Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1720
Gratitude; Resilience;
Organizational Culture;
Employee Well-Being
This research aims to examine the effect of the implementation of
the gratitude program on employee resilience and loyalty in the
workplace. Using a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews
and focused group discussions, the study involved 20 employees
from various divisions in a company that had implemented a
gratude program. The results of the study show that this program
increases employee resilience through activities such as gratitude
sharing sessions and gratitude journal writing, as well as increasing
employee loyalty by strengthening appreciation and attachment to
the company. These findings indicate that gratitude programs are
effective in creating a positive work environment, improving
psychological well-being, and strengthening interpersonal
relationships in the workplace. This research contributes to the
development of HR management theory and offers practical
implications for companies in increasing employee resilience and
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
While company needs employees who have the ability and motivation to contribute to driving
the company's development. Therefore, systematic competency development is highly emphasized
to create quality Human Resources (HR). Quality human resources, which include knowledge, skills,
and personality characteristics, positively affect organizational performance (Faisal et al., 2023; Qamari
et al., 2019).
Human resource management involves a series of processes, including recruitment, training,
assessment, as well as attention to employment relationships, health, safety, fairness, and employee
concerns. The concepts and techniques needed by managers to manage the personal aspects of this
management include job analysis, workforce needs planning, candidate selection, onboarding and
training of new employees, wage and incentive administration, performance evaluation, and the
development of relationships and attachments between employees (Smalley et al., 2017; Smith et al.,
Implementation of Gratitude Program to Increase Employee
Resilience and Loyalty in the Workplace
Silvia Saputra
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Email: silvia_zhang@live.com
Correspondence: silvia_zhang@live.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
Work attachment is very closely related to employee performance and customer satisfaction.
Therefore, work engagement is crucial for companies in maintaining employee retention,
maintaining customer satisfaction, and achieving optimal performance by increasing the bond
between employees and the organization (Monica & Yusrizal, 2023).
In the midst of increasingly fierce competition and rapid technological developments, as well
as the emergence of new challenges, changes in practices, culture, and work environments,
organizations need to be active, competitive, and passionate (Cozy, 2018). Employees are expected to
optimize their competencies and skills to create effective ideas in completing tasks, with the aim of
achieving the organization's mission, vision, and strategic goals (Paramansyah et al., 2021). Ghaisani
(2022) Explain that work attachment is a positive and satisfying mental state for employees, which
includes vigour, dedication, and absorption. This characteristic shows that employees feel
competent, able to face challenges maturely, stay focused, and feel part of a team in achieving
common goals. They also show a willingness and enthusiasm to complete tasks by using their
physical and intellectual abilities to increase productivity.
Employees who are less engaged with their work can experience behavior and performance
issues, such as difficulty concentrating at work, high absenteeism rates, and low productivity
(Meithiana, 2017; Umam & Abdurokhim, 2023). They tend to violate the professional code of ethics by
being often absent or irresponsible in the tasks given. The lack of work attachment is often caused
by a lack of respect for the organization. Employees may not fulfill their duties well despite realizing
the organization has given them their trust. This attitude reflects a low level of appreciation for the
opportunities that have been given.
Gea (2022) explains that gratitude is a feeling that can change an individual's attitudes, habits,
morals, and traits in responding or reacting to various situations. Gratitude teaches individuals to
appreciate their lives and feel awe. In addition, gratitude also encourages individuals to act
according to the acceptance they receive, both to others and to intangible objects. Gratitude
encourages individuals to behave positively by contributing to the well-being of others as a form of
appreciation for what they have received (Shabrina et al., 2020).
Positive spiritual, emotional, and behavioral encouragement that benefits others can inspire
gratitude. Humans receive various goodness, such as life, happiness, confidence, and hope for the
future, which are manifestations of positive feelings. As social beings, humans are sensitive to their
surroundings, understand the feelings of others, and respond with emotional and cognitive
complexity to the difficulties faced by others, including in giving forgiveness and support. The belief
that what we have is not completely ours, but a gift from God, teaches us to share with each other
(Paska et al., 2016).
