Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1982
Mousse; Tape; Purple Uwi
Purple uwi tape mousse is a frozen dessert type of soft pudding
made from the main ingredients of purple uwi tape and cream. The
use of purple uwi tape, besides providing color and taste, also
extends the life of the purple yam tape and adds nutritional content
to the mousse. The objectives of this research are to determine the
characteristics of purple uwi tape mousse, to determine consumer
acceptance of purple uwi tape mousse, and to know the nutritional
content of purple uwi tape mousse. The panellists' acceptance of
the purple uwi tape mousse through the results of the hedonic test
showed that what the panellists liked most was the mousse with
the addition of 100% purple uwi tape in the M3 code. The
characteristics resulting from mousse with this recipe formula are
that it has a sweet, savoury, slightly salty taste, a distinctive aroma
of tape and milk, a soft texture, and a bright pink color so that it
attracts consumer interest. Purple uwi tape mousse nutrition per
cup measuring 8 oz/ounce, or 117 g, contains 0.572 g fibre, 5.44 g
protein, 0.242 g flavonoids, 41.9 g carbohydrates, and 28.1 g fat.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Indonesia has a diversity of traditional foods. One of the traditional foods widely known in
the community is tape. Tape is a food produced from the fermentation process of carbohydrate
foods, such as cassava and glutinous rice. Tape can be made from cassava or cassava and the result
is called cassava tape by Hidayat et al., (2006) (Dirayati et al., 2017). Food stuffs that contain
carbohydrates other than cassava are purple uwi.
Uwi ungu (Dioscorea alata) is one of the food ingredients that has a lower content of sugar and
fat and is free of gluten, high in fibre and flavonoids, so it is safe to be consumed by people with
diabetes and autism and supports diet programs (Sakthidevi & Mohan, 2013). Uwi purple is a
functional food that supplements fibre and minerals in the body (Hapsari, 2014).
Consumer Acceptance Test of Purple Uwi (Dioscorea Alata L)
Mousse Tape
U. Yuyun Triastuti
Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Ibu Kartini, Semarang, Indonesia
Email: yuyuntriastuti94@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1983
The most straightforward process of purple uwi is steaming to add flavor and consumption,
then processing it into the tape to increase its quality. Purple uwi tape tastes sweet and slightly sour
fresh, smells of tape (typical of fermentation), and the texture is softer and moister. Purple uwi tape
can be served directly or reprocessed into other more exciting preparations, such as purple uwi
tape mousse. The impression of the uwi tape produced on the mouse is a refreshing sour taste; the
fermentation of the uwi tape influences this. The fresh sour taste effect of purple tape is suitable for
mice, which are served in a cold state. In addition, it also gives a slightly purplish pink effect that is
attractive and safe for health (Najah et al., 2023).
Mousse is a different type of pudding because it has a soft and foamy texture. Mousse, in its
dish, functions as a dessert, which is served frozen and can be complemented by cake. The main
ingredients for making mousse are whipped cream, egg whites, or gelatin. Mousse has a soft and
smooth taste, resembling ice cream by Farida, (2008) in Yasjudani (2017).
Several studies have shown that the use of fermented ingredients in food products can
increase their attractiveness and nutritional value. For example, research by Najah et al. (2023)
shows that ice cream that uses purple uwi as a base ingredient has interesting taste and aroma
characteristics. In addition, research by Ajid et al. (2022) emphasizes the potential of purple uwi in
various food product applications, including as an additional ingredient in making mousse.
The purpose of this study is: To find out the Characteristics of Purple Uwi Tape Mousse:
Analyze the taste, aroma, texture, and color of the mousse produced, to find out the Consumer
Acceptance of Purple Uwi Tape Mousse: Measure the level of consumer preference through a
hedonic test that involves assessing taste, aroma, texture, and appearance. And Knowing the
Nutritional Content of Purple Uwi Tape Mousse: Analyzing the content of fiber, protein, flavonoids,
carbohydrates, and fats in mousse products to determine the nutritional value offered.
2. Materials and Methods
Research Plan
The author's experiment was to make Purple Uwi Mousse Tape; the experiment was carried
out in 2 stages. The first stage is the manufacture of purple uwi tape. The second stage of making
purple uwi tape mousse was carried out three times. Each experiment made four products with
different percentages of purple uwi tape.
