Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1593
Board Game; Educational
Game; History of Majapahit;
Kings of Majapahit
This research aims to design a game board that attracts attention
and is educational regarding the introduction to the history of the
Majapahit kingdom, which includes the Majapahit kings and the
stories of each king. An introduction to the history of the kingdom
is a history lesson which is now a mandatory lesson. By studying
the kingdom's history, it is hoped that children can understand
historical values to form characters who love their homeland. I
designed this game board to be an interactive medium as a fun
lesson for children. The author designed an educational game
board with interesting game components to increase interest and
help children learn about the history and kings of the Majapahit
kingdom. This game board was designed using a method based on
the book 5 Phases of Design Graphic Process 4
. Edition by Robin
Landa as follows: (1) Orientation. (2) Analysis and Strategy. (3)
Conceptual Design. (4) Design Development. Lastly (5)
Implementation. The result obtained in the assessment through a
questionnaire that was tested at SD.N.067256 which is located on
Jl.Paku.Tanah Six Hundred, kec.Medan Marelan and also for
children un the author’s home environment, it can be concluded
that more 85% of student and children respondents are interested
in playing this educational board game as a medium for learning
about the history of the Majapahit kingdom.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The Indonesian nation is known for its very diverse and unique cultural wealth, a wealth
influenced by the long history of civilizations that existed before. History records that Indonesia
used to consist of various independent kingdoms, reflecting the characteristics of a separate
archipelago (Butcher & Elson, 2017; Zainuri, 2021). One of the largest kingdoms that almost succeeded in
uniting the entire archipelago was the Majapahit Kingdom.
Designing a Game Board to Educate Children in Getting to Know
the History of the Majapahit Kingdom
Juwita Ayu Dwidyanthi
Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia
Email: ayujuwita478@gmail.com
Correspondence: ayujuwita478@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1594
The Majapahit Kingdom was established at the end of the 13th century, precisely in 1293,
founded by Raden Wijaya, the son-in-law of Kertanegara. This kingdom was not inherited from the
Singasari Kingdom but was established by Raden Wijaya after the collapse of Singasari due to the
Jayakatwang rebellion in 1292 AD. The name "Majapahit" comes from the Maja fruit that grew in the
Trowulan area. Raden Wijaya established a small village in this location that later developed into
the kingdom's center. Over time, Raden Wijaya managed to defeat the army of Khubilai Khan, who
arrived in 1293, refused to submit to Mongol rule, and established the Majapahit Kingdom with the
title Kertarajasa Jayawardhana.
The history of the Majapahit Kingdom is important for the Indonesian nation because of its
rich cultural heritage. It has proven to be the nation's pride, even becoming a model in several
aspects of the statehood of the Republic of Indonesia. Understanding history among the younger
generation is very important because history provides an understanding of the nation's origins and
identity. As Karno said, "Never leave history." This shows the importance of studying history for the
nation's survival (Achmad, 2019).
The young generation has a crucial role in developing various aspects of the nation's life. They
are agents of change who have great potential with new, innovative, and creative knowledge that
can be used to build a nation (Caldwell et al., 2020). According to Safrin (2018), youth have a strong
fighting spirit, creative solutions, and innovative solutions, and they play an important role in
various fields, including history. By understanding history, the younger generation can learn many
useful things for their future and the nation (Amirullah, 2017).
Robert Jones Shafer (1974) mentioned three main benefits of studying history: expanding
human experience, enriching attitudes and personalities, and allowing for a holistic view. History
offers a variety of conditions and experiences that build the integrity of a nation's personality and
identity. History and national identity are closely intertwined, and the roots of history strengthen a
nation's existence and pride (Jones, 2014).
However, students often consider history lessons boring, not because of the material
memorized too much but because of the less varied learning methods (Widja, 1989) (Saraswati,
2018; Suminar et al., 2019). Therefore, more interesting and strategic learning methods, including
the cooperative method, are needed. This method can be applied to creative media such as board
games (Satrianawati, 2018).
