e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1637
In figure 11, is an example of the display of the admin page on the sacrament service.this admin view
serves to add data from the HSPMTB parish, which will be displayed on the menu page of the HSPMTB
Putussibau parish website.
4. Conclusion
Quoting from a journal about efficiency and accessibility, the availability of data obtained from
the Catholic Church of HSPMTB Putussibau parish is hopefully able to provide information that can
be published on the website. The menu on the website that is displayed, such as the profile of the
person, is able to bring the people to attend and get to know the origin of the church and build concern
for the environment and the community under the auspices of the HSPMTB Putussibau church.The
features offered are probably able to meet the needs of the people, especially sacrament services,
where previously the people had to come to the parish to ask for a form, now it can be downloaded
through the website. The availability of contact and information also adds to the convenience of the
people to be able to communicate directly with the HSPMTB Putussibau parish church.
The design of the HSPMTB parish website is still far from perfect because it is still relatively new and
requires very complete data to complete the information provided. If we see that there are still many
features that we want to display, but that must be discussed with the priests and the parish Pastoral
Council to get approval for displaying the church data. As we know, not all HSPMTB church data can
be displayed on the website because it is related to the church's security from irresponsible
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