Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1763
Principal Leadership; Teacher
Motivation; Customer
Education is crucial for developing human resources and preparing
for global competition. Parents play a vital role in this process,
significantly influencing and making decisions about their children's
education. Thus, educational institutions should consider parents as
key customers in choosing schools. The Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan
Lil'Alamin Foundation operates schools at the elementary, middle,
high, and vocational levels. This research aims to determine whether
there is an influence of the principal's leadership and teacher
motivation influence the level of customer satisfaction at the Daarut
Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation. This research uses
quantitative methods and data collection techniques by distributing
questionnaires whose validity and reliability have been tested. The
sample in this research is the parents of students, with the total
number of respondents that the researchers will take from the
Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation, namely 322
people. The research results show that the principal's leadership,
teacher motivation, and customer satisfaction are in the "good"
category. The principal's leadership and teacher motivation have a
positive and significant influence with an influence value of 6.851
and 8.447. There is a simultaneous influence of principal leadership
and teacher motivation on customer satisfaction, with an influence
value of 166,572. The coefficient of determination is 0.511. That is,
approximately 51.1% of the variability in customer satisfaction can
be explained jointly by principal leadership and teacher motivation,
while the remaining 48.9% can be distributed among other variables
not included in this study. It is hoped that this research will
contribute by exploring the factors that influence customer
satisfaction, such as school principal leadership and teacher
motivation. Therefore, the Foundation must improve to overcome
this problem so that it does not happen again.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The Influence of Principal Leadership and Teacher Motivation on
Student Parent Satisfaction in Schools Under The Daarut Tauhiid
Rahmatan Lil'alamin Foundation
Fernando, Mohammad Riza Sutjipto
Universitas Telkom, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: fernando16sep@gmail.com
Correspondence: fernando16[email protected]m
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1764
1. Introduction
Education has an essential role in the development of Human Resources (HR) so that skills can
be honed in preparing for global competition. In this case, education is not only in formal education
but starts from the family, the formal environment at school, and the environment around the
community (Ulfah & Arifudin, 2020).
The most important party in terms of educational interests is the parents of students whose
role is very crucial. They have a great responsibility in making decisions related to children's
education and have a significant influence on children's views and opinions as students. The National
Coalition for Parents Involvement explains that family involvement in a child's education can create
a sense of support and make the individual better (Al-Azhar Asy-Syarif Sumatera Utara, 2022). Therefore,
entrepreneurs or educational foundations need to consider parents as customers who have a
significant role in determining the choice of educational institutions that can meet their needs and
expectations. By the research (Nasib, 2017), if a company can provide unique satisfaction to its
customers, the resulting company profits can cover the company's operating costs and improve the
welfare of stakeholders in the company. According to (Komarudin & Trianasari, 2021) explained that
the services provided by a company must be proportional to the expectations that consumers have.
So, if the service or performance of the product in question is superior, consumers will feel
satisfaction and their expectations will be met (Putra & Tricahyono, 2020).
The Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation is an equivalent Education Foundation
and covers several levels from elementary to high school or equivalent. Based on the information
obtained that the level of customer satisfaction with the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin
Foundation has decreased, several factors can be the cause of the decline. The following is the
percentage of customer satisfaction that has decreased at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin
Foundation. The percentage of customer satisfaction is presented in the following table:
Table 1 Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey filled out by Parents of Students at the
Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation in 2020-2023
850 (52%)
34 (2%)
800 (49%)
659 (40%)
35 (2%)
730 (45%)
663 (40%)
56 (3%)
690 (42%)
637 (39%)
82 (5%)
Source: Internal Data of the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation (2023)
Based on the data from the results of the customer satisfaction survey obtained every year,
customer satisfaction at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation, namely the parents of
students, has always decreased in the span of the last 4 years, the results were obtained when parents
of students were asked to fill out a questionnaire or questionnaire given by the Foundation to the
parents of students as a form to find out the voices and aspirations of parents regarding what
happened in the field that makes them feel dissatisfied. In 2020 164 parents of students expressed
their dissatisfaction with the DTR Foundation, in 2021 there were 180 people expressed their
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1765
dissatisfaction, then in 2022 it increased to 246 people, and in 2023 it increased again to 312
expressing the same thing or dissatisfaction. A total of 902 people who expressed their dissatisfaction
with the DTR Foundation could have caused a sense of dissatisfaction stemming from various factors
ranging from the leadership of the principal and the quality of teaching provided by teachers not by
what they expected.
