e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 9, September 2024 2180
Technical and vocational education should be open to all, and higher education should be accessible
similarly to all, based on merit." Engaging in underage marriage as it happens is not entirely justified.
In addition to taking away the rights of the child, it also takes away the future from the child himself.
With this action, it is necessary to prevent and improve in the future. Everyone's rights have been
regulated in one's own country and the international world.
Efforts to prevent and handle child marriage at an early age can be carried out in 3 ways as
explained as follows: first, socialization. In order to prevent this, of course, socialization is one of the
efforts where through socialization, we can inform the public and provide knowledge about what
impacts will arise if we marry early, especially those who are minors. Socialization is not only carried
out by collecting crowd halalak but can also be done through social media. Second, quality
improvement. Improving self-quality can be done through education. The importance of education
related to child marriage in Indonesia itself is felt to be lacking. Therefore, education is a step that can
be an intermediary in conveying that information. Third, the role of parents and the community. The
family, especially parents, is the smallest unit in understanding and seeing children's growth and
development. Parent's position is so valuable, especially for a person who is still a minor, especially
for a child under custody. The role of the community cannot be separated from this. The influence of
associations, etiquette, and how to respond and inform minors is very important in providing clear
guidance (Ayuningtyas, 2023; Bahroni et al., 2019).
About the above, based on the principle of customary law outside of the regulation of state law,
the prohibition of a customary marriage cannot be carried out because it is within the scope of
kinship, degree discrepancy, and religious discrepancy. Marriages carried out by a person under the
minimum age category are not in the prohibition of customary law that was previously proposed. This
informs that marriages categorized under the minimum age can be carried out in the customary law
space that still recognizes it.
4. Perspective of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence
Marriage carried out by a child is caused by special reasons so that it is carried out, causing
many controversies, especially in laws and regulations, as explained and described above, namely the
Marriage Law, the Child Protection Law, the Law on Sexual Harassment, and the Human Rights Law
and social reasons that on the other hand, the child cannot get married based on age reasons, health,
and an unattained future (Permana & Wijayanti, 2022).
Law Number 12 of 2020 regulates the Prevention of all forms of Sexual Violence; Handling,
Protection, and Restoration of Victims' Rights; coordination between the Central Government and
Regional Governments; and international cooperation so that the Prevention and Handling of Victims
of Sexual Violence can be carried out effectively. In addition, community involvement in the
Prevention and Recovery of Victims is also regulated in order to realize environmental conditions
that are free from sexual violence.
Marriage carried out by a child, from the perspective of this law, states that the marriage should
never be carried out for any reason because the child is not an object. Children are still not able to
take responsibility or carry out responsibilities, and so on, marriages carried out by children should
be prevented and not carried out to protect the interests of children and their future. So, according to
the author, some laws and regulations strictly prohibit marriage against children. However, marriage