The percentage of purple uwi tape is compared to whipped cream as the main ingredient in
making mice. The four products are a comparison of the percentage of purple uwi tape as much as
50%, 75%, 100%, and 125% of the use of whipped cream, followed by the addition of purple uwi
tape of 50% is called M1 code product, the addition of 75% of purple uwi tape is called M2 code, the
addition of 100% purple uwi tape is called M3 code, and the addition of purple uwi tape of 125% is
called M4 code.
Time and Place of Research
This research obtained data by experimenting with making purple uwi mousse tape. The
experiment was carried out in the Culinary Arts laboratory of the Academy of Social Welfare, Ibu
Kartini Semarang, located at Jalan Sultan Agung, number 77 Semarang. The time used is 3 (three)
months, from March to May 2024.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1984
Tools and Materials
The equipment used to make purple uwi tape mousse includes digital scales, saucepans,
measuring cups, spoons, Bowls, strainers, Hand mixers, spatulas, bamboo baskets, steamers, and
pudding moulds.
The ingredients used in making good quality purple uwi tape mousse produce quality
products that are constant in taste, color, aroma, and texture. The specifications of the materials
used are detailed in Table 1 as follows:
Table 1 Specification of Materials for Making Purple Uwi Tape Mousse
Ingredient Name
Brand/ Type
Purple uwi tape
Dark purple, sweet and slightly sour, wet and soft
texture, with a typical fermented aroma.
Dressing for mousse in a delicate state.
Coconut milk
Yellow-skinned coconut, one grated coconut for 500
ml of coconut milk.
Coconut milk is milky white, tastes bland, coconut
Kelapa berkulit
Small crystal-shaped, light brown and odourless
Pure yellow, whole round shape.
Ayam Negri
White and finely textured, odourless, and tasteless.
Medium protein is yellowish-white, finely textured,
not musty, and tasteless.
Segitiga Biru
Whipping cream
Smooth texture, white in color, sweet in taste,
and with a distinctive milky smell.
Fine crystal shape, white color, clean of
Medium crystalline texture, pure white, sweet
taste, not clumping.
Ice water
Clear, tasteless, colorless, odourless,
temperature four °C
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
Making purple uwi mousse begins with making purple uwi tape first, then continues with
uwi ingu mousse. The steps are described as follows:
Steps to Make Purple Uwi Tape
In making purple uwi tape, the author refers to the stage of making cassava tape, which was
written by Hidayat (2017). The stages of making purple uwi tape can be seen in Figure 1 of the
following flow diagram:
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1985
Figure 1 Tape Manufacturing Flow
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
Based on Figure 1, the processing steps can be described as follows:
1. Choose fresh but non-gummy purple uwi (at least three days from harvest time), peel with a
thickness of 0.5 cm from the outer skin, and clean the purple uwi by washing it on a clean and
2. Cut purple uwi as many as six pieces of size @ + 400 g, into four pieces
3. Steaming the purple uwi for 45 minutes at a temperature of 105
4. The cooling of the steamed purple uwi reaches room temperature.
5. Penimbangan uwi ungu kukus sebanyak 1000 g.
6. Steamed purple uwi: Arrange the st,eamed purple uwi weighed on banana leaves arranged in a
bamboo basket, sprinkled with fine tape yeast evenly, and then covered with banana leaves.
7. Fermentation, the curing/fermentation process ± 48 hours, at room temperature; the finished
tape has a typical fresh sour smell, the texture is soft and slightly moist, purple in color, and has a
sweet taste with a slightly sour taste.
Steps to Make Purple Uwi Tape Mousse
The manufacture of purple uwi tape mousse goes through several stages that must be done
carefully and precisely. In addition, hygiene and sanitation must be paid attention to. The
application of these things aims to obtain quality products so that they are suitable for consumption.