In addition, the researcher also conducted a pre-survey related to customer satisfaction in
2024 involving 50 Parents of Students at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation as a
sample related to their satisfaction with the DTR Foundation, sampling and pre-survey were carried
out randomly, the results of the Pre-Survey are presented in the table below:
Table 2 Results of Pre-Survey of Satisfaction of Parents as Customers of the Daarut
Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation,
Categories Satisfaction
Total of Respondents
Highly satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
As seen in the table above, 60% of parents surveyed expressed their satisfaction with the
Foundation. Even on a short pre-survey scale, these figures indicate a very high level of customer
satisfaction for the foundation. However, 40% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the
services received, thus indicating that there is room for future development in this field.
Based on the presentation of various internal data of the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin
Foundation and a pre-survey conducted by the researcher directly, it can be stated that it is true that
there is a decrease in the motivation of teachers and the leadership of the principal, which is based
on several assessment points. Thus, from this decline, there is also a decrease in the level of customer
satisfaction at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation, namely the parents of students.
This of course requires an evaluation from the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation so
that it can improve the decline in customer satisfaction rates with various strategies that can be
developed. Strategic studies through assessments are believed to be an indispensable aspect of
understanding how teacher motivation and principal leadership affect customer satisfaction.
Leadership and motivation play an important role in determining the quality of services in the ever-
evolving field of education. In addition to having a clear vision for the school, a great principal can
inspire and guide teachers to meet the highest teaching standards. One of the important elements that
affect the quality of teaching and the relationship between students and parents is teacher motivation.
The Foundation can then determine the strengths and weaknesses of the existing leadership
and incentive system by conducting a thorough assessment. The findings of the evaluation will
provide in-depth information to create a more successful plan to improve customer satisfaction, i.e.
parental satisfaction. The high level of customer satisfaction proves the foundation's ability to provide
quality teaching and satisfactory service. In addition, this assessment is also a benchmark to ensure
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1766
that the foundation is still relevant and able to adapt to the changing needs and standards of the
Therefore, a comprehensive investigation and analysis of the influence of the principal's
leadership and teachers' motivation will not only contribute to improving the quality of education but
also strengthen trust in the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation. Ultimately, this will
support the foundation's growth and sustainability in the future.
Basically, as previously explained, parents are the main stakeholders in the educational
environment at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation, so the researcher chose parents
as respondents to evaluate customer satisfaction. In deciding and supervising the quality of education
their children receive, parents play an important role. Parents' satisfaction is a reflection of their
opinions and first-hand experiences with the school's various services, from the curriculum and
teaching strategies to the facilities offered for learning. Parents are the ones who devote time, energy,
and money to their children's education, so they have a unique position to assess the foundation's
performance. As a result, the foundation can collect appropriate and real input on areas that need
development and advantages through the results of the survey that has been conducted. To increase
parents' satisfaction and trust in this educational institution, this research also aims to ensure that
the foundation's policies and initiatives are aligned with their needs and goals.
Samsurijal (2017), The results of the study show that the performance of teachers at SMA Negeri
13 Mukomuko is significantly influenced by the principal's leadership and teachers' work motivation.
Tambingon (2018), with the title The Influence Principal Leadership style and Teacher Work
Motivation on the Performance of Certified Teachers at SMA Negeri Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi,
Indonesia. The results showed that the principal's leadership and teachers' motivation did not have a
significant effect on the quality of service in the Rainbow Education Institution.
