Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024
E-ISSN:2723 – 6692
P-ISSN:2723– 6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2185
Post-Retirement Career Development Strategy for Civil Servants
in the Ministry of Transportation in East Java Province: Analysis
and Implementation
Sukanti Swastikawati, Sri Utami Ady
Universitas DR Soetomo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Corespondence: [email protected]
Civil Servants, Retirement,
Development, Concrete Steps
Many civil servants in the Ministry of Transportation face challenges
in determining their career direction after retirement. The lack of
preparation and post-retirement career plans can become a
problem that needs to be addressed. This study aims to identify and
analyze post-retirement career development strategies for Civil
Servants (PNS) at the Ministry of Transportation in East Java
Province, as well as their implementation in improving the welfare
and satisfaction of civil servants after retirement. The method used
was an observational research design with a cross-sectional
approach, collecting data through surveys and interviews from civil
servants who are about to retire or have retired. The study revealed
that strategies such as skills development, mentoring, and
entrepreneurship programs have a significant positive impact on
civil servants' retirement readiness and quality of life. The findings
contribute to the human resource management literature and offer
practical guidance for government agencies in supporting civil
servants' career transition post-retirement.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Experts are of the view that to be able to face and adjust to retirement well, it is necessary to
have a positive attitude towards retirement and also good retirement planning (Lim, 2003). Many
civil servants in the Ministry of Transportation face challenges in determining their career direction
after retirement. Lack of preparation and career planning after retirement can be a problem that
needs to be addressed—civil servants who have accumulated experience and competence over the
years. However, not all civil servants can optimally utilise these potentials and competencies after
retirement. According to Hurlock (1993) in (Fardila et al., 2014) retirement is an event of
relinquishment of tenure or employment. Attitudes towards retirement can be defined as a person's
preferences, desires, or beliefs related to the retirement process, while retirement planning can be
defined as actions or procedures that a person has related to various specific issues in retirement
(Turner, 1989). In this case, adequate post-retirement career development strategies and programs
are required to ensure career continuity and well-being after retirement.
As a government agency responsible for transportation and transportation in Indonesia, the
Ministry of Transportation needs to consider a post-retirement career development strategy for civil
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2186
servants as part of efforts to improve the quality of human resources in the sector. In addition,
changing global trends related to the utilisation of senior labour and demographic changes in
Indonesia show the importance of civil servants paying attention to post-retirement careers as part
of a human resource management strategy. Retirement planning is also considered to be the thing
that determines a person's success in adapting to retirement in the future. However, in reality, few
people do retirement planning because they are too busy with their current job, unable to, or even
unwilling to make future plans (Adams & Rau, 2011).
Based on research conducted by Anggraini (2000) in (Wardoyo & Mujiasih, 2015) on civil
servants in Lahat Regency, South Sumatra, the results were obtained that as many as 64% of civil
servants experience anxiety when facing retirement. Based on research by Wulandari & Lestari
(2018) on civil servants in Badung Regency, a person with a high income will tend to experience
anxiety when facing a period of retirement due to a decrease in income or income, one of which is the
loss of benefits obtained while still working. Civil servants who retire will experience a decrease in
income, by 80-85%. From some of the existing literature, it is necessary to take concrete steps in
preparing for retirement. Therefore, this research has the purpose of being a reference to prepare
civil servants for retirement. In addition, this research aims to improve the welfare and satisfaction
of civil servants of the Ministry of Transportation by providing post-retirement career development
strategies that can help them plan their retirement better and optimise their potential after
retirement. Improving their skills, knowledge, and competencies after retirement is essential so that
they can move on to careers matching their interests and talents. Sutarto and Cokro (2013) explained
that retirement readiness is a process of action taken by employees from the beginning in preparation
to face retirement, namely by paying attention to financial, physical and mental readiness. Factors
that affect retirement readiness are internal or external factors such as psychological and external
factors such as social support and financial ability.
There are several factors that help a person to be able to adjust to the demands of retirement
well, namely personal, social, and financial factors (Szinovacz, 2003). The availability of these factors
not only affects their ability to adjust to retirement, but also affects their attitudes toward retirement
(Reitzes & Mutran, 2006), quality of life (Alvarenga et al., 2009), and their well-being after retirement
(Kubicek et al., 2011). Research on post-retirement career development strategies for Civil Servants
(PNS) at the Ministry of Transportation in East Java Province is a very relevant effort considering the
importance of a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by civil servants in
managing the transition from active work life to retirement. Therefore, this study aims to not only
identify various strategies that can be applied to support the post-retirement career development of
civil servants in the transportation sector but also to implement these strategies in a real context so
that they can have a significant positive impact on civil servants who will enter the retirement phase.