Furthermore, each experiment is explained by the formula as shown in table 2 as follows:
Table 2 Uwi Ungu Tape Mousse Formula,
M1 (50 %)
M2 (75 %)
M3 (100 %)
M4 (125 %)
200 ml
200 ml
200 ml
200 ml
50 ml
50 ml
50 ml
50 ml
100 g
150 g
200 g
250 g
135 g
135 g
135 g
135 g
5 g
5 g
5 g
5 g
25 g
25 g
25 g
25 g
Fermentasi ±
48 jam
Steaming 105ºC for ± 30 minutes
Purple uwi tape
Material Selection and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1986
20 g
20 g
20 g
20 g
2 butir
2 butir
2 butir
2 butir
4 sdm
4 sdm
4 sdm
4 sdm
500 g
500 g
500 g
500 g
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
The process of making purple uwi mousse tape is illustrated with a chart and can be
observed in Figure 2 as follows:
Figure 2 Flow of the process of making purple Uwi Mousse Tape
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
The flow of making purple uwi tape mousse in Figure 2 is described as follows:
1. The selection of materials used is based on the criteria in Table 1.
2. Weighing materials are adjusted to the needs in Table 1.
3. Custard boiling: Dissolve wheat flour + cornstarch + sugar + salt + egg yolk, and 450 ml of thick
coconut milk until evenly distributed. Then boil over medium heat until thickened and boiling,
stirring slowly so that it does not crust. Lifted from the fireplace, then cooled to a temperature of
4. Dissolve the gelatin with 50 ml of coconut milk, then heat it by steaming it for 5 minutes while
stirring until dissolved. Lifted from the fireplace and cooled to 40°C
5. Whipping the whipping cream with ice water until stiff.
6. Making mousse: Mix whipped cream, custard, and gelatin until evenly mixed. It has a soft texture
like foam.
7. Printing purple uwi tape mousse dough on a pudding mould with a capacity of 100 ml.
8. Freeze purple uwi tape mousse dough in the freezer (temperature below 0OC) for ±24 hours.
After the purple uwi tape mousse is frozen, it will be served and enjoyed.
Material selection
The penny
Custard Stew
Gelatin dissolution
Mixing all
Tape Uwi
Cream whipping
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1987
Data Analysis
The method of analysing the collected data using qualitative analysis to describe the results
of experiments quantitatively, namely to find out the level of public preference using average
analysis (Rahayu, 2001). The questionnaire is an efficient data collection technique if the researcher
knows exactly what variables to measure or what respondents cannot expect. A questionnaire is a
technique for collecting large amounts of data (Sugiyono, 2016).
This Questionnaire method is included in the hedonic test used to obtain the panellists'
preference level for the Purple Uwi Mousse Tape. The questionnaire uses the criteria of immensely
dislike, dislike, neutral, like, and very like. The criteria are given a score of 1 for very disliked, a
score of 2 for dislike, a score of 3 for neutral, a score of 4 for liking and a score of 5 for liking very
much. The score of each experimental product is then calculated as a percentage in the form of a bar
chart. The nutritional assessment for manual analysis is calculated using the Indonesia Food
Composition Table (TKPI) guide.
3. Result and Discussion
Sensory Assessment
Sensory or organoleptic testing is a test that is based on the sensory process. Sensing is
defined as a physiology, namely awareness or recognition of the properties of these objects. The
reaction or impression caused by the presence of a stimulus can be in the form of an attitude to
approach or pamper, like, or dislike the different causes of the stimulus Darma, (2013) in (Fitriana,
To get suitable characteristics, the organoleptic analysis of purple uwi tape mousse is carried
out by observing taste, color, texture, and aroma. The mousse criteria used in this study refer to the
mousse written by Farida (2008). The criteria for the resulting mousse are a soft and foamy texture,
a sweet and savoury taste that is just right, and a milky and yellowish-white product produced from
cream and egg yolks. Furthermore, the results of the assessment on the purple uwi tape mousse are
adjusted to the raw materials used, explained in the following Table 3:
Table 3 Features Mousse Type Uwi Ungu,
Product Code
Sweet, savoury,
slightly sour
Coconut milk
and a little milk
and a little tape
Soft and creamy
yet dense
Bright pink
Sweet, savoury,
slightly sour
Coconut milk
and a little milk
and tape
Soft and creamy
Bright purplish
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1988
Sweet, savoury
Coconut milk
and a little milk
and tape are
more flavorful
Soft and creamy,
slightly fibrous
The pink is quite
Sweet, sour,
Coconut milk
and the sharp
aroma of tape
Soft, creamy, and
Darker purplish
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
Based on the explanation in Table 3, the assessment of the sensor on the purple uwi tape
mousse is described as follows:
The taste of purple uwi tape mousse has a sweet taste that is inspired by the use of sugar and
whipping cream and is savoury, which is influenced by the use of salt, coconut milk and egg yolk, as
well as fresh acidity, but with a different acidity from the four products. The more purple uwi tape is
added, the higher the acidity level. Although the use of purple uwi tape is different, it does not affect
the different levels of sweetness because the purple uwi tape has a slightly sour sweetness
produced from the fermentation of the tape.
