Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1552
Moral Values and Social Values in the Novel Sawitri dan Tujuh
Pohon Kelahiran by Mashdar Zainal as an Effort to Select
Learning Materials for Literary Appreciation
Dedi Irawan, Zalfa Nopianda Azhar
Universitas Sebelas April, Sumedeng, Indonesia
Email: dedirawan_fkip@unsap.ac.id
Correspondence: dedirawan_fkip@unsap.ac.id
Novel; Moral value; Social
value, learning material,
Appreciation Literature.
This research is motivated by students’ lack of knowledge about
literary works that they deserve to read. This is in line with the
teacher’s lack of supervision over the selection of literary
appreciation learning materials that are worthy of being read,
appreciated, and used in high school. The teacher has an important
role in selecting literary appreciation learning materials. Extensive
insight into the field of literature, the ability to motivate students to
enjoy literature and to make students being interested in
appreciating a literary work an ability that must have an Indonesian
language teacher. This study aims to describe the moral and social
values in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar
Zainal, as well as its feasibility as material for studying literary
appreciation in high school. The method used in this research is the
descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this
study using content analysis techniques. The data source was
obtained from the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by
Mashdar Zainal. The results obtained from this study are, 1) the
moral values contained in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of
Birth by Mashdar Zainal include the moral values of human relations
with oneself and human relations with others. There are as many as
28 moral values which include moral values of bad attitude in the
novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal; 2) the
social values contained in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of
Birth by Mashdar Zainal’s work covers social values among the
people in the Sawitri family. There are 11 social values in the Sawitri
and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal. Based on the moral
and social values contained in novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of
Birth by Mashdar Zainal deserve to used as learning material for
literary appreciation in high school.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1553
1. Introduction
Nowadays, life values such as moral values and social values have experienced a crisis (Geysi et
al., 2020; Pridayanti et al., 2022). This means that these two values in this era of globalization have
regressed. With the development of the times that bring influences from the outside both in the form
of culture, social life and technology, the mindset does develop as well. However, the current reality
is that the progress of the times affects the looseness of the grip on the values of life. Based on the
results of previous research published in a journal written by Lasmida Listari, many people are not
ready to face the changes that occur due to technology. Science and technology should be used as well
as possible to increase potential, but on the contrary, cause adolescents to experience moral decline.
The looseness of the grip on these life values can be seen in various circles and professions
(Palmer, 2022). Starting from children, teenagers, adults, nurses, students, police, etc. These moral
values and social values need to be instilled from an early age and then watered and maintained until
adulthood so that they can continue to live as gotu googles in interacting well (Ewens, 2020; Grémillet
et al., 2023).
Moral values and social values can be learned in the realm of education such as in schools.
Providing an understanding of life values such as moral values and social values is one of the duties
of an educator. There are many ways that educators can do it, one of which is through the delivery of
literary learning materials by appreciating a novel (Afriliana et al., 2023; Aryanto et al., 2023; Swandari & Al
Maruf, 2023).
One of the literature learning materials in high school that is considered suitable for use is
novels because novels are literary works that are in great demand by students. This novel is one of
the sources of learning materials in Indonesian learning at the high school level in the 2013
curriculum in grade XII. The analysis of novels in learning literary appreciation is expected to improve
students' ability to enjoy, understand, and appreciate literary work. In addition, of course, students
can take life values, including moral values and social values in the novel to strengthen the grip of
values in life.
Learning materials are one of the important components in literary learning that can support
the achievement of learning goals (Arafah et al., 2021; Rokhmansyah, 2014). The selection of learning
materials that will be used for learning literary appreciation must certainly be selective and suitable
for use as supporting materials for literary learning at the high school level. Not all literary works are
worthy of being learning material for literary appreciation in high school.
In the case that the author encountered while carrying out PPLK in one of the high schools
(SMA) in the selection of learning materials for literary appreciation teachers did not supervise
students in choosing a novel that they would appreciate without knowing if the novel contained a
story that was not suitable for analysis and even reading by teenagers at the high school level. The
lack of literary works that are worthy of appreciation as learning materials for literary appreciation
is the trigger for this case. From this case, it can be seen that teachers have an important role in the
selection of learning materials for literary appreciation. Broad insight in the field of literature and the
ability to motivate students to love literature and make students interested in appreciating literary
work are abilities that an Indonesian teacher must have.