Sutarto and Cokro (2013) also explained the aspects that need to be considered in preparing
for retirement, including:
1. Financial material readiness includes financial preparation, financial management readiness,
and legal efforts to meet future needs. Financial readiness is one of the components, but it is
important to pay attention to it when a person retires. A study conducted by Aschwanden
(2019) stated that one-third of higher education employees are dissatisfied with their current
financial condition in preparing for retirement.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2187
2. Physical readiness, including fitness preparation through fitness programs, is important for
maintaining the physical health of a person who has entered retirement age. Physical health is
important to prepare for retirement because the elderly are more susceptible to health
problems than young people, and health facilities and services need to be significantly
improved (Naruetharadhol et al., 2021).
3. Psychological readiness to enter retirement: People's emotions are easily changed by adapting
and transitioning to retirement. In addition, it is important to live in retirement, one of which
is to maintain social relationships and support from family. Compared to workers, retirees tend
to experience depression due to greater loneliness, lower life satisfaction and happiness, less
positive views on retirement and lower activity levels (Wetzel et al., 2016).
From the analysis results, this study identifies various strategies that can be applied to support
post-retirement career development for civil servants in the transportation sector. These strategies
include several important aspects that can assist civil servants in managing their transition to
retirement and improving their quality of life after retirement. One of the key strategies identified is
training and skills development programs. The program is designed to help civil servants update and
improve their skills according to the changing needs of the job market. Thus, civil servants will be
better prepared to be involved in various post-retirement activities, such as entrepreneurship or
being involved in social projects that benefit the community (Ramadhani et al., 2024).
In addition to training programs, mentoring and counselling programs are important strategies.
The program aims to provide emotional and professional support to civil servants during the
transition period to retirement and during retirement. Through this program, civil servants can get
guidance and advice from others who have experienced retirement or from professionals who are
experienced in certain fields. Mentoring and counselling can help civil servants overcome their
worries and uncertainties about retirement and help them plan and achieve their post-retirement
In addition, the entrepreneurship development strategy is also the main focus in efforts to
support post-retirement career development for civil servants in the transportation sector. This is in
accordance with research conducted by Widyawati (2021) many people experience problems in self-
management and financial stability. This program aims to encourage civil servants to become
entrepreneurs after retirement. Civil servants can learn the skills necessary to start and manage their
own businesses through training and mentoring. By becoming entrepreneurs, civil servants can
remain economically and socially active after retirement and generate additional income to meet
their needs. Research conducted by Prasojo (2011) on employees of the Ministry of Religion of
Banjarnegara district on employees who have more than two children and are the only family support
experiencing high anxiety in the physiological, psychological and motor categories in facing their
retirement. Furthermore, another study identified eight factors related to attitudes toward
retirement: income level, marital status, expectations for retirement, retirement planning,
anticipation of retirement, self-competence, self-esteem, and depression (Mutran et al., 1997).
Furthermore, developing strong networks and connections is important as part of a post-
retirement career development strategy for civil servants. The program is designed to help civil
servants expand their professional and social networks, both during their working life and after
retirement. Civil servants can gain useful information and resources for their post-retirement career
development by building strong relationships with fellow professionals and local communities. In
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2188
addition, through a strong network, civil servants can find job opportunities, collaborative projects,
and social support that can improve their quality of life after retirement.
The novelty of this study lies in its focus on identifying and analyzing specific post-retirement
career development strategies for Civil Servants (PNS) at the Ministry of Transportation in East Java
Province, which has not been widely studied before. While previous studies have discussed the
importance of retirement planning in general (Lim, 2003; (Adams & Rau, 2011), this research offers
a new contribution by exploring practical strategies that can be implemented by government
agencies, such as skills training, mentoring programs, and entrepreneurial development, to support
civil servants in facing retirement. The study also emphasizes the need for a holistic approach that
integrates economic, social, and psychological well-being aspects, providing more comprehensive
guidance for government policies in effectively managing the retirement transition. In addition, this
study adds new empirical evidence regarding the positive impact of these strategies on the quality of
life of post-retirement civil servants in the context of Indonesia's culture and policies, which has not
been widely explored in the previous literature.
