Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1639
Audit Delay; Tenure Audit;
Financial Distress; Audit
In the business sector, quality audits are crucial for ensuring
accountability and transparency in an organization's financial
statements. In the Indonesian setting, businesses that are listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) must prepare financial
statements that undergo auditing by a Public Accounting Firm (KAP)
to guarantee that fraud and serious errors are not included in the
reports. The purpose of this audit is to give stakeholders assurance
about the Company's financial standing. The purpose of this study is
to evaluate how audit tenure, audit delay, and financial crisis affect
the caliber of audits performed on property and real estate,
manufacturing, and enterprises listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange between 2018 and 2022. A quantitative research
methodology is used in this investigation. Purposive sampling was
employed to select 100 data points for the sample. The Indonesia
Stock Exchange and the company's websites are the sources of the
data used. This study demonstrates that audit quality is unaffected
by audit tenure or audit delay. From 2018 to 2022, the quality of
audits in manufacturing and property & real estate companies listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange was significantly impacted by
financial difficulty.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Recent advancements in the business and economic fields have attracted investors to invest,
which can be seen based on the company's financial performance reflected in the financial statements.
Financial statements provide an accurate picture of management's responsibilities to stakeholders.
Stakeholders utilise the data available in financial statements as a foundation. Financial statements
must be presented in a relevant and reliable manner and accurately describe the company's data for
the benefit of internal and external parties in making appropriate decisions regarding the company's
The Effect of Audit Tenure, Audit Delay and Financial Distress on
Audit Quality in Manufacturing and Property and Real Estate
Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2018-
2022 Period
Maulitya Cucunabila, Sekar Mayangsari
Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
Correspondence: [email protected]sakti.ac.id
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1640
policies(Elevendra & Helmayunita, 2021). Every financial report published on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange is required to conduct an audit conducted by an external party or a Public Accounting
Firm/Public Accountant (KAP/AP) to reduce the occurrence of errors and fraud in financial
statements. When a company decides to go public, it must comply with a certain deadline to submit
its annual report. The deadline is stipulated in Financial Services Authority (POJK) Regulation No.
14/POJK.04/2022, specifically Article 4 on submitting annual financial statements for listed
companies. Under this article, public companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange must submit
their audited financial statements to the OJK by the end of the third month following the date of the
annual financial statements. This document provides information on financial position, financial
performance and cash flows to stakeholders regarding the quality of the audit. (Ghassani Malahati,
Audit quality refers to an auditor's proficiency in identifying and disclosing significant errors.
This is achieved when the auditor follows the principles of the relevant auditing standards and the
code of ethics of public accountants. Auditors can produce high-quality audits by adhering to
appropriate audit standards and principles, maintaining impartiality, complying with legal
requirements, and upholding the professional code of ethics. Public Accounting Firms (KAP) conduct
audits in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) of the International Auditing
and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB).
Based on the audited financial statements submitted on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, as of
December 31, 2022, 61 companies did not submit their financial statements. The application number
is Peng-LK-0009/BEI. PP1/05-2023, Peng-LK-0006/BEI. PP1/05-2023, and Peng-LK-0007/BEI.
PP1/05-2023. In accordance with Exchange Regulation Number I-H regarding fines, the IDX will
impose a fine of IDR 50 million if it exceeds the deadline for submitting financial statements (Aris
Nurjani, 2023). Of the 61 listed companies, property and real estate companies have not submitted
their financial statements. This incident is one example of an audit delay that impacts audit quality.
Audit postponement refers to the duration between the end of the financial year and the completion
of the independent audit report. Based on research (Sari, 2020) Research contradicts that audit delays
have no impact on audit quality (Fahruroji et al., 2022) stated that audit delay has a positive effect on
audit quality.
The quality of the audit may be affected by audit delays and audit duration. The audit duration
indicates the time the auditor and client have had a professional relationship, specifically when the
auditor assumes responsibility for auditing the client's organization. This is achieved by using the
same auditee. In 2018, SNP Finance's problems prompted a tenure audit between PT Sunprima
Nusantara Pembinaan (SNP) Finance and Public Accountants Marlinna and Merliyana Syamsul (Safir
Makki, 2018). Extended audit durations do not consistently impact audit quality, and short audit
durations do not guarantee audit quality reliability. Based on research (Elevendra & Helmayunita,
2021) stated that the tenure audit did not affect the quality of the audit, while the research
(Vidhiyanty et al., 2022) noted that the tenure audit positively affected the quality of the audit.
Fluctuations in financial performance are inevitable for every organization. Financial distress
is the continuous deterioration of a company's financial performance over a certain period of time.
