Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1629
Parish; Website; Laravel; Php;
Parish Pastoral Council
This research analyzes and develops web-based church services for
parishes Hati Santa Perawan Maria Tak Bernoda at Putussibau,
using the Laravel framework and the PHP programming language.
The purpose of this study is to improve the accessibility and
efficiency of information and administrative services in the parish.
The research methods used include observation, interviews, system
interface design, and implementation evaluation. The result of this
research is a parish website that provides various important
information such as church profiles, mass schedules, sacrament
services, and church contacts, which can be accessed by all
parishioners and the general public. This website is expected to
support the modernization of church services and make it easier for
people to access church information and services. The study also
provides recommendations for further development and integration
of additional features that can enrich the functionality and benefits
of the parish website.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
One of the existences of the Catholic Church in the context of communion is the servant. So, if
the Catholic Church neglects its duties in ministry, then there is no communion in the life of the
church. In practice, the ministry in the church is still traditional, so a modernisation of the ministry is
needed (Adyatomo, 2023; Pasaribu, 2023; Tawaang et al., 2023).
In the context of ministry, the Catholic church is also required to be transformative in the
development of the times (Inriani, 2021; Selatang et al., 2023). Digital platforms are also a means of
preaching and serving the people, which aims to provide convenience in service practices. Therefore,
Design, Build and Implementation of The Church Services Katolik
Paroki Hati Santa Perawan Maria Tak Bernoda Putussibau Web-
Heribertus Christian Agusto Lumban Tobing, Supatman
Universitas Mercu Buana, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: heribertuscalt92@gmail.com, supatman@mercubuana-yogya.ac.id
Correspondence: heribertuscalt92@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1630
the understanding of digital services must begin to be realized by the parish leaders, in this case, we
know as pastors (Afandi, 2018; da Santo, 2019; Irpan et al., 2022; Sitorus & Purba, 2021).
Located in the territory of the diocese of Sintang, the parish church of the Immaculate Heart of
the Virgin Mary was founded on June 10, 1939 by the missionaries of the Marian Monfort Union.
Before being designated as a parish, the HSPMTB church was included in the parish ministry area of
Bika Nazareth and was served by priests from the Capuchin order. Initiated by monfortan
missionaries from the Netherlands, the HSPMTB church has changed pastors 3 times: the first area is
on Sibau Beach, the second is in the main road area of Putussibau City, and the third (now) rebuilt to
coincide with the pastoral dung and the parish secretariat (Dien, 2022). The parish church of HSPMTB
has 12 regional wards and 8 stations that are the focus of ministry and have several categorical groups
and communities, and in the parish of HSPMTB Putussibau has management called the Parish Pastoral
Currently, all administrative and information affairs are managed and carried out within the
parish secretariat, so if there are people related to administrative and information searching affairs,
they will usually come to the parish secretariat (Ibu, 2022). The development of information
technology is currently a new challenge to make a service innovation in the HSPMTB Putussibau
parish. One of them is a web service that can provide convenience in obtaining access to information
on the HSPMTB Putussibau church. Internet access that can be reached anywhere positively impacts
the church, which is transformative. In this study, the design and implementation of digital services
in the HSPMTB parish can positively impact the development of the HSPMTB Putussibau parish (Riko
et al., 2023).
Relevant research: Dien, M. E. (2022) conducted research similar to the study on church
website design, providing a concrete example of implementing the church information system.
Rachmatullah et al. (2021) conducted research showing how church information systems can be
implemented in Android-based platforms, providing an alternative perspective on digital solutions
for churches.
This research aims to design, build, and implement web-based church services for the Parish of
the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Putussibau. By utilising digital technology, this
research aims to provide easy access to information for parishioners, improve administrative
efficiency, and support the modernisation of church services.
2. Materials and Methods
In the research on the design of the website of the Parish of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin
Mary, the research stage was obtained by:
The observation was carried out directly at the secretariat paroki hati santa perawan maria tak
bernoda putussibau, and the daily service practices carried out by the parish secretariat team and data
from the faithful who have interests in the parish secretariat.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1631
The interview process by meeting with the priest/priest, the secretariat team, and the daily
management of the pastoral council paroki hati santa perawan maria tak bernoda putussibau related
to the flow or procedure of services requested by the parish and then collect the data for the needs of
features in the design of the parish website.
Interface System Design
Collecting data from points 1 and 2, I designed a simple website interface system and
incorporated features based on the data collected from the parish secretariat. The design uses
prepared tools, such as PHP with the Laravel framework, and MySql as a website design database.
Database Design
The database is created with MySql as a DBMS and serves as a data store managed by the parish
Literature Studies
Literature is obtained by searching for scientific journal resources online and several free e-
books that contain topics about creating a church website.
Implementation and Evaluation
Conducting a testing process on the interface design that has been created, whether it finds an error
system and can display features related to the needs in the parish Hati Santa Perawan Maria Tak
Bernoda (Ikhlas et al., 2022). The results of the implementation are then evaluated related to the
comfort of users while using the parish website.
Document Collection
Obtain documents from the parish secretariat that contain services in the parish according to
the needs of the people who will request services in the parish (Hadisoebroto et al., 2022). One
example of a document related to ministry in the parish Hati Santa Perawan Maria tak bernoda
Putussibau is a sacrament service registration form (Marriage. Charisma, Baptist, and others).