This research aims to find out how the leadership of the principal at the Daarut Tauhiid
Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation and the motivation of teachers at the foundation are. In addition,
this study also wants to understand customer satisfaction at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin
Foundation and how much influence the principal's leadership has on customer satisfaction. This
study also evaluates how much teacher motivation influences customer satisfaction, as well as
measures the combined influence of principal leadership and teacher motivation on customer
satisfaction at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation.
2. Materials and Methods
This research is a type of quantitative research. This method uses statistical data analysis
techniques to test the proposed hypothesis. The researcher made a decision using a quantitative
method in this study because it was intended to measure the influence of the researcher who required
data verification in the form of numbers, so that it was possible whether all indicators had reached
according to the hypothesis or not. In this study, the researcher used a type of causal relationship
research. According to (Sugiyono, 2019) a causal relationship is a relationship that has a cause-and-
effect nature with the presence of variables that influence each other. In this study, the researcher
uses an experimental method with the help of questionnaires or questionnaires which are a tool for
collecting data that will be distributed to respondents through the Google form platform. The
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1767
determination of this method was chosen because it is expected to provide support for researchers
to obtain validated data.
In this study, the population that will be used as the population is all parents of students at the
Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation from the education level of elementary school
grades 1-6, junior high school grades 7-9 and high school/vocational school grades 10-12, a total of
1639 populations that will be used by the researcher. This research applies the Non-probability
sampling method through a purposive sampling approach with the sample criteria used, namely:
1. Parents of students from elementary school grades 1-6, junior high school grades 7-9, high
school and vocational school grades 10-12,
2. Are the student's parents or guardians (not outside parties)
3. Have interacted with the school at least 2 times,
4. Have experience related to the performance of the principal leadership and the motivation of
the teacher whose child attends school.
The study used the slovin formula by using the slovin formula with a 5% error rate with a
population of 1639, the total sample obtained was around 321.68 respondents and rounded to 322
respondents. So that the total number of respondents that the researcher will take from the Daarut
Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation is 322 people.
According to (Sugiyono, 2019) Data collection can be collected from a variety of settings,
sources, and methods. In terms of setting, data can be obtained from natural situations, laboratory
experiments, interviews at respondents' homes, participation in seminars or discussions,
observations in the field, and so on. In terms of sources, data collection can be done directly through
primary sources, such as respondents or participants, or indirectly through secondary sources,
secondary data obtained from journal references, previous research references, guidebooks, and
articles on the internet.
Validity and reliability tests, the results of the Cronbach Alpha test using the SPSS 27 application
obtained a value of 0.951 for the X1 variable, 0.900 for the X2 variable, and 0.868 for the Y variable.
Thus, the research instrument is said to be reliable because it has test results with a Cronbach Alpha
value above 0.6. The data analysis technique uses descriptive analysis and classical assumption tests,
the goal of which is to assess the match between the observed data and the underlying assumptions.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1768
3. Result and Discussion
Characteristics Responden
1. Respondent Characteristics by Gender
Figure 1 Respondent Characteristics by Gender
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
Of the 322 respondents obtained as the object of the study, the largest percentage was
women, namely 243 people or 75.5%. Meanwhile, 79 other people or 24.5% were men.
2. Characteristics of Respondents by Job
Figure 2 Respondent Characteristics Based on Occupation
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
Reviewed in table 2, from the work of the respondents, the characteristics of the respondents
in this study show that out of a total of 322 respondents, almost half of the respondents, namely as
many as 153 people (47.5%) are entrepreneurs. Another occupation that dominates is private
employees which is the occupation of 109 respondents (33.9%). Then, it is known that as many as 25
people (7.8%) work as teachers or lecturers, as many as 8 people (2.5%) work as civil servants, as
many as 9 people (2.8%) work as freelancers, and 18 people (5.6%) work in fields other than those
mentioned above.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1769
3. Respondent Characteristics by Age
Figure 3 Respondent Characteristics by Age
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
In table 3, it is known that based on age, the highest percentage of respondents is 35-44 years
old, which is 169 people (52.5%). It is also known that respondents aged 25-34 years are 120 people
(37.3%), and respondents aged 45-54 years are 33 people (10.2%).
