Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1545
Digital-Based Sharia Marketing Strategy to Increase Sales at The
Ciwaringin Natural Dye Writing Batik Center Cirebon
(Case Study at "Kebon Gedang Batik Center" Ciwaringin Cirebon)
Inayah, Ananda Tri Cahyati, Ari Saputra, Muhammad Viky, Dini Selasih
Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon
Email: [email protected], muhammadviki819@gmail.com, ddinisela[email protected]
Correspondence: muhammadviki81[email protected]m
Sharia Marketing; Increase
Sales; Batik
The presence of MSMEs plays a crucial role in driving the
Indonesian economy forward. "Batik Tulis Kebon Gedang Center"
as one of the traditional batik MSMEs in Ciwaringin has recently
risen after experiencing the impacts of COVID-19. This study aims
to identify and analyze effective economic strategies to address the
challenges of the digital era for the community in the "Batik Tulis
Kebon Gedang Center" in Ciwaringin, Cirebon. The research
method used is a qualitative approach through in-depth interviews
and observation with the batik community. The results of this
research, it can be observed that the "Batik Tulis Kebon Gedang
Center" community adopts various economic strategies in facing
various challenges in the digital era, including competition with
digital batik products, changes in consumer behaviour, and
limitations in the online market penetration. Based on these
findings, several economic strategies are formulated, including
increasing online presence through e-commerce platforms which
have become a trend among the community and shorby (business
link), using several promotional mixes such as advertising, sales
promotion, public relations, and publications, direct marketing,
collaboration with digital designers and influencers, as well as
increasing digital literacy among batik community members. The
implementation of these strategies is expected to strengthen the
competitiveness and sustainability of the "Batik Tulis Kebon
Gedang Center" in the digital era.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1 Introduction
With the advancement of technology, the way consumers buy and seek information about
goods and services has changed. The development of internet technology (network interconnection)
can be used by everyone around the world (Bala & Verma, 2018; Kopetz & Steiner, 2022). In addition to
ease of use, the internet allows people to communicate and transmit information without any time
or space constraints. In Indonesia, the development of the Internet and the number of users
continues to increase every year. Consumers are more likely to use mobile devices and search
engines to search for goods or services, an impact on the way companies market their goods and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1546
services. With the help of technology, businesses can target customers more precisely and
effectively. Companies can send relevant and engaging messages to targeted customers by
identifying customer behaviour and preferences (Yusuf et al., 2021).
With the development of the Digital Era along with the increasing number of new
technologies introduced to the public, some of the past technologies will automatically be
abandoned. So, there is a technological development in the digital era that continues to run
(Hasriadi, 2022). Today we are known as "global villages", a global network of communities
connected through the internet. Every business has become a target market for manufacturers and
market participants themselves due to its increasingly widespread and spread users around the
world (Desrizal et al., 2023). Digital marketing is the use of digital information technology, such as
electronic media, or internet-based media, by marketers, both businesses and people to sell a
product or brand, both goods and service items. While those grounded on internet media include
marketing through social media and online transactions, digital marketing based on electronic
media might utilize advertising on television and radio. Product marketing tactics are expected to
undergo a revolution as information technology and marketing through digital marketing grow.
Whether big national companies or small firms, digital marketing will influence not only the
marketing but also the whole business operations (Chamidah, 2017; Ziółkowska, 2021).
Business competition is the most important part of marketing. Marketers must have a basic
marketing concept to meet the needs and wants of customers. It is very important to learn how to
satisfy customer needs for goods or services so that customers are loyal and return to buy the goods
or services. If a customer becomes a loyal customer because his or her satisfaction is fulfilled, that
customer will not buy other similar company's goods or services. Companies must focus on
customer satisfaction because customer satisfaction is so important to the company. Various
marketing strategies, including market segmentation, targeting, market positioning, and marketing
mix, are used to analyze strategies to improve competitiveness (Kotler et al., 2021).
