Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1994
Social Assistance; Economic
Impact; Social Impact;
Distribution of Aid;
Bendaroto Village; Program
This research aims to evaluate the impact of social assistance on the
community in Bendaroto Village, Munjungan District, Trenggalek
Regency. The focus of this research is to understand the type of
social assistance received, the economic and social impacts felt by
the community, and the problems faced during the implementation
of the program, Such problems include administrative issues and
inequities in disbursement that result in delays in aid disbursement,
which reduces aid effectiveness and hampers financial planning. The
research methods used include surveys and interviews. The survey
results showed that the majority of respondents received direct cash
assistance (BLT) and food assistance, with 60% reporting an
increase in purchasing power and 45% experiencing an increase in
food consumption. Significant social impacts were also seen from
the reduction of financial burden for 70% of respondents and the
increase in productive motivation for 50% of respondents. However,
significant problems were also identified, such as uneven
distribution of aid (55%), delays in distribution (60%), and lack of
information regarding aid (45%). These findings show that although
social assistance contributes positively to economic and social well-
being, there are weaknesses in implementation that need to be
improved. Recommendations to increase the effectiveness of social
assistance include improvements in the distribution system,
increased transparency, and better counseling on the use of
assistance. This research provides important insights for the
development of social assistance policies that are more effective and
responsive to the needs of the community.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Social assistance is an important instrument in the government's efforts to improve the welfare
of the community, especially those in difficult economic conditions. Social assistance not only
provides direct assistance in the form of cash, food, and housing, but also includes indirect assistance
The Impact of Social Assistance on The Community In
Bendoroto Village, Munjungan Sub-District, Trenggalek District
Dedi Widiyanto, M. Agus Syukron, Lita Juniati
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Waskita Dharma, Malang, Indonesia
Email: fafawidiyanto@gmail.com
Correspondence: fafawidiy[email protected]
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1995
such as skills training and education. Through these various forms of assistance, the government
seeks to reduce social and economic disparities and improve the quality of life of disadvantaged
people (Rahman, 2017; Syaprianto & Herman, 2023).
In Indonesia, social assistance programs have become one of the main pillars of social
development policy. Programs such as the Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance
(BPNT), and Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) have been launched to help the poor and vulnerable. These
programs are designed to provide targeted and sustainable assistance, with the hope of having a
significant positive impact on the welfare of the recipient community (Dwita et al., 2023; Hanna &
Karlan, 2017).
Bendoroto Village, which is located in Munjungan District, Trenggalek Regency is one of the
villages that has received attention in the social assistance program. The village has economic
characteristics that are largely dependent on the agricultural and fishing sectors, with relatively low
income levels. This condition makes many families in Bendoroto Village meet the criteria for receiving
social assistance. Therefore, understanding the impact of social assistance in these villages is very
important to evaluate the effectiveness of existing programs and formulate better policies in the
future (Savitri & Putra, 2021).
This study aims to determine the impact of social assistance on the community in Bendaroto
Village. The focus of this research is to identify how social assistance has affected the economic, social,
and psychological aspects of the recipient community. Thus, this study not only focuses on the direct
impact of increasing income and economic well-being, but also looks at long-term impacts such as
behavior change, increased skills, and confidence of the recipient community (Youlla et al., 2020).
In the economic context, social assistance is expected to increase people's purchasing power,
reduce poverty, and create better economic opportunities. Cash assistance, for example, can be used
to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, and education, so that recipient communities can focus
more on productive activities. Food and housing assistance also plays an important role in ensuring
that the basic needs of the community are met, which in turn can improve the overall quality of life
(Sofi, 2021).
From the social side, social assistance can have a significant impact on relationships between
community members. Social assistance that is distributed fairly and transparently can increase the
sense of solidarity and trust between citizens. In addition, training and education programs included
in social assistance can open up new opportunities for communities to improve their skills and
knowledge, which is essential for more sustainable community development (Nurherawati et al.,
2024; Prasetyo et al., 2022; Yessi, 2024).
Psychologically, social assistance can provide a sense of security and reduce the pressure
experienced by poor families. The certainty of assistance received regularly can reduce stress and
anxiety related to meeting daily needs. This is important to build the confidence and motivation of
the recipient community to get out of the poverty circle (Amalia et al., 2021).
