Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 6692
P-ISSN:2723 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2199
The Effect of Job Stress on Employee Performance at Holiday Inn
Resort Baruna Bali
Ni Made Githa Hapsari Kaniya Devi, Irene Hanna H Sihombing, Clearesta Adinda
Politeknik Pariwisata Bali, Indonesia
Email: githahap[email protected], irenesihombing@ppb.ac.id, clearesta.adinda@kemenparekraf.go.id
Corespondence: irenesiho[email protected]
Job Stress; Employee
Performance; Resort
Job stress is an important factor that can affect employee
performance in a company, especially in the hospitality industry
which faces high pressure and consistent service demands. This
study aims to examine the effect of job stress on employee
performance at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali. This research uses a
quantitative approach with a sample size of 110 respondents with a
total sampling method, namely saturated samples. Data collection
was carried out by distributing digital questionnaires through
Google Forms, which used a 5-point Likert scale. Data analysis
techniques used are classical assumption test, simple linear
regression, t-test and coefficient of determination. The results of this
study indicate that job stress has a negative and significant effect on
employee performance. The job stress variable is negative with a
beta value of -0.496 An increase in job stress (X) will result in a
decrease in employee performance.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Human Resource Management (HR) for the company is a very strategic choice to make, because
with the right HR management, an effective performance will be formed, which can improve
employee performance and added value in the company (Bailey et al., 2018; Greer, 2021). Human
resource capabilities are the main key to being able to face competition in the era of globalization
(Malik, 2019; Sparrow et al., 2016); This ability is often called a competitive advantage. Employees
are a factor that must be considered in an institution because they are the main key to the success of
the institution, both now and in the future, and are an asset of an institution (Miotto et al., 2020).
These employees must have standards that are both quality and quantity. In order for all of this to be
achieved, good achievements from employees are needed. Work performance can be judged from the
performance of the employees themselves. Employee performance has a great influence, both on the
organization and the employees themselves. Supporting factors are needed in the form of good
workplace conditions and commitment that affect the behavior of individuals working in the
organization to move towards the role of human resources. One of the important concerns in HR
management is employees (Nazir et al., 2018; Robbins & Judge, 2018; Waldan, 2020).
Holiday Inn Resort Bali is one of the five-star inns found within the Tuban range, Bali. Despite
having good company performance, it is still found that employee performance is not optimal. Judging
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2200
from the average employee performance assessment which has decreased from 2022 to 2023, this
decline in value is very visible in the indicators of service orientation, work initiatives, and
cooperation, as well as leadership indicators every year, so it is indicated that there is a problem with
employee performance at the Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali Hotel. One of the components that
should be considered by every company so that the execution of human assets is sweet and the
execution of its representatives increments is to pay consideration to work push. Push can happen to
each person human being at any time, since push is an inescapable portion of human life. This stress
does not only occur in their socioeconomic life but also in the field of work.
Previous research has shown that work stress has a significant influence on employee
performance. For example, a study conducted by Lukito & Alirani (2022) and Sugiarto & Nanda
(2020) found that increased levels of work stress significantly decreased employee performance. This
is in line with the results of research by Syaputra & Kusuma (2022) which states that high work stress
reduces performance efficiency. This research also supports the findings of Robbins & Judge (2018)
which emphasizes the importance of stress management in the workplace to maintain employee
productivity. In this context, this study focuses on the effect of work stress on employee performance
at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali, which has not been explored much in previous research in the Bali
hospitality sector.
Based on the results of observations and interviews with researchers, there is a problem related
to work stress at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali, namely the relationship between employees in the
workplace is not very good. Employees often work individually and do not want to help colleagues
who are having difficulties because they are too focused on their respective duties, thus causing the
work atmosphere in the company to be full of pressure which results in employees experiencing
stress. In addition, the workload is excessive and there are some employees who experience overtime
for a longer period of time due to certain events that make employees experience overtime while
working, so that this causes employees not to focus when carrying out the tasks given and has an
impact on the decline in employee performance. To understand how the company's performance at
Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali can increase or decrease, it is important to conduct this study to test
the effect of work stress on employee performance at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali.
Materials and Methods
This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study is all employees at Holiday
Inn Resort Baruna Bali which totals 110 people, with a sample of 110 respondents using the total
sampling method, namely saturated samples. Data collection was carried out through the distribution
of digital questionnaires using Google Forms with a Likert scale of skala Likert 5-point Likert scale (1
= strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree). The data analysis techniques used include classical
assumption tests, simple linear regression, t-tests, and determination coefficients.
