Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1650
Peace Education; Human
Rights; Social Justice
This research aims to examine in depth the role of peace education
in the context of Human Rights (HAM) and social justice, as well as
how its implementation can strengthen human rights understanding
and promote social justice in the midst of the complexity of today's
global challenges. This research uses a qualitative approach with a
focus on literature studies to identify the role of peace education in
strengthening human rights understanding and promoting social
justice. The results of the study show that peace education not only
serves as an instrument to teach human rights theory, but also to
change the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and society as a
whole. The implications of this research include the importance of
integrating peace values in educational curricula, training for
educators, and building partnerships with civil society to create
more peaceful, just, and inclusive societies.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The ideas of human rights emerged in response to the absolute domination of kings and feudal
lords over the people they led or the people they employed in the 17th and 18th centuries (Abdillah,
2015). Society then was divided into two major groups: the minority group at the top, who had rights,
and the majority group at the bottom, who had obligations (Fadhli, 2013; Fahri, 2015; Saf, 2018). This
response to injustice resulted in the idea of improving the status and social position of the lower
group with the emergence of the concepts of equality, brotherhood and freedom, given that the lower
group is also human (Ikrom, 2013; Musa, 2014).
The general principles on human rights declared by the United Nations General Assembly (UN)
in 1948 are considered standard guidelines in implementing human rights protection for nations
worldwide to this day (Aji, 2018; Dominikus, 2019; Puspitawati, 2012). Violence is often defined as
the deliberate use of force or physical violence that threatens oneself, another person, or a group,
causing injury, physical harm, or even death (Adiati F et al., 2018; Hanif, 2022; Hidayat, 2021; Jaga,
2023; Salsabila et al., 2023; Setiawan et al., 2018).
Peace Education for Justice: Sowing Human Rights Awareness
Andi Akbar Wury
Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Indonesia
Email: keirulukedonia@gmail.com
Correspondence: keirulukedonia@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1651
Recently, more and more students and students have been arrested by security forces for being
involved in drug cases, theft, and other criminal acts (Syaid, 2020; Tarigan, 2017; Zaidan & SH, 2021).
Demonstrations against the policies of educational institutions are no longer limited to the campus
environment. Among high school and even junior high school students, demonstrations are
increasingly rampant, sometimes accompanied by violence (Hariyanti et al., 2020).
The problem that often occurs related is the resistance of several groups or countries to the
concept of peaceful education that integrates human rights values (Hafiz et al., 2024; Jalwis & Habibi,
2019). Some societies may oppose efforts to broaden the understanding of human rights because they
conflict with their cultural or religious values, or because of complex political reasons related to social
interests and control (Hardiman, 2018; Immanuella & Hoesin, 2022).
Relevant research conducted by Kusnadi (2024), shows that education that prioritises peace
with a focus on human rights protection and efforts to achieve social justice has great potential to
form a harmonious and just society. This approach encourages individuals to understand better and
appreciate the importance of human rights and actively contribute to addressing social disparities.
This education is relevant in facing global challenges such as economic inequality and conflict,
enabling individuals to build a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.
Meanwhile, in Usmi's research (2024), argues that peace education is necessary to build a
culture of peace in Indonesia by preventing intolerance and violent behaviour through values such as
nonviolence, love, compassion, trust, justice, and cooperation. The conceptualization of peace
education aims to change people's values, behaviours, and lifestyles in order to create a sustainable
culture of peace. In the Indonesian context, the importance of tolerance between communities to
create a peaceful, orderly, and harmonious life can be realized through peace education in three areas:
government policies, school institutions, family/community, and curriculum.
This research makes a new contribution by integrating the concept of peace education with
efforts to strengthen the understanding of human rights and social justice. This approach highlights
the importance of education in addressing inequality and discrimination and identifies peace
education as a solution to promote respect for individual dignity and build a more inclusive and just
society. This research is urgent because it addresses global challenges such as economic inequality,
social conflicts, and increasingly complex violence in various social contexts. With a focus on peace
education, this research emphasises the need for urgent action to form a generation that is more
aware of human rights and able to contribute to creating global peace.
The main purpose of this study is to examine the role of peace education in strengthening the
understanding and application of human rights concepts and promoting social justice. This research
also aims to identify effective educational strategies for building a peaceful and inclusive society. This
research is expected to benefit developing more inclusive and sustainable education policies. Other
benefits include increasing public awareness of the importance of human rights, reducing the level of
discrimination and social conflict, and creating a more tolerant generation that actively contributes
to realising peace. This study implies that the implementation of peace education can change the
social and political paradigm to achieve a more peaceful and just society. In addition, peace education
can also influence public policy, educational curriculum, and educational practices at the local,
national, and even international levels.
