.61 󰇡󰇛
 󰇜󰇢
L max = 5.7 m rounded to 6 m
              
               
 
So 0.00034 < 2.50 cm
               
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2220
M mak = 1/8 x 1.75214 x ( 600 x 0.97 )
M mak = 7.41 tons/m
= 1/2 x 1.75214 x 600 x 0.97
= 5.09 tons
Inlet Penstock
he = K
= 0.05 
= 0.024 m/s
Penstock Wall Friction
= f x L x D
Where f = 0.035 ( Obtained from the absolute roughness table )
Relative Roughness = E/D
= 
= 0.0000233
Reynold Number = 
= 4.922.7366
From the relative roughness value and the Reynolds number, the value of f = the coefficient of
the pipe wall in the moody diagram can be found, and the f value of 0.01 is obtained. Then the friction
of the penstock wall
= f x L x D
= 0.01 x 73 x 1.5
= 0.53 m
Stock Outlets
he = 1
he = 1 
He = 0.49 m
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2221
Energy Loss Due to Pipe Turns
= 0.31 
= 0.15 m
Penstock Turn Angle Simulation with Auto CAD
Stockpile Turn Coefficient Value
Source: Hidraulika H. Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Triatmojo. CES. DEA. 2014
Total Energy Loss = he Inlet + he wall penstook +he outlet + he turn
= 0.024 + 0.53 + 0.49 + 0.15
= 1.19 m
Maximum Limit of Energy loss = 10 % x Hgross
= 10 % X 17.83
= 1.78 m
Energy Loss = 1.19 m < 1.78 Falls into the Ok category
In determining the minimum capacity for the generator, we must know the capacity of the
turbine that will be installed as the main drive in the Uwe PLTMH. From the processing of water
potential data at the Uwe PLTMH, the power plant capacity to be built is 2 x 750 kW. The value of the
generating capacity is included in the following equation:
Pg = 750 x 0.95
Pg = 712.5 kW
In the market availability, the generator capacity is listed in the unit of apparent power (kVA)
To obtain the apparent power value of the generator, the generator power factor is 0.8 and is included
in the following equation:
S===890,625 KVA
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2222
With the known value of the apparent power of the generator of 890,625 kVA, the capacity of
the generator that will be used in the Uwe PLTMH takes into account the availability of the power
In determining the rotational speed of the generator we also need to pay attention to the
rotation of the turbine that will be used and uses the following equation:
n = 
From the results of the simulation calculation, the value of the rotation of the Uwe PLTMH
water turbine was obtained at 300 rpm. The following table shows the data of the nominal rotation
of synchronous generators for several types of generators with different poles.
With the selection of a generator speed of 300 rpm, there is no need for a transmission speed
increaser with a turbine. The transmission is used directly couple turbine with generator in one shaft.
The generator chosen is a type of three-phase synchronous generator with a frequency of 50
Hz and has its own excitation or amplification system with a brushless type or brushless rotating
diode. The advantages of brushless excitation systems include:
1. The energy required for excitation is obtained from the main shaft, so its reliability is high.
2. Maintenance costs are reduced because the brushless excitation system does not have
brushes, commutators and slip rings.
3. In the brushless excitation system, there is no insulation damage due to the adhesion of
carbon dust to the farnish due to the charcoal brush.
4. During operation no brush replacement is required, so improving the reliability of the
operation can continue for a long time.
The thing that must be considered in determining the output voltage of the generator is the
network system and the capable power that can be generated at the Uwe PLTMH. The distribution
network system of PLTMH Uwe uses a medium voltage system of 20 kV and the capable power
produced by the plant is relatively small, so in this PLTMH a generator with an output voltage of 400
V is used.
The analysis of the results shows that the Uwe PLTMH has significant potential to increase the
electrification ratio in Mountainous Papua, the following are the results of the discussion:
Discussion Results
Discharge Probability
Reliable Discharge
Nett Head
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2223
Output Power
@ Unit
Capacity Factor
Francis Turbin
High speed
Output Power
@ Unit
Mild steel SS400
Total of Penstock
Flow Velocity
Total Energy Loss
M Max
20 Pole, 50 Hz,
The conclusion of the discussion of the final project report as well as the analysis and results of
data processing regarding the Uwe Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH) plan in Yellai Village,
Jayawijaya Regency, Papua, this conclusion includes a detailed analysis of hydrological aspects, power
potential, turbine selection, penstock design, and water availability, all of which are very important
for the efficient and reliable planning and implementation of the Uwe PLTMH. Location and
Geographical Conditions: PLTMH Uwe is located in Yellai Village, which can be reached in one hour
drive from Wamena City. The region has two main watersheds: the Mamberamo watershed in the
north and the Eilanden watershed in the south. Electricity Condition :D Mountainous Papua has a low
electrification ratio when compared to the Papua area in general, which is 12.09%, this is because the
Papua area has not been fully covered by the interconnection electricity network. In the mountainous
Papua area, currently only operates the type of PLTD plant that is operated to meet power needs, 7
PLN PLTD & 1 PLTD leased with an installed capacity of 6.2 MW with a power supply capacity of 5.6
MW Hydrological data: The area of the Uwe PLTMH watershed is 397 km². The average annual rainfall
is 2243.06 mm, with the highest rainfall recorded at 2646 mm in 2005 and the lowest at 1478 mm in
2004.The water discharge of the Uwe river has an event probability of 88.2% and a biennial flood
discharge of 78.2 m³/s, as well as a centennial flood discharge of 145.9 m³/s. Water Discharge and
Power Potential: Using the FJ Mock method, the water availability discharge of the Uwe river is
calculated for various probabilities, with a mainstay discharge of 11.08 m³/s. The potential hydraulic
power generated is approximately 2,063,965 kW, with a planned installation of two turbines with a
capacity of 733.76 kW per turbine after mechanical and electrical efficiency is taken into account.
Turbine Selection: Based on the calculation of the specific speed of the turbine, the Francis high speed
turbine with a capacity of 750 kw was selected as the most efficient turbine for the condition of the
Uwe PLTMH. Generator Selection : the one chosen is 1000 KVA, 400 V, Efficiency is about 95% with a
rotation of 300 rpm (20 poles, 50 Hz). Penstock Selection: The diameter of the rapid pipe used is 1.5
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2224
meters with SS 400 Material and a minimum thickness of 6 mm to anticipate oxidation. Capacity
Factor: Based on the calculation of the Capacity Factor of PLTMH planning, it is obtained by 88%, this
value is still above the standard CF value required by PLN, which is 60%, System Performance and
Reliability: The generator excitation system was selected using a brushless excitation system to
improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs. The generator output voltage is selected as 400 V
in accordance with the distribution network system of PLTMH Uwe.
           
         
 
          
        
        
          
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e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2225
 
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