Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1846
Tiktok Features; Yellow Cart;
Buying Interest
The number of social media users worldwide reached 4.76 billion in
January 2023, with 167 million active users in Indonesia. This study
aims to understand how the yellow basket feature on TikTok
attracts consumers' buying interest, using a qualitative approach
through interviews and literature studies. The results show that this
feature is effective in attracting buyers through factors such as
attractive video displays, product promos, and ease of transaction
processes. The promos offered, the attractive display of product
videos, and the ease of transactions are the main factors that
increase buying interest. In conclusion, the yellow cart feature on
TikTok affects consumers' buying interest by providing ease of
transactions and attractive promotions without the need to switch
to other platforms.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Quoted in Katadata.co.id according to a report from We Are Social and Hootsuite in January
2023, the number of social media users around the world reached 4.76 billion or equivalent to 59.4%
of the total human population. Quoted from DataIndonesia.id in Indonesia itself from year to year,
namely from 2014 to 2022 the number of active social media users continues to increase. In January
2023, there are 167 million Indonesians who are active users of social media. This number is more
than half of the population in the country, which is 60.4% (Widi, 2023).
Yellow Cart Feature on Tiktok as a Medium to Attract Purchase
Nabilla Riefa Tunisya, Rachel Diandra Chairunnisa, J. A. Wempi
LSPR Institute of Communication and Business , Indonesia
Email: shasyapriyadi@gmail.com
Correspondence: shasyapriyadi@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1847
Figure 1
Number of Active Social Media Users in Indonesia (2015-2023)
Source : DataIndonesia.id
Technology is developing rapidly which brings great changes in society through information in
it. Information is conveyed through a medium of technology, namely social media (Liedfray et al.,
2022). Social media is an online media where social media users can easily share or participate and
also create content, blogs, social networks, and others (Kadarudin, 2020). Information technology has
contributed to the development of the media, namely meeting the needs of the community by
providing a lot of information, and through social media, people can easily access a lot of information
and news without any limitations of space or time (Silvia et al., 2021). Social media of course also has
an impact, namely there are positive and negative impacts. One of the positive impacts of social media
is that social media can build a very wide range of connections so that it has a positive impact on those
who want to develop relationships or businesses (Tania et al., 2020).
In social media marketing, social media itself has four characteristics. The first characteristic is
that social media has an open nature, namely anyone who uses social media can interact without any
limitations of space and time. The second characteristic is that social media has a user profile page,
which is used to present information about the identity of the user of the social media account. The
third characteristic is that social media has features that are used to create and upload content for
social media users. The fourth characteristic is that social media has a time stamp on every upload
uploaded by social media users to provide information related to the upload (Istikhoroh et al., 2023).
One of the social media that is being loved by many people is TikTok. The TikTok application is
in great demand among teenagers because in addition to entertaining, it also helps increase creativity
in creating video content that can attract public attention (Kusuma & Oktavianti, 2020). TikTok is a video
content application with a duration of 15 seconds to 10 minutes plus features such as filters, music,
games and other interesting features. The app was created by the company ByteDance in China
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1848
(Mutiah & Shinta, 2022). Although TikTok is an entertainment application, it can also be used for
commercial purposes. With the popularity of the TikTok app, business players are using it as an
advertising tool to promote the products they sell to the wider community (Mulyani et al., 2022).
TikTok users can create creative content, advertise, and sell. This is evidenced by the rise of
online stores that market products through TikTok (Mulyani et al., 2022). Not only online stores, but
everyone can do product reviews. Videos presented by creators on TikTok contain interesting but
short information that can attract audiences to the toxic TikTok phenomenon. Viewers who are
exposed to TikTok poison will feel curious and interested in purchasing products (Gratia et al., 2022).
Consumer buying interest is an important consideration for business actors to understand
consumer goals in meeting their needs or desires. It is the duty of a company to encourage innovation
that encourages consumers to attract buyers. When people want to make a purchase, they must go
through several stages to get to the intended platform such as Shopee, Tokopedia, and Instagram.
However, TikTok provides a container for its users when they want to make a purchase, namely with
the yellow cart feature.
Quoted from solopos.com, the Yellow Basket Feature on TikTok is a link to a product sold on
the TikTok shop. The Yellow Cart feature appears in promotional content or content created by a
creator (Prihatini, 2023). According to the belajarbersamayudha.com website, the Yellow Basket
Feature has a usefulness for sellers in promoting the products sold. In addition, potential buyers will
also find it easier to determine and choose the products they want to buy. The transaction process
that occurs in it feels more fun. This feature is said to be an easy feature because to make a purchase
transaction, prospective buyers do not have to open another application and in this feature there is
already an in-app payment method available (Epsen, 2022).