The occurrence of economic problems will cause the start of the company's bankruptcy. The root
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1641
cause of this problem can be inadequate strategic planning, cash flow difficulties, high-risk capital
structures, and operational losses. In connection with the COVID-19 outbreak, the company's
operations have recently experienced a slump. Not all companies have been able to maintain their
business operations effectively amid the economy's deterioration due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This will also impact the quality of the company's audit. Based on research (Fabia Syafanisa
Lizaraโ€ฏ;Subiyanto, 2022) Financial difficulties have a real detrimental impact on audit quality. As
economic difficulties increase, audit quality decreases, prompting companies to allocate more funds
for audit costs to achieve higher quality.
This research aims to address the problem of inadequate audit quality among public
accountants and reassess previous research that resulted in conflicting findings about the effect of
audit periods, audit delays, and financial issues on audit quality. This study distinguishes it from
earlier studies by including certain independent factors, namely audit tenure, audit delay and
economic distress. The research focused on manufacturing property and real estate companies listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data was collected from 2018 to 2022. Audit quality is evaluated
by evaluating discretionary accruals that serve as dependent variables.
2. Materials and Methods
Because the researcher uses quantitative data, the data analysis in this research method is
quantitative, systematic, organised, and clearly structured. The research will concentrate on
businesses involved in real estate and property manufacturing that were listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange between 2018 and 2022.
The main focus of the population taken is companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
between 2018 and 2022 in the manufacturing, property, and real estate industries. Twenty
businesses over a five-year period were sampled, bringing the total to one hundred samples. The
sample population consists of business actors who have denominated their finances in Rupiah (Rp)
for at least five years.
Audit Quality
This study uses Audit quality as a dependent variable (Y). Discretionary accrual is a substitute
for audit quality, and the rate is used to estimate audit quality. Discretionary accruals are used to
show that management is actively involved in profit reporting (see Elevendra & Helmayunita, 2021).
Discretionary accrual is determined using the Kaznik 1999 model, which separates total accrual into
discretionary and non-discretionary parts. The following formula is based on the company's total
accrual: Calculating discretionary non-accrual: TACit = NIit โ€“ CFOit. Calculating discretionary: DACCit
= TACit - NDACit / TAit-1. Calculate audit quality: AQ=-DACCit.
Audit Tenure
Tenure audit refers to the length of the auditor's engagement with the client, as determined by
the size of the audited financial statements. In this study, audit tenure is defined as the length of time
auditors from the same KAP (Public Accounting Firm) have been involved in conducting audit
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1642
assignments for the organization. For assignments that start with the number 1 and for assignments
that continue with the same KAP, the number 1 is added in each subsequent year.
Audit Delay
Audit postponement refers to the duration between the closing of the financial statement book
and the publication of the audit report. In this study, the audit delay is determined by subtracting the
number of days that end on the company's book date from the date of the independent auditor's
report. The audit delay is calculated as the date of the public accountant's report, less the company's
fiscal year.
Financial Distress
A company is in financial distress if its financial condition continues to decline for several years,
which can lead to bankruptcy. Companies that have declared bankruptcy will be denoted by a certain
value on the Altman Z-Score model that measures financial hardship. The linear equation
representing Altman's Z-Score is as follows: five "T" coefficients represent a given monetary value: Z
= X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5.
X1: Working capital/Total assets
X2: Retained earnings/ Total assets
X3: Earnings before interest and tax/ Total assets
X4: Book value of equity/Total liabilities
X5: Sales/ Total assets
Panel Data Regression Analysis
Panel data regression allows for a more comprehensive analysis by combining cross-sectional
and time series data. Cross-sectional surveys examine multiple units of data at a single point in time.
In contrast, time panel data examines numerous variables within a single observation unit over a
specific period. The panel data regression equation used in this study is a two-way model. The time
variable is part of a two-way daily model. (Hidayat, 2014).
3. Result and Discussion
Statistical Test
Chow Test Results
Tabel 1 Chow Test Results
Redundant Fixed Effects Tests
Equation: Untitled
Test cross-section fixed effects
Effects Test
Cross-section F
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1643
Cross-section Chi-square
Source: Data output E-views.
Based on testing using E-Views, the Chow test checks whether the data is more compatible with
the Common Effect (CE) or Fixed Effect (FE) models. The Common Effect model was chosen for this
study based on the probability value of 0.3071> 0.05.
Hausman Result Test
Tabel 2 Hausman Result
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
Equation: Untitled
Test cross-section random effects
Test Summary
Cross-section random
Source: Data output E-views.
The Hausman test was conducted to decide between the Common Effect (CE) and Random
Effect (RE) models. Based on the Probability value of 0.3235 > 0.05, as shown in the E-view output,
the Random Effect model was chosen for this study.
