Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2104
Word Meaning Relations;
Editorial; Sindo Newspaper
News in the form of editorial texts or headlines in the Sindo
Newspaper on semantic meaning relations. This study aims to
describe the variety of word-meaning relationships in the editorial
text of the April 2023 edition of the Sindo Newspaper. This study
uses a descriptive qualitative method with text analysis research.
The data of this study are words and phrases in sentences in the
headline that show the relationship of meaning. The words and
phrases in question are the words and phrases contained in the
news content. The data source for this research is the headline in the
April 2023 edition of the online-based Sindo Newspaper. The data
collection technique in this study uses documentation and literature
study techniques. Based on data analysis, various word-meaning
relationships were obtained in the form of synonyms, antonyms,
hyponyms, hyponyms, economies, metonyms, polysemia,
collocation, and redaction.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Mass media's important role is in increasing literacy at the individual, community, and state
institution levels to build collective awareness. News media serve as both a forum and tool for mass
communication, embodying the principle of openness. In the digital era, which is so fast in conveying
information. Information is rampant, and maintaining the credibility of the mass media is becoming
an increasingly difficult challenge (Pickard, 2019).
The type of news referred to in this study is editorial text. Editorial text is also called headline.
According to Kosasih (2014), the headline is a text in mass media that expresses the views of the
media concerned with the problems that exist in societyagreeing with Djuroto's statement (2002,
p 7) in (Firmstone, 2019; Rafiq, 2016) that the headline is the attitude, view, or opinion of the
publisher towards the issues that are being discussed by the public. Editorial text is written as facts
and opinions by newspaper publishers and media editors. Editorial text is a series of sentences or
paragraphs that respond to events or phenomena happening in society more wisely, objectively, and
Word Meaning Relations in Sindo Newspaper Editorial Text
Diah Zuikaningsih, Prihadi, Teguh Setiawan
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: diahzuikaningsih.2022@student.uny.ac.id, [email protected], te[email protected]c.id
Correspondence: diahzuikaningsih.20[email protected].ac.id
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2105
logically. Discussions with the latest themes, hot news, and viral that are being highlighted by the
public. Writings that contain responses and attitudes from media editors are called headlines. The
creation of editorial articles in various mass media aims to respond to essential issues circulating in
the community, inviting readers, exposing the material to be discussed, helping readers better
understand the current situation, and providing constructive opinions and suggestions.
Halliday and Hasan (in Mulyana, 2004, p 31) (Mandia, 2017) stated that the structure of
discourse is not something related to syntax but a semantic structure, namely sentence semantics that
contains propositions. So, a set of sentences in discourse can be considered if they have a meaningful
relationship between one sentence and another. Given the importance of the relationship of meaning
contained in discourse, this study chooses an online-based Sindo Newspaper, especially editorial texts
or headlines, as a source of research data. The reason for choosing Koran Sindo as a data source is
that the daily newspaper published in Jakarta was first published on June 29, 2005. "Sindo" stands for
the name of the previous news program on RCTI, namely Seputar Indonesia, according to a report
issued by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and the University of Oxford in 2021. Koran
Sindo is the most trusted media by the public, with a trust score of 9%. The distribution target of
Koran Sindo is significant cities throughout Indonesia, and it has the processing of 336,000 readers
newspapers with affordable and cheap prices for local people and easily accessible to online media.
Meaning relations or meaning relationships are the relationship of meaning between one form
of language and another. The relationship of meaning in the concept of discourse has a position
similar to coherence. According to Tarigan (2009), coherence also contains the meaning of
'relationship' of the meaning or content of a sentence. In written discourse, the meaning between
sentences of a paragraph will be solid and can be conveyed well if they are interconnected.
In the literature review found by the author, several studies of semantic relations focus on inter-
ideas in the headline, such as research by Habibi & Martutik (2019) titled "Meaning Relations between
Ideas in the Headline of Kompas Daily Articles." The research discusses the variety and principles of
meaning relationships between ideas contained in the January 2019 edition of the Kompas daily
headline. In addition, a study on song lyrics by Herman Wijaya and Laila Sufi Wartini (2019) entitled
"Relation of Meaning in the Lyrics of the Song of Struggle Nahdatul Wathan by TGKH. M. Zainuddin
Abdul Majid (Semantic Studies)." Furthermore, a study of semantic relations that focuses on the
speeches of public officials, namely the minister of education by Semantics Nico Harared and Irfan
Hadi (2021) entitled "The Narrative of Nadiem Makarim's Speech on National Teacher's Day 2019: A
Study of Relations". In this study, the author will provide something different. The author will discuss
the study of semantic relations in editorial texts or headlines in the Sindo Newspaper.
In addition, previous research has also found forms of meaningful relationships. The meaning
relations in question are meaning relations between clauses in sentences, meaning relations between
sentences, and meaning relations between sentences. In this study, the researcher focuses on the
meaning relationship between sentences in this research paragraph, called the meaning relationship.