Based on this background, the formulation of this research problem is "How is the yellow basket
feature on TikTok as a medium to attract buying interest?" with the aim of understanding the Yellow
Basket Feature on TikTok as a medium to attract buying interest.
2. Materials and Methods
In this study, the researcher uses a type of qualitative research with a constructivist paradigm.
Qualitative research is research in which there is a process of producing portraits through words in
an inclusive manner, expressing a detailed review of informant sources, conducted in a natural setting
to understand social or human phenomena (Tabrani et al., quoted in Fadli, (2021). The constructivist
paradigm is a paradigm that contradicts an understanding of the placement of objectivity and
observation to find science or reality. In addition, the constructivist paradigm uses systematic
analysis and directly observes social actors in looking at Hidayat's social sciences quoted in Umanailo,
Data collection techniques will be carried out by collecting primary data and secondary data.
The primary data used in this study is interviews. Interviews were conducted with 5 people who used
TikTok's yellow basket feature. The type of secondary data used in this study is a literature study. A
literature study is a method that involves activities such as collecting library data, processing research
materials, and writing and taking notes, Zed quoted in (Rahayu, 2018).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1849
Data Analysis Techniques
Data collection is an activity in collecting important data needed in the field with the aim of
being able to answer questions in qualitative research and test hypotheses (Sukmawati et al., 2023).
The analysis process is outlined as follows:
1. Data Collection: Data collection techniques are the first research stage. This technique aims to
reduce the possibility of errors in the research process. As explained by Kabir in Taherdoost
(2021), a lot of time is needed for the accuracy of the data to be achieved in this stage.
2. Data Reduction is the data analysis technique used in this study. Data reduction is an effort or
way to summarize data, which will later be sorted into certain themes, categories, or concepts to
facilitate affirmation in conclusions (Rijali, 2019).
3. Display Data is the process of presenting data as charts or relationships between categories. The
data presented is organized systematically and based on criteria such as categorizing category
concepts (Umrati & Wijaya, 2020).
4. Conclusion in qualitative research, the initial conclusion is provisional. It can change if it is not
supported by strong evidence, but if it is supported by strong or consistent evidence, the
conclusion will be credible. The study's conclusion should include an answer to the formulation
of the research problem (Umrati & Wijaya, 2020).
After collecting data using the interview method with several sources, the researcher found that
the yellow basket feature on TikTok has various ways to attract the buying interest of TikTok users
who have mainly used the feature to buy a product. According to several speakers, the yellow basket
feature on TikTok can attract buying interest, namely because of the attractive video display
containing the product so that TikTok users feel more interested in buying the product immediately.
In addition to displaying interesting videos about the product, several speakers also said that the
yellow basket feature on TikTok can attract their buying interest because of the promos offered from
the product and also the convenience for TikTok users to carry out the purchase transaction process.
In addition, researchers also obtained data related to buying interest from literature sources.
According to Simamora & Fatira in Hartanto and Indriyani (2022), Ease of use is one of the factors that
can influence the purchase decision. In addition, ease of use positively influences online users'
purchasing decisions.
3. Result and Discussion
In this study, the researcher used a qualitative approach. According to Walidin et al., in Fadli,
(2021) Qualitative research is a process research that focuses on understanding social and human
phenomena, by realizing inclusive and complex representations and presenting words, reporting
views from informant sources, and doing so in a natural setting. The researcher uses a qualitative
approach because this study tests the hypothesis of the Yellow Basket Feature on TikTok as a medium
to attract buying interest. The data collection methods that will be used in this study are interviews
with resource persons, digital text observation, and literature study.
The constructivist paradigm is oriented to a reconstructed understanding of the social world,
built from society's experience and meaning (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011). The paradigm used in this study
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1850
is the constructivism paradigm, which sees the truth of a social reality as the result of social
construction and that the truth of a social reality is relative. According to the constructivism
paradigm, phenomena can be well understood differently (Littlejohn et al., 2017). The constructivist
paradigm sees reality as the result of the construction of human understanding or thinking.
The theory used in this study is the New Media theory or new media. Social media is a new
media that offers things to be used as a central concept of new media, namely interactivity,
convergence, digitization, and development of networks Flew dalam Hayati (2018). According to
Efendi in Ayesha et al. (2022), New Media is a term that describes the convergence of digital-based
and computerized information technology that is interrelated in a network. There are also other
terms for new media, which are forms of media based on new technology such as digital television,
internet-based media, virtual environments, and computer games (Ayesha et al., 2022). Through the
existence of new media, people get much potential to carry out postmodern democracy in the public
space so that they can gain the right to participate in information and non-hierarchical debates related
to social structures (Ahmadi, 2020).
McQuail stated that new media has two aspects, namely convergence and digitalization.