The flavour of purple uwi tape mousse is dominated by the aroma of tape, although there is a
slight aroma of coconut fusion and a slight smell of milk. Of the four products with different levels of
aroma tape or different fermentation, the more purple uwi tape is added, the stronger the aroma of
the tape (Guntara et al., 2022). The aroma in the purple uwi tape mousse, in addition to being
produced from the purple uwi tape, is also produced from the use of coconut milk, which produces a
savoury aroma of coconut milk and whipping cream, which produces the aroma of milk (Junita et al.,
Purple uwi tape mousse has a soft and creamy texture but is slightly fibrous. The use of custard
dough influences the soft texture because custard generally has a thick texture. After all, it uses eggs
and cornstarch as thickeners (Fransiska, 2021). The creamy texture is obtained from the use of
whipping cream ingredients because whipping cream is the primary source of fat in mousse, with a
fat content of 18% - 35%, in addition to the fat content in egg yolks (Shoheh et al., 2019), the fat
contained in the mousse can catch air evenly during the dough beating process, thus making mousse
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1989
to be soft. Purple uwi tape influences the fibrous texture because purple uwi has coarse fibrous
characteristics (insoluble fibres) (Ajid et al., 2022).
The color evaluation of purple uwi tape mousse is pink with a slight purple effect and is
characterised by the use of purple uwi tape, which is 125%. The difference in using different purple
uwi tape is not too noticeable. Overall, the color of the four dominant products is pink, produced
from purple uwi tape, which has a purple color (Anabire, 2021; Yuniawati et al., 2010). The more
purple uwi tape is used in the mousse, the color difference is slight; it does not look too different.
Consumer Acceptance Assessment of Purple Uwi Tape Mousse
Public acceptance of purple uwi mousse tape is done through a sensory or hedonic test. This
test assessed the level of preference for the sensory characteristics of purple uwi tape mousse. The
sensory characteristics assessed are in the form of taste, texture, aroma and color. The assessment
results by the panelists were then measured using the average score of the panelists’ preference
level on the purple uwi tape mousse.
The value of the preference calculation is presented in the form of a gram. The taste calculation
diagram can be seen in Figure 15, the texture calculation diagram in Figure 16, the aroma diagram
in Figure 17, and the shape calculation diagram in Figure 18. Each image is described as follows:
Figure 3 Flavor Bar Diagram on Purple Uwi Mousse Tape
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
Figure 3 shows the bar diagram for the sensory characteristics of the taste of purple uwi tape
mousse for code M1 with an average of 1 and code M2 with an average of 1.5. The average M3 code
is 3.5, and the average M4 code is 3. From the sensory test results, it can be concluded that the
panellists liked adding purple uwi tape as much as 100%, with an average value of 3.5 (very liked)
for the M3 code.
M1 M2 M3 M4
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1990
Figure 4 Texture Bar Diagram on Purple Uwi Mousse Tape
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
Looking at Figure 4, the consumer assessment on the texture, the highest average value shows
the purple uwi tape mousse product code M3, adding purple uwi tape as much as 100% with an
average value of 3.5 (I like it very much). The panellists preferred the product because of its soft,
dense and less fibrous texture.
