Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2131
Social impact; Corporate
Profitability; Strategy
This research examines the relationship between social impact and
corporate profitability in the context of GoTo, Indonesia's largest
technology conglomerate. This study analyzes GoTo's
transformation from a simple ojek service to a comprehensive
digital ecosystem, as well as its role during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Using quantitative and qualitative mixed methods, this study
investigates changes in consumer behavior, GoTo's economic
contributions, and post-IPO challenges. Key findings show a
significant increase in GoTo's service usage during the pandemic,
with annual contributions reaching 1.6% of Indonesia's GDP.
However, GoTo's pursuit of profitability post-IPO faces market
volatility and regulatory scrutiny, particularly regarding driver-
partner welfare. This research highlights the complexity of
balancing social missions with the demands of profitability in the gig
economy, emphasizing the importance of a holistic approach to
sustainable growth that considers the interests of all stakeholders.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
GoTo began its activities as an Ojek-based transport service company in 2010. In that period,
GoTo, which was then still known as GoJek, started its activities from 20 ojek and 1 call Centre only
(Almunawar & Anshari, 2022). Only after 5 years did the Gojek application be completed, and an
increase in orders was received to 10,000 orders every day. This success also made them successful
in getting Series funding. It didn't take long; Gojek managed to become a Unicorn company a year
later (Cho & Anindya, 2021). In 2021, Gojek made a big breakthrough by merging with the largest e-
commerce company in Indonesia, Tokopedia. The merger of these two companies created the largest
technology company in Indonesia and ensured a "go-to" ecosystem for various daily needs. Today,
GoTo is a multi-service company with products ranging from transportation, logistics, financing,
dining and shopping. The company is also listed on the stock exchange and is one of the largest-value
companies in Indonesia (Foss & Saebi, 2017).
Harmonizing Social Impact and Corporate Success: The Nexus
of GOTO's Contribution to Society and Profitability
Dian Alanudin, Muhammad Miqdad Robbani
Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis, Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: dian.alanudin@jbs.ac.id, miqdad.rabbani@jbs.ac.id
Correspondence: dian.alanudin@jbs.ac.id
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2132
Pandemic Blessings for Gojek and Tokopedia
On 2 March 2020, the Indonesian government announced the first case of Covid-19. It did not
take long for Covid-19 to spread in Indonesia and become a pandemic. At its peak on 31 March 2020,
the Indonesian government declared the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).
This condition then makes the Indonesian people stay home and cannot do activities outside the
home. This condition indirectly increases the potential for digital transactions from the Indonesian
people. Based on a study from the Demographic Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Indonesia, the annual economic contribution of the GoTo ecosystem reached 1.6% of
Indonesia's GDP. This contribution increased from the previous year by 60% and reached 249 trillion
rupiah. In the same study, GoTo said that there were changes in consumption patterns during the
pandemic. GoFood customers, for example, experienced a 65% increase compared to before the
pandemic. Also, 36% of consumers also stated that they used online delivery services more often
(Belk, 2014). On the payment side, GoTo users experienced a 68% increase in the use of GoPay. The
increase also occurred in the use of the PayLater feature with a magnitude of 57% (Goto, 2023).
Figure 1 Driver Partner Support Programme from Consumers
Source: Gojek.com (2020)
Not only does GoTo encourage an increase in the number of application users, but it also
encourages an increase in the welfare of its partners, especially drivers. Based on the same study's
results, more than half of consumers (60%) assisted Gojek partners during the pandemic through
several ways, such as the money tips feature, GoFood order overrides, and the driver treat feature. In
addition to these features, some customers stated they provided cash, food and necessities for driver-
IPO and GoTo Profitability Demands
On 11 April 2022, GoTo was listed on the main board of the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the
first time. The listing followed an offering period from 1 to 7 April 2022. GoTo set the IPO price at IDR
338 per share, offering 46.7 billion new series A shares. Through this sale, GoTo aimed to raise IDR
15.8 trillion. This IPO was reported as the third-largest in Asia and the fifth-largest globally in 2022.
After the IPO, GoTo's stock faced challenges. On its first trading day, GoTo's shares rallied by 18%,
reaching Rp 400 per share. However, on 12 April, GoTo stock entered the red zone, falling by 4.71%.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2133
The downward trend continued, with GoTo shares touching Rp 312 and Rp 300 within one month
after the IPO.
In the following month, GoTo shares again experienced pressure where the price had decreased
to Rp 190. Luckily on 25 May, the price increased again to Rp 304. The stock touched Rp 412 in the
middle of June. But the latest challenge came at the end of November. In that period, GoTo shares
went through a lockup period. Lockup is a condition where shareholders from the pre-IPO period
cannot sell their shares. The lock-up period is implemented to prevent pre-IPO shareholders from
selling their shares and causing the price to fall. In addition, selling shares from pre-IPO shareholders
can make the market perceive that the shares are not profitable enough. During this period, GoTo
shares fell and experienced an auto-reject bottom (ARB) during the week. An auto-reject bottom
(ARB) is a condition where the stock experiences such an extreme decline that the exchange closes
trading for the stock. This is done to prevent market panic over the share price. GoTo itself
experienced a price drop to Rp 107 per share. The peak of GoTo shares had touched Rp 82 per share
(CNBC, 2022).