However, despite the many benefits expected, the implementation of social assistance also faces
various challenges. These challenges include uneven distribution, lack of transparency, and the
possibility of misappropriation of funds. Therefore, this study also aims to identify obstacles in the
implementation of social assistance programs in Bendaroto Village, as well as provide
recommendations for future improvements (Tapung et al., 2020).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1996
By comprehensively understanding the impact of social assistance, this research is expected to
make a meaningful contribution to the development of more effective and sustainable social policies.
In addition, the results of this study are also expected to provide a clear picture of the condition of the
community in Bendaroto Village, so that the government and related parties can formulate a more
targeted strategy in improving community welfare. The main purpose of this study is to determine
the impact of social assistance on the community in Bendoroto Village, Munjungan District,
Trenggalek Regency. This study seeks to identify and analyze the positive and negative impacts of the
social assistance programs that have been implemented in the village.
2. Materials and Methods
This study uses survey and interview methods to collect data on the impact of social assistance
on the community in Bendaoroto Village. The survey method was carried out by distributing
questionnaires to selected respondents to obtain quantitative data on the receipt, use, and impact of
social assistance. Meanwhile, interviews were conducted to explore more in-depth qualitative
information related to people's direct experiences of social assistance, including perceptions,
benefits, and challenges faced. The combination of these two methods is expected to provide a
comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of social assistance and its impact on people's daily lives
(Gumanti et al., 2018).
The population in this study is all residents of Bendoroto Village, Munjungan District,
Trenggalek Regency, which amounts to around 3,242 people. To obtain a representative sample, the
researchers used a simple random sampling technique, in which 100 respondents were randomly
selected from the population. The selection of the sample was carried out with the aim of ensuring
that every individual in the population has the same opportunity to be selected, so that the results of
the study can describe the general condition of society and reduce bias in data analysis (Murdiyanto,
The main instruments used in this study are questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire
is designed to collect quantitative data on various aspects of social assistance, such as the frequency
of receipt, the type of assistance received, and its impact on the economic and social conditions of the
community. In addition, interviews were conducted to obtain more in-depth qualitative data, such as
personal experiences, opinions, and public perceptions of social assistance. By using these two
instruments, researchers can obtain comprehensive and valid data to analyze the impact of social
assistance in Bendoroto Village as a whole (Sugiyono, 2019).
3. Result and Discussion
The following is a table of the results of a research survey on the impact of social assistance on
the community in Bentoroto Village. This table presents data on the type of assistance received, the
impact on the economy, and changes in social conditions reported by respondents.
Table 1 table of research survey results on the impact of social assistance on the community
in Bendorot Village
Types of Social
- Direct Cash Assistance (BLT)
- Food Aid
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1997
- Housing Assistance
Economic Impact
- Increased Purchasing Power
- Increased Food Consumption
- Improvement of Home
Social Impact
- Reduction of Financial
- Increased Productive
Problems Faced
- Uneven Distribution
- Distribution Delay
- Lack of Information
The results of the study show that the social assistance received by the community in
Bendoroto Village varies greatly. Most of the respondents, namely 85%, received direct cash
assistance (BLT), while 75% received food assistance. Housing assistance was received by 20% of
respondents, indicating that social assistance in the form of housing is less evenly distributed
compared to cash and food assistance. This data shows that BLT and food assistance are the most
commonly received types of assistance, which may be related to more urgent basic needs for most
families in the village.
The economic impact of social assistance is also significant. About 60% of respondents
reported an increase in their purchasing power after receiving social assistance, indicating that the
assistance plays an important role in improving household economic capabilities. In addition, 45%
of respondents noted an increase in food consumption, which indicates that social assistance has
helped them in meeting their daily nutritional needs. However, only 20% of respondents felt an
improvement in home conditions, indicating that housing assistance had a smaller impact compared
to cash and food assistance.
In terms of social impact, the results of the study showed that 70% of respondents felt that
social assistance had reduced their financial burden. This reflects that social assistance is very
effective in alleviating the financial pressure faced by the community. In addition, 50% of
respondents reported an increase in motivation to engage in productive activities, such as gardening
or trading. This social impact shows that social assistance not only helps directly but can also
motivate people to be more active and productive in their economic activities.