One of the teaching materials for literary appreciation in high school that is considered suitable
for use is the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Happiness which tells the story of a mother in a
family who plants different trees for each birth of her child. He hopes that his son will grow up and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1554
live with a character like the character of the trees. From this novel, we can take wisdom and
inspiration about attitudes and values of life, especially moral values and social values.
Based on this background, the author is interested in conducting research and compiling a
thesis entitled Analysis of Moral and Social Values in the Novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran by
Mashdar Zainal as an Effort to Select Learning Materials for Literary Appreciation in High School.
The novel is a prose that in language, namely "Novelle", originated in German and then became
a novel in English, and this is what entered Indonesia. Northrop Frye stated that the novel is realistic
fiction, which expands the experience of life beyond mere imagination and aims to bring the reader
to a more colourful world. Meanwhile, according to Abrams (Nurgiyantoro, (2019, p. 11) "Novels
come from the Italian word novella. Literally, novella means a small new item, and then interpreted
as a short story in the form of prose (Aminuddin, 2015).
Values contained in the novel
There are several values contained in the novel, these values are stated by him:
a. Moral Values
Nurgiyantoro (2010, p. 320) states that "In general, morality refers to the understanding of
generally accepted teachings about good and bad regarding deeds, attitudes, obligations, and so on:
morals, ethics, morality". Thus, moral value is a value that determines whether a person's actions or
attitudes are good or bad.
According to Nurgiyantoro (2010, p. 441), the form of moral conveyors is related to the
following three things:
1) Human relationships with oneself. Human problems with oneself can be related to the problem
of being responsible for what has been done, accepting reality, never giving up, being honest,
admitting mistakes, self-awareness, self-confidence, and other things that have been related to
the individual himself.
2) Human relationships with other humans. In the social sphere, human life is inseparable from
other humans. In relationships with other humans, there must be things that cannot be avoided
such as helping, caring for others, saying to parents or sisters, advice given by parents, respect,
manners, and other things related to other humans as social beings.
3) The relationship between man and God. Another problem that people often experience in life is
the problem between themselves and their God. This problem is related to the divine aspect,
for example, problems related to obedience in carrying out His commands such as giving
thanks, praying, staying away from His prohibitions, and other things related to human beings
and God.
b. Social Values
Social values are behavioural values that function as individual guidelines in community life.
Social values are believed to have the ability to give meaning and reward others. This social value is
related to the norms in people's lives. According to Kosasih (2008, p. 65), "Social values are related to
the behaviour of relationships between fellow human beings (community)”.
c. Cultural Values,
Cultural values are a set of values that are agreed upon and embedded in a society,
organizational scope, or community environment that have been rooted in the habits carried out
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1555
d. Religious Values
Religious values are values that are based on the relationship between humans and God. Man's
relationship with God is like praying, worshipping, and sacrificing for God.
2. Materials and Methods
The method used in this study is a descriptive method. "The descriptive research method is a
method aimed at solving existing problems by determining and interpreting the available data, then
analyzing and interpreting it" (Surakhmad, 2001, p. 139). Through this descriptive method, the
author describes the moral and social values in the novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran by
Mashdar Zainal and describes whether it is feasible as a literary appreciation learning material that
can be used in high school.
The purpose of this descriptive research is to describe a systematic and accurate picture of the
facts, properties and relationships between the phenomena being investigated. The use of this
descriptive method is intended to analyze the moral and social values contained in the novel Sawitri
dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran by Mashdar Zainal. As well as in an effort to select learning materials for
literary appreciation in high school.
3. Result and Discussion
This research focuses on two life values, namely moral values and social values. After the author
analyzed the novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran by Mashdar Zainal, it was found that the moral
and social values contained in the novel were found. For more clarity, the author details moral values
and social values in the following table 1.
Table 1 Data on Moral and Social Values in the Novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran
Life Values
Moral Values
Social Values
From the data in the table above, it can be seen that in the novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon
Kelahiran by Mashdar Zainal, 39 quotes contain moral values and social values, including 28 quotes
that contain moral values and 11 quotes that contain social values.
Discussion of Research Results
After carrying out an analysis of the novel Sawitri Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran by
Mashdar Zainal, the author obtained the following research results:
Moral Values
1. The first moral value is shown by the character of Sumaiyah, a person who does not like to waste
things. Here's the quote.
