Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1781
Public transportation;
Decline in interest; Timika
This research aims to determine the factors influencing the
reduction of public transportation in Timika City. The method used
is quantitative, which is collecting data through questionnaires. The
research results show that several factors influencing the reduction
in public transportation in Timika City are limited accessibility,
service, and comfort. The analysis used in this research is multiple
linear regression analysis. The results of this research explain that
variable X1, namely accessibility, and variable X2, namely service,
have a positive and insignificant influence on the interest of public
transport users. Meanwhile, variable X
, namely comfort, has a
positive and significant effect on the interest of public transport
users. The implications of this study show that increasing comfort is
the most significant factor in attracting public interest in using
public transportation in Timika City. Improvements in accessibility
and quality of service, while important, are not enough without
increased convenience. Effective strategies should focus on
improving hygiene, seat comfort, in-vehicle temperature, and
tranquility during the trip.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Economic development in a country is inseparable from the influence of supporting facilities
and infrastructure such as transportation, according to Merdeka Wati, 2012 (Daryono et al., 2021;
Surung & Arka, 2018). The development of the regional economy is always associated with increased
community activities. These community activities will form a movement model that connects
community mobility with the relationship between the transportation industry and other industries
(Karim et al., 2023; Muhyiddin & Nusa, 2023). According to Tamin, 2000 Transportation is an inseparable
need in people's lives. Transportation has a close relationship between the location and the location
of human activities. The importance of transportation can be seen in terms of people's needs for
Analysis of Factors Influencing The Decline in Public
Transportation Interest in Timika City
Hira Wahyu, Tri Wahyuni, Fitriani Jum Hamdana, Yahya Nusa
STIE Jambatan Bulan, Indonesia
Email: hirawahyu11@gmail.com, triwahyuni1[email protected], fitrianijumhamdan[email protected]m,
Correspondence: hirawahyu11@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1782
public transportation services for the mobility of people and goods that will enter all corners of the
country, even from and abroad (Jumain et al., 2021; Lucas et al., 2016). Transportation has a role in
supporting community activities; to support these activities or activities, a driving facility is needed.
Transportation is interrelated with humans because transportation is controlled by humans so that
it runs properly. One of the transportation that humans often use is public transportation. Public
transportation is one of the means used by many people; public transportation is usually used to go
to several points or routes that have been determined and will not pass through unspecified routes
(Buamona et al., 2017).
The city of Timika, a city located in Papua Province, Indonesia, has experienced a decline in the
use of public transportation as the main mode of transportation. This has become a concern for the
government and local communities, as public transportation not only serves as a means of
transportation but also plays an important role in regulating traffic and reducing congestion in the
city. In this analysis, we will discuss the factors that affect the decline in the use of public
transportation in Timika City and find solutions to increase the use of this mode of transportation
Public transportation is one of the alternatives for the public because of several factors that can
determine people's interest in using public transportation, some of these factors are accessibility,
service, and convenience that will affect interest. If public transportation cannot guarantee safety, it
will affect the public's interest in using it. If public transportation cannot guarantee passenger
comfort, it will be able to affect the public's interest; if public transportation does not guarantee good
service for passengers, it will be able to affect people's interest in using public transportation.
The decline in interest in the use of public transportation is a global phenomenon that also
occurs in various cities, including Timika City. This study aims to identify and analyze the factors that
affect the decrease in public interest in public transportation. Based on data analysis using the
Questionnaire system, several main factors are often associated with a decline in the use of public
transportation, including the availability of service facilities, accessibility, and operational conditions
of public transportation, such as the level of comfort. Public transportation in Timika City is currently
facing various challenges that cause a decrease in public interest in using it. Many of the Yellow Taxis
used are still in poor condition. Vehicles that are old and poorly maintained often cause inconvenience
to passengers. The erratic frequency of public transportation and often late is one of the main reasons
for the decline in public interest in public transportation users. (Kusumadewi, 2020).
2. Materials and Methods
This research can use primary data collection methods, such as direct surveys of the people of
Timika through the distribution of questionnaires. In this study, questionnaire data was used, which
was distributed online to people who had used public transportation. The survey had 100
respondents who were public transportation users in Timika City. This study aims to analyze the
factors that affect the decrease in public transportation interest in Timika City.
This study aims to understand what are the influences between the independent variables X1
(accessibility), X2 (services), and X3 (convenience) on the dependent variable Y (interest). The
multiple linear regression analysis method was used as an analysis tool using SPSS 25.
Here is the model of the equation:
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1783
Y = a + ฮฒx1 + ฮฒx2 + ฮฒx3 + e
Y: Interest
A: Constanta
X1: Accessibility
X2: Service
X3: Comfort
e: error
3. Result and Discussion
Multiple linear regression analysis is used to determine the influence between independent
variables and bound variables. The independent variables in this study are Accessibility, Service, and
Comfort. While the bound variable is Interest
Effect of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with SPSS
This is the result of the data from SPSS:
Table 1
Model Summary
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Convenience (X3 ), Service ( X2 ), Accessibility ( X1 )
b. Dependent Variable: Interest ( Y )
Based on Table 1 and the output above, the determinant coefficient (R Square) is obtained at
0.461, which implies that the influence of free variables (Accessibility, Service, and Comfort) on bound
variables (Interest) is 46.1%.
