Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1788
Homeless and beggars;
strategy; Collaborative
This research aims to provide an overview of the phenomena and
opportunities for dealing with homeless and beggars in the city of
Makassar, to further formulate a coping model through the
formulation of effective policies, strategies and countermeasures.
One of the crucial problems that the Indonesian government has
been facing is the existence of homeless people and beggars, which
are increasingly serious to overcome. This problem that sometimes
has a relationship with the culture in one area is indeed a kind of
virus or a disease that often recurs. The strategy to deal with
vagrants and beggars that has been carried out by the Makassar City
Government through the leading sector of related agencies has not
been effective in solving the problem of vagrants and beggars. Then
through exploratory data analysis, this research formulates an
approach as an alternative solution to overcome homeless and
beggars in the city of Makassar, by developing a holistic approach in
the form of collaborative synergy between the government and the
private sector.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
One of the crucial problems that the Indonesian government has been facing is the existence of
homeless people and beggars, which are increasingly serious to overcome. This problem that
sometimes has a relationship with the culture in one area is indeed a kind of virus or a disease that
often recurs. For example, there are causes of social problems that can be solved, but on the other
hand, the effects of this problem still have to be borne by the community.
According to Kartono (2003), all forms of behavior and social symptoms that are considered
inappropriate, violate general norms, customs, formal laws, or cannot be integrated into general
behavior patterns are categorized as social diseases or societal diseases. Thus beggars and homeless
people can be referred to as a social pathology.
Strategies to Overcome Homeless and Beggars with A
Collaborative Approach in Makassar City
Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi Makassar, Indonesia
Email: kamrinaskam@gmail.com
Correspondence: kamrinaskam@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1789
Beggars and homeless people live with all kinds of limitations, tend to depend on the mercy or
gifts of others, roam in public places such as markets, terminals, stations, traffic lights, and road
intersections, so that their existence is felt to be very disturbing and unsettling.
The increasingly difficult employment and growing poverty rate are one of the triggering
factors for this phenomenon, as happened in the city of Makassar.
The efforts that have been made by the Makassar City Government through the Makassar City
Social Service are to increase acceleration in conducting data collection, counseling, coaching,
education and training as well as rehabilitation and monitoring, including the control or supervision
of beggars in the city of Makasssar However, there are still several obstacles including:
(1) Beggars who have participated in the coaching and training of the Makassar City Social Service do
not apply the coaching direction, so they go back into the field to become a homeless person and
a beggar.
(2) Beggars do not implement the results of the training provided by the Social Service.
This constant condition makes beggars and homeless people a social phenomenon that cannot
be avoided in the lives of people in the city of Makasssar.
Definition of Homeless and Beggars
Basically, doing homeless and begging activities is not easy. Throughout the day the homeless
and beggars had to walk through the corners of the city and the crowds, standing in the heat of the
sun, rain or in direct contact with the dirty environment. Sometimes they also have to risk their lives
when wandering and begging on crowded streets, even the hardest thing is to get rid of shame or
lower their self-esteem by wandering and begging because these activities have been considered by
society as a shameful activity and have no self-esteem for those who do it. Alkostar (2010) clarified
that the event of destitute and poor people can be recognized into two causal variables, specifically
inner variables and outside components. Inner components incorporate apathy, unwillingness to
work, mental shortcoming, physical incapacity or mental incapacity. In the mean time, outside
variables incorporate social, social, financial, instructive, natural, devout and geological components.
Within the improvement of Indonesian society, this action of meandering and asking turns out to be
a prima donna in itself for individuals who are sluggish, particularly for individuals who live in towns
and arrange to pit their destiny against the city without being prepared with sufficient aptitudes or
capacities. In general, there are several factors that affect or cause a person to become a homeless
person and a beggar according to Sudilarsih (2012), namely:
1) The high level of poverty causes a person to be unable to meet the minimum basic needs
and reach public services so that they cannot develop their personal and family lives
2) Low level of education can be an obstacle for a person to get a decent job.
3) Lack of job skills causes one to be unable to meet the demands of the job market.
4) Socio-cultural factors, this is supported by the surrounding environment and alms givers.