Board games are game media that also contain educational value. With clear rules, logic-
challenging game mechanics, and frequent player interactions, board games can be an effective
learning tool (Nugroho, 2010). Cooperative learning methods can be applied in board games, where
players work in groups to solve problems or tasks.
The author plans to create a board game based on the Majapahit Kingdom. This game will
involve a maximum of five players, and each player will use a pawn with Majapahit characters. To
win the game, players must collect cards from each character. The game components include a game
board, pawns, cards, and guide paper. Each player will arrange pawns and cards according to the
predetermined rules of the game.
The author's purpose is to create an interactive Board game innovation as a fun learning
medium for children, help children learn the history of the Majapahit Kingdom through the media of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1595
board games, help children understand historical values, and help them form characters who love
the homeland.
Through this media, it is hoped that the younger generation will be more interested in
learning history and understanding the values contained in historical events. Thus, history becomes
theoretical knowledge and shapes critical and innovative personalities and thinking among the
younger generation.
2. Materials and Methods
Data Collection
Data collection techniques are the most strategic techniques in research. This research aims
to design a game board as a learning medium to increase learning and social enthusiasm in
elementary school children. This game board is designed using a method sourced from the book 5
Phases of Design Graphic Process 4th Edition by Robin Landa, where the stages are (1) Orientation,
which involves collecting data from the research topic through premier and secondary data
collection techniques. (2) Analysis and Strategy is to form and plan a strategy from the data
obtained in the first stage and produce a briefing for the design design. (3) Conceptual Design is
preparing several points or ideas in the direction concluded from the second stage to make ideas or
design solutions. (4) Design Development, which is developing designs visually. (5) Implementation,
namely the media application through a trial for elementary school children aged 6-12 years. The
data used in this study was obtained through literature studies. Data collection methods are carried
out in several ways, namely: (Landa, 2021; Mahatmi & Singgih, 2020)
1. Primary data: The collection of primary data is carried out through a field observation process
carried out by digging up information related to the history of the Majapahit kingdom and the
kings of Majapahit through direct observation at the 067256 State Elementary School located
on Jl. Paku, Tanah Enam Ratus, Kec. Medan, the data obtained by the author from this field
observation will be an important component in designing an informative and accurate game
board about the history of the Majapahit Marelan kingdom and implementing interviews as the
main method, conducted with a teacher in learning History.
2. Secondary data, taking sources from books such as Raja-Raja Majapahit, Best Educational
Games For Children (2012; 2017), Early Childhood Play and Play, and Learning Resource
Media, aims to strengthen the material of a work that the author will create.
Data Analysis
Data analysis that can be used in conducting research is the 5W + 1H research method, namely:
Table 1 Table 5W+1H Children's Educational Gameboard Design in Getting to Know the History of the
Majapahit Kingdom
5W + 1H
What is the problem?
Lack of interest in learning history lessons.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1596
Who is the target
target of the Majaphit
historical board game?
It is the main target community for children
aged 6-12 years.
Why is this topic
important to raise?
To add to their insight into the history of the
Majaphit Kingdom about how the Majapahit
Kingdom was founded, the Glory Days, and
the decline of the Majapahit Kingdom.
When did the problem
When children lack interest in learning
history and their lack of socialization due to
the impact of online games on their gadgets.
Where did the
problem occur?
In the city of Medan, among children who do
not find many interesting and cool learning
What are the solutions
or stages to solve the
The solution provided by the author is to use
board games as an educational medium for
children, where children can play while
getting information, in this case, about the
history of the Majapahit Kingdom.
3. Result and Discussion
Media Utama
1. Board games,
This game board is square in shape with smoothed corners made of wood measuring 29.7 cm x
42 cm. It has a cover divided in half on the top and bottom sides of the game board, which is 14.5
cm x 42 cm. The design of the top of the board cover uses stickers, while the inside of the board
uses type paper, which functions as a play area.