4. Characteristics of Respondents Based on Children's Education Levels
Figure 4 Characteristics of Respondents Based on Children's Education Levels
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
In table 4, it is known that the distribution of respondents based on children's education levels
is quite even, namely 76 respondents with elementary school children (23.6%), 81 people are
guardians of junior high school students (25.2%), 81 people are guardians of high school students
(25.2%), and 84 people are guardians of vocational school students (26.1%).
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1770
Classical Assumption Test
1. Normality Test
Table 3 Regression Model Residual Normality Test Results
Residual Regression of variables
X1 and X2 to variable Y
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
Based on Table 3, the probability value (Sig.) is 0.200 where this value is greater than 0.05.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the residual regression model of Principal Leadership, Teacher
Motivation, on Customer Satisfaction follows the normal distribution.
Figure 4 Normality Test Results
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
The results of the normality test can also be reviewed in Figure 4.7 which shows the data
distribution points following the normality line. Therefore, it can be concluded that the residual
regression model meets the assumption of normality.
Multicollinearity Test
Table 4 Multicollinearity Test Results
Principal Leadership
Tidak terjadi multikolinearitas
Teacher Motivation
Tidak terjadi multikolinearitas
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
The results obtained showed that the two independent variables, namely the Principal
Leadership and Teacher Motivation variables had a tolerance value of more than 0.10 and a VIF
value of less than 10. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between
independent variables.
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Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 5 Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Principal Leadership
No heteroscedasticity occurs
Techer Motivation
No heteroscedasticity occurs
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
Table 5, shows that the probability value (Sig.) of the two independent variables is greater than
0.05, the conclusion that can be drawn is that there is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model
between the Principal's Leadership and Teacher's Motivation on Customer Satisfaction. The
heteroscedasticity test is presented with the Scatterplot graph below.
Figure 5 Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
Reviewing the graph of the heteroscedasticity test results, it can be seen that the data on the
graph does not form a specific pattern and is scattered between the 0 points, therefore, it can be
concluded that the regression model meets the assumption of homoscedasticity.
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Table 6 Multiple Linear Regression Model Results.
Std. Error
Principal Leadership
Techer Motivation
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1772
Judging from table 6, it can be seen that the regression equation model is:
Y = 1.694 + 0.147X1 + 0.308X2
Based on the model, there is a constant value () of β
1,694, which represents the prediction of
the Customer Satisfaction (Y) value when the score of the two independent variables is zero.The
regression coefficient for Principal Leadership () is 0.147, indicating that each 1-point increase in the
Principal Leadership variable is accompanied by an increase of 0.147 in Customer Satisfaction,
assuming a fixed Teacher Motivation score. Meanwhile, the β
regression coefficient for Teacher
Motivation () is 0.308, which means that a 1-point increase in the Teacher Motivation variable will
result in an increase of 0.308 in Customer Satisfaction.β
The positive coefficients of variables (X
) and (X
) show that Principal Leadership and Teacher
Motivation have a positive impact that is in line with Customer Satisfaction. So, it can be said that the
higher the Principal's Leadership and Teacher Motivation, the higher the level of satisfaction of
students and parents with the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation.
Hypothesis test
1. Partial Test (Test T)
In this test, the independent variable will be seen but partially affects the bound
Table 7 T Test Results
Techer Motivation
Sumber: Olahan Peneliti (2024)
From the results of the t-test, it can be seen in table 7, for the principal leadership variable, the
calculated t-value is 6,851 while for the teacher's motivation variable, the t-calculated value is 8,447.
Furthermore, the degree of freedom (df) 319 i.e. 1.96743 can be used to find the t-value of the table.