"Wasting time, even if it is only for a second, is haram for Sumaiyah. And just silently looking at
something messy, is not typical of Sumaiyah. For Sumaiyah everything that is messy and messy
is a sin, and sin must be solved. Period." (Page 6)
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The above quote reflects the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that this is because the quote
above shows the Sumaiyah figure who has a responsible attitude towards all the things he will
2. The second moral value is shown by the character of the Sumitrah Tree who is aware because he
has compared the physicality of the Sumitrah figure and the Sumiyah figure. Here's the quote,
Comparing the physique of two human beings is not commendable, it is the same as thinking
that God is not careful." (Pg. 9)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that this is because the
quote above shows the character of the Sumitrah Tree who realizes that comparing someone's
physique is a bad behavior that should not be done
3. The third moral value is shown by the character Sumitrah who does not care if what he does does
not disturb others. Here's the quote.
Sumitrah never cares, as long as what she does doesn't disturb others." (Pg.10)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that because the quote
above shows a person's confident attitude in living life. Sometimes that attitude of indifference
is indispensable in one's life as long as it does not interfere with the lives of others.
4. The next moral value is shown by the character Subandi who does not listen to the advice of his
parents. Here's the quote.
"And from the way he looked at the person who was nagging him, one would immediately know
that scolding and the like was something that wouldn't last long in Subandi's head. And that's the
only kid in the house who always pretends to forget your message." (Pg.12)
The above quote contains bad moral values. It is said that this is because the above quote shows
the stubbornness of a child who does not want to listen and accept the good advice given by his
5. The next moral value is shown by the character Sularsih who always listens carefully to the
advice of his parents. Here's the quote,
"Sularsih is the only child who can understand the message to the roots, the message that my
father once conveyed to every child born in this house: take care of and love the tree as if you
were caring for and loving your own diary. Who would allow himself to be messed up and
harassed?" (Pg. 15)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that this is because the
above quote shows the attitude of a child who is trusting, listening and understanding the
message given by his parents.
6. The next moral value is shown by the character Sukaisih who never cares about what others say
to him. Here's the quote.
"And she never cared what people said about her hairstyle. When my mother asked why her long
and beautiful hair was not braided or pigtailed, Sukaisih calmly replied, I just want to be like
Mom. And what people later realized was, that the appearance of hair never had an effect on a
beautiful face. The only thing that can affect a pretty face is the heart, a heart that isn't pretty."
(Pp. 18-19)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that the above quote shows
the attitude of a person who is confident about his appearance and is confident in his stance. And
not caring about bad words from others
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7. The next moral value is shown by the character of Subandi who influences his younger brother.
Here's the quote.
"Subandi always influenced his younger brother not to care about any tree, he always lured little
Sunardi with dozens of marbles that he shuffled in a clear bottle of used lemonade." (Pg. 21-22)
The above quote contains bad moral values. It is said that this is because the above quote shows
the attitude of a person who likes to exert a bad influence by persuading the affected person to
follow his orders.
8. The next moral value is shown by the figure of Syajari who is never rude to his wife and children.
Here's the quote.
"Throughout his life, he almost never yelled, or spoke harshly. Even to the children. It is as if his
heart is made of particles of wisdom that are so soft." (p. 45)
The above quote contains a good moral attitude. It is said that because the above quote shows
the loving attitude possessed by a husband and father who always keep their mouths to protect
the feelings of their wives and children.
9. The next moral value is shown by the character Sawitri who always saves the money that his son
gives, as long as he can afford it, he will not use it. Here's the quote.
The money that he sends every month, to pay for his younger siblings' school, is almost
completely saved in the bank. We never wear it unless it is really needed and urgent, even so,
after our fields are harvested, we usually replace it immediately." (pp. 49-50)
The above quote contains a good moral attitude. It is said that this is because the above quote
shows a responsible attitude of a parent towards his or her obligation to pay for his children.
10. Nilai moral berikutnya ditunjukan oleh tokoh Sularsih yang selalu menyempatkan pulang untuk
menjenguk orang tuanya di kampung. Berikut kutipannya:
"Once a year, every Eid, she and her husband can be sure that they come to the house to visit us."
(p. 57)
The above quote contains a good moral attitude. It is said that this is because the quote above
shows the caring attitude and affection of a child to his parents to always take the time to meet
and gather.