Lagrange Multiplier Test Results
Tabel 3 Langrange Multiplier Test
Lagrange Multiplier Tests for Random Effects
Null hypotheses: No effects
Alternative hypotheses: Two-sided (Breusch-Pagan) and one-
(all others) alternatives
Test Hypothesis
Standardized Honda
Standardized King-Wu
Gourieroux et al.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1644
Source: Data output E-views.
The Lagrange Multiplier test determines whether the Random Effect (RE) model is superior to
the Common Effect (CE) model. This study uses the Common Effect model because the Probability
value is 0.5910 > 0.05.
The Common Effect Model was determined to be the most appropriate model for this study by
analyzing the results of the Chow test, the Hausman test, and the Lagrange Multiplier test.
Classical Assumption Test
Since we're using the Common Effect Model, we must perform a classical assumption test. The
heteroscedasticity test and the multicollinearity test are the classic assumption tests used.
Multicollinearity Test
Tabel 4 Multicollinearity Test
Source: Data output E-views.
If the regression model detects a relationship between independent variables, we run a
multicollinearity test to find out. Independent variables influenced by dependent variables in the
appropriate regression model should not have a linear relationship. It can be concluded that it does
not show multicollinearity or pass the multicollinearity test; according to the results obtained, the
correlation coefficient between X1 and X2 is -0.031720 < 0.85.
Heteroscedasticity Test
1 - 18
1 - 19
1 - 20
1 - 21
1 - 22
2 - 18
2 - 19
2 - 20
2 - 21
2 - 22
3 - 18
3 - 19
3 - 20
3 - 21
3 - 22
4 - 18
4 - 19
4 - 20
4 - 21
4 - 22
5 - 18
5 - 19
5 - 20
5 - 21
5 - 22
Y Residuals
Figure 1Heteroscedacity test
Source: Data output E-views.
One type of regression analysis is the heteroscedasticity test, which looks for evidence of
unequal variances between the residual values observed in the model. Homogeneity of variance is the
condition where the variance between two residual values of an observation remains constant.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1645
Heteroscedasticity, on the other hand, occurs when there is a difference in the variance of the residual
values from one observation to another.. The presence of heteroscedasticity should not be detected
in high-quality regression models. According to Hidayat (2013c), the Glacier Test is used in the
heteroscedasticity test through the regression analysis of independent variables to the Absolute
Residue value. The residual variance is the same, as seen in the blue remainder chart, which does not
exceed the 500 and -500 limits. There were no signs of heteroscedasticity or successful completion of
the heteroscedasticity test.
Hypothesis Test
The regression equation of the panel data is as follows: Y = -1.00 - 0.55*X1 + 0.01*X2 - 0.26*X3.
The explanation is as follows:
1. A constant value of -1.00 indicates that the audit quality variable (Y) will decrease by 100%
without the audit tenure (X1), audit delay (X2), and financial distress (X3).
2. If all other factors remain the same and the audit tenure variable (X1) decreases by 55%, then
the audit quality variable (Y) also decreases by 55%, corresponding to the beta coefficient value
of 0.55. Conversely, a 55% increase in variable X1 will result in a 55% increase in the audit
quality variable (Y) if all other variables remain the same.
3. The audit delay variable (X2) has a beta coefficient of 0.01. If all other variables remain the same
and X2 drops by 55%, then the audit quality variable (Y) will increase by 1%. Conversely, if all
other variables remain the same and X2 grows by 55%, then Y, the audit quality variable, will
fall by 1%.
4. A beta coefficient of 0.26 for the financial distress variable (X3) means that a decrease in audit
quality (Y) of 26% will occur if all other variables remain and X3 decrease by 55%. Conversely,
a 26% increase in the X3 variable will result in a 26% increase in the Audit Quality (Y) variable
if all other variables remain the same.
Coefficient of Determination (R
Table 5 Coefficients of determination (R
Adjusted R-squared
S.E. of regression
Sum squared resid
Source: Data output E-views.
The customized R-squared value is 0.285713, or 28.57%. According to the determination
coefficient value, the independent variables of this study, namely audit tenure, audit delay, and
financial distress, explained the audit quality variable by 28.57%; other variables accounted for the
remaining 71.43% (100โ€”adjusted R-squared value).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1646
Test Value t
Table 6 of the test value t
Dependent Variable: Y
Method: Panel Least Squares
Date: 06/22/24 Time: 16:38
Sample: 2018 2022
Periods included: 5
Cross-sections included: 5
Total panel (balanced) observations: 25
Std. Error
Source: Data output E-views.
