e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1793
implemented will provide them with jobs with a fixed income, so as to prevent the return of former
homeless people and beggars who are homeless and begging again.
4. Conclusion
Through a collaborative strategy between the government and micro, small and medium
enterprises with a collaborative governance model, the phenomenon of homeless people and beggars
which has been difficult to find a solution can be slowly overcome.
The form of synergistic cooperation between the government and the business sector through the
collaborative model can be carried out through the disbursement of loan funds given in a certain
amount, provided that micro, small and medium enterprises are willing to provide jobs for former
homeless people and beggars, who already have training and coaching certificates provided by the
relevant agencies and in accordance with the curriculum that is in accordance with the needs to
support their needs companies that will hire them. Thus, all parties will benefit. On the one hand, the
government can carry out its role in tackling poverty well. The micro, small and medium enterprises
sector can increase their productivity, while former homeless people and beggars can meet their
economic needs.
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