Figure 5 Flavor Bar Diagram on Purple Uwi Tape Mousse
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
The Figure 5 that the highest average value of sensory characteristics in the form of product
aroma is in the product code M3, mousse with the addition of purple uwi tape as much as 100% with
an average value of 3.5 (I like it very much). The reason why the panellists preferred the product
was because of the not-too-sharp smell of the tape; in addition to the not-so-sharp aroma of the
tape, the mousse product, with the addition of 75% purple uwi tape, produced a bright pink color
that was so distinctive, thus producing a distinctive combination between white and purple uwi
M1 M2 M3 M4
M1 M2 M3 M4
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1991
Figure 6. Color Bar Diagram On Purple Uwi Mousse Tape
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
The assessment of consumer acceptability in the form of color, according to Figure 6, gave the
highest average assessment of the color of the mousse with the addition of purple uwi tape by 75%.,
namely the product code M2. The panelists prefer the product because the color is more attractive,
namely bright pink; the white color of the mousse with the purple color of the purple uwi tape adds
to the aesthetics of the purple uwi tape mousse.
The results of the overall assessment analysis of the taste, aroma, texture, and color indicators
of the product, the panelists chose a mousse with the addition of purple uwi tape, with the addition
of purple uwi tape as much as 100% of the code M3 from the total weight used excluding water.
Therefore, for calculating fibre, protein and flavonoid content, mousse products are used with the
addition of 100% purple uwi tape with the code M3.
Nutritional Assessment of Purple Uwi Tape Mousse
Nutrition is a chemical element that the body needs to produce energy and maintain, build
and repair body tissues (Tranggono, 1990). The nutritional assessment contained in purple uwi
mousse includes the content of fibre, protein and flavonoids. The nutrition calculation guidelines use
the guidelines of the Indonesia Food Composition Table (TKPI) and are calculated manually. Purple
uwi tape mousse, whose nutritional content is calculated, is the most preferred sample by the
panellists, namely with the code M3 with the addition of 100% purple uwi tape. The results of the
calculation of the content of purple uwi mousse, which includes fibre, protein, fat and flavonoids, are
explained in the following Table 4:
Table 4 Nutritional Content of Purple Uwi Tape Mousse
300 ml
Tape uwi ungu
200 g
Gula pasir
135 g
5 g
25 g
Tepung terigu
20 g
M1 M2 M3 M4
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1992
Kuning telur
2 butir
Whipping cream
25 g
10 cup
Source: Author's Primary Data (2024)
Table 10 shows that the percentage of fibre content from mousse with the addition of purple
uwi tape is 100% of the total weight of 5.72 g of total energy, and the protein content of the total
weight is 54.4 g of total energy. The nutritional content produced by mousse products is very high;
this is due to the use of purple uwi tape mousse ingredients that have a high carbohydrate content,
such as purple uwi tape, thick coconut milk, sugar, cornstarch, and egg yolks. However, for
flavonoids produced from purple uwi.
Based on the total nutrient content in Table 8, is the nutrient content of a total of one recipe
code M3 product, the finished product of one recipe produces a total weight of 1,165 grams, divided
into 10 cups with a cup size of 8 oz/ounce; each cup contains 117 grams. So, each cup contains
0.572 grams of fibre, 5.44 grams of protein, 0.242 grams of flavonoids, 41.9 grams of carbohydrates,
and 28.1 grams of fat.
4. Conclusion
The best formula is mousse with the addition of purple uwi tape as much as 100% of the total
whipping cream, code 312 with 200 ml thick coconut milk, purple uwi tape, sugar 135 g, salt 5 g,
cornstarch 25 g, wheat flour 20 g, egg yolk 2 grains, gelatin 5 g, and whipping cream 500 g. The
panellists' acceptance of purple uwi tape mousse, based on the results of the hedonic test, showed
that the most preferred was the mousse with the addition of 100% purple uwi tape to the M3 code.
The characteristics produced from the mousse with the recipe formula are its slightly salty savoury
sweetness, a distinctive aroma of tape and milk, a soft texture, and a bright pink color that attracts
consumers. The nutritional content of purple uwi tape mousse per cup with a size of 8 oz/ounce
(117 g), contains 0.572 g of fibre, 5.44 g of protein, 0.242 g of flavonoids, 41.9 g of carbohydrates,
28.1 g of fat. Suggestions for research using the tape yeast formula in the process of making purple
uwi tape: During the fermentation process, please do not open it prematurely because it will inhibit
the fermentation process of the tape. Research can be done with other tubers to be mixed with
mousse. They are conducting nutritional content tests in food laboratories so that the results are
satisfactory and more valid.
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