Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1752
1. Introduction
In accordance with Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, it is explained that "The
State of Indonesia is a state of law." The state of law is organized based on laws that guarantee justice
for its citizens. Children are a special part of human life and the country's continuity (Nugroho, 2017).
Children are the hope and dream of a nation; they are the most important part of the young generation
who have opportunities for the success of a country, with talent who can contribute in terms of
thoughts, ideas, and decisions. Therefore, children need education and protection for a good future.
Both in mental, physical, and social organizations that are equal to each other (Sciences et al., 2019;
Sulastri & Rochmansyah, 2024; Suparmono, 2000).
Legal Protection of Childern as Perpetrators of Criminal Acts of
Mega Mustika, Hedwig A Mau, Mohamad Ismed
Universitas Jayabaya, Indonesia
Email: megamustika652@gmail.com, hedwigadiantomau@gmail.com, ismedismed@gmail.com
Correspondence: megamustika652@gmail.com
Protection; Child; Criminal
Acts of Obscenity
The child protection is a fundamental human right. Every child is
entitled to survival, development, participation, and protection from
crime and discrimination. Legal protection for children involved in
criminal acts, such as molestation, is governed by Law Number 11 of
2012 on the Criminal Justice System. This research utilizes Law
Enforcement Theory and Law Protection Theory, adopting a
normative juridical approach supported by empirical data. The
study begins with an analysis of relevant legal articles and includes
primary data to support secondary legal materials. The analysis
aims to provide a prescriptive study with interpretive analysis. The
findings reveal that legal regulations for child molestation cases, as
in Decision Number 2/Pid.Sus-Anak/2022/PN Jkt Brt, are based on
Article 82 paragraph (1) jo Article 76 E of Law Number 17 of 2016
and Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. Protection for
child offenders is outlined in Article 71 paragraph (4) of the Child
Protection Law and Article 3 of the Juvenile Criminal Justice System
Law, emphasizing humane treatment and access to legal aid.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1753
The definition of a child, as interpreted by Law No. 1 of 2016, which was stipulated as Law
Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection, is a person in the womb up to no more than 18
years old. Children are a gift from God, and children need to get protection from actions that can
harm them because they need to continue their lives in a good environment. inside (internal) or
outside (external) the environment, to avoid discrimination and violent crimes (Yusra & Susanti,
The sign of concern of the world's population for children's rights and the interests of their
protection was approved by the United Nations on November 20, 1989. Alternatively, what we know
as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Indonesia ratified as a member of the United
Nations through Presidential Decree Number 36 of 1990 concerning the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, this is so that it can bind all Indonesian people because Indonesia is part of the United
Nations. With the existence of legal instruments and conventions on children's rights, it is hoped
that they can protect and create value by comprehensively protecting children and their rights
(Prameswari, 2017).
Delinquency is committed by a child or is called juvenile delinquency. There are subjects of
discussion, namely violations of the law, nature, acts of deviation from the norms imposed, and
violations of the law. This is the act of a child in the form of a violation of legal and social norms
(Soetodjo, 2008). Regarding the abuse carried out by children, the term obscenity originated from the
root word "obscene," which, as KBBI, has the meaning of dirty and heinous (such as violations of
decency and others), bad behavior (violation of morality), acts that are not in accordance with
morality. In contrast, obscenity, according to the legal dictionary, has the meaning of acting indecently
or having an intimate relationship with someone (Harefa, 2013).
Criminal justice today sometimes still treats child perpetrators as perpetrators of crimes made
by someone who can already be held accountable for their actions. Children are seen as capable and
can take responsibility for their actions and deserve the same punishment as adults, which also
happens in Indonesia. Restorative Justice is an effort to handle crimes by involving victims,
perpetrators, their families, and other parties interested in finding solutions by focusing on restoring
the original condition as before the crime, which is not aimed at providing retaliation.