The influence of independent variables on partial dependent variables is as follows:
a. The t-test results on the audit tenure variable (X1) obtained a t-value of 0.747301 < t table,
which is 2.068658 and a sig value. 0.4632 > 0.05, then Ha is rejected, and H0 is accepted,
meaning that the audit tenure variable (X1) does not affect the audit quality (Y).
b. The t-test results on the audit delay variable (X2) obtained a calculated t-value of 1.611496 <
t table, 2.068658, and a sig value. 0.1220 > 0.05, then Ha is rejected, and H0 is accepted,
meaning that the audit delay variable (X2) does not affect the audit quality (Y).
c. The t-test results on the financial distress variable (X3) obtained a calculated t-value of
3.130416 > the tablet, 2.068658, and a sig value. 0.0051 < 0.05, then Ha is accepted, and H0 is
rejected, meaning that the financial distress variable (X2) affects the audit quality (Y).
H01: Audit tenure variables affect audit quality
Ha1: Audit tenure variable does not affect audit quality
H02: Audit delay variables affect audit quality
Ha2: Audit delay variable does not affect audit quality
H03: Financial distress variable does not affect audit quality
Ha3: Financial distress variables affect audit quality
Test for F Value
Table 7 Test F Value
Adjusted R-squared
S.E. of regression
Sum squared resid
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1647
Source: Data output E-views.
The F value of 4.199978 is greater than the table F value of 3.072467 and the significance level.
Since the p-value is less than 0.05 < 0.017806, we can reject the null hypothesis and accept the
alternative hypothesis (Ha), which states that Audit Quality is affected by audit delay, financial
distress, and tenure.
H04: Audit tenure variables, audit delay, and financial distress do not affect audit quality
Ha4: Audit tenure variables, audit delay, and financial distress affect audit quality
The Effect of Audit Tenure on Audit Quality
The data processing results showed that the audit tenure variable did not significantly affect
audit quality, and the length of engagement with the same auditor had a considerable value.
Therefore, the null hypothesis (H1) is negligible. The findings of this study are consistent with the
research conducted by (Vidhiyanty et al., 2022) which states that the tenure audit does not affect the
quality of the audit.
An auditor's involvement with a client, measured by the duration of the audited financial
statements, is known as audit tenure (Angela et al., 2019). Based on the competency element, auditors
with more experience in the field will be better able to identify clients' unique information and
industry trends, increasing their ability to spot major financial statement misrepresentations
(Johnson et al., 2002).
The Effect of Audit Delay on Audit Quality
The processed data showed no statistically significant relationship between the amount of time
it took to publish an audit report and the quality of the audit. Therefore, the second hypothesis (H2)
can be ruled out. These findings align with previous research (Sari, 2020) that did not find a
correlation between audit time and audit quality.
According to Abernathy et al. (2017), the length of an audit is defined as the time it takes for an
auditor to complete his audit, starting from when the financial statement book is closed until the date
the audit report is issued. Longer audit delays mean auditors need to spend more time auditing
financial statements, which determines whether financial statements have been reported on time.
The Effect of Financial Distress on Audit Quality
The data processing findings reveal that the magnitude of a company's financial downturn
influences the quality of the audit. H3 is therefore recognized as the third hypothesis. Financial
distress affects audit quality, according to research (Fabia Syafanisa Lizara; Subiyanto, 2022), but the
results of the study are contradictory.
A financial crisis occurs when a company's financial performance drops drastically over a long
period of time. Financial difficulties trigger the bankruptcy of a business. The root causes of this
problem include ineffective corporate planning, difficult cash flow, an overly risky capital structure,
and operational losses. The COVID-19 epidemic has recently led to a decline in business operations.
Due to the economy's deterioration due to the COVID-19 epidemic, not all businesses have the means
to continue operating. Therefore, the reliability of the company's audit will also decrease.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1648
4. Conclusion
The researchers did not find a correlation between audit tenure characteristics and audit
quality, such as the length of audit assignments or audit delays caused by the size of audit reports.
Meanwhile, audit quality is affected by financial distress, which is interpreted as a decline in the
company's economic performance. From 2018 to 2022, researchers used E-Views 12 to analyze data
from manufacturing property & and real estate companies.
This research has important implications for regulators, auditors, companies, and investors:
Regulators: OJK and IDX can use the results of this study to understand the factors that affect audit
quality and develop better policies and regulations to increase transparency and accountability in the
capital market. Auditors: Public Accounting Firms can gain insight into how audit periods and delays
affect audit quality, so they can evaluate and improve audit practices to increase stakeholder trust.
Companies listed on the IDX can understand the importance of maintaining a healthy financial
condition and avoiding delays in the audit process to maintain the quality and credibility of their
financial statements. Investors: Investors can use the results of this research to make better
investment decisions by considering the quality of audits as an indicator of the reliability of a
company's financial statements. This study contributes significantly to academic literature and
practice in the real world by identifying important factors that affect audit quality in Indonesia.
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