Therefore, this research can be more focused on a narrower level. I also look for various meaningful
relationships in the headlines of Sindo's daily articles.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2106
2. Materials and Methods
This research project aims to describe the variations and principles of word meaning relations
in the Koran Sindo headlines. In alignment with this objective, the subjects to be described are the
variations of word-meaning relations and the principles of word-meaning relations in Sindo's daily
headlines. Accordingly, this research employs a descriptive qualitative approach and methodology.
The rationale for employing a qualitative approach is as follows: (1) The researcher serves as a
primary instrument for data collection and analysis through document study, examining the nuances
of word meanings, phrases, and clauses in Koran Sindo headlines; (2) The data set for this research
comprises words and/or phrases within sentences in headlines, illustrating meaning relationships;
(3) The data source for this research is the April 2023 online edition of Koran Sindo headlines. This
type of research is text analysis, which emphasizes the analysis of written materials such as books,
online newspapers, articles, and the like. The data collection techniques employed in this study were
documentation and literature study. According to Sukmadinata (2010, p. 221) (Fitriya & Latif, 2022), a
documentary study represents a data collection technique. In contrast, a literature study constitutes
data collection involving reading, recording, and managing research materials. The data analysis
method utilized in this research was a flow model comprising the stages of data collection, data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
3. Result and Discussion
The discussion in this study was carried out concurrently and pertained to the relationship of
meaning, including antonyms, synonyms, polysemes, hyponyms/hyponyms, and redundancy. This
discussion was based on an analysis of a specific newspaper article, "KPK Internal Noise in the Middle
of the RAT Case," by Bastian and published in the Sindo Newspaper on April 12, 2023. The research
yielded several findings regarding the meaning relationships and theoretical alignments embedded
within the selected words, phrases, and clauses. The author selected the editorial text or headline for
analysis due to its significance in the linguistic landscape, particularly within the context of politics.
Consequently, a comprehensive investigation into its semantic aspects is imperative. The ensuing
section presents the study's findings on the semantic relationships embedded within the news article
published on April 12, 2023, in the Sindo Newspaper.
1. Synonyms
In the editorial text in the Sindo Newspaper, the researcher found 5 data with the same
meaning or synonym. Data (1) is found in the first sentence, namely the word [noise], which
means fight, and in the third sentence, namely the word [chaos], which means noise. The word
[noise] in the 1st sentence has a basic word, namely [rowdy], which means riot; the words
[rowdy] and [riot] have the same meaning because the word means riot due to a fight. Data (2)
is found in the 3rd sentence [anti-corruption agency] and the 1st sentence [KPK scope], which
can be interpreted as the same anti-corruption institution or agency. Data (3) is found in the 4th
sentence and 3rd sentence, namely in the words [controversy] and [conflict]. The words
[controversy] and [conflict] have the same meaning, which is a form of contentious activity. Then
the data (4) is found in the 32nd sentence, namely the words [stamina] and [strength]. The data
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2107
has the same meaning: a person's endurance and physical energy at work. Data (5) is found in
the 16th sentence of the word [chairman], which is synonymous with [leader].
2. Antonym
Several words are opposite or antonymous in the title of the Sindo article above, namely
(1) found in the 3rd sentence. The word [weakening] means to do weakening, and the antonym
relationship is found in the 28th sentence, meaning sleep, while the word [strength] means
energy. Data (2) of the words [pro] and [con] are reflected in the 24th sentence, which has
antonyms; the meaning relationship between two words with antonyms is two-way. Data (3) is
found in the 25th sentence of the word [direct] antonym with [indirect]. Data (4) is found in
sentence (21) in the word [complete] anonymized with [stalled]. Data (5) is found in the 22nd
sentence of the word [conducive] with antonyms [not conducive].
Uniformity has a uniform root word that means the same, and diversity, which has a
diverse root word that means not the same and is assorted, are also antonyms. Other data, such
as today and tomorrow, start with those with the initial root word and end with the final root
3. Hyponyms and Hypnosis
Suppose the relationship between antonyms and synonyms is a two-way relationship. In
that case, the relationship between hyponyms and hypnosis is unidirectional, as seen in the
editorial below: in the 3rd and 4th sentences, the word [public] means the public (public) and
[attention]. Thus, the word [public] in the 3rd above is hypnotized with the word [attention] in
the 12th sentence, but the word [attention] is not hypotonic to the word [public] because the
word [public] encompasses the whole. The word [public] includes; public attention, public
spaces, etc. So, if the word [attention] is hypotonic to the word [public], then the word [public] is
hypothetical to public attention, public space, etc. The next data in the 3rd and 22nd sentences is
on the words [conflict], [chaos], [circles], [anger] with the word [internal].
In the 12th sentence, namely;
It even has the potential to become more violent than lizard vs crocodile conflicts in the past.
The hypnotic of the word [reptile] to the hyponym [crocodile] and the word [lizard]. Both
words include hyponyms and hyponyms. In the sentence above, using the words [crocodile] and
[lizard] in the lexical meaning is a type of animal. However, in the discourse of the Sindo
Newspaper, it is identified metaphorically and sarcastically the behavior of the officials involved
in the case is associated with animal behavior.