In the era of increasingly fierce business competition and rapid technological change,
companies need to have employees who are not only competent but also resilient and loyal (Lie,
2021). Resilient employees are better able to deal with changes and challenges, while employee
loyalty helps reduce turnover rates and improve operational continuity (Hartati et al., 2023). The
gratitude program is expected to be an effective solution to improve these two aspects, so that
companies can quickly adapt to market dynamics and maintain a competitive advantage.
This study introduces the gratitude program (gratitude) as an innovative approach to
increase employee resilience and loyalty in the workplace. Although studies on gratitude have been
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1722
widely conducted, its specific application in the context of employee resilience and loyalty is still
rarely explored. This research focuses on the direct influence of gratitude programs on two
important aspects of human resource management, namely resilience and loyalty, which are
expected to provide new insights for employee development.
This study aims to identify the influence of gratitude programs on improving employee
resilience, assess their impact on employee loyalty in the workplace, and evaluate their
effectiveness in creating a positive and productive work environment. The benefits of this study are
that it provides a practical method for companies to increase employee resilience and loyalty, which
in turn can improve the overall performance of the company; helping employees develop positive
attitudes and gratitude, which can improve psychological well-being and job satisfaction; as well as
adding literature for researchers and academics regarding the implementation of gratitude
programs in the context of human resource management and providing a basis for further research.
The implementation of the gratitude program can have positive implications for human
resource management by increasing employee resilience and loyalty. These programs can be an
integral part of an employee development strategy, helping to create a company culture that
supports employee growth and well-being. In addition, the results of this study are expected to
encourage other companies to adopt a similar approach, improving overall HR management
2. Materials and Methods
This research uses a qualitative approach to explore the influence of gratitude programs on
employee resilience and loyalty in the workplace, as it allows researchers to gain an in-depth
understanding of employees' experiences and perceptions of gratitude programs and their impact
on their work lives (Sugiyono, 2013). The study participants consisted of employees from various
divisions in a Company X who had implemented a gratude program, selected using purposive
sampling techniques to ensure variations in experience and background, so that the data obtained
was richer and more diverse. The total number of participants was 20 people, consisting of
employees with varying levels of seniority and length of service in the company. Data were collected
through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Each interview lasts 60-90 minutes and is
conducted face-to-face or via video call, designed to explore individuals' experiences with the
gratude program, it affects their resilience and loyalty, and their perception of change in the work
environment. Discussions were conducted with small groups of 5-6 employees to explore collective
views and social interactions related to the implementation of the gratude program, with each
session lasting 2 hours and facilitated by the principal researcher. The interview and discussion
guide was developed based on a literature review on employee gratitude, resilience, and loyalty,
including open-ended questions that encouraged participants to share their experiences and views
in depth. The data collected was analyzed using thematic analysis techniques, including
transcription steps, initial coding, theme development, review and refinement, and data
interpretation in the context of existing literature. This research adheres to the principles of
research ethics by ensuring the confidentiality of participant information, information consent, and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
data security. With this method, the research is expected to provide in-depth insights into how
gratitude programs can improve employee resilience and loyalty in the workplace.
3. Result and Discussion
Experience with the Gratitude Program
1. Perception of the Gratitude Program
The gratitude program implemented in the Company is designed to help employees develop
gratitude in their daily work lives. Employees are involved in various activities, such as gratitude
sharing sessions, writing gratitude journals, and appreciating colleagues. In general, employees
considers this program as a positive initiative that contributes to a better work atmosphere and
improves interpersonal relationships.
The majority of employees feel that gratitude programs give them the opportunity to
appreciate the little things that are often missed in their daily routines. The program also helps
them focus on the positive aspects of work and work relationships, which in turn improves mood
and mental well-being. Employees stated that the gratitude program encourages them to appreciate
each other more and improve communication and cooperation between teams.
However, some employees feel that the program takes time to adapt and is not yet fully
integrated into their work culture. There are also employees who are initially skeptical about the
effectiveness of this program, but as time goes by, employees begin to feel the benefits.
Table 1 Response to the Gratitude Program
Types of
Employee A
Employee B
Employee C
HR Division
Employee D
IT Division
Employee E
Based on the quote in table 1, it can be seen that employees' perception of the gratitude
program is generally positive. They feel an improvement in their work atmosphere, interpersonal
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1724
relationships, and mental well-being. However, the process of adaptation and integration of
programs in work culture is also a challenge that needs to be considered to achieve optimal results.