Table 2
Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: Interest (Y)
b. Predictors: (Constant). Accessibility, service, comfort
Table 2 of ANOVA shows that the relationship between the independent variable (Accessibility,
Service, Convenience) and the dependent variable (Interest) has a significant effect of 0.000.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1784
Table 3
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Based on Table 3 above, it can be seen that accessibility (X1) is -0.142 with a sig of 0.289, which
means that accessibility (X1) has no significant influence on interest (Y). Service (X2) is a coefficient
of 0.148 with a sig of 0.296 > 0.5, which means that service (X2) has no significant influence on interest
(Y). and for comfort (X3) is 0.608 with a sig of 0.000, which means that comfort (X3) has a significant
influence on interest (Y). It can be concluded that convenience (X3) influences interest (Y), while
accessibility (X1) and service (X2) have no significant influence.
Accessibility to the Interest of Public Transportation Users in Timika City
The results of the above analysis show that accessibility has a negative and insignificant
influence on the interest of public transportation users in Timika City (Alam et al., 2024). The results
of the accessibility variable have a negative influence, meaning that when accessibility to public
transportation increases, public interest in using it tends to decrease, and vice versa. This does not
affect but can be caused by several other factors that affect the preference for the use of public
transportation. Insignificant means that the analysis results do not show strong enough evidence to
state that changes in accessibility actually affect public interest. This means that changes in
accessibility are not large enough or inconsistent because they are considered to have a real impact
on people's interest in using public transportation.
Accessibility, Public transportation, in community life, transportation has a very big role in
determining the progress of a nation and state, the role of transportation is the nation's
competitiveness as a means to interact in every activity, in this case, how a nation is able to manage a
reliable transportation system according to Putra, 2016 in (Soimun et al., 2021). According to Redman
et al., 2013 The quality attributes of public transportation that attract the attention of car users that
the physical attributes (e.g., reliability of service, accessibility, price) and perceived quality (e.g.
comfort, safety, convenience) of public transportation, especially affective and motivational
attributes, and reliability of service and frequency, have an important role in attracting car users to
public transportation (Wirahaji & Muka, 2023)
This is stated on (Putrika Damayanti & Khoirudin, 2021) stated that Accessibility has a positive
influence on the interest of public transportation users.
Services to the Interest of Public Transportation Users in Timika City
The results of the above analysis state that services have a negative and insignificant
relationship with the interest of public transportation users. The relationship between services and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1785
the interest of public transportation users is negative. When the quality of service increases, public
interest in using public transportation tends to decrease, and vice versa. This may indicate that other
factors are more dominant in influencing public interest than the quality of the service itself.
Insignificant means that the analysis results do not show strong evidence to state that changes in
service quality actually affect public interest. In other words, changes in service quality are not large
enough or inconsistent to be considered to have a real impact on people's interest in using public
This is stated on (Hidayah, 2020) stated that the level of service does not affect the interest in
using public transportation, while in (Putrika Damayanti & Khoirudin, 2021) stated that the quality
of service has a positive influence on the interest of public transportation users and while in (Alrusydi,
2018) stated that the quality of service has a significant effect on public interest.
Convenience for the Interest of Public Transportation Users in Timika City
The results of the above study state that Comfort has a positive and significant influence on the
interest of public transportation users in the city of Timika. A positive influence means that when the
comfort level in using public transportation increases, people's interest in using public transportation
also increases. This shows that comfort is an important factor that can increase the use of public
transportation by the community in Timika City (Ferdynand & Supriyatna, 2024). Significant means
that the results show strong analytical evidence that changes in comfort levels impact people's
interests. This means that the increase in comfort affects people's decisions to use public
This is stated by (Putrika Damayanti & Khoirudin, 2021) that Comfort positively influences
public transportation users' interest.
4. Conclusion
Based on the above research, it can be concluded that Accessibility refers to the ease of people
in reaching and using public transportation services. While important, research shows that improving
accessibility alone is insufficient to increase public interest in public transportation. The quality of
service includes various aspects such as punctuality, staff shortages, and information availability.
Although improving the quality of services is a good step, the study results show that it is also not
significant enough to increase public interest. Comfort includes elements such as cleanliness, seat
comfort, temperature in the vehicle, and tranquility during the trip. Research finds that convenience
is the most significant factor influencing people's interest in public transportation. This means that
people highly value a convenient travel experience and are more likely to opt for public
transportation if they feel comfortable during the trip. To increase public interest in using public
transportation in Timika City, efforts must be focused on improving comfort, which is a very
significant factor. Improvements in accessibility and quality of service are not enough to attract more
users without increasing convenience.
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