11. The next moral value is shown by the figure of Sumaiyah who always helps his younger siblings.
Here's the quote.
The girl was a good example for her younger siblings, and almost all the trees in this yard had
been cared for by Sumaiyah. When her younger siblings were not able to take care of their own
trees, it was Sumaiyah who helped take care of them." (p. 71)
The above quote contains a good moral attitude. It is said that the above quote shows the selfless
attitude of helping a brother to help his younger siblings.
12. The next moral value is shown by the figure of Syajari who advises his children. Here's the quote.
Waking up early is the beginning of everything going smoothly, only in the morning can one
think more clearly and start things more calmly." (p. 101)
The above quote contains a good moral attitude. This is said because the quote above shows the
affection of parents who advise their children so that they can live the day smoothly with a clear
13. The next moral value is shown by the character Sawitri who gently reprimands Subandi because
he is stubborn. Here's the quote.
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Where is there a brother who has the heart to see his sister starving and uncared for like that?
So Sularsih is right, you should be grateful." (p. 124)
The above quote contains a good moral attitude. It is said that this is because the quote above
shows the good advice that a mother gives to her child to always remember to be grateful for the
help given by others
14. The next moral value is shown by the character Subandi who remains stubborn even though he
has been told. Here's the quote.
And Subandi is still Subandi, with an innocent look, he refutes again with a rather rough
intonation, "It's just a tree, isn't it? Why should trees be equated with humans? Ridiculous." (Pp.
The above quote contains bad moral values. This is said because the above quote shows a child
who is stubborn, unwilling to listen, and refutes the words of his parents.
15. The next moral value is shown by the character Subandi who is feeling regret for his past actions.
Here's the quote.
As far as I can remember, in the past, I was just trying to convey what I thought was right, and
lately I have realized that to deny also means to say what you think is right, but it turns out that
it is not true or even true enough." (p. 138)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that this is because the
above quote shows a person who has become aware of his past actions. A child's regret is because
in the past he often denied the words and advice given by his parents.
16. The next moral value is shown by the character Syajari who advises before his son gets married.
Here's the quote.
You have to take good care of the marriage tree, just like taking care of your household, the tree
is a reflection of your domestic life." (p. 160)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that this is because the
above quote shows the affection of a father to his child by giving a tree seed as a symbol and
giving advice to his son who is about to get married to take good care of the tree as he would take
care of his marriage.
17. The next moral value is shown by the character Sukaisih and her husband who help an unknown
child who is met in front of her house. Here's the quote.
The boy snorted, my husband took the towel he had wet and cleaned the boy's body and face. I
went to the kitchen to make hot tea and prepare jam bread." (Pg. 164)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that the above quote shows
the attitude of helping others which is done so sincerely and with affection to see a child who
needs help.
18. The next moral value is shown by the character Sukaisih who sincerely takes care of the ten
children he takes care of in his orphanage. Here's the quote.
However, the ultimate effort of a human being is only the best effort and a handful of prayers,
and I have already done that for my ten boys. Even if fate leads them to another story, it's a whole
letter that they have carried since birth." (p. 174)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that because the quote
above shows a sincere attitude. The sincere affection of a person who always prays for all his
children, even if the children are not his biological children.
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19. The next moral value is shown by the figure Sunardi who received a scholarship to continue his
studies abroad. Here's the quote.
"After all, I went to study for knowledge, not anything else. God knows that I always try to do my
best, for me, and for my loved ones." (p. 189)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that because the quote
above shows an attitude of never giving up on pursuing knowledge. The attitude of a person who
is determined to give the best for himself and for all his family.
20. The next moral value is shown by the figures of Sunardi and Sundari who promise to keep each
other informed when they are far apart. Here's the quote.
You have to promise me, at least you will send me a letter once a month."
"As long as you're willing to smile, and be my spy between my colleges." In between.
I smiled, "Promise." (p. 189)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that this is because the
quote above shows a brother who is promising to keep communicating with each other and
exchange news about each other when they are apart.
21. The next moral value is shown by the Sundari figure who prays for his brother Subandi even
though Subandi never sends news to him and to all the family. Here's the quote.