Several socio-cultural factors influence a person to become a homeless person and a beggar, namely:
(a) Low self-esteem in a group of people, resulting in no shame to beg.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1790
(b) The attitude of resignation to fate, considering that poverty and their condition as homeless
and beggars is fate, so there is no will to make changes.
(c) The freedom and pleasure of living on the road, there is a pleasure in itself for most of the
homeless and beggars who live on the road, because they feel unbound by the rules or norms
that sometimes weigh them down, so begging becomes one of the livelihoods.
Definition of Collaborative Governance Strategy
Collaborative Administration is additionally characterized as an course of action that directs
one or more open educate specifically included with non-public partners in a formal, consensus-
oriented, and deliberative collective decision-making process that points to create or actualize open
arrangements or oversee open programs or resources (Ansel & Gash, 2007). As stated by Culpepper
(2011), As expressed by Culpepper (2011), collaborative administration is the accessibility of educate
that advance interaction among legislative and non-governmental on-screen characters, without
state performing artists monopolizing (Collaborative governance is the availability of institutions
that promote interaction between the government and non-government actors, without state
actors monopolizing
Then Sudarmo (2011) characterizes Collaborative Administration as An coordinates
framework of connections that are overseen over formal and casual organizational boundaries with
recognized organizational standards and a clear definition of victory. (An coordinates framework
with overseen connections over the boundaries of formal and casual organizations with reconceived
organizational standards and clear definitions of victory).
Furthermore, Agrawal and Lemos (2024) in Emerson et al. (2012) characterize collaborative
administration not as it were constrained to partners comprising of government and non-government
but too shaped by the presence of multipartner administration, which incorporates the
private/private segment, society and gracious society and is built on the cooperative energy of
partner parts and the arrangement of half breed plans as well as public-private-social participation.
Laws and Regulations Related to the Handling of Beggars and Homeless
There are several relevant legal rules that can be used as a guideline/foundation in dealing with
beggars and homeless people in Indonesia. Some of them are as follows:
1) Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of (2009)concerning Social Welfare (Statute Book of
the Republic of Indonesia No. 12 of 2009, Supplement to Statute Book of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 4967);
According to Indonesian Law No. 11 of 2009 concerning Social Welfare, homeless people and beggars
are categorized as community groups that experience social dysfunction or People with Social
Welfare Problems (MSMEs). As a legal norm about social welfare in Indonesia, the Law
In the provisions of Article 6 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2009 concerning Social
Welfare, it is emphasized that the implementation of social welfare includes: Social rehabilitation,
which is a process of refunctionalization and development to enable a person to be able to carry out
his social functions reasonably in community life;
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1791
a. Social security, which is an institutionalized scheme to ensure that all people can meet their
basic needs for a decent life;
b. Social empowerment, which is all efforts directed to make citizens who experience social
problems have power, so that they are able to meet their basic needs;
c. Social protection, i.e. all efforts directed to prevent and
2) Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 39 of (2012) concerning the
Implementation of Social Welfare (Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia No. 68 of 2012,
Supplement to Statute Book of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5294).
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia N0. 39 of 2012 concerning the Implementation
of Social Welfare is an implementing regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Law No.11 of 2009 which
in the provisions of Article 6 letters (e) and (f) it is emphasized that homeless people and beggars
should get social rehabilitation in the context of social welfare implementation activities for the
people of Indonesia. This social rehabilitation is aimed at restoring physical, mental, and social
functioning, as well as providing and improving skills for homeless people and beggars.
2. Materials and Methods
The research method used is a qualitative descriptive method that is exploratory, with
observation techniques, then secondary data sources are obtained through literature studies and the
internet, including blogs made by the Makasssar City Social Service and the Makasssar City Central
Statistics Agency. based on facts that appear or as they are. Research with this method focuses on the
discovery of facts (fact-finding) as the actual situation (Nawawi, 2006). Meanwhile, exploratory
research has the goal of exploring widely the causes or things that affect the occurrence of something
(Arikunto, 2006). Thus, the exploratory, descriptive method is research with problem-solving that is
explored extensively about the causes or things that affect the occurrence of something based on facts
that occur in the field.