So children's cases in the settlement process need to be carried out outside the court so that the
community can play a role as a concern; besides that, children can think and be afraid to repeat the
crime if many people are involved in it. Helping to restore the child's condition so that he or she is
prevented from repeating the crime. However, based on a study conducted by Bappenas, Puspaka,
and Unicef (2022), one of the biggest problems in Indonesia related to the judicial mechanism for
juvenile crimes lies in the issue of prevention, protection, and data collection. This causes children
who face the law to have more vulnerable conditions than they should. This can be seen from the
disparity in the recovery process between the victim and the perpetrator. Recovery only focuses on
the victim, so the implementation of rehabilitation and recovery for children as perpetrators has not
been carried out optimally.
In order to maintain the originality of this research, there is a research model that the
researcher will propose that is similar to this research, namely: Litia Pratidina Sembiring, with the
thesis "Legal Protection of Children as Perpetrators of Sexual Acts", Master of Law, University of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1754
Medan Area, in 2018. Research on children who carry out criminal molestation crimes is used by Law
No. 35 of 2014 to apply criminal penalties to child offenders to ensure that their rights are maintained.
Use and protect when children are judged. If understood, the problem for the judge is that he needs
to refer to the three principles of the law, namely justice, utility, and legal certainty. Meanwhile, the
perpetrator's child receives protection according to Law No. 35 of 2014, which explains child
protection. These namely various activities protect and guarantee children and children's rights so
that they can develop, live, grow, and actively participate while respecting human dignity".
2. Materials and Methods
This research is included in normative law, which is carried out based on the main legal material
through the study of various concepts, theories, legislation, and legal principles that are related to
normative juridical research
1. An analytical approach involves analyzing legal materials to understand the conceptual
meaning of terms used in law and the application of legal practices and decisions.
2. The case approach is an effort to form a legal argument from the perspective of a concrete case
in the field, where, of course, this case is related to events or legal cases that take place in the
3. The statute approach involves analyzing all rules and regulations concerning the issues being
raised. The researcher must understand the hierarchy and various principles contained in the
Source The most important legal material used in normative research is literature study, while
secondary data is used.
Primary Legal Materials are binding legal materials. The peripheral legal materials in this
research proposal for this thesis are: the Constitution of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
Year 1945, Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 of 1999 concerning Human Rights, Criminal
Code (KUHP), Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile
Criminal Justice System, Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning the Stipulation of Government
Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23
of 2002 concerning Child Protection, Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the
Republic of Indonesia, Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence, Law Number
13 of 1961 concerning the Main Provisions of the Police, Government Regulation No. 92 of 2015 is the
Second Amendment to Government Regulation No. 27 of 1983 concerning the implementation of the
Criminal Procedure Code, Police Chief Regulation Number 6 of 2019 concerning Criminal
Secondary legal materials consist of textbooks produced by legal experts, legal magazines,
scientific views, legal cases, jurisprudence, and the results of symposiums related to writing (Ibrahim,
2018). Tertiary legal materials are materials or writings that can add explanations to the primary and
secondary legal materials, consisting of legal dictionaries, large Indonesian dictionaries, and
This research uses data collection techniques through literature studies limited to secondary law.
Data is collected from notes, transcripts, views, literature books, and documents relevant to the issue
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1755
discussed. Legal materials are analyzed qualitatively, using norms, principles, principles, and
doctrines to provide deductive juridical arguments. The result of this analysis is a general conclusion
explaining the relationship between different types of data to answer concrete problems.
3. Result and Discussion
Legal Arrangements for Children Who Commit Criminal Acts of Molestation
Molestation is a common phenomenon, especially now that there are still high cases of sexual
violence against children. Children have a very special personality where they can act according to
their feelings and thoughts. However, it is undeniable that the environment also affects children's
growth and development. So that each child has the right to live in a good environment, kept away
from something that can have a bad impact on their development.
