e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol 5, No. 6, June 2024 1578
a good environment will affect the level of achievement motivation possessed by individuals. When
conducting research, researchers also get information through interviews, where students also say
that a calm, fun, and positive environment can help students to increase their motivation to excel so
that they will achieve a certain goal.
Based on the results of the categorization of achievement motivation variables, it is in the low
category, where interns do not have the need for achievement which can encourage individuals to
achieve clear and realistic targets. Interns also do not have the desire to influence, influence, control
others and the need to build good social relationships in the work environment (Ridha, 2020). The
characteristics of high motivation for learning achievement are being able to foster passion, feel
happy and feel very excited in doing learning activities, have a lot of energy to study, spend more time
studying, and be more diligent in learning than individuals who lack or do not have motivation to
excel (Ridha, 2020). This is in line with research conducted by Devi et al., (2022) where students who
have high achievement motivation are more attentive, more excited, able to learn independently, and
have great curiosity.
4. Conclusion
Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that this study aims to see if there is a
correlation between psychological well-being and achievement motivation in Bakrie Center
Foundation internship students in Banten Province with a total sample of 47 students. Based on the
analysis of the data that has been found that based on the correlation output, the significance value
(Sig 2-tailed) is .234 with a significant tariff (p) of .109 (p<0.05). Since this significance value is greater
than 0.05, H0 is accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no relationship between
psychological well-being and motivation for achievement in internship students. Based on the overall
varibael categorization, data was obtained that intern students had psychological well-being that was
in the high category while their motivation for achievement was low. In terms of psychological well-
being, the highest aspect possessed by Bakrie Center Foundation interns in Banten Province is the
mastery of the environment. This shows that they have the ability to control, utilize, and manage
resources and opportunities effectively. On the contrary, the lowest aspect is life goals, which shows
that students lack meaning in life, goals, directions, and ideals. Meanwhile, in the motivation to
achieve, the lowest aspect is perseverance and tenacity. Students are less able to survive difficult
situations, do not set realistic goals according to their abilities, and do not plan strategies to achieve
them. Motivation for achievement is important for students because it is an effort to achieve goals in
order to successfully compete with various standards of excellence. It is also defined as a personal
concept that encourages a person to achieve or achieve something he wants in order to achieve
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