4. Polisemi
Data that has more than one meaning (polysemia) in the newspaper above is found in the
15th and 16th sentences, namely the word [removed] as in the quote below:
Endar was removed because his term of service from the National Police ended on March 31,
The word [removed] above means to be dismissed, which in its true meaning is to be
released or revoked. The bond that is released (1) is the actual meaning or that corresponds to
the reference or also the lexical meaning of the word [remove] itself. Then dismissed from his
position and not fired (2) is a meaning that develops into a separate meaning to declare a
position. In addition to the word [removed] above, the words [explode], [hunt] and [puddle] are
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2108
found in sentences (4) and (25). Exploding means making a very loud sound (KBBI). Hunting
means looking for or chasing animals. Pubaran means clear, colorless, and odorless liquid (KBBI).
It is found in the 7th sentence with the word [megascandal] and the word [superjumpo]. The data
in the 28th sentence of the word [chole], the word [perjeckokolan], and the 31st sentence in the
word [hands]. The use of the word has more than one meaning intended in the context of the
headline. The sentences that include polysemia are
There is a smell of a hidden mission behind Brigadier General ENdar's removal, which means
that Frili is now directly facing the institution of the National Police.
The KPK can "gaspol" overcome the black fog behind the RAT case, which will be difficult
to fulfill.
but now they are held hostage by internal conflicts, which will be a blessing for those
unhappy when the KPK opens the veil behind the RAT case.
Alternatively, rather, this is part of an effort by invisible hands to obscure the direction of the
completion of the Rp349 trillion mega scandal...
5. Meronym
Meronym is a relationship between the meaning of inclusiveness and the meaning of a part
of the whole. In this study, data showed the category of meronymies, which means relationships.
Based on this data, the relationship of meaning found in the April 2023 edition of Koran Sindo is
an integral part of the whole, has a functional motivation, and has a conformity that includes
phases and types. The data on the meaning relationship in the 6th and 8th sentences include the
meaning relationship of the functional motivational part. In this data, the word criminal is a
consonant of the law, LAW: CRIMINAL. In addition to criminal, there is also civil, so the law is a
superordinate of criminal and civil, LAW: CRIMINAL, CIVIL. Functional motivation is important
for parts with vague and inseparable characteristics (Djajasudarma, 2016, p. 122; González Rey,
The word criminal refers to a part of the law that Habibihat handles in criminal cases, such
as corruption, murder, etc. Based on the data in the sentence, the Ministry of Finance
environment is postponing the investigation of alleged criminal law violators, even though the
delay can be detrimental to the community.
6. Metonymy
Metonymy, according to Suparto (2015), is a form of symbolic expression used by language
speakers in their everyday language. This is related to using a lingual unit to refer to other things
as a reference. Metonymy is considered similar to hyponymy; that is, both have a hierarchical
meaning relationship. However, the methodology does not imply unidirectional involvement.
The meaning of the relationship here can be analogized, such as "A is part of B." An example of
metonymy can be found in washing as a cleaning activity; money means a means of payment
Metonymy, according to Suparto (2015), is a form of symbolic expression often used by
language speakers in their everyday language. This is related to using a lingual unit to refer to
other things as a reference. One example of such a methodology can be seen in its use. The word
case investigator can be associated with a KPK investigator. The word law enforcement is a
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2109
symbol of the police and prosecutors. From this illustration, it appears that the metonymic
expression is referential.
7. Collocation
According to Hartono in Anggraeni (2018), collocation is elements that have the same
semantic network and appear regularly in a discourse. Collocation, as a combination of several
words based on an unwritten agreement, becomes a match. The combination of these words can
be verbs (KK) + nouns (KB), nouns (KB) + nouns (KB), nouns (KB) + adjectives (KS) and so on.
The data contained in the Sindo Newspaper for the word collocation is the leak of documents.
Leakage refers to a perforated roof used in an activity, such as leaking questions, documents, and
funds. In addition, in the 11th and 13th sentences, the words masa are used along with the words
past, the period of duty, and the future. The word masa means time, when, and whensaid the
residents side by side. Integrity always goes hand in hand with high. Said the people side by side
with corruptors.
8. Redudansi
The term redundancy or excessive meaning in the headline of the Sindo Newspaper above
is found in the 2nd sentence, namely: "What happened? Is this all part of the scenario?..." The
word [what or whether] in the sentence is considered an exaggerated word because even if the
word [what] is omitted, it will not change the headline's meaning.
4. Conclusion
Based on the findings and discussions that have been submitted, it can be concluded that the
use of meaning relations in the headline of the Sindo Newspaper, at the semantic level, the apparent
meaning relations are the use of synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, hyponyms, metonyms,
polynomials, meronyms, collocations and reductions. It can be said that the title of this article was
conveyed with the same intention and purpose. The title of the Sindo Newspaper also contains the
use of certain meaning relationships. Based on the data obtained, the headline uses eight semantic
relations types: synonymy, antonymy, metonymy, polysemy, hyponymy, hyponym, meronym, reduce,
and collocation. The existence of this writing can give the view that semantic enrichment is important
for meaning in an editorial text. It is hoped that there will be many similar studies with different
objects and data in the future to make semantic research more prosperous.
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