There is also no new news about Subandi. I guess he has become someone else out there. But,
anyway, I still prayed well for him. We've both stayed in the same womb, haven't we? I don't
know." (p. 200)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that it is because the quote
above shows the affection between fellow brothers who always give prayers for their own
brother wherever he is. The mature attitude of a younger brother in dealing with his brother's
22. The next moral value is shown by the character of Syajari who feels guilty for making the people
around him have to take care of him. Here's the quote.
"It's not the pain you suffer, but rather the pain caused because you have to see the people you
care about struggle with your boring days." (p. 208)
The above quote contains a good attitude quote. It is said that this is because the above quote
shows an attitude of not wanting to be selfish, not selfish, and also concerned about the feelings,
thoughts, and energies of others.
23. The next moral value is shown by the figure of Sumaiyah who feels deep disappointment in his
employer. Here's the quote.
"Ever since they have called for false testimony that anyone believes, every day I pray badly for
them. Almost every day I wish that people would die tomorrow because their big house was
buried. God didn't allow that, but I did it. Pray for the worst for them." (p. 241)
The above quote contains bad moral values. It is said that because the above quote shows a
vengeful attitude towards others. A deep sense of resentment to pray bad things to others that
should not be done.
24. The next moral value is shown by the character Sawitri who is giving advice to his children. Here's
the quote.
"Everyone will go, instil that understanding deep into you, so that you are sincere," Mother
whispered, "there is a substance that holds your Father's soul and is more entitled to anyone,"
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Mother rubbed the boy's hair, " I am sorry, I am not waiting for you, because I feel that hasten the
funeral is a good thing," she said again." (Pp. 262-263)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that this is because the
quote above shows Sawitri who taught her children to be sincere about the departure of their
father. The quote also shows the tenacity and strength of a mother who tries to remain calm in
explaining something bitter. A mother who is gentle in advising and still apologizes when she
feels wrong.
25. The next moral value is shown by the character Sukaisih who gives attention and understanding
when Sundari is sad. Here's the quote.
"After those difficult minutes, Sundari began to wipe his tears but did not say anything. I
approached Sundari and hugged the girl. His body was sweating and still shaking occasionally.
Attacked by the remnants of crying." (p. 263)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that the quote above shows
the care and affection of a brother to his younger brother who tries to calm his younger brother
when he is crying by hugging his younger brother.
26. The next moral value is shown by the character of Sularsih who has just realized himself. Here's
the quote.
"From now on, I was like hearing my own voice, whispering, repeating it. Oh, Sularsih, wherever
you have been all this time, to the point that your father has gone into a place you don't know.
Now Ibunu remains, let's see, what the fate of the aging woman will be like. Did you have the
heart to leave him alone? What kind of child are you?" (p. 271)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that because the above
quote shows a child who is thinking and realizing what he has been doing. A person who is feeling
regret because he feels that he has become an unruly child because he does not know the
circumstances of his parents, and is not always there for his parents. He was scared and no longer
wanted to feel the same regret.
27. The next moral value is shown by the character Sawitri who does not know how his children are
doing, but he always prays for his children. Here's the quote.
The only thing they deserve and need is prayer. I pray for them in every movement and
utterance, as many seconds as the hands of the clock." (Pg. 279)
The above quote contains the moral value of a good attitude. It is said that this is because the
above quote shows the love of a sincere mother who is selfless and always prays for each of her
children wherever they are.
28. The next moral value is shown by the children's figures Sawitri and Syajari who compete to take
care of their mother and brother Sumitrah. Here's the quote.
"Sularsih and Sukaisih who competed to seduce me to live with them in the city with Sumitrah
are also of course. Sunardi, who didn't want to go anywhere anymore, was at home at home. Also,
Sundari who expressed his willingness to give up his studies to accompany his widowed mother."
(p. 282)
The above quote contains a good moral cover. It is said that because the above quote shows a
child's affection for his mother. They care and worry if his mother lives alone with no one to
accompany him. The above quote also shows the filial attitude of a child who wants to take care
of his mother.
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Social Values
1. The first social value is shown by the Sundari figure who has a timid nature that is associated
with the trust of the surrounding community. Here's the quote.
"Among the people of the house, Sundari is the most timid, and his timid nature is unhelpless.