The comparison results show that H0 is rejected and H1, H2 is accepted, because the t value is
calculated > t table. Therefore, it can be concluded that the principal's leadership and teachers'
motivation affect customer satisfaction partially.
The magnitude of the influence of each independent variable can be understood from the
square of the correlation of the variable on the bound variable. The results of the correlation of each
variable can be found through the "Zero-order" column above. The influence of each variable can be
described as follows.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1773
The Influence of Principal Leadership (X1) on Y= 0.634
= 0.40196
= 40.196%
The Influence of Teacher Motivation (X2) on Y = 0.662
= 0.4382
= 43.82%
2. Simultaneous Test (Test F)
This test aims to determine the influence of all independent variables on the bound variables.
Table 8 Test Results F,
Sum of
Mean Square
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
Judging from the results of the F analysis in table 8, it was found that the calculated f value
was 166,572, while the f value of the table with a degree of freedom (df) of 319 was 3.73. From the
comparison, the calculated f-value is 166,572 > the table f-table is 3.73, so H0 is rejected and H3 is
accepted. The conclusion is that the principal's leadership and teacher motivation affect customer
satisfaction simultaneously. In other words, the independent variable affects the dependent variable
3. Coefficient of Determination
Table 9 Results of Determination Coefficient Analysis
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of
the Estimate
Source: Researcher Processed (2024)
From the analysis of the determination coefficient in table 9, the R-square value is 0.511.
This means that about 51.1% of the variability of Customer Satisfaction can be explained jointly by
Principal Leadership and Teacher Motivation. Meanwhile, with the remaining 48.9% can be
distributed to other variables that are not included in this study.
Results of Respondent Characteristics
In this study, the researcher will explain the characteristics of the respondents who have been
previously studied. The characteristics of the respondents in this study were sorted based on:
1) In the analysis of respondent characteristics by gender, it can be seen that the majority of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1774
respondents are women with a percentage of 75.5% (243 people), while only 24.5% (79 people)
are men. This shows the dominance of female respondents in this study. Some of the factors that
may cause this include the involvement of women who are more active in education-related
activities, both as students and as parents who spend more time on their children's school
activities. This finding is in line with the opinion of Rusyidi & Fedryansah (2019), who stated
that women have extraordinary abilities in managing time and are more actively involved in
school affairs and their children's education.
2) In the analysis of respondent characteristics based on occupation, most of the respondents were
entrepreneurs, as many as 47.5% (153 people). Another occupation that dominates is private
employees which is the occupation of 109 respondents (33.9%). The distribution of these jobs
shows that there is a diversity of professions among the respondents, but the dominance of
employers and private employees may reflect the relevance of this study to the economic sector
and informal education.
It should be noted that DTR foundation schools are private schools with relatively high
education costs. Therefore, the majority of students' parents work as entrepreneurs and private
employees who generally have greater financial ability to finance education at the school. In
addition, the profession of entrepreneurs and private employees may also offer greater time
flexibility, so they can more easily engage in activities related to their children's education.
3) In the analysis of respondent characteristics based on age, the age distribution of respondents
showed that the age group of 35-44 years was the most, with a percentage of 52.5% (169
people). The age group of 25-34 years is in second place with a percentage of 37.3% (120
people), and the age group of 45-54 years has the smallest percentage of 10.2% (33 people).
The age group of 35-44 years dominates because in this age range, individuals tend to be more
stable in their careers (Firaz, 2015) and have greater family responsibilities (Herlina, 2020), so
they are more interested in or have the opportunity to be involved in research related to
education. In addition, this age group may also have children who are in the education level, so
it is more relevant and involved in this research topic.
4) In the analysis of respondent characteristics based on children's education level, the distribution
of respondents showed even involvement at various levels of education. This is due to the
author's desire to see various perspectives fairly from each different level of education.