Figure 1 Board Games
((Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi 2024)
The colors used in the design of this board are as follows
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1597
The game board uses 4 colors, namely:
a. Brown
I chose this color because it symbolizes warmth. Studying history actually makes those who
learn to feel warm.
b. Warna Orange
I chose this color because it can stimulate brain and mental activity and give an optimistic
and cheerful aura.
c. Warna Kuning
The reason for choosing this color is because it symbolizes the meaning of adventure for the
writer, which is in accordance with the theme of this game.
d. Warna Merah
The reason for choosing this color is because it symbolizes courage, strength, and
confidence. The meaning of this wana really symbolizes the characters in this game.
2. Pawn/Bidak is an important medium in running the game. Consisting of 5 pawns designed in the
form of characters of the Majapahit Kingdom with a selection of warm colors. Pawns are made of
acrylic material sizeable 1.5 cm x 2.5 cm.
Figure 2 Pion/Bidak
(Source : Juwita ayu Dwidyanthi 2024)
3. The cards in the game are important because in this game, players collect information using
several types of cards, each of which contains different information. This card is also designed to
be 10cm x 7cm. The types of cards in this game are: Character cards, position cards, rustic cards,
and dice number cards.
Figure 3 Cards
(Source: Juwita ayu Dwidyanthi 2024)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1598
4. Guide, in this game serves as instructions in playing this game and some clues in this game.
Figure 4 Panduan Bermain
(Source: Juwita ayu Dwidyanthi 2024)
Supporting media
In this case, the supporting media includes merchandise such as banners, t-shirts, tumblers, mugs,
keychains, pins, stickers, packaging, and design books.
Poster Design Process
In the poster of the design process, it is explained that the design process for making a Game
Board for Children's Education in Getting to Know the History of the Majapahit Kingdom is as
follows :
1. The initial process is brainstorming, which involves brainstorming creative ideas to find a
solution to a problem.
2. The next process is to sketch the game board and sketch some of the main media components,
such as cards and pawns.
3. create a digital design using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe PhotoShop.
4. Choosing a color appropriate for the theme we will create.
5. The last is to add text to our design to contain information about what we are creating.
The poster of the design process is an overview of the motion graphic design process, starting
with the Brainstorming process to become a Game Board for Children's Education in Getting to
Know the History of the Majapahit Kingdom. The poster of the design process is made so that the
presentation of information is easy to understand. The following is a description of the poster of the
design process:
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1599
Figure 5 Design Poster
(Sumber: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi 2024)
At this stage, the author distributes the work questionnaire. A work questionnaire is needed
to review the success of the work that has been produced. In this case, the questionnaire was
distributed to elementary schools in elementary schools. N.067256, which is located on Jl. Paku,
Tanah Enam Ratus, Medan Marelan district, and also to children in the author's home environment.
The work questionnaire is distributed when the work has been printed into real media. This
questionnaire was distributed to all people who use Google Forms so that they can find out their
opinions about board games for children. The following questions are attached:
1. Names of respondents,
Figure 6 Respondent's Name
(Sumber: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi 2024)
From the picture above, there are 33 names of respondents from SD Negeri 067256.
2. Gender of respondents,
Figure 7 Gender of Respondents
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1600
(Sumber: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi 2024)
From the figure above, it can be concluded that more than half of the respondents are female.
3. Do you know about the Majapahit Kingdom?
Figure 8 Types of Questionnaires 1
(Sumber: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi 2024)
From the figure above, it can be concluded that 70% of respondents know about the Majapahit
kingdom, 21% do not know about the Majapahit kingdom and 12.1% do not know about the
Majapahit kingdom.
4. Who was the founder of the Majapahit kingdom?
Figure 9 Types of Questionnaires 2
(Sumber: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi 2024)
The figure above shows that 90.9% of respondents answered Raden Wijaya and 9.1% answered
Gajah Mada.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1601
5. Who are the characters in this board game introducing the history of the Majapahit
Figure 10 Types of Questionnaires 3
(Sumber: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
From the image above, it can be concluded that all respondents answered correctly.
6. Who was the second king of the Majapahit kingdom?
Figure 11 Types of Questionnaires 4
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
The figure above shows that 84.8% correctly answered that Jayanagara was the second king of the
Majapahit kingdom.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1602
7. Who declares the Palapa oath?
Figure 12 Types of Questionnaires 5
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
From the picture above, it can be concluded that 87.9% answered correctly that Gajah Mada was the
one who declared the palapa oath.