Some neighbours said that it was because Jesus was born in broad daylight, the first thing he saw
when he was born was bright light and crowds, so when the night turned dark and the
atmosphere became quiet, he would be scared to death." (Pg. 25-26)
The above quote contains a social value. It is said that this is because the above quote shows the
belief believed by neighbours or the surrounding community that when there is a person born in
broad daylight, that person will become afraid.
2. The second social value is shown by the community around the hamlet where Syajari lives, who
on average have the same livelihood, namely farmers. Here's the quote.
"People live side by side with fields and trees, every day people chat with the soil and seeds. It is
as if they were born only to grow crops." (Pg. 33)
The above quote contains a social value. This is said because the above quote shows that the
people there have the same social class, which is most of their livelihood as farmers, where they
coexist with nature to meet their daily needs.
3. The third social value is shown by the figure of Syajari who comes to the child shaman to ensure
the health of Sawitri's womb. Here's the quote.
"We come to midwives and occasionally to child shamans. At that time, births in our village still
used the services of many child shamans." (Pg.40)
The above quote contains a social value. It is said that this is because the above quote shows the
social situation in the hamlet and among the people there who still trust the child shaman as
someone who can help the birth of their child.
4. The next social value is shown by the character of Subandi who became unemployed after he
graduated from high school. Here's the quote.
"A few years after graduating from high school, Subandi became unemployed, occasionally he
helped us with farming, and often spent his free time swimming leisurely. Hanging out with his
unemployed friends, hanging out at coffee shops, playing football on the field near the rice fields
every afternoon and returning home at dawn, occasionally watching music concerts in the square
and returning home after the early hours of the morning." (p. 55)
The above quote contains a social value. This is said because the quote above shows that Subandi
and his friends are both unemployed even though they have grown up and can find a job or
something more useful but instead just play around and hang out in a coffee shop. This social
value can be seen in the way Subandi and his friends are still immature.
5. The next social value is shown by the character Sukaisih and her husband who adopted a child
and created an orphanage for underprivileged children. Here's the quote.
Liksih, she was never blessed with children, until, one night, she found a three-year-old boy
crying in front of the gate of his house. She took custody of the boy, cared for and raised him like
his own child until she and her husband decided to run an orphanage that cared for some of the
less fortunate children." (p. 57)
The above quote contains a social value. It is said that this is because the above quote shows that
Sukaisih and her husband have a high sense of society, as evidenced by those who adopted a child
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who was abandoned by their mother, then they created an orphanage to take care of
underprivileged children. They both show a human side that has a very high sense of empathy
and help among fellow social beings.
6. The next social value is shown by the character Sawitri who lives in harmony with his neighbors
because of the existence of the Sukaisih tree. Here's the quote.
"His life is not far from the tree he planted for him, the Salam Tree, which also benefits some
neighbours who need kitchen spices. It sounds very trivial: It's just a kitchen spice, but behind
that, the Sukaisih tree has strengthened the bond of brotherhood between us and the people.
Sweet brotherhood. And that's expensive." (p. 58)
The above quote contains a social value. This is because the quote above shows the value of
togetherness between neighbours that is formed by sharing something needed. Sharing between
neighbours selflessly so as to produce such a strong bond of brotherhood. The togetherness of
social beings is excellent for the sustainability of life.
7. The next social value is shown by the character Sawitri who tells the Sunardi Tree which is loved
by many neighborhood children.
"The Sunardi tree is the tree that is most liked by the birds and the neighbouring children,
especially if the fruiting season arrives. The neighbourhood boys will come in the afternoon after
school, they will climb and hang like a gibbon to pick the ripe and blackened jamblang fruits."
The above quote contains a social value. It is said that the above quote shows the closeness,
crowd, and warmth between the neighbouring children and the Sawairi family. The children
were always happy to be able to play on Sunardi's tree while picking jamblang fruits and Sawitri's
family did not object to what the children did.
8. The next social value is shown by the character Sularsih who is afraid to get married first before
his three brothers. Here's the quote.
"At that time in our village, there was a custom where a younger brother was not allowed to get
married first, stepping over his older brothers." (p. 150)
The above quote contains a social value. It is said that this is because the above quote shows the
value in the form of the beliefs of the surrounding community that are trusted and agreed upon
by the surrounding community. It is a custom or culture that a younger brother is not allowed to
step over his brother in marriage affairs because it is considered to bring reinforcements for
himself and his family.
9. The next social value is shown by the figure Syajari who will hold his son's wedding party quite
lively because it is the first wedding in his family. Here's the quote.