Figure 2. GoTo Share Price Movement
Source: Trandingview (2023)
After almost two weeks, GoTo stock slowly returned to the upside. However, GoTo stock never
returned to the same level as before. By the end of 2022, GoTo stock had fallen 74.26% from its initial
IPO price, with such a high price drop. GoTo stock has lost its market capitalization from IDR 361.23
trillion to only IDR 103.04 trillion.
Chasing Company Profitability After IPO
In response to the ARB volumes in early December 2022, the IDX invited GoTo executives to
conduct an incidental public expose. Public exposure is an activity where a company announces the
current condition of the company in order to provide confidence to shareholders. The IDX conducted
this public exposure to ease the market's panic over the potential of the stock price decline that has
occurred many times. At the public expose, Patrick Cao, Group President of GoTo, shared some of the
company's priorities. In the public expose document distributed, there are two main commitments
from the GoTo company, namely quality business growth and driving overall efficiency. Both aim to
increase the company's profitability. In an official statement, GoTo President Director Andre Soelistyo
stated his commitment to record positive EBITDA in the fourth quarter of 2023. This commitment
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2134
can be seen in GoTo's financial statements in the first quarter of 2023. Overall, there was a 67%
growth in adjusted EBITDA from last year to IDR -1.6 trillion or -1.1% of gross transaction value.
When looking at gross revenue from GoTo in the quarter this year it reached Rp 5.98 trillion,
up 14% yoy from Rp 5.23 trillion. When viewed in more detail, gross revenue for on-demand services
through Gojek rose 12% to Rp 2.99 trillion. E-commerce gross revenue via Tokopedia rose 21% to Rp
2.26 trillion from Rp 1.87 trillion, and fintech revenue via GoTo Financial (GTF) shot up 25% to Rp
424 billion from Rp 338 billion. In addition to increasing sales, GoTo reduced its net loss by 41% in
the first quarter of 2023 to Rp 3.89 trillion from the net loss for the same period in 2022, worth Rp
6.61 trillion.
Figure 3. Contribution Margin and EBITDA of GoTo in the First Quarter of 2023
Source: GoTo (2023)
To increase profitability, GoTo increases the take rate of each product service provided. The
take rate is the service fee charged by the company to consumers who use the service. As of early
2020, GoTo's on-demand service, Gojek, has a take rate of 20.8% for each service provided.
Meanwhile, Tokopedia has a take rate of 4% for each service provided.
Profitability Trade-Off: Social Mission
To tidy up the issue of online transportation in Indonesia, the Ministry of Transportation of the
Republic of Indonesia also made regulations regarding discounted tariffs from applicator companies
to drivers (Mahalana et al., 2021). This regulation is then contained in the Decree of the Minister of
Transportation No. KP 667/2022 concerning Guidelines for Calculating the Cost of Services for the
Use of Motorbikes Used for the Benefit of the Public by Applications (Delgado Jiménez et al., 2022).
The regulation confirms that the commission fee that application providers can take is 15%. However,
the Ministry of Transportation revised the regulation through the Minister of Transportation Decree
No. 1001/2022. According to the regulations, the deduction allowed by app companies for drivers is
20%. This is set to accommodate the needs of service provider companies such as GoTo. Even so, the
Chairperson of the Indonesian Transport Workers Union (SPAI), Lily Pujiati, said that there are still
many violations of the provisions of the limit on tariff deductions made by application owners.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2135
"Even though it has been set at a maximum of 20%, the application still violates this provision
by making deductions to Ojol drivers of more than 20%. The cuts that burden Jol drivers are in
the range of 22%- 40% in each order."
Chairman of the Online Ojek Driver Association Garda Indonesia, Igun Wicaksono, explained
that the large deductions given by the application provider company have reduced the interest of the
drivers. This does not follow the conditions of the job when it first appeared in 2010 to 2015 when
the income of online Ojek drivers could reach Rp 10 million. In addition to implementing higher
tariffs, massive recruitment conducted by online Ojek companies in 2016 also contributed to the
declining interest of the drivers. They get fewer orders because they have to compete with many other
drivers. Igun also said that this can be caused by the mindset of companies that are focused on profit
and are not concerned with the fate of their drivers. In the news quoted from CNBC Indonesia, GoTo's
President Director, Andre Soelistyo, explained that 50% of Gojek's active drivers do work as part-
timers. According to him, Gojek focuses on providing as many job opportunities as possible, not
permanent jobs.
2. Materials and Methods
This research method employs both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative
approach involves collecting data to measure changes in service usage and its impact on the economy
and profitability of GoTo. In contrast, the qualitative approach aims to gain deep insights from GoTo’s
consumers and employees regarding their experiences and adaptations during the pandemic.