2. Materials and Methods
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1652
This research uses a qualitative approach with a focus on analysing literature studies and
synthesising various relevant perspectives related to peace education, human rights, and social
justice. The qualitative approach was chosen because it allows for an in-depth exploration of these
concepts from both a theoretical and practical point of view. The research design used is a literature
study or literature review. This method allows researchers to collect and evaluate various relevant
sources on peace education, human rights, and social justice from scientific literature, research
reports, and other official publications. The main data for this study are theoretical documents and
research related to peace education, human rights, and social justice. Data sources include scientific
journal articles, textbooks, research reports, government policies related to education and human
rights, as well as official documents from international organisations related to peace and human
rights. Data is collected through systematic and selective searches in academic databases such as
PubMed, Google Scholar, ProQuest, and JSTOR. The keywords used include "peace education",
"human rights education", "social justice", "inequality", and "conflict resolution". Relevant secondary
data are also drawn from the annual reports of international organisations such as UNICEF, UNESCO,
and Amnesty International. Data analysis is carried out using a critical synthesis of the collected
information. This approach involves identifying patterns, themes, and key concepts from the
reviewed literature. The analysis also includes a comparison and critical evaluation of various
viewpoints to develop a comprehensive understanding of the role of peace education in strengthening
the understanding of human rights and social justice. The research adheres to the principles of
research ethics, including the recognition of the sources of information used, respect for copyright,
and accuracy in citations and references
3. Result and Discussion
Human Rights
Human Rights are the key to building a just society and a culture of peace. Peace education can
effectively spread knowledge about human rights among the younger generation and the general
public. Through peace education, individuals are not only taught to respect the basic rights of each
individual but also to recognise and address the various forms of discrimination, inequality, and
violence that violate human rights. Implementing the concept of human rights in the peace education
curriculum will ensure that universal values such as human dignity, freedom, equality, and justice
become an integral part of the formation of students' character and attitude to life.
The Concept of Peace Education
The concept of peace education revealed in this study emphasises the importance of building
the ability to understand, manage, and respond to conflicts in a non-violent manner. Peace education
is about teaching conflict resolution techniques and promoting values such as tolerance, empathy,
cooperation, and respect for diversity. In the context of formal education, this can be realised through
the development of structured curricula, interactive learning programs, and extracurricular activities
that reinforce the values of peace. This holistic approach not only engages students in understanding
the complexities of global conflicts but also teaches them to be agents of change in promoting peace
in their communities.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1653
Peace Education Strategy
The peace education strategies recommended in this study include the integration of peace
values into various aspects of educational life, from the curriculum to the school environment and
extracurricular activities. One of the main strategies is to raise awareness of the importance of peace
education among policymakers, teachers, and parents. This can be achieved through professional
training and development for educators, providing appropriate educational resources, and building
strong partnerships between schools, governments, and civil society. In addition, incorporating peace
education into national education policies is also important to ensure the sustainable adoption and
implementation of this strategy at the national level.
Human Rights in the Context of Peace Education
Peace education in the context of Human Rights aims to strengthen understanding and respect
for human rights values among the younger generation and the general public. In practice, this means
integrating human rights principles into the educational curriculum so that each individual is not only
aware of his or her rights but also respects and promotes the rights of others. Peace education
provides a foundation to teach that human rights are not only a theory but also a practice that must
be applied daily. For example, through learning about discrimination, violence, social inequality, and
how human rights values can address these issues, peace education can change individual attitudes
and behaviours to create a more just and harmonious society.
Implementation of Peace Education in Indonesia
The implementation of peace education in Indonesia faces unique challenges and opportunities.
Key challenges include complex cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity and a history of social conflicts
that must be addressed. To address this, implementation strategies should consider the local context
and such diversity while promoting universal values such as tolerance, respect for diversity, and
peaceful conflict resolution. Some of the implementation steps that can be taken include:
1. Integration in the Curriculum,
Integrate peace and human rights education into existing national curricula by developing
appropriate learning modules for different levels of education.
2. Training for Educators
Conduct professional training and development for teachers and educators to implement peace
education in the classroom and extracurricular activities.
3. Partnerships with Civil Society
Build partnerships with civil society organisations and non-governmental organisations to
support peace education programs at the local level.
4. Supervision and Evaluation
Establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure peace education is integrated and
sustainable in Indonesia's education system.
5. Campaigns and Advocacy
Conducting public campaigns and advocacy to raise public awareness of the importance of
peace education and respect for human rights.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1654
The implementation of peace education in Indonesia has the potential to create a safer and
more inclusive learning environment and prepare Indonesia's young generation to become
future leaders who can build a more peaceful and just society.
Peace education is about providing theoretical knowledge and changing the attitudes and
behaviours of individuals and society as a whole. By building a deep understanding of Human Rights
and peace values, peace education can be a powerful tool in combating discrimination, inequality, and
social conflict. Additionally, peace education can help create a safe and inclusive learning
environment in schools, encouraging collaboration, respect for diversity, and peaceful conflict
The implications of this research are the importance of integrating peace education and Human
Rights values into national education policies and ensuring strong support from various stakeholders,
including governments, schools, civil society, and international institutions. With the right
implementation measures, Indonesia has the potential to create significant positive change in
building a more peaceful, just, and human rights-cultured society.
Overall, peace education is an instrument for teaching, transforming, strengthening, and
encouraging concrete action in realising a desired society where Human Rights and social justice are
key pillars in forming an inclusive and sustainable national identity.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion of this study is that peace education has a crucial role in strengthening the
understanding of Human Rights and promoting social justice in society. Peace education teaches the
theory of Human Rights by integrating peace values into the educational curriculum. It changes the
attitudes and behaviours of individuals and societies to respect human rights and overcome
discrimination and inequality. In Indonesia, the implementation of peace education faces unique
challenges from cultural diversity and a history of social conflict. However, it also opens up
opportunities to create an inclusive learning environment and prepare a more tolerant and active
generation to build peaceful and just societies. Strategic measures such as curriculum integration,
training for educators, and partnerships with civil society are the approaches needed to realise this
vision in a sustainable manner.
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