However, the study also identified some significant problems in the implementation of social
assistance. As many as 55% of respondents complained about uneven distribution of aid, which may
be caused by administrative problems or injustice in the distribution of aid. Delays in aid delivery
are also a major problem, with 60% of respondents reporting that aid often arrives late. This delay
can reduce the effectiveness of social assistance in meeting the urgent needs of the community.
In addition, 45% of respondents complained about a lack of information on how to use social
assistance effectively. This lack of information can hinder the optimal use of assistance and affect the
expected outcomes of social assistance programs. To increase the effectiveness of social assistance,
there needs to be improvements in the distribution mechanism and better counseling to the
community on how to make the most of the assistance. By improving these problems, it is anticipated
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1998
that social assistance can have a greater and more equitable impact on the community in Bendoroto
Village, Munjungan District, Trenggalek Regency.
Interview Results
The results of in-depth interviews with respondents in Bendoroto Village, Munjungan District,
Trenggalek Regency provide a deeper insight into the impact of social assistance on people's lives.
Based on the interviews, most respondents reported that social assistance, especially direct cash
assistance (BLT) and food assistance, has made a significant contribution to improving their
economic conditions. Many stated that the assistance was very helpful in meeting their basic needs,
such as food and daily expenses. This is in line with quantitative data showing an increase in
purchasing power and food consumption, which indicates that social assistance has been effective in
improving economic welfare directly.
In addition, interviews revealed that social assistance has had a positive impact in terms of
people's motivation to be involved in productive activities. Most respondents reported that they felt
more motivated to participate in additional economic activities, such as gardening or trading, as a
result of the assistance received. This increase in motivation shows that social assistance not only
functions as financial support, but also as a stimulus for the development of productive activities that
can increase family income. This is an important finding that shows that social assistance can have a
dual impact: it directly improves economic conditions and indirectly boosts productive activity.
However, the interviews also revealed some unidentified issues in the survey data. One of the
main problems revealed by respondents is the uneven distribution of social assistance. Many feel
that the process of distributing aid is unfair and often does not suit their needs. This indicates that
there are possible inefficiencies in the social assistance distribution system that need to be corrected
to ensure that aid reaches those who really need it.
Delays in the distribution of aid are also a significant problem. Many respondents complained
that help often came late, leading to inconvenience and uncertainty in their financial planning. This
delay can reduce the effectiveness of social assistance in meeting urgent needs, thereby slowing
down the expected positive impact of the assistance. This problem points to the need for
improvements in the mechanism of distributing and managing social assistance to ensure that
assistance is received on time.
Finally, the results of the interviews also highlight the lack of information on how to use social
assistance effectively. Many respondents felt that they were not getting enough information about
how best to use the aid received, which hindered the optimal use of the aid. This lack of information
shows that counseling and guidance to aid recipients need to be improved, so that they can use social
assistance more effectively and get the maximum benefits from the program. By improving
communication and information related to social assistance, it is hoped that there will be an increase
in the results achieved and community satisfaction with social assistance programs.
The results of the survey and interviews in this study provide in-depth insights into the impact
of social assistance in Bendaroto Village, Munjungan District, Trenggalek Regency. This research
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1999
identifies various aspects of social assistance, ranging from the type of assistance received, its impact
on the economy and society, to the problems faced during the implementation of the program. The
following discussion will integrate findings from surveys and interviews to provide a more holistic
understanding of the effectiveness and challenges of social assistance in the village.
Economic Impact of Social Assistance
The survey results show that social assistance, especially direct cash assistance (BLT) and food
assistance, has a significant economic impact on the community. A total of 85% of respondents
received BLT, while 75% received food assistance, indicating that these two types of assistance are
very important in meeting their basic needs. This data is reinforced by the results of interviews that
state that cash and food assistance helps people in meeting their daily needs and increasing their
purchasing power. About 60% of respondents reported an increase in purchasing power, which
indicates that social assistance is effective in improving household economic capabilities.
In addition, 45% of respondents experienced an increase in food consumption after receiving
assistance, which reflects the contribution of social assistance to improving nutrition and public
health. However, the impact of housing assistance, which was received by only 20% of respondents,
appears to be more limited. This can be due to the priority and limited resources in social assistance
programs, which focus more on cash and food assistance which are considered more urgent. In-
depth interviews confirmed that although there was an improvement in food consumption and
purchasing power, the impact of social assistance in improving housing conditions was less felt. This
shows the need for more attention to housing assistance to ensure that all aspects of the community's
basic needs can be met equally.