Discussion of the Results of Research on Principal Leadership Variables
The leadership variable of the principal at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation
obtained a percentage of 81% and was classified as good. These results indicate that in general,
parents of students feel that the principal has carried out his leadership duties effectively and has a
positive influence on the school environment. However, there are still some things that need
improvement. One of them is evidenced by the dimension of supervisors who have the lowest
percentage, indicating that school principals are not effective in supervising learning. Teachers feel
that they are rarely monitored in carrying out their duties, which has an impact on the quality of
learning and the satisfaction of students and parents. Limited resources, including funding, time, and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1775
personnel, are one of the main obstacles to the development of an effective teacher certification
To overcome these problems, concrete steps are needed such as increasing the presence of
school principals in schools to supervise and provide guidance to teachers directly. In addition,
further efforts need to be made in the development of teacher certification programs by paying
attention to the availability of existing resources. Therefore, it is also necessary to strengthen the
implementation of learning supervision so that teachers feel more monitored and supported in
carrying out their duties. Thus, the leadership of the principal can be more effective in achieving the
vision and mission of the foundation and improving the overall quality of education.
Based on research conducted by (Purwanto & Evicasari, 2021) who explained that a school
principal must always come and monitor the condition of the school every day. If so, the principal is
able to find out how the teacher performs during the teaching and learning process in the classroom.
From the results of previous research, this is in line with what was researched by researchers. Where
this was the result that the response from the lowest respondents was in the statement "I as a parent
feel that the principal implements the learning supervision program well" with a percentage of 78.7%,
which reflects that this factor is the main thing that needs to be improved by the principal at the DTR
Foundation in order to continue to monitor the performance of teachers in providing the teaching
and learning process in the classroom.
In addition, the administrator dimension is the dimension with the lowest percentage
compared to other dimensions, indicating weaknesses in the administrative aspect. This can be due
to several factors, including a lack of adequate training, excessive workload, or a lack of focus on
administrative tasks in the principal's leadership role. The lack of adequate training and professional
development can lead to school principals lacking the necessary skills in administrative management
such as budget management, strategic planning, and performance monitoring. Excessive workload
can also be a factor, where principals have a lot of responsibilities that divide their attention so that
the administrative aspect does not get the necessary focus. In addition, the principal may focus more
on other dimensions of leadership such as educators and managerials so that they pay less attention
to the administrative aspect.
Discussion of the Results of Research on Teacher Motivation Variables
The variable of teacher motivation at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation, the
percentage reaches 77% and is also included in the good category. Based on the analysis of the data
presented, it can be seen that the internal dimension of teacher motivation at the Daarut Tauhid
Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin Foundation has a low percentage compared to the external dimension,
indicating low intrinsic motivation in teachers. A low percentage of questions that measure internal
motivation, such as a lack of challenging tasks to stimulate teachers' abilities, indicates a potential
deficiency in this area. Without adequate challenges, teachers may feel less motivated and tend to feel
monotonous in their work. In addition, there are indications that some teachers may feel pressured
in carrying out their duties, indicating the need to pay attention to their working conditions and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1776
However, there are positive things that can be taken from the data. Being responsible at work
is the highest indicator in the dimension of intrinsic motivation, showing awareness of the importance
of the teacher's function in providing knowledge to students. From this, it can be concluded that there
is still potential that can be optimized to increase the intrinsic motivation of teachers, such as by
providing more stimulating challenges and paying attention to their well-being and working
To increase teachers' internal motivation, the DTR Foundation needs to pay attention to the
aspects that encourage the creation of challenges in assignments. This can be through the preparation
of challenging professional development programs, delivering innovative projects or tasks, and
ensuring a supportive work environment. In addition, it is also important to pay attention to the
psychological and emotional conditions of teachers, so that they can work better and be more
productive and motivated. Thus, the Daarut Tauhid Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin Foundation can improve
the quality of teaching and learning as a whole.
This is similar to the findings presented in the study by (Siregar et al., 2022) which concludes
that the level of professionalism of a teacher is directly related to the level of motivation he has.