Primary data is obtained through surveys of GoTo service users and in-depth interviews with GoTo
employees. In contrast, secondary data is sourced from study reports by the Demographic Institute
of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, GoTo’s annual reports, media
publications, and the company’s financial data. The research population includes users of GoTo
services in Indonesia (GoRide, GoCar, GoFood, GoPay), with a sample of 500 users randomly selected
for the quantitative survey and 20 users and 10 employees for in-depth interviews. Data collection
techniques include a quantitative survey through online questionnaires to measure service usage
during the pandemic, semi-structured interviews with users and employees to gain deep insights into
their experiences, and secondary data analysis from related reports and publications to understand
GoTo's economic context and impact during the pandemic.
3. Result and Discussion
The COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges globally, yet for GoTo, formerly
GoJek, it also catalyzed significant shifts in consumer behaviour and digital adoption in Indonesia
(Soesilo & Rahman, 2022). The onset of nationwide lockdowns in March 2020 propelled a surge in
digital transactions, transforming GoTo's ecosystem and amplifying its economic contribution. A
study by the Demographic Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia,
revealed a substantial uptick in GoTo's economic impact, with the platform's annual contribution
reaching 1.6% of Indonesia's GDP, a 60% increase from the previous year.
Notably, GoFood experienced a 65% surge in usage, reflecting heightened reliance on online
delivery services. In comparison, GoPay witnessed a 68% increase in utilization, underscoring the
pivotal role of digital payments amidst the pandemic. These shifts in consumer behaviour indicate a
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2136
growing dependence on digital platforms and highlight the essential nature of GoTo's services during
times of crisis.
GoTo's journey towards profitability post-IPO has been marked by volatility and market
challenges. Despite an impressive debut on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, GoTo's stock faced
subsequent fluctuations, experiencing significant share price and market capitalization declines. The
company's commitment to enhancing profitability has been underscored by initiatives to drive
overall efficiency and quality business growth. In public exposure, GoTo executives emphasized
priorities to record positive EBITDA, signalling a strategic focus on financial performance and
shareholder value creation agenda (Demirkan & Spohrer, 2014; Heinze et al., 2016).
GoTo's pursuit of profitability has been accompanied by scrutiny over its social impact and
treatment of partners, particularly ojek drivers. Regulatory interventions to curb tariff deductions
underscore broader concerns over fair compensation and job security for gig workers. Despite efforts
to accommodate drivers through revised regulations, reports of excessive deductions and declining
earnings highlight ongoing challenges in balancing profitability with social responsibility (Chin & Liu,
GoTo's emphasis on providing consumption job consumption opportunities, albeit
predominantly as part-time roles, underscores tensions between profit maximization and worker
welfare in the gig economy landscape. The company's initiatives to drive efficiency and quality growth
are essential for long-term sustainability. However, it must also address the welfare of its gig workers
to ensure a balanced approach to profitability and social responsibility.
Conclusion: Harmonizing Social Impact and Corporate Success
The COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges globally, yet for GoTo, formerly
GoJek, it also catalyzed significant shifts in consumer behaviour and digital adoption in Indonesia
(Zhang & Hayashi, 2020). The onset of nationwide lockdowns in March 2020 propelled a surge in
digital transactions, transforming GoTo's ecosystem and amplifying its economic contribution. A
study by the Demographic Institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia,
revealed a substantial uptick in GoTo's economic impact, with the platform's annual contribution
reaching 1.6% of Indonesia's GDP, a 60% increase from the previous year. Notably, GoFood
experienced a 65% surge in usage, reflecting heightened reliance on online delivery services, while
GoPay witnessed a 68% increase in utilization, underscoring the pivotal role of digital payments
amidst the pandemic. GoTo's journey towards profitability post-IPO has been marked by volatility
and market challenges. Despite an impressive debut on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, GoTo's stock
faced subsequent fluctuations, experiencing significant declines in share price and market
capitalization. The company's commitment to enhancing profitability has been underscored by
initiatives to drive overall efficiency and quality business growth. In a public expose, GoTo executives
emphasized priorities aimed at recording positive EBITDA, signaling a strategic focus on financial
performance and shareholder value creation (Hill et al., 2020). GoTo's pursuit of profitability has been
accompanied by scrutiny over its social impact and treatment of partners, particularly ojek drivers.
Regulatory interventions aimed at curbing tariff deductions underscore broader concerns over fair
compensation and job security for gig workers. Despite efforts to accommodate drivers through
revised regulations, reports of excessive deductions and declining earnings highlight ongoing
challenges in balancing profitability with social responsibility. GoTo's emphasis on providing job
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2137
opportunities, albeit predominantly as part-time roles, underscores tensions between profit
maximization and worker welfare in the gig economy landscape.
4. Conclusion
GoTo's journey exemplifies the delicate balance between social impact and profitability in the
tech sector. While the company played a crucial role in Indonesia's digital transformation during the
COVID-19 pandemic, it now faces challenges reconciling profit goals with social responsibilities. As
GoTo evolves, addressing fair compensation, job security, and regulatory compliance for gig workers
will be vital for sustainable growth. The company must skillfully navigate these challenges to maintain
its leadership in Indonesia's digital economy while upholding its social mission and ensuring long-
term viability.
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