In Islam, of course, it also regulates how to do business properly and correctly. Islamic
business also pays attention to marketing procedures to be by the rules. Hafidhuddin and Tanjung
explained that Sharia marketing management is a field that selects the target market and strives to
acquire, retain, and increase customers by creating, delivering, and communicating superior value
to customers by focusing on Sharia principles. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH must also be doing
his business professionally using Islamic values contained in the Qur'an. These values serve as the
basic foundation that allows one to follow an honest, fair, and true path. This foundation functions
as a sharia or legal requirement in carrying out a business activity. Because it is based on the Qur'an
and the Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH, Sharia marketing has a very strategic activity.
2 Materials and Method
Research Methods
In this study, qualitative is used. According to McCusker, K., & Gunaydin, S. (2015),
qualitative methods are used to answer questions about "what", "how", or "why" of a phenomenon,
while quantitative methods answer the question "how many, how much". The qualitative method
emphasizes more on the observation of phenomena and more research into the substance of the
meaning of the phenomenon. The analysis and sharpness of qualitative research are greatly affected
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1547
by the strength of the words and sentences used. The research design used in this study is a
qualitative approach, namely a research approach without using statistical numbers but with a
descriptive presentation, namely trying to describe a phenomenon, event and occurrence that
occurs as the focus of attention to then be described as it is. This research is also field research
Based on Nasir's opinion, type of descriptive research is research that seeks to describe phenomena
that occur in a real, realistic, actual, and current way because this research is to make a systematic,
factual and accurate description, description or painting about the facts, properties and
relationships between the phenomena being investigated (Rukajat, 2018, p. 1).
Place and Time of Research.
This research was carried out at the Natural Dye Written Batik Center. Batik Tulis QUU
with Owner Pak Fathoni whose address is Jl. Urip Sumoharjo gang Indobatik, blok kebon gedang
RT/06 RW/05 Ciwaringin Village, Ciwaringin District, Cirebon Regency. The reason for choosing
this location, objectively, is because Batik QUU is centralized in Ciwaringin Batik Village and is a
reference from various campuses for research. He has even become a national batik icon and a
recognized icon of the creative economy in Ciwaringin. The subjective reason is that it is close to
the distance of the researcher's residence and random selection by the Lecturer of the Sharia
Digital Marketing Course, namely Mrs Dini Selasi, MM. The time of this research occurred from
February to March 2024.
Data Type
a. Primary data
Primary data is research data obtained through sources in the field, both in the form of
interviews and in-depth observations of the subjects and objects being studied. In this context, the
data was obtained from the results of information interviews that had been determined
(purposive samples) and observations at the research location, namely Batik QUU.
b. Secondary data
Secondary data is research data sourced from documentation or literature data such as
books, notes, journals, and also evidence related to research topics both in the form of published
and unpublished archives. In this study, researchers read various books with related topics. The
researcher understands the written data by conducting deductive reasoning.
As for field data, the researcher conducted inductive reasoning.
c. Determination of Samples and Informants,
The determination of samples and informants is carried out in two ways. First, the
snowballing technique, which is to look for data such as a rolling snowball. This method is taken
by appointing a certain person or informant and then the person appointing the next person or
informant, and so on until the data is jumbuh (full). First, second, and third people appoint a fourth
informant and so on until the data grows. Second, using purposive samples that have been
determined in advance. This means that the informant has been determined in advance in the form
of the institution where the research is conducted or certain figures who are key informants. The
researcher has selected informants who are considered relevant for data collection. In this case,
the sample is not limited by the number or percentage of the amount. The priority is that the data
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1548
is considered sufficient or has grown.
Data Collection Techniques,
There are three ways of data collection techniques, namely:
Observations involved (participant observation);
Involved observation is carried out by the
way the researcher is involved in the activities of the subjects. For example, researchers
participate in online transactions, participating in all or part of digital marketing activities
carried out by several online business actors, in this case, PT Batik Danar Hadi Surakarta. In this
way, researchers participate in feeling, animating, experiencing, and seeing firsthand the
occurrence of an event or digital marketing activity by business actors. According to Suparlan
(1983: 43), eight (8) things can be observed by researchers, namely: (1) space or place, 2)
actors, 3) activities, 4) objects, 5) time, 6) events, 7) goals, 8) feelings.