Research Tools
In this research, the device used is a Hewlett Packard laptop as hardware and as software using
the PHP programming language with the Laravel and Mysql frameworks as DBMS specifications will
be explained as follows:
1. The hardware used in the study is as follows:
Table 1 Hardware specifications
Computer Type
HP 14 bw0096tu
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1632
4.00 GB
256 GB
Radeon R3
HP TrueVision Cam
Screen Size
14 inch
2. The software used to support this research is:
Table 2 Software specifications
System analysis
To create a system design display, namely "Use Case Diagram" using draw.io.here is the use
case diagram display (Sigiro, 2020):
Figure 1 Use Case Diagram
The Secretariat team serves as an admin and fully manages the data that will be displayed on
the parish website
Visitors are people who have not yet fully joined the parish of HSPMTB Putussibau and can
access all menus on the website of the HSPMTB Putussibau parish
Umat are members of the HSPMTB parish who have been registered in the parish secretariat
and can access all display menus
The priest is a priest who works in the HSPMTB Putussibau parish and monitors the appearance
of the parish website and can access all menus on the HSPMTB Putussibau parish website.
3. Result and Discussion
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1633
The following is a display of the results and discussion about the parish website Hati Santa
Perawan Maria Tak Bernoda Putussibau:
Figure 2 Home page (home view)
In figure 2., (Home Page) is the initial view of the HSPMTB Putussibau parish website which
contains a slide of church photos, the HSPMTB Putussibau parish logo, and a menu display
(Adyatomo, 2023). On the initial display of the main page, there are several menus, while the menus
displayed on the main page are:
Home as the initial display, which if we click on it, will return to the main page,
Profiles with submenus (History, Priests, Parish Pastoral Council, Ward and region, and Youth)
The service contains a download form consisting of (Baptism, Chrismation, Marriage, First
Communion, and death certificate)
Information about parish news or announcements in the format of the parish secretariat.
Contacts contain emails, locations, and Whatsapp contacts of the parish secretariat
Figure 3 Schedule of Eucharist or Mass
In figure 3, on the main page, if we scroll down, a eucharistic schedule will appear that can be seen
by non-lay visitors and HSPMTB people who want to know the mass schedule.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1634
Figure 4 Profile Menu History Submenu
In Figure 4, Profile Menu with History submenu, the user will get a brief history of the parish church
"The Heart of the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Putussibau".
Figure 5 Profil Menu Submenu for Imam
In Figure 5, the Profile Menu with the submenu of priests displays the profiles of
priests/priests/priests who serve in the parish Hati Santa Perawan Maria Tak Bernoda Putussibau”.
Figure 6 Profile Menu Submenu of the Parish Pastoral Council
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1635
In Figure 6, the Profile Menu with the Parish Pastoral Council submenu contains the
management structure of the parish pastoral council for the 2021-2024 period.Users can access the
names of the DPP administrators by typing the name of the administrator, then the results will display
the names of the DPP administrators.
Figure 7 Profile Menu Environment and region Submenu
In figure 7., the parishioners can access to find out the number of wards, stations and communities
under the auspices of the HSPMTB Putussibau parish and can get information about the number of
parishes and the number of heads of families (KK) in the HSPMTB Putussibau parish.
Figure 8 One example of a submenu of ministry (the Sacrament of Baptism)
In figure 8, related to the ministry practices in the HSPMTB Putussibau parish, the Ministry Menu
contains the submenu of baptism, chrisma, first communion, and death certificate. This page contains an online
form that contains services needed by HSPMTB Putussibau parishioners and non-native parishioners in the
HSPTMB Putussibau parish. The page also displays the applicable terms and conditions that have been set by
the HSPMTB Putussibau parish secretariat.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1636
Figure 9 Contact Menu Display
In figure 9, displays the contact information that can be contacted, as well as the address listed if you
want to find the address of the HSPMTB Putussibau church.
Figure 10 Admin Login Page
In Figure 10, the login page is an admin page used to manage data related to information presented
in the parish website menu. The login page directs the admin to the dashboard page of the HSPMTB
Putussibau parish.
Figure 11 Service Admin Page Dashboard
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1637
In figure 11, is an example of the display of the admin page on the sacrament service.this admin view
serves to add data from the HSPMTB parish, which will be displayed on the menu page of the HSPMTB
Putussibau parish website.
4. Conclusion
Quoting from a journal about efficiency and accessibility, the availability of data obtained from
the Catholic Church of HSPMTB Putussibau parish is hopefully able to provide information that can
be published on the website. The menu on the website that is displayed, such as the profile of the
person, is able to bring the people to attend and get to know the origin of the church and build concern
for the environment and the community under the auspices of the HSPMTB Putussibau church.The
features offered are probably able to meet the needs of the people, especially sacrament services,
where previously the people had to come to the parish to ask for a form, now it can be downloaded
through the website. The availability of contact and information also adds to the convenience of the
people to be able to communicate directly with the HSPMTB Putussibau parish church.
The design of the HSPMTB parish website is still far from perfect because it is still relatively new and
requires very complete data to complete the information provided. If we see that there are still many
features that we want to display, but that must be discussed with the priests and the parish Pastoral
Council to get approval for displaying the church data. As we know, not all HSPMTB church data can
be displayed on the website because it is related to the church's security from irresponsible
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