The use of qualitative descriptive methods in this study is expected to allow for empirical and
explorative analysis of research problems using a literature study that focuses on the analysis of
collaborative governance theory (Mulyana, 2004). This study aims to recommend an effective model
for dealing with beggars and homeless people in the city of Makassar.
3. Result and Discussion
The Role of Social Services in Tackling Homeless and Beggars in the city of Makassar
That the Social Service of Makasssar city has carried out its role in counseling, data collection,
coaching, training or rehabilitation and monitoring, control and supervision of homeless people and
beggars in the city of Makasssar, including several steps as follows: (Aprilyanti et al., 2021; Hidayah,
1. Security and raids carried out by the Social Service in collaboration with the Makasssar Police
and Satpol PP of the city of Makasssar, to discipline homeless people and beggars in the city of
2. Data collection is one of the first steps taken by the Makassar City Social Service to find out the
number of beggars in the city of Makassar
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1792
3. Counseling, which is carried out by the Makassar City Social Service by means of socialization.
It is carried out to beggars who have been caught by the Social Service in the form of
instructions not to beg.
4. The social service has a role in solving social problems such as the problem of beggars in the
city of Makassar The pendatan carried out by the Social Service of Makasssar city is the initial
data that is used as a reference in conducting coaching at the next level which aims to find out
the outline of beggars in each sub-district as a target in carrying out further activities.
5. Coaching, is an activity that is carried out in a planned and organized manner with the intention
of suppressing, eliminating, reducing, and preventing the spread of social problems, especially
homeless people and beggars, to realize order in public places
6. Training, is the next step in handling homeless people and beggars, through systematic teaching
to have certain skills so that they do not beg and wander again.
Effective strategies that can be applied in dealing with homeless people and beggars in the city
of Makasssar.
One of the alternative solutions in dealing with homeless and beggars that can be done by the
Makassar city government is to develop a more holistic model, through collaborative cooperation
with the business sector involving companies or MSMEs spread across the city of Makassar.
According to Ansell and Grash (2007), "Collaborative governance is therefore a type of governance
in which public and private actors work collectively in distinctive way, using particular processes, to
establish laws and rules for the provision of public goods". This concept expresses the importance of a
condition where public actors and private actors (businesses) work together in a certain way and
process that will later produce the right legal products, rules, and policies for the public or society.
The strategy in question requires collaborative cooperation and synergy between the Social
Service, the Cooperative and MSME Office, as well as the private sector consisting of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises in the city of Makassar, which was initiated by the Government through the
following steps: (Permadi et al., 2018; Yacob et al., 2021)
1. The government collaborates with micro, small and medium enterprises/companies, by
providing grants from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budge (APBD).
2. Training and coaching are carried out by bringing in trainers/instructors who have specific
expertise or can also be carried out by experts from partner companies, or from
professions/universities. By referring to the curriculum designed by experts, coaching and
training can focus more on skills training that are specifically prepared practically that allow
them to work immediately, after participating in coaching and training.
3. After going through the training and coaching process, former homeless people and beggars
get a certificate of expertise known to the relevant agencies and companies, as a form of
commitment and academic responsibility. Then former homeless people and beggars are
employed according to the requests and needs of partner companies.
This collaborative model will be effective in tackling beggars and homeless people, considering
that the dominant causal factor that makes them beggars and homeless people is economic factors,
which should be obtained through work with a fixed income. Thus, the collaborative strategy
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1793
implemented will provide them with jobs with a fixed income, so as to prevent the return of former
homeless people and beggars who are homeless and begging again.
4. Conclusion
Through a collaborative strategy between the government and micro, small and medium
enterprises with a collaborative governance model, the phenomenon of homeless people and beggars
which has been difficult to find a solution can be slowly overcome.
The form of synergistic cooperation between the government and the business sector through the
collaborative model can be carried out through the disbursement of loan funds given in a certain
amount, provided that micro, small and medium enterprises are willing to provide jobs for former
homeless people and beggars, who already have training and coaching certificates provided by the
relevant agencies and in accordance with the curriculum that is in accordance with the needs to
support their needs companies that will hire them. Thus, all parties will benefit. On the one hand, the
government can carry out its role in tackling poverty well. The micro, small and medium enterprises
sector can increase their productivity, while former homeless people and beggars can meet their
economic needs.
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