R. Soesilo explained, the meaning of obscene acts is all actions that are contrary to
politeness/decency or heinous acts that are all related to sexual desire, such as kissing, squeezing
breasts, fingering the genitals, and having sex.
Regarding acts of sexual violence against children, there is a law regarding child protection that
is intended as a sanction for child perpetrators who violate the law. The reason for the use of the
legislation is to ensure that the rights of children sued by the court are still respected and protected.
Bad children in this case can be interpreted as individuals aged 12-18 years with suspicion of having
committed a crime. Suppose a child here commits an act of sexual violence but first seduces the victim.
In that case, the act is different from Article 76 E of the Child Protection Law, which explains: "All
individuals are not allowed to threaten violence or commit violence, coercion, a series of lies, fraud,
or persuasion to a child to commit sexual assault or let it go".
The punishment in Article 82 of the Child Protection Law is:
(1) All individuals who violate the rules are given a minimum prison sentence of 5 years and a
maximum of 15 years and a maximum fine of five billion rupiah.
(2) Regarding the above criminal acts carried out by education personnel, parents, caregivers,
educators, or guardians, the criminal threat will be added to 1/3”.
Children who commit molestation can be held criminally accountable if they are 14 years old,
while if when carrying out the act they are over 12 years old but under 14 years old, it means that the
punishment that can be imposed is a maximum of half of the law for adults (Sudirman, 2023).
However, if the child is given the threat of life or death imprisonment, it means that the judge can
impose a maximum of 10 years in prison. Then with regard to the imposition of sanctions for the
perpetrator's child, the judge is required to take into account the needs of the child, especially for the
rights he has as a child. The 1945 Constitution as the highest norm outlines that "all children have the
right to develop, grow, maintain the continuity of their lives and have the right to be protected from
discrimination and violence".
Regarding the act of molestation carried out by a child, in accordance with Article 82 paragraph (1)
of the Child Protection Law, it can be explained that there is no reason whatsoever in abolishing the
crime of a child if he can be responsible (mentally and physically healthy). Even so, the judge must
still take into account that the child is still a "child" by considering the value of justice and what is
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1756
behind the criminal act, so that then the judge can sanction the child with the form of action. This
action is in accordance with Law Number 11 of 2012 Article 82, namely:
a. Surrender to someone;
b. Return to guardian or parent;
c. Revocation of driver's license;
d. Treatment at LPKS;
e. Remedies due to criminal acts;
f. Treatment in a psychiatric hospital;
g. Must participate in formal training or education by a private or government body.”
Law No. 11 of 2012 fundamentally aims to protect the rights of children who are in conflict with
the law as a form of restorative justice (Setyowati, 2020). Efforts to protect children's rights as a form
of implementing restorative justice are carried out through diversion efforts for children who are in
conflict with the law. The definition of diversion in accordance with Law No. 11 of 2012 Article 1
number 7 is:
"Diversion is an effort to transfer the settlement of children's cases outside of criminal justice from
criminal justice".
Therefore, it is necessary to seek diversion in juvenile criminal justice from the level of
prosecution, investigation, and examination of cases. Then in carrying out this diversion, there are
requirements that need to be considered, such as in Law No. 11 of 2012 Article 7 paragraph (2),
Diversion efforts can be limited to criminal acts with a threat of imprisonment of less than 7 years
and no repeated criminal acts".
These requirements have a comprehensive nature or both need to be met, and cannot be just one. So,
the act of molestation carried out by a child, therefore violating Law No. 11 of 2012 Article 76 E, makes
diversion impossible to pursue.
In accordance with Article 76 of Law No. 11 of 2012, child abuse is punishable by imprisonment for a
maximum of 15 years and a maximum fine of Rp5,000,000,000. Thus, for cases of child abuse, the
judge cannot give a decision in the form of diversion but must sanction according to article 82
paragraph (1) of Law No. 11 of 2012.