8. What is the meaning of the palapa oath?
Figure 13 Types of Questionnaires 6
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
The figure above shows that 81.8% of respondents answered correctly about the meaning of the
palapa oath.
9. What is the title of the king of Sri Gitarja?
Figure 14 Types of Questionnaires 7
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1603
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
The picture above shows that 87.9% answered correctly about Sri Gitarja's title.
10. Who was the king with enemies in the palace during his reign??
Figure 15 Types of Questionnaires 8
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
The figure above shows that 57.6% answered correctly, 30.3% answered wrong, and 12.1%
answered correctly.
11. Who is Gajah Mada?
Figure 16 Types of Questionnaires 9
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
From the image above, it can be concluded that almost 80% answered correctly.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1604
12. Who are the figures who unite parts of the archipelago?
Figure 17 Types of Questionnaires 10
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
From the figure above, it can be concluded that 81.8% have answered correctly.
13. What year is Hayam Wuruk wayaat?
Figure 18 Types of Questionnaires 11
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
From the figure above, it can be concluded that 72.7% answered correctly and 27.3% answered
14. At what age did Hayam Wuruk inherit the throne?
Figure 19 Types of Questionnaires 12
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1605
(Souce: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
From the figure above, it can be concluded that 69.7% answered correctly and 21.2% and 9.1%
answered wrong.
15. Criticism
Figure 20 Criticism
‘(Sumber: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
The image above shows that respondents feel that this game is worth playing and only needs minor
16. Recimendation
Figure 21 Recommendation
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1606
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
From the picture above, it can be concluded that as many as 33 respondents or equal to 85% liked
the design of the board game "Introduction to the History of the Majapahit Kingdom" as an
interesting learning medium and can add to children's insights.
The data obtained from the validity test by experts were processed using descriptive analysis by
paying attention to aspects related to the design of educational board game learning media about
getting to know the history of the Majapahit kingdom.
Table 2 Criteria for Validator Response Percentage
Test Results
Very Invalid
Not Feasible and needs major revision
Valid Less
Less feasible and in need of major
Quite Valid
Quite feasible and needs revision
Feasible and needs minor revisions
Very Valid
Very feasible and not revised if it
reaches 100%
(Source: Wulanzani UT 2016)
Implementation of Work
The work was implemented to see how interested the public, especially children, were in
introducing the history of the Majapahit kingdom. Implementation is carried out for children at
067256 State Elementary School
Figure 22 Implementation of Works
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2024 1607
Figure 23 Implementation of Works
(Source: Juvita Aayu Dvidyanthi, 2024)
The implementation of this work attracted the interest and attention of children, considering that
they had just tried a new learning method. In implementing this work, children play this game
according to the game guide paper so that this game runs smoothly and is structured.
4. Conclusion
In "Designing a Game Board for Children's Education in Getting to Know the History of
Majapahit's Work," the author summarizes a brief history of the Majapahit kingdom, which was led
by great figures during his leadership. The lack of interest in learning history in children makes
children forget how history happened. Therefore, the author made a game board design to educate
children in getting to know the history of the Majapahit kingdom in order to develop knowledge or
add insight, especially for elementary school children so that they know this knowledge from an
early age and can develop their minds and make children socialize for real and not just play gadgets.
This educational media board game was chosen because children at elementary school age prefer to
play while learning rather than just learning with theory, akrea in children from the age of 6-12
years old, elementary school children in general children can already function to think logically
about something concrete or real, children's memory can remember with pictures that are often
seen, So with the visualization design of this game, children are encouraged to learn about history,
especially the history of the Majapahit kingdom. From the information on age development above, it
can be concluded that the author's target audience is 6-12 years old. It can be concluded from 33
respondents that the creation of this game is beneficial for children in learning while learning, and
they hope that this game can be disseminated so that other children can also learn the history of the
Majapahit kingdom with the method of learning while playing. With this game, children are helped
in the history of the Majapahit kingdom.
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