e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 8, August 2024 1941
education, strengthen law enforcement, and a more optimal role for the government. Another
suggestion is to improve the quality of agreements, the role of franchise associations, and the
awareness of the parties to fulfill contractual obligations and resolve disputes peacefully and legally.
Thus, it is hoped that a better franchise system will be created in Indonesia in accordance with the
applicable legal basis. This journal has discussed various relevant aspects related to the
implementation of franchise agreements in Indonesia. These aspects include a review of civil law,
applicable regulations, dispute cases in court, and a comparison of franchise systems in other
countries. In particular, a normative analysis was carried out on the provisions of civil law regarding
the conditions for the validity of the contract, the rights and obligations of the parties, and their
application in franchise practice in Indonesia. The main obstacles identified are a lack of legal
understanding, weak enforcement, and inadequate protection. Several recommendations were also
given, namely increasing socialization, strengthening regulations and supervision, and improving the
quality of franchise contract-making. This is expected to be able to handle legal problems that often
arise and ensure business continuity for business actors. Overall, it can be concluded that this journal
has comprehensively analyzed various legal aspects related to the implementation of franchise
agreements in Indonesia. The findings and recommendations are expected to provide a clearer
picture and solutions for improving the franchise business system and practices in the country.
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