The judge at the West Jakarta District Court No. 2/Pid.Sus-Anak/2022/PN Jkt Brt. The judge
sentenced the person to prison and did not carry out diversion because the crime was threatened by
imprisonment for more than 7 years and was included in the repetition of the crime even though the
court issued no previous decision, but not only 1 child but 8 children who were victims of molestation.
The judge should see the interests and conditions that are best for the child. The legal regulation of
children who carry out criminal abuse is contained in Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile
criminal justice system. If the age of the child is under 12 years old, diversion must be sought, and
handed over to parents to be guided and distributed properly. Meanwhile, if the child of the criminal
offender is over 12 years old and under 18 years old, it is not a repetition of the crime, and the threat
is under 7 years old. Diversion must still be sought by looking at the conditions and various factors
that trigger the child to commit a crime.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1757
Diversion is not only carried out in the police but also in the prosecutor's office and the courts. The
implementation of diversion that the PPA Unit should carry out with the process is:
a. The request for community research, where investigators usually ask BAPAS (Correctional
Center) so that community supervisors can assess the psychological condition and background
of the child, thereby still prioritizing the interests of the child.
b. Deliberation, after obtaining the results of the research of the correctional center, the
investigator summoned the victim, the victim's parents, the perpetrator's children, the
perpetrator's parents, the RT/RW, companions from special institutions for victims, social
welfare workers, correctional centers as children's companions, and from the police. Where
diversion is carried out in a familial manner by involving various parties and still prioritizing
the rights of children, both perpetrators and victims, as well as finding a way out / or a solution
together with no one party being harmed. Deliberation or diversion in the process is the best
step in resolving cases out of court.
c. If diversion is accepted, the investigator carries out an application for determination of
diversion at the District Court. The result is that the diversion agreement that has been signed
by the victim and child as the perpetrator and the parties involved is completed by deliberation.
d. The diversion was rejected, so the investigator compiled minutes stating the absence of
agreement between the two and signed by all parties. Then, the legal process continued to the
next stage.
Why this needs to be considered, if you look at the cases that are outlined in this specific, there
are indeed several victims. However, AW often likes to do it with men. As for female victims to satisfy
their sexual desires by holding their breasts. However, for the male victim, he did it by inserting his
penis into the victim's anus, and it was considered wrong. because it could be that if not handled
specifically, AW's child will be entangled in associations that make him suffer more and more with
labeling from the community as the same sex which will affect his mindset and deviant deeds from
his religious teachings as a man who should like and marry a woman but because of his sexual desire
that is mastic and not handled properly, this will have an impact on AW's future.
The concept of legal protection of children as perpetrators of obscenity crimes.
The 1945 Constitution explains that "the state protects abandoned children and the poor". Then
this was reaffirmed through the regulation on Child Welfare in Law Number 4 of 1979, which
describes "welfare, namely the livelihood and life of children that can guarantee the development and
natural growth, both social, spiritual, or physical".
Crimes committed by children have recently become commonplace and require more attention
by the family, society, and the government. After all, children can be perpetrators or victims of
violence. Fundamentally, a crime or criminal act will give rise to a sanction or punishment. The child
who carried out the act of molestation, in this case, was a man named MUA, and 8 others were carried
out by the perpetrator, who is also a child named AL, as can be noted in the West Jakarta District Court
Decision through the Public Prosecutor, where an indictment was given against AL bin Saeful Anwar
at the age of 15 years whose charges were in the form of an act of molestation on MUA at the age of 8
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In accordance with the decision of Judge Julius Panjaitan, S.H., M.H., on Thursday, January 27,
2022, at the West Jakarta District Court, the result of the decision from the criminal judge was 10
months in prison at LPKA Cinere and carried out 6 months of job training at Class I Bapas West
Jakarta. The Navy here needs attention and optimal psychological recovery. Because the previous AL
was a victim, the lack of attention and deeds of this adult are considered right, and no witnesses are
given. So the actions that the Navy did to the victims were not a mistake, and everything was
considered ordinary and could be done by anyone.
