e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1648
4. Conclusion
The researchers did not find a correlation between audit tenure characteristics and audit
quality, such as the length of audit assignments or audit delays caused by the size of audit reports.
Meanwhile, audit quality is affected by financial distress, which is interpreted as a decline in the
company's economic performance. From 2018 to 2022, researchers used E-Views 12 to analyze data
from manufacturing property & and real estate companies.
This research has important implications for regulators, auditors, companies, and investors:
Regulators: OJK and IDX can use the results of this study to understand the factors that affect audit
quality and develop better policies and regulations to increase transparency and accountability in the
capital market. Auditors: Public Accounting Firms can gain insight into how audit periods and delays
affect audit quality, so they can evaluate and improve audit practices to increase stakeholder trust.
Companies listed on the IDX can understand the importance of maintaining a healthy financial
condition and avoiding delays in the audit process to maintain the quality and credibility of their
financial statements. Investors: Investors can use the results of this research to make better
investment decisions by considering the quality of audits as an indicator of the reliability of a
company's financial statements. This study contributes significantly to academic literature and
practice in the real world by identifying important factors that affect audit quality in Indonesia.
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