Teachers who are motivated by strong motivation tend to carry out their duties with dedication and
high enthusiasm, triggered by the goals they adhere. These findings are in line with previous research,
following the same pattern observed by the researchers. Where this can be concluded that the quality
of teaching of teachers at the DTR Foundation is considered quite good, but the teachers at the DTR
Foundation are still not motivated by challenging tasks. Therefore, the DTR Foundation needs to
increase the motivation of its teachers by providing more challenging tasks and rewarding them for
their success in completing these tasks.
On the other hand, the highest percentage is in the dimension of external motivation with the
statement "I as a parent feel that teachers will be more motivated to teach well if there is a bonus
provided by the foundation". This is in accordance with the opinion of Marjuni (2020), who stated
that awards help teachers to feel more respected and improve the quality of education. A similar
study conducted by Husnunnadia & Masyithoh (2024) concluded that awards given by school
principals, such as praise, bonuses, certificates, or professional development opportunities, have a
positive impact on teachers' work motivation.
Discussion of the Results of the Customer Satisfaction Variable Research
The customer satisfaction variable is also included in the good category with a percentage of
73%. This evaluation showed that respondents were quite satisfied with the services and learning
outcomes provided by the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation. Based on the analysis of
the data presented, it can be seen that there are several aspects in the services of the Daarut Tauhid
Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin (DTR) Foundation that have not fully satisfied students and parents. Low
percentage of questions around expectations fit. This indicates that the quality of learning and
services has not met the expected expectations, perhaps due to the lack of effectiveness in helping
students understand the subject matter and the lack of satisfaction with the services provided by the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1777
In addition, there are problems in the dimension of expectation conformity, with a low
percentage indicating that exceeding customer expectations for the resulting product has not been
fully met. One of the problems that may arise is related to educational counseling services that are
not yet available, for both students and parents, to help them cope with academic, emotional, or social
issues. However, despite some dissatisfaction, there are still indications that many students and
parents are quite satisfied with the benefits provided by the DTR Foundation as a whole. This is
reflected in the highest percentage of questions expressing willingness to recommend the DTR
Foundation to friends or relatives.
To overcome these problems, the DTR Foundation needs to improve the quality of learning
with methods that are easier to understand, increase the effectiveness of services, and expand the
services offered, including providing educational counseling services. In addition, feedback from
students and parents should be taken seriously and used as a basis for making necessary
improvements and improvements to improve overall customer satisfaction. Thus, it is hoped that
customer expectations can be met so as to increase the level of satisfaction and loyalty to the DTR
Based on research (Magdalena et al., 2021) explained that success in achieving educational
goals depends on how teachers design and implement the learning process. From the results of
previous research, this is in line with what was researched by researchers. Where this was done, it
was found that the response from the respondents with the lowest percentage was in the statement
"I am interested in returning to send my child to DTR Foundation for the next level of education
because the learning provided by the teacher makes it easy for my child to understand the lesson"
with a percentage of 60.3%. This statement reflects that the media factor and learning process that
has not been successfully implemented at the DTR Foundation make students and parents still not
too confident to send their children back to the DTR Foundation. Therefore, the DTR Foundation
needs to consider a new learning media strategy to be able to better convince parents at the DTR
Foundation to send their children back to this school.
The Influence of Principal Leadership on Customer Satisfaction
As a result of the analysis of the research data, it was found that the t-value for the variable
value of Principal Leadership was 6.851, with a significance level of less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), so
that the hypothesis that "Principal leadership has a positive influence on customer satisfaction" can
be accepted. The size of the partial influence given by the Principal Leadership variable on Customer
Satisfaction is 40.196%. This finding is in line with previous research by (Choiruzaed, 2023) It was
concluded that there was a significant influence of the principal's leadership on customer satisfaction.