In addition, there needs to be a role from institutions to continue to supervise children to avoid
discrimination and focus on rehabilitation and psychological recovery for children as perpetrators.
The role of social workers, bapas to carry out environmental conservation where children live, as well
as provide information to the community so that children can return to the community after passing
the punishment period, can accept children back without any bad stigma to the child, by involving
parents, families, RT, RW and community leaders to help restore a bad environment to be good. In
addition, for the victim's children, there needs to be assistance, psychological recovery and a good
environment. So that the child is not overshadowed by what he experienced before.
So it is very important for parents, families, the environment, and child protection institutions
to carry out socialization and prevention so that children can understand, understand and avoid
criminal acts. Regarding the implementation of legal protection for children in the West Jakarta
District Court, apart from being based on Law Number 11 of 2012 and Law Number 17 of 2016, it also
refers to the judge's belief in a crime, because basically all decisions are made from the judge's beliefs
and still take into account the rights of the child as well as his best interests.
Children's criminal justice in this context includes all examinations and decisions of criminal
cases involving children, then the system applied is also not the same as criminal cases by adults.
Soedarto explained that juvenile justice includes all examination processes and determination of
cases related to the interests of children (Wahyono, 1993).
Of course, there is a difference from criminal justice for children and adults, where the
legislation minimizes child criminal acts because there are rights from children who need protection.
One of the differences can be noted in Article 3 of Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal
Justice System, which determines the rights of children in criminal justice, which includes:
1. Freedom from punishment, torture, or other treatment that degrads, inhuman, and cruel;
2. Engaging in redistributive activities;
3. Obtaining legal aid effectively as well as other assistance;
4. Separated from adults;
5. Given humane treatment through paying attention to needs as they age;
6. Getting health services;
7. Getting an education;
8. Gaining accessibility, especially for children with disabilities;
9. Getting a personal life;
10. Getting social advocacy;
11. Getting assistance from trusted people and guardians or parents of the child;
12. His identity is not published;
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13. impartiality, getting justice in juvenile court, as well as closed hearings for the public;
14. Not imprisoned or detained with an exception as a last resort and for a short period of time;
15. Not given a life sentence or death; and
16. Obtaining other rights as stipulated by law.”
Then in Article 4 of Law No. 11 of 2012 it is explained that children who are in prison have the
right to:
a. Conditional leave;
b. Leave ahead of independence;
c. Parole;
d. Leave to visit family;
e. Assimilation;
f. Reduction of the penalty period or remission;
g. Other rights as per existing rules.”
In principle, children cannot protect themselves against various types of behavior that can
harm them mentally, physically, or socially. Children in various fields of livelihood and life. It will
require the support of other individuals in protecting themselves, especially when looking at their
circumstances and environment, especially when dealing with a justice system that is unfamiliar to
them. Children must be protected from abuse of laws and regulations that apply to those who cause
psychological, physical, and mental harm.
The purpose of children's criminal law is closely related to the goal of realizing the "best
interests of the child," which is fundamentally an important part of social welfare. The debate on legal
protection in the context of children's criminal law is certainly about laws that concern a series of
examinations of children as parties who commit crimes, starting from the time in the police
(investigation and investigation), prosecution (prosecutor's office), courts, and correctional
institutions which make it can be considered an aspect of child protection.
Child crime has always drawn criticism from law enforcement for dealing with children who
have problems with the law, where there is a view that such children are often treated as "inferior".
Adults involved in criminal activities. The current criminal justice mechanism sometimes still treats
child perpetrators as delinquents, namely perpetrators of crimes committed by adults. Article 71,
paragraph (4) of the Child Protection Law explains that "criminal imposition of a child is not allowed
to violate the dignity of the child". Meanwhile, the dignity and dignity of children that children as
human beings have rights inherent in them as a divine gift as stated in Articles 52-66 of Law No. 39
of 1999 concerning Human Rights (Indonesia, 1999).