In-depth interviews (depth interview)
An interview is a dialogue or communication between the researcher and the informant to
obtain information or data. According to Sugiyono (2019), there are seven interview steps to
collect data in qualitative research, namely: 1) accurately determine the informants to be
interviewed, 2) prepare the question material to be used as interview material, 3) open or find
the interview storyline, 4) carry out the plot or interview storyline, 5) reconfirm the conclusions
of the interview results and end them, 6) record the interview results in field notes, and 7)
recognize well and carefully follow up on the results of the interviews that have been prepared.
Documentation Documentation means collecting data by recording existing data, namely
regarding matters or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines,
inscriptions, meeting minutes, and agendas Arikunto, (2002) (Titin et al., 2022). In addition, the
researcher will also explore references related to the research topic, in the form of books,
journals, magazines, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, images, and others related to the research
topic. In essence, the author will take advantage of written sources available in libraries, and e-
Data Validity Check Techniques,
The 'triangulation' technique is used to check the validity of the data. Triangulation is a
technique that checks the validity of the data by using more than one method as a comparison, for
example, by cross-checking the results of interviews that have already been conducted, or by using
other methods as extensions to existing methods. Intinya, triangulation technique is used to avoid
bias, deviation, or invalidity of the (Moleong, 2021). In this study, triangulation will be used in the
form of source examination. That is, the researcher compares and checks the degree of confidence
in information obtained from data sources that have been taken (information, observations,
interviews, and also data from documentation sources).
f. Data Analysis Techniques,
Organizing observational data, interview transcripts, field notes, and other materials that
have been gathered in order to draw conclusions is the process of data analysis in qualitative
research. There are three methods: 1) reduction of data. This entails selecting and organizing the
given information into well-developed, robust paragraphs.
g. Data Presentation.
Specifically, 3) providing the data in the form of narratives or descriptions that are logical and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1549
orderly. Accurately evaluating analyses through conclusion points is how this task is completed.
Qualitative analysis will be performed on the study's documentation or references, interview data,
and in-depth observation data. Drawing the intention and providing an explanation also
contributes to the conclusion. Next, verification is done, which involves examining the veracity,
accuracy, and alignment of the intentions derived from the data. One of the SWOT (Strength,
Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats) analysis tools is used in the context of this investigation. An
analytical methodology used in business management or organizations, SWOT analysis can
methodically assist in creating a plan to accomplish defined goals (including short- and long-term
goals). According to (Phadermrod et al., 2019) a SWOT analysis involves interpreting the results
of a situation recognition to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the
situation. Another source claims that the purpose of a SWOT analysis is to contrast the external
and internal environment of a business (Benzaghta et al., 2021).
3 Results and Discussions
Batiku Quu Cirebon Ciwaringin was founded in the 18th century and Pak Fathoni is already
in the third generation which started in 2014. Batik Quu has the meaning of protecting yourself
and your family from the fire of hell. The existence of batik, can lift the economy of the community,
which began as an Indonesian workforce working abroad to become batik artisans whose fortune
is quite strong for daily needs, starting from the number of batik artisans of 150 people, now
experiencing shrinkage due to the Covid-19 outbreak that hit Indonesia at the end of 2019 to 2021
to 80 batik artisans who are still active. Cirebon ciwaringin batik already has batik motifs that are
determined by the Indonesian government as a characteristic of ciwaringin area batik and
recognized by UNESCO such as Pecutan, Gribigan, Yusupan, sugarcane sekeret, Pring Sedapur,
Gedangan, Rajegwesi batik motifs.
During the establishment of Batik Quu Cirebon Ciwaringin, there were several obstacles in
the digital-based Sharia marketing process, the main factor was the lack of Marketplace companies
that underlie buying and selling in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet as we know that
Sharia marketing is a branch of business strategy that follows the principles of contract and
muamalah (business) in Islam and helps direct the process of creating offers and changing values.