The Effect of Teacher Motivation on Customer Satisfaction
Based on the results of the analysis of the research data, it was shown that the teacher
motivation variable had a t-count value of 8,447 with a significance value of 0.000 (0.000 < 0.05),
because of this the hypothesis that "Teacher motivation has a positive influence on customer
satisfaction" was accepted. The partial influence given by the Teacher Motivation variable on
Customer Satisfaction was 43.82%. These findings are in line with research conducted by (Mukaffie
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1778
et al., 2023) which concludes that teachers' teaching ability, which is also part of teachers'
motivation, has a positive and significant impact on student satisfaction. The teacher's ability to
deliver lessons, both inside and outside the classroom, directly affects student satisfaction in the
learning process.
The Influence of Principal Leadership and Teacher Motivation on Customer Satisfaction
It is also known that the F value is calculated as 166,572 with a significance value of less than
0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) which means that the hypothesis "Principal leadership and teacher motivation
have a positive influence on customer satisfaction" is accepted. The scale of influence of the
principal's leadership and teachers' motivation in explaining customer satisfaction is 51.1% of the
variability of customer satisfaction.
The findings of this study provide support for the findings that have been revealed in the study
conducted by (Samsurijal, 2017) to find out whether the principal's leadership and teachers' work
motivation have a significant influence on teacher performance at SMA Negeri 13 Mukomuko, either
simultaneously or partially, with the decision that all hypotheses are accepted. Similar research
conducted by (Zahara, 2019) with the results that the leadership of the principal and the teacher's
work motivation simultaneously and partially have an important impact on the performance of
teachers at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung. The principal as a leader who encourages
teachers and employees to carry out their duties responsibly, honestly, effectively, and efficiently,
as well as prioritizing the principle of openness and a humanist approach, will affect the motivation
of teachers and employees in carrying out their respective duties and roles to support the
achievement of the school's vision and mission so that student and parent satisfaction increases
(Yusuf, 2017).
It is important to note that customer satisfaction, in the context of education, is not only
related to the academic achievement of students, but also to the good management of the classroom
by teachers. Teachers' motivation has a direct impact on the quality of teaching, which in turn can
affect student and parent satisfaction. Therefore, increasing teacher motivation can be an effective
step to increase customer satisfaction, as observed in the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin
From the results presented, it can be seen that the principal's leadership and teacher
motivation play an important role in increasing customer satisfaction. This factor is very important
because effective leadership, teachers and school employees will have an easier time carrying out
their duties. Overall, the results of this study provide a further understanding of the importance of
principal leadership and teachers' work motivation in the context of education. The practical
implications of these findings can be the foundation for the development of more effective school
management policies and programs, with a focus on empowering open-minded leadership and
teacher motivation to improve the quality of education and the satisfaction of all parties involved.
4. Conclusion
This research was conducted in order to find out the perception of parents of students at the
Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation regarding the principal's leadership, teacher
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1779
motivation, and customer satisfaction at the Foundation. In addition, the purpose of this study is to
evaluate the influence of the principal's leadership and teachers' motivation on parental satisfaction
at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation and whether the influence is significant. The
research respondents consisted of 322 people who were parents/guardians of students who attended
the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation. Based on the analysis that has been carried out,
the researcher can conclude as follows: The Principal Leadership Variable at the Daarut Tauhiid
Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation received a percentage of 81% and was included in the good
category. These results show that respondents rated in a category either the policy or leadership of
the principal of the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation. The Teacher Motivation
Variable at the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation is in the good category with 77%.
This shows that respondents rated with a good category the motivation of teachers of the Daarut
Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation as well as the performance of teachers in teaching students.
The Customer Satisfaction variable gets a percentage of 73% and makes it a good category. The
evaluation showed that respondents felt good about the services and learning outcomes of the Daarut
Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation. The leadership of the principal has a positive and
significant influence on the customer satisfaction of the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin
Foundation. Teachers' motivation has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction of the
Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation. The leadership of the principal and the motivation
of teachers jointly or simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction of
the Daarut Tauhiid Rahmatan Lil'Alamin Foundation. These two variables were able to explain the
variability of the customer satisfaction variable by 51.1%.
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