2. Implementation of the Gratitude Program
The gratitude program at the Company is implemented through several structured activities
and initiatives. Some of the main steps in its implementation are:
a. Gratitude Sharing Session,
Each week, employees are invited to participate in a gratitude sharing session. In this session,
employees are asked to share their experiences or things they are grateful for at work.
b. Writing a Gratitude Journal,
Employees are encouraged to write a gratitude journal every day, noting down at least three
things they are grateful for. The journal can then be shared voluntarily in weekly sessions or
kept as a personal reflection.
c. Respect for Colleagues,
The program also includes monthly awards for employees who are deemed to have
demonstrated a positive attitude and gratitude in their work. Nominations are made by
colleagues and awards are announced at the company's monthly meeting.
d. Training and Workshops
Special trainings and workshops are held to help employees understand the concept of
gratitude and how to apply it in their daily lives, both professionally and personally.
Initial reactions from employees to the gratitude program were mixed. Some employees
welcomed this initiative from the beginning, feeling that it was a positive step to improve well-being
and happiness in the workplace. They are enthusiastic about participating in the sharing and journal
writing sessions.
However, there are also employees who are initially skeptical or uncomfortable with this
concept, feeling that it is an additional burden in their work routine. Some consider that these
programs may not provide any real benefits and are only formalities.
As time went on, many of the skeptical employees began to see the benefits of the gratude
program. They reported improvements in mood, better relationships with coworkers, and
decreased stress levels. The continued implementation of the program also helps build a stronger
culture of gratitude within the company, with more employees starting to appreciate and support
each other.
The Effect of Gratitude Programs on Resilience and Loyalty
Gratitude programs help employees develop the ability to deal with stress and challenges at
work, through gratitude sharing sessions and journal writing that promote calm and clear thinking
in difficult situations. Employees from various divisions report that the program makes them more
patient and able to see the good side of each challenge. For example, an employee of the customer
service division stated that remembering the positives from his job helps him stay calm when facing
angry customers. Employees from the operational division also feel stronger in dealing with work
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
pressure thanks to this program. Narratives from the marketing division show that writing a
gratitude journal every day helps them see good things even on difficult days, while employees in
the product development division feel more resilient because focusing on the positive helps them
deal with problems with a cool head. In addition, gratitude programs influence employees' attitudes
and behaviors in difficult situations, making them more empathetic and supportive of colleagues, as
well as more patient and easy to forgive mistakes. For example, an employee in the HR department
feels calmer and able to control his emotions, while an employee in the production department
becomes more productive and less stressed by focusing on the things he can be grateful for.
The gratitude program also increases employee loyalty to the company by increasing
gratitude and appreciation. Employees from various divisions feel more engaged and committed to
the company, feel more valued and proud to be a part of the company. For example, an employee in
the sales division feels the company cares about their well-being, while an employee in the logistics
division feels more proud and wants to stay at the company for a long time. The program also
improves interpersonal relationships in the workplace, strengthens cooperation and mutual
understanding in the team, and promotes positive communication between employees and
superiors. For example, an employee in the creative division feels closer to colleagues and more
harmonious teamwork, while an employee in the production division feels more motivated and
loyal because the boss is more supportive and appreciates their efforts.
4. Conclusion
This study shows that the implementation of gratitude programs in the workplace has a
significant impact on increasing employee resilience and loyalty. The program was well received by
the majority of employees, who felt an improvement in their work atmosphere, interpersonal
relationships, and mental well-being. Through various activities such as gratitude sharing sessions,
gratitude journal writing, appreciation for colleagues, and training, the gratitude program helps
employees develop the ability to better deal with stress and challenges, as well as increase gratitude
and appreciation for the company. These findings confirm that the gratitude approach can
strengthen the emotional bond between employees and the company, increase loyalty, and improve
team dynamics and interpersonal communication. The practical implications of this study include
the implementation of gratitude programs as part of HR management strategies that support
employee well-being and productivity, as well as recommendations for further research that can
explore other factors that affect the effectiveness of these programs.
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