The entire process of creating, selling, and transforming value in Sharia marketing must not violate
the principles of Islamic muamalah or Islamic contracts. This process can be carried out as long as
it is guaranteed and there are no marketing transactions that violate the principles of Islamic
Batik Quu Cirebon Ciwaringin itself in its marketing for now only collaborates with various
parties, for example, joining the Anugrah Batik cooperative, PT Indocement group, Bank Indonesia,
and Astra group subsidiaries. One of the basic weaknesses of digital marketing or online sales is
not stable because competent capabilities in the field of digital marketing have not been fulfilled,
there is no admin, and there is no editing for videos or photos of batik products that will be
marketed online, there is no canvas marketing system, there is no large store for offline sales, As
well as batik products that must always innovate to maintain stability between market
competition so that the weakening of this digital marketing makes Ciwaringin written batik less
widely known and less competitive but has been marketed and created store accounts on various
marketplaces such as Shopee, Lazada, Blibli, Bukalapak, Facebook, and Instagram and is also
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1550
promoted through advertisements, website advertisements by the cooperative. Until now,
marketing has been carried out through the cooperation of various parties such as exhibitions with
the Astra group which are usually held in hotels, promotions through Duta Nok and Kacung
Cirebon, prestigious audition events for Indonesian idols. collaborate with Non-Governmental
Organizations or NGOs, Lecturers or various campuses in the region such as the UGM, ITB, UI BBC,
and various other campuses. And marketing is also carried out to guests or visitors, Indonesian
artists such as Dimas Back, Desi Ratnasari, Sultan Djorgi. Apart from word of mouth, marketing is
carried out by filling in various batik events held during batik events at the national level such as
marketing through national medical seminars at Gunung Jati University Cirebon and
internationally such as Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and France.
Written Batik, a natural dye typical of Ciwaringin in this QUU Batik, which becomes
expensive because of the materials, colours, motifs or art that are characteristic of batik from other
regions. The marketing target itself is on average the middle and upper class because this batik is
quite expensive whereas in the past the price was Rp. 80,000.00 per cloth is now priced from Rp.
400,000.00 per cloth even up to millions of rupiah per cloth this is due to the use of
environmentally friendly natural dyes which are believed to be able to absorb the heat
temperature of the human body such as curing fever when covered with batik cloth written by this
natural dye can lower the heat temperature so that the fever can be cured, It requires such a long
process and time, as well as a lot of capital.
In this case, Batik Quu has included using the Sharia marketing process because the company
has been very trusted by Batik Quu and Batik Quu is very concerned about product quality and
maintains competitive prices. We know that the concept of Sharia marketing itself is a marketing
approach based on Islamic Sharia principles that focuses on meeting the needs and desires of
consumers while still complying with Islamic moral and ethical standards. Sharia marketing aims
to maintain the values of justice, truth, and benefit for the community. In Sharia marketing, market
segments can also be divided based on Sharia principles, such as halal, thayyib, and fair. This
approach aims to improve the quality of life and promote justice in the Islamic economy.
4 Conclusion
Batik Tulis QUU practices digital marketing strategies online through social media such as
Shopee, Lazada, Blibli, Bukalapak, Facebook, and Instagram and also promotes through
advertisements, website advertisements by cooperatives and other internet networks that are
connected to a wider range of consumers. Batik QUU which is currently held by Mr. Fathoni
assisted by PT inducement, the Anugrah Batik Cooperative, can be seen as a marketplace for online
media sales that can be accessed globally. In addition, on its Instagram page, it also markets with
interesting features that can be accessed interactively. The implementation of digital marketing
carried out by Batik QUU Mr Fathoni can increase sales. This happens because consumers are
broader and closer, can check the quality and reputation of products, and can make transactions
Batik QUU Mr Faathoni needs to continue to innovate in the development of
digital marketing applications so that they can be easily accessed. It also increases cooperation
with various other available marketplaces. This research, with all its weaknesses, needs follow-up
action, in order to find the right solution to solve digital challenges. For researchers, this study
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1551
does not have enough time to delve into SWOT from the consumer side spread across various
regions through social media, so it is still possible to develop further with different perspectives.
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