Mom blushed. Meanwhile, Father just cleared his throat beside him before saying confidently,
"Your wedding is the first wedding in this house, so we will enliven the reception. In addition to
your neighbours, close relatives, and friends, we will also invite distant brothers and sisters to
come." (p. 155)
10. The above quote contains a social value. It is said that this is because the quote above shows the
value of the way of thinking of a father who wants his son's wedding, which is the first wedding
in his family, to be held lively, inviting many known people and the surrounding community to
participate in the happiness of the event that will be held.
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11. The next social value is shown by the figure of Syajari who does not believe in modern medicine,
such as doctors. Here's the quote.
"You are a person who hardly trusts doctors or medicines sold in factories. He was never willing
to go to the doctor unless he had to." (p. 228)
The above quote contains a social value. It is said that this is because the above quote shows the
trust and belief of Syajari who does not trust doctors who can know his disease and factory
medicines that can cure him. For him, doctors are only ordinary people who can be wrong in
sentencing a disease and the herbal medicines that he concocts himself can cure him and his
family when he is sick.
12. The next social value was shown by Subandi who was abroad but he got news of the chaos that
was happening in his own country. Here's the quote.
This year, in my country, I heard more about the political turmoil in the country of my birth than
about my own family. It is said that, in the mother country on the other side of the island,
demonstrations and violence spilt everywhere, guerrilla ninjas killed kyai and religious leaders,
following the news that a president who resembled Mr. Semar was removed from office." (p. 247)
The above quote contains a social value. It is said that this is because the above quote shows the
social conflicts that occurred in Indonesia at that time which caused chaos and murder
committed on the kyai. From the quote above, it can be estimated that it was political chaos that
occurred during the leadership of Gus Dur as president of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Feasibility of the Novel Sawitri dan Tujuh Pohon Kelahiran by Mashdar Zainal as Learning
Materials for Literary Appreciation in High School
Based on the results of the analysis of moral values and social values contained in the novel
Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal, this novel contains many moral values and
social values that can be used as a reflection or guideline for students. These moral values are in the
form of human relationships with oneself and human relationships with others. Human relationships
with oneself are seen in responsible behavior, promises, acknowledging regrets, sincerity, and
confidence. Human relationships with others are seen in the behavior of helping, gratitude, willing to
sacrifice, sharing, and affection between parents and children. And there are social values among the
surrounding community such as helping others, beliefs or beliefs that are believed, and a sense of
empathy for fellow social beings.
Based on the explanation above, the author concludes that the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees
of Birth by Mashdar Zainal is worthy of being used as a learning material for literary appreciation in
high school. This is said because the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal has
a conformity with the language, psychology, cultural background and values contained in the novel,
namely moral values and social values that can be used as material or guidelines in behaving and
thinking in order to become a better person, especially as a high school student.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis conducted by the author regarding moral values and social
values in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Birth Trees by Mashdar Zainal, it can be concluded that the
following things can be concluded: 1) The moral values contained in the novel Sawitri and the Seven
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1564
Birth Trees by Mashdar Zainal include the moral values of human relationships with oneself and
human relationships with others. Human relationships with oneself are seen in responsible behavior,
promises, acknowledging regrets, sincerity, and confidence. The relationship between humans and
others is seen in the behavior of helping, gratitude, willing to sacrifice, sharing, and affection between
parents and children. In addition to the moral value data above, the author also found bad moral value
data such as stubborn behaviour, not listening to parental advice, having a bad influence on others
and resentment. These poor moral values can be understood by students as moral values that are not
appropriate to be emulated. 2) The social values contained in the novel Sawitri and the Seven Trees
of Birth by Mashdar Zainal include social values among the surrounding community such as helping
others, beliefs or beliefs that are believed, and a sense of empathy for fellow social beings. This social
value can be used as a reflection and a handle for students to socialize and socialize in their
surroundings. 3) The novel Sawitri and the Seven Birth Trees by Mashdar Zainal can be used as
learning materials for literary appreciation in high school. This is said because the novel Sawitri and
the Seven Trees of Birth by Mashdar Zainal has a conformity with the language, psychology, cultural
background and values contained in the novel, namely moral values and social values that can be used
as material or guidelines in behaving and thinking in order to become a better person, especially as a
high school student.
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