Finally, in order to implement these various strategies, a structured pension program is also
needed. This program aims to provide guidance and support to civil servants in planning and
managing their retirement properly. The program includes information sessions on various aspects
of retirement, from financial management to health and wellness. By better understanding what to
expect during retirement and how to manage different aspects of life after retirement.
Materials and Methods
This study uses a research design observational research designs or cross-section studies to
collect data from civil servants who are retiring or have retired. The population in the study on post-
retirement career development strategies for civil servants is all who are about to enter the
retirement phase or have retired. This population can include various age groups, education levels,
positions, and work experience in various government agencies of the Ministry of Transportation in
East Java Province. The samples taken in this study can be simple random samples, cascading random
samples, or purposive samples, depending on the purpose and scope of the study. Examples of
samples that can be taken are civil servants who will retire soon, civil servants who have retired in a
certain period, or civil servants with certain characteristics relevant to the research topic.
The sampling method that can be used is a stratification technique based on factors such as age,
position, education, and length of service to ensure a better representation of the population studied.
In addition, purposive techniques can also be used to select samples with characteristics relevant to
the research objectives.
Results and Discussions
Respondents in this study were randomly selected from civil servants within the Ministry of
Transportation in East Java Province. The selection of respondents has no age limits, career spans, or
positions during their time as civil servants. Data collection uses a survey conducted with interviews
which are then processed and concluded. From the data collected, it can be concluded that civil
servants within the Ministry of Transportation prepare several options to welcome their retirement
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2189
to face the retirement period. Some of the choices they made were based on several considerations,
such as the respondent's hobbies, passions and personal desires.
Previous research on attitudes toward retirement has found that attitudes toward retirement
are one of the factors that determine how successful a person's adaptation and well-being are (Shultz
& Wang, 2011). According to Schneiders (1964), individuals who are able to adjust well to the coming
of retirement are shown by the absence of excessive emotions, the absence of psychological
mechanisms, the absence of personal frustration, rational judgment and self-direction, the ability to
learn, be able to take advantage of past experiences and have a realistic and objective attitude
One of the choices they take to face retirement is to raise livestock. The livestock choices that
respondents chose included raising chickens, goats and cows. According to respondents, by raising
livestock, they have a busy life after entering retirement. In raising livestock, they have life savings
and sudden savings that can be used anytime if there is an urgent need. In raising livestock, the
respondents do not need to spend extra energy and thought, and the choice of raising livestock they
choose is to find busyness and productivity during retirement.
The next option in facing the retirement of civil servants of the Ministry of Transportation in
East Java Province is to open a business. The business they opened has been pioneered since the
respondents were still active in the service. Respondents opened businesses to increase their income
and prepare for retirement. The businesses chosen by the respondents are varied, such as opening
food stalls, grocery stores, furniture, etc. Some respondents who have a business feel that they have
a passion for this field, which motivates them to start a business. There were also several former
secretary generals in transportation who built businesses in the transportation sector and there were
also those who focused on the business field of contractors.
Furthermore, in facing the retirement of civil servants, respondents choose to continue their
careers in the government environment. Respondents choose to follow political party organisations
or organisations under the ministry from these choices. By participating in these organisations,
respondents choose to remain active in their careers even though they have entered retirement.
According to the respondents, there are no limits to doing service even though they have entered
retirement. Several former directors general in sea transportation also have a career by moving into
functional positions and sharing their knowledge by becoming lecturers at official state universities.
In addition, a small number of the remaining respondents chose to join organisations and be active in
the religious field. They follow the organisation around the home environment and play an active role
in religious organisations. In this case, not all retired civil servants have the competence to advance
their careers after retirement; some former officials within the Ministry of Transportation are
unemployed at home because they do not have other skills that can be used after retirement. This is
an important concern for relevant stakeholders to help prepare civil servants to be able to adapt to
their new life after retiring from civil servant duties.
The results of this study reveal the preparation and retirement plan for Civil Servants (PNS) at
the Ministry of Transportation of East Java Province. This research shows that post-retirement career
development strategies, such as skills training, mentoring, and entrepreneurship, are effective in
improving the retirement readiness and quality of life of civil servants in the Ministry of
Transportation. It is recommended that government agencies expand these support programs and
consider more comprehensive policies to support a successful retirement transition. A limitation of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2190
this study is that the geographical coverage is limited to one province, so further research is needed
to explore the effectiveness of these strategies in different contexts.
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