e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1548
is considered sufficient or has grown.
Data Collection Techniques,
There are three ways of data collection techniques, namely:
Observations involved (participant observation);
Involved observation is carried out by the
way the researcher is involved in the activities of the subjects. For example, researchers
participate in online transactions, participating in all or part of digital marketing activities
carried out by several online business actors, in this case, PT Batik Danar Hadi Surakarta. In this
way, researchers participate in feeling, animating, experiencing, and seeing firsthand the
occurrence of an event or digital marketing activity by business actors. According to Suparlan
(1983: 43), eight (8) things can be observed by researchers, namely: (1) space or place, 2)
actors, 3) activities, 4) objects, 5) time, 6) events, 7) goals, 8) feelings.
In-depth interviews (depth interview)
An interview is a dialogue or communication between the researcher and the informant to
obtain information or data. According to Sugiyono (2019), there are seven interview steps to
collect data in qualitative research, namely: 1) accurately determine the informants to be
interviewed, 2) prepare the question material to be used as interview material, 3) open or find
the interview storyline, 4) carry out the plot or interview storyline, 5) reconfirm the conclusions
of the interview results and end them, 6) record the interview results in field notes, and 7)
recognize well and carefully follow up on the results of the interviews that have been prepared.
Documentation Documentation means collecting data by recording existing data, namely
regarding matters or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines,
inscriptions, meeting minutes, and agendas Arikunto, (2002) (Titin et al., 2022). In addition, the
researcher will also explore references related to the research topic, in the form of books,
journals, magazines, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, images, and others related to the research
topic. In essence, the author will take advantage of written sources available in libraries, and e-
Data Validity Check Techniques,
The 'triangulation' technique is used to check the validity of the data. Triangulation is a
technique that checks the validity of the data by using more than one method as a comparison, for
example, by cross-checking the results of interviews that have already been conducted, or by using
other methods as extensions to existing methods. Intinya, triangulation technique is used to avoid
bias, deviation, or invalidity of the (Moleong, 2021). In this study, triangulation will be used in the
form of source examination. That is, the researcher compares and checks the degree of confidence
in information obtained from data sources that have been taken (information, observations,
interviews, and also data from documentation sources).
f. Data Analysis Techniques,
Organizing observational data, interview transcripts, field notes, and other materials that
have been gathered in order to draw conclusions is the process of data analysis in qualitative
research. There are three methods: 1) reduction of data. This entails selecting and organizing the
given information into well-developed, robust paragraphs.
g. Data Presentation.
Specifically, 3) providing the data in the form of narratives or descriptions that are logical and