e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1753
The definition of a child, as interpreted by Law No. 1 of 2016, which was stipulated as Law
Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection, is a person in the womb up to no more than 18
years old. Children are a gift from God, and children need to get protection from actions that can
harm them because they need to continue their lives in a good environment. inside (internal) or
outside (external) the environment, to avoid discrimination and violent crimes (Yusra & Susanti,
The sign of concern of the world's population for children's rights and the interests of their
protection was approved by the United Nations on November 20, 1989. Alternatively, what we know
as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Indonesia ratified as a member of the United
Nations through Presidential Decree Number 36 of 1990 concerning the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, this is so that it can bind all Indonesian people because Indonesia is part of the United
Nations. With the existence of legal instruments and conventions on children's rights, it is hoped
that they can protect and create value by comprehensively protecting children and their rights
(Prameswari, 2017).
Delinquency is committed by a child or is called juvenile delinquency. There are subjects of
discussion, namely violations of the law, nature, acts of deviation from the norms imposed, and
violations of the law. This is the act of a child in the form of a violation of legal and social norms
(Soetodjo, 2008). Regarding the abuse carried out by children, the term obscenity originated from the
root word "obscene," which, as KBBI, has the meaning of dirty and heinous (such as violations of
decency and others), bad behavior (violation of morality), acts that are not in accordance with
morality. In contrast, obscenity, according to the legal dictionary, has the meaning of acting indecently
or having an intimate relationship with someone (Harefa, 2013).
Criminal justice today sometimes still treats child perpetrators as perpetrators of crimes made
by someone who can already be held accountable for their actions. Children are seen as capable and
can take responsibility for their actions and deserve the same punishment as adults, which also
happens in Indonesia. Restorative Justice is an effort to handle crimes by involving victims,
perpetrators, their families, and other parties interested in finding solutions by focusing on restoring
the original condition as before the crime, which is not aimed at providing retaliation.
So children's cases in the settlement process need to be carried out outside the court so that the
community can play a role as a concern; besides that, children can think and be afraid to repeat the
crime if many people are involved in it. Helping to restore the child's condition so that he or she is
prevented from repeating the crime. However, based on a study conducted by Bappenas, Puspaka,
and Unicef (2022), one of the biggest problems in Indonesia related to the judicial mechanism for
juvenile crimes lies in the issue of prevention, protection, and data collection. This causes children
who face the law to have more vulnerable conditions than they should. This can be seen from the
disparity in the recovery process between the victim and the perpetrator. Recovery only focuses on
the victim, so the implementation of rehabilitation and recovery for children as perpetrators has not
been carried out optimally.
In order to maintain the originality of this research, there is a research model that the
researcher will propose that is similar to this research, namely: Litia Pratidina Sembiring, with the
thesis "Legal Protection of Children as Perpetrators of Sexual Acts", Master of Law, University of