The child who was originally a victim imitated the behavior of the perpetrator of the crime of
molestation, where the victim was himself, who is now the perpetrator of other children. Meanwhile,
in Law No. 11 of 2012, the principles adopted include:
1. Children's growth and development and survival;
2. Guidance and also child coaching;
3. The best interests of the child;
4. Respect for children's opinions;
5. Criminalization and deprivation of independence are the last steps;
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1760
6. Retaliation Evasion”.
Juvenile justice institutions should also prioritize restorative justice processes and strive for
diversity to ensure peace between victims and children, non-judicial resolution of children's
problems, prevention of deprivation of children's freedom, encouragement of community
participation, and instilling a sense of responsibility in children.
The protection provided to children by the Criminal Code (KUHP) is as follows: (Prints, 2000)
1. Maintaining children's politeness
2. Prohibition of having sex with adults
3. Prohibition of obscenity with children.
Institutions involved in handling child cases regulated in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the
Juvenile Criminal Justice System, including:
1. Child investigator,
2. The Public Prosecutor is the public prosecutor of the child
3. A judge is a child judge
4. An appellate judge is a child appellate judge
5. The cassation judge is the child cassation judge
6. Community supervisors are functional law enforcement officials who carry out community
research, guidance, supervision and assistance of children inside and outside the judicial
7. A Professional Social Worker is a person who works, both in government and private
institutions, who has the competence and profession of social work as well as concern for social
work obtained through education, training, and/or experience in social work practice to carry
out service duties and handle children's social problems.
8. A Social Welfare Worker is a person who is professionally educated and trained to carry out
service duties and handle social problems and/or a person who works in both government and
private institutions, whose scope of activities is in the field of children's social welfare.
9. A family is a parent consisting of a father, mother, and/or other family members who are
trusted by the child.
10. A guardian is a person or entity that, in reality, exercises custody power as a parent to a child.
11. A companion is a person trusted by the child to accompany him or her during the criminal
justice process.
12. Advocates or other legal aid providers are people who provide legal services, both inside and
outside the court, and who meet the requirements based on the provisions of laws and
13. The Special Children's Development Institution, hereinafter abbreviated as LPKA, is an
institution or place where children serve their criminal term.
14. LPAS further remembers the Temporary Child Determination Institution as a temporary place
for children during the judicial process.
15. The Social Welfare Implementation Institution, hereinafter abbreviated as LPKA, is a social
service institution or place that implements social welfare for children.
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16. The Community Center, hereinafter referred to as Bapas is a correctional technical training unit
that carries out the duties and functions of community research, guidance, supervision, and
4. Conclusion
Legal regulations on the crime of child abuse are regulated in the provisions of Law Article 82
paragraph (1) jo article 76 E of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law No. 23
of 2002 concerning Child Protection jo article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. In summary, the
child who conflicts with the law and is subsequently called a child is 12 years old but not more than
18 years old and is suspected of committing a crime. Factors that affect children's criminal behavior
as stated in Decision Number 2/Pid.Sus-Anak/2022/PN Jkt Brt. Internal factors of children becoming
victims of molestation, seeing their parents having sexual intercourse, not understanding ejaculation,
and education about sexuality.
The concept of legal protection for children who commit criminal acts of molestation is based
on Decision Number 2/Pid.Sus-Anak/2022 PN Jkt Brt. Article 71, paragraph (4) of the Child
Protection Law briefly explains that the imposition of criminal punishment on children is not allowed
if it violates the dignity of the child. Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice
System Article 3 regulates the basic rights of children who face the law, including the right to humane
treatment, legal aid, and other assistance. Through efforts to pay attention to what the child needs
according to their age, receive effective legal aid and other support assistance, free from punishment,
torture, or other cruel treatment. And degrading his dignity as well.
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