This study uses one independent variable and one bound variable. The independent variable in
this study is work stress, while the bound variable is employee performance.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2201
Results and Discussions
Data Description
Test Research Instruments
Based on Table 1, the results of the validity test show that the smallest coefficient value is 0.756
and the largest coefficient is 0.943. The overall value of the 22 statements which are indicators of the
independent and bound variables in this study is valid because all statements have a calculated r value
greater than the table r of 0.1874.
Table 1 Recapitulation of Validity Test Results
Work Stress (X)
Employee Performance
Source: Research Results, 2024
Table 2 Reliability Test Results
Statement Items
Total Ite Statement
Cronbach’s Alpha
Work Stress (X)
Employee Performance
Source: Research Results, 2024
It can be seen that the average value of Cronbach's alpha variable of work stress (X) is 0.981
and employee performance is 0.953. All of these average values are greater than 0.60, so it can be
interpreted that all statements of all research variables are "reliable".
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2202
Characteristics Responden
Judging from Table 3, the gender distribution of respondents in this study shows that the
respondents are male as many as 82 people, while the respondents with female gender are 28 people.
The respondents in this study were dominated by male respondents rather than women.
The age group of employees of Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali is dominated by the age range of
21-30 years with a total of 44 people (40%). Furthermore, respondents with an age range of 31-40
years were 39 people (35.5%), then respondents with an age of > 40 years were 24 people (21.8%),
and respondents with a < age of 20 years were 3 people (2.7%).
Judging from the working period of employees, the majority of respondents have a working
period of 1-3 years as many as 45 people (40.9%). Respondents with a working > of 5 years were 44
people (40%), then respondents with a working < 1 year were 12 people (10.9%), and respondents
with a working time of 3-5 years were 9 people (8.2%).
Table 3 Characteristics of Rsponden
Number (Person)
Percentage (%)
< 20 Years
21 - 30 Years
31 - 40 Years
> 40 Years
< 1 Year
1 3 Years
3 5 Years
> 5 Years
Source: Research Results, 2024
Hypothesis Testing
Simple Linear Regression Test
Table 4 Results of Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Std. Error
Work Stress
a. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Source: Research Results, 2024
Based on the simple linear regression analysis obtained, it can be explained as follows:
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2203
1. The constant value of 57.365 means that if the work stress variable is eliminated, then
the employee's performance is worth 57.365.
2. The value of the regression coefficient of the work stress variable (X) to employee
performance is -0.496, meaning that if work stress (X) increases by one unit, while the
other variables remain constant, then employee performance will decrease by -0.496.
Partial Significance Test (t-Test)
The significance level is 0.05 or α (level of trust) = 5% with the degree of freedom df = n k. The
value n = 110 and k = 1, then df = 110 1 = 109. The magnitude of the table t = t(α,df) so that the value
sought is t(0.05; 109). Based on the t-distribution table, the t-value of the table = 1.981. Based on
Table for Partial testing (t-test) it can be explained:
1. The value of the test results was obtained with a calculated value of work stress (X) of -7.841
with a significance of less than the value of α (0.001 < 0.05).
2. Based on the t-test on the Work Stress variable (X) showing the value of -tcal < -ttable = -7.841
< -1.981 and the significance value of < α = 0.001 < 0.05, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected
and Ha is accepted. This shows that work stress (X) has a significant effect on employee
performance at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali.
Coefficient Test of Determination
Table 5 Determination Coefficient Test Results
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Stress Kerja
b. Dependent Variable: Employee Performance
Source: Research Results, 2024
The R square value obtained from the analysis results showed that the related variables could
be explained by the independent variable of 36.3% (0.363 x 100%), and the remaining 63.7% (100%
- 36.3%) was explained by other variables that were not used in this study. The results of the
determination coefficient test showed that the variable of work stress contributed 36.3% to employee
performance, while the remaining 63.7% was influenced by other variables that were not used in this
Work Stress at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali
Performance (Y) based on employee perception is in the good category with an average of 3.90.
The highest average in the performance variable (Y) is found in the dimension of "work quality" with
an average of 4.21, which is classified as very good. The quality of work can be seen from how
employees can overcome obstacles that occur when carrying out work, work in accordance with the
company's operational standards, and have good experience so as to produce maximum performance.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2204
Employees with good work quality will certainly have a positive impact on the performance produced
at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali (Burki et al., 2020).