Social Impact of Social Assistance
From a social perspective, social assistance has made a positive contribution in reducing
financial burdens and increasing productive motivation. The survey showed that 70% of
respondents felt that social assistance had reduced their financial burden, which is especially
relevant given the level of economic hardship experienced by many families in the village. The results
of the interviews revealed that many respondents felt that social assistance provided significant
relief in managing daily expenses, allowing them to focus on other activities, including work or
In addition, 50% of respondents reported an increase in motivation to engage in productive
activities. In-depth interviews show that social assistance has served as a stimulus for many people
to develop small businesses, such as trading or gardening, which in turn contributes to the
development of the local economy. This indicates that social assistance not only serves as financial
support, but also encourages people to be more active and productive. This increased motivation is
essential for creating long-term economic independence, which will have a sustainable positive
impact on the community.
Problems in the Implementation of Social Assistance
Despite the positive impacts, the study also identified some significant problems in the
implementation of social assistance. The survey showed that 55% of respondents felt that the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2000
distribution of aid was uneven, and 60% reported delays in distributing aid. This problem reflects
inefficiencies in the social assistance distribution system that can hinder the benefits received by the
community. The in-depth interview added that uneven distribution and delays often cause
uncertainty and inconvenience for aid recipients. They expressed frustration that help was not
always received at the time of need, which affected their financial planning and reduced the
effectiveness of the aid.
The lack of information on how to use social assistance is also an important issue. About 45%
of respondents felt they were not getting enough information on how to use help effectively. In-depth
interviews revealed that many beneficiaries felt they were not given enough guidance on how best
to utilize the assistance. This lack of information can hinder recipients from using assistance
optimally, ultimately reducing the benefits that can be obtained from social assistance programs.
This shows the need for improvement in communication and counseling related to social assistance
Implications and Recommendations
Based on the results of this study, there are several implications and recommendations that
can be considered to increase the effectiveness of social assistance in Bendaroto Village. First, it is
important to improve the social assistance distribution system to ensure that assistance is received
evenly and on time by all recipients in need. Reforms in the distribution and management
mechanisms of social assistance can reduce the problems of inequality and delays faced by the
Second, greater efforts need to be made in providing clear and useful information to aid
recipients on how to use social assistance effectively. Counseling and education programs should be
strengthened to ensure that beneficiaries understand how to use the assistance to maximize the
benefits obtained. This can include training on financial management, food consumption planning,
and improving housing conditions.
Third, special attention must be paid to housing assistance to ensure that this aspect also
receives sufficient attention, considering that only 20% of respondents feel improvement from
housing assistance. A more integrated and comprehensive approach can help cover all aspects of the
basic needs of the community, including housing.
By addressing these problems and implementing appropriate recommendations, it is hoped
that social assistance can be more effective in improving the welfare of the community in Bendoroto
Village and have a greater positive impact in the long term. This research provides important insights
for the improvement of social assistance programs and can be the basis for better policies and
strategies in supporting communities in need.
4. Conclusion
This study shows that social assistance in Bendaroto Village, Munjungan District, Trenggalek
Regency, has a significant positive impact on the economic welfare of the community. The majority of
respondents reported an increase in purchasing power and food consumption as a result of direct
cash assistance (BLT) and food assistance. In addition, social assistance also plays a role in reducing
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 2001
the financial burden and increasing motivation to engage in productive activities, which contributes
to improving the overall quality of life of the community.
However, there are several challenges identified in this study, including uneven distribution of
aid, delays in distribution, and lack of information on aid utilization. These problems hinder the
effectiveness of social assistance and can reduce the benefits received by the community. Delays in
distribution and uneven distribution highlight the need for improvements in social assistance
distribution and management systems so that aid can reach those who really need it in a timely
Therefore, to increase the positive impact of social assistance, improvements are needed in the
distribution and counseling mechanism to the community. Increased transparency in the distribution
process and the provision of clear and precise information on the use of aid will help address existing
problems. With these improvements, social assistance can be more effective in meeting the needs of
the community and make a greater contribution to improving welfare and economic empowerment
in Bendoroto Village, Munjungan District, Trenggalek Regency.
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