Convergence is the merger of various media types to form new media with the advantages of various
incorporated media. Meanwhile, digitalization is a merger or convergence that prioritizes the features
or sophistication possessed by digital technology to obtain the positive side by minimizing the
negative side of various incorporated media (Ayesha et al., 2022).
This research uses two concepts, namely, the concept of buying interest and also the concept of
social media. Interest is described as a situation in which the consumer has not taken any action on
which the behavior or activity can be predicted. Interest is a behavior that occurs in response to an
item and expresses a customer's desire to buy it (Kotler & Keller, 2017). According to Nulufi &
Murwatiningsih (2015), Consumers with a positive attitude towards the product or brand, arouse a
sense of interest in buying the product or brand. Based on some of the definitions above, it can be
stated that shopping interest is a behavior that is manifested in consumers, consisting of consumer
confidence in the quality and price of products business owners offer. Buying interest consists of
several aspects, including having an interest in finding information on a product, making
considerations in buying a product, having an interest in trying a product, having curiosity about a
product, and having a desire to own a product (Schiffman et al. in (Narendra Bagaskara & Ngatno, 2021).
Buying interest can occur and arise due to the existence of factors Kotler in (Yoebrilianti, 2018).
Among them, the first is that there is other people's behavior. When a person reduces their liking for
alternatives, it is related to the intensity of the negative on a person's nature regarding the
preferences preferred by consumers and the urge to follow a person's desires. The second factor is
unexpected situations. Purchases can occur based on consumer changes, regardless of consumer
beliefs and minds in discontinuing product purchases. Before a purchase decision can occur, there is
a sub-decision made by a consumer when carrying out his intention, namely provisions for a brand,
provisions for suppliers, provisions on quantity, provisions on time, and provisions on payment
techniques (Sari, 2020). The decision process on purchases is also passed through various stages, the
first is recognizing an existing problem. The beginning of the purchase process occurs when a person
begins to be aware and concerned about the stimulus of needs. The second process is information
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1851
search. Consumers have entered the second process after successfully obtaining information that they
have collected from various sources so that they know the product's disadvantages and advantages
to the difference between the product and competitors. The process is when there is an alternative
evaluation. After getting information in the second process, consumers gain confidence and attitude
towards the product. The fourth process is the purchase decision. Consumers will make their own
sub-decisions after getting preferences from the results of the evaluation that they have done. The
final process is the post-purchase attitude. Consumers will worry that they have made the wrong
purchase because they have seen or heard good things and are more profitable than other brands or
competitors Kotler and Keller quoted in Wulandari (2016).
According to Suhartini et al. (2020), buying interest has dimensions. The first dimension is
transactional interest. Transactional interest is when a person has the desire to make a purchase of a
product. The second dimension is the reference interest. Referral interest is when a person desires to
recommend a product to someone. The third dimension is preferential interest. Preferential interest
is when a person wants to determine their main preference for a product. The fourth dimension is
exploratory interest. Exploratory interest is when a person repeatedly wants to find information
about the product he wants.
Social media is believed to be the presence of the internet, which connects various places and
spaces and eliminates geographical distance. People from different places and countries can connect
and get to know each other through social media. People use social media as a place to get
communication, entertainment, and education Xu et al., quoted in Wimona & Loisa (2022). There are
different types of social media, the first of which is video sharing applications. This application is quite
effective in spreading various programs from the government, such as YouTube, DailyMotion, and
Vimeo. The second type is microblogging applications. This application is said to be easy to use
because it is enough to use a smartphone and the internet network. Examples of applications from
this social media are Facebook and Twitter. The third type is social network-sharing applications.
Examples of these applications are Path, Facebook, and Google Plus. The fourth application is to share
a network of professionals consisting of educated people such as students, government employees,
and academics. Examples of applications are LinkedIn, Slideshare, and Scribd. The fifth application is
a photo-sharing application that is dominant in spreading communication through images. These
apps include Instagram and Pinterest (Liedfray et al., 2022).
4. Conclusion
The results of this qualitative research use the constructivism paradigm. The data collection
method used was the interview method, and the literature was in the form of journals and books. The
study results show that the yellow basket feature on the TikTok application is an important reason
for attracting consumer attention and buying interest in a product. The TikTok social media
application containing video content and the yellow basket feature affects consumer buying interest.
This answers the research formula, namely how the yellow basket feature on TikTok is a medium to
attract buying interest. It is evidenced by the results of interviews with the speakers who mentioned
that several factors attract buying interest, including the number of promos or vouchers, the display
of videos and images that explain the product completely, the existence of a review page from
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1852
customers, the ease and many payment methods, a clear tracking system so that there is no need to
switch to other merchants to transact. This factor is evidence of a strong correlation in attracting
TikTok users' buying interest.
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