The lowest average in the performance variable (Y) is found in the dimension of "punctuality"
with an average of 3.52, which is considered good. Punctuality is one of the disciplinary attitudes that
must be possessed by employees. Punctuality can be seen from employees who do not arrive late and
leave work according to the set working hours. In addition, timeliness in carrying out work is also
important, because delayed work will affect the company's own performance results. Based on the
results of the respondents, the phenomenon that occurred at the Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali was
that the performance produced was still not optimal because there were still employees who arrived
late and often delayed work, so that the resulting performance also decreased.
Employee Performance at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali
Employee performance (Y) based on employee perception is in the good category with an
average of 3.90. The highest average in the performance variable (Y) is found in the dimension of
"work quality" with an average of 4.21, which is classified as very good. The quality of work can be
seen from how employees can overcome obstacles that occur when carrying out work, employees are
able to work in accordance with the company's operational standards, and employees have a good
experience so that they can produce maximum performance. Employees who have a good quality of
work will certainly have a positive impact on the performance produced at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna
The lowest average in the performance variable (Y) is found in the dimension of "punctuality"
with an average of 3.52, which is considered good. Punctuality is one of the disciplinary attitudes that
must be possessed by employees. Punctuality can be seen from employees who do not arrive late and
leave work according to the set working hours. In addition, timeliness in carrying out work is also
important because delayed work will affect the company's own performance results. Based on the
results of the respondents, the phenomenon that occurred at the Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali was
that the performance produced was still not optimal because there were still employees who arrived
late and often delayed work so that the performance produced also decreased.
The Effect of Work Stress on Employee Performance at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali
This research shows that work stress has a negative and significant effect on employee
performance at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali. This is evidenced by the results of the t-test for the
work stress variable with a value of -tcal < -ttable which is -7.841 < -1.981 and a significance value of
< α = 0.001 < 0.05. The β value of work stress is -0.496, which means that if work stress (X) increases
by one unit, while other variables remain constant, then employee performance will decrease. The
results of this study show that the level of stress that employees have will have an impact on employee
performance. This is because if an employee has a low level of stress at work, the resulting
performance will increase (Syaputra & Kusuma, 2022). Likewise vice versa, employees who have a high
level of stress will certainly have a bad impact on their performance results for the company.
Therefore, the level of employee stress needs to be considered by the company through the workload
provided to match the employee's ability, and the company has a comfortable work environment
(Sommovigo et al., 2019).
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2205
The results of this study indicate that work stress has a negative and significant effect on
employee performance at Holiday Inn Resort Baruna Bali. These results are in accordance with the
theory of organizational behavior expressed by Robbins and Judge (2018), which states that high
work stress can interfere with employees' cognitive and emotional functions, thereby reducing
productivity and quality of performance. In addition, these findings also support the theory of Luthans
(2012) which explains that poorly managed stress can reduce motivation and job satisfaction, which
ultimately has an adverse impact on individual performance.
This research is also in line with studies by Lukito & Alirani (2019) and research Sugiarto &
Nanda (2020), which found that increased job stress will reduce employee performance. This negative
correlation confirms that psychological stress factors, such as excessive workload and an
unsupportive work environment, can worsen employee outcomes. In the context of Holiday Inn
Resort Baruna Bali, this can be seen from the t-test value of the work stress variable (-tcal < -table i.e.
-7.841 < -1.981) with a significance value of 0.001 which is smaller than α = 0.05, indicating that an
increase of one unit of work stress will lead to a decrease in employee performance by 0.496 units.
Furthermore, the coefficient of determination (R² = 0.363) indicates that 36.3% of the variation
in employee performance can be explained by the work stress variable, while the remaining 63.7% is
influenced by other variables not used in this study. This is in line with the view that job stress is not
the only factor that affects performance, but it is still a major factor that needs to be managed by
Thus, the results of this study highlight the importance of effective stress management to
improve employee performance, especially in the hospitality industry which is known to have high
work pressure. Stress management through intervention strategies such as stress management
training, work environment improvements, and balanced workload arrangements can be an effective
solution in this context.
Based on the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that work stress negatively and
significantly impacts employee performance. An increase of one unit in work stress (X), while holding
other variables constant, leads to a decline in employee performance. Overall, the problem statement
has been addressed in line with the proposed hypothesis, confirming that work stress has a negative
and significant influence on employee performance. The practical implication of these findings is the
need for the development of stress management programs, such as stress management training, more
balanced workload arrangements, and increased social support in the work environment. In addition,
the policy implication is the importance of companies in the hospitality sector to strengthen mental
health policies and create a conducive work environment in order to retain happier and more
productive employees, which ultimately contributes to improved service quality and customer
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2206
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