Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1507
Design Game Design "Introduction of National Hero Figures For
Renaldi Febriansyah, Rani Hermita
Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia
Email: renaldi.fr420@gmail.com, ranihermit[email protected]
Correspondence: renaldi.fr420@gmail.com
Educational Games;
National Hero Figures;
Unity; Game Design
This research aims to design an attention-grabbing and educational
design game about National Hero Figures, Hero Figures including in
history lessons where now history is a compulsory subject that
needs to be studied by all children. By studying history, it is hoped
that students can know history and appreciate the services of
previous heroes and draw subjects from the values contained in it.
Through history, values and social skills can be developed for
students in the form of democratic values, nationalism, patriotism,
responsibility, independence and the importance of education for
the progress of a nation. On the other hand, games for children are
able to accelerate the occurrence of myelination which can improve
cognitive and motor skills and can provoke interest in learning.
Researchers designed educational games accompanied by
interesting audio, animation and graphics to increase interest and
help children learn to get to know national heroes. This design game
was designed using Luther Sutopo's multimedia method. The luther
sutopo multimedia method consists of several stages, namely
concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and
distribution. The results obtained in the assessment through a
questionnaire that has been tested at Mis Azrina, Jalan Marelan Raya
No. 287 B, Rengas Pulau, Kec. in learning to get to know national
hero figures that have been proven in the results of the pre-test and
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The use of learning media in schools has not been maximized. Learning media has not been
widely used in the learning process in the classroom or independent learning. This research aims to
make a valid and practical educational game as a medium for learning heroic history (U. Kurniawan,
2016; Puspitarini & Hanif, 2019; Siahaan et al., 2021). However, most applications are available in the form
of games that are less educational. In fact, it often has a negative impact on users, especially for
children who still cannot distinguish between positive and negative things. Almost the average school
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1508
child today prefers to spend time playing games rather than taking advantage of his time to study and
ironically many of them do not even know and know the names of national heroes from Indonesia.
With educational games with the theme of Indonesian national heroes, it is hoped that it will increase
the values of patriotism and nationalism among children, as well as increase knowledge about heroic
figures in Indonesia (M. A. Kurniawan et al., 2023).
Gaming has become one of the industries that has grown very fast lately. From the rapid
development of the gaming world. The advancement of technology has made games no longer a game
for certain groups. However, not everyone is interested and wants to play it. There are also people
who want to make game design. Game design is an art of bringing and implementing real-world life
into a game (Ulva & Akbar, 2021).
National Heroes so far are mostly unknown to children and parents, because history subjects
are identified as boring learning in the classroom. Both strategies, methods and learning techniques
rely more on a monotonous teacher-based approach. Teachers are positioned as the main source of
information, using a rote teaching method with the book and lecture method. As a result of this
learning process, students seem less enthusiastic about participating in learning and often become
bored because they are not stimulated to be involved in activities with various variants that teachers
should do in order to create a conducive learning atmosphere, where students can involve themselves
in activities and creativity.
In this work, the author will make an educational design game to introduce national heroes for
children as a learning goal for them. Heroes are included in history lessons, where now history is a
compulsory subject that needs to be learned by all children's students. By studying history, it is hoped
that students can know history appreciate the services of previous heroes and draw subjects from the
values contained in it. Through history, values and social skills can be developed for students in the
form of democratic values, nationalism, patriotism, responsibility, independence and the importance
of education for the progress of a natio .
Boredom can cause laziness in learning for children which is the attraction of the creator to
make this design game by utilizing it can improve the learning mood in children, children play can
easily remember what they are playing, in other words, children are easier to memorize the subject
while playing (Willingham, 2021). Games can also make memorization not easy to forget and not
boring so that laziness does not arise in the children. This game also has parental guidance warnings,
to always be under parental supervision when children play games so that children do not play for a
long time to reduce the radiation radiation in children (Wibawanto, 2018).
Seeing the current conditions that have also developed well, the author will make an
educational game to introduce national hero figures to elementary school children. Educational
games are games that are specifically designed to teach a certain learning, develop concepts,
understand, and guide players to practice their abilities and motivate players to be more interested
in learning activities (Purwatiningsih, 2014; Wahana Komputer, 2021). Early childhood education
stages tend to be interested in games that are easy to play and have an attractive visual display with
a variety of colorful displays and images that are varied and attention-grabbing (Ardini &
Lestariningrum, 2018). This stage will also make it easier to remember the lesson. Therefore, the
educational game designed by this artist contains quizzes and puzzles. Quiz is a game like multiple
choice with the content of guessing the hero character with a picture of the hero in each quiz
(Isammudin et al., 2021). Puzzel is a puzzle game on a picture that has been cut into several parts to
be arranged into an image, which with a variety of pictures of heroes, makes children even happier
(Fatimah et al., 2017). So that it can help children get to know national hero figures more fun through
games that run on android digitally offline. This game is designed with Unity 2D, in this game requires
at least using the Android version 8.0/8.1 Oreo to the Android 13 version, which requires a minimum
of 500Mb of memory (Adistya et al., 2023; Pramuditya et al., 2018).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1509
The goal given by the author is to create interactive Game Design innovations as a learning
medium for children. Help children to memorize national hero figures more easily and fun through
game media. Gain new knowledge about the game Educational Design Game about hero characters.
2. Materials and Methods
Data collection techniques are the most strategic step in the research, this research aims to
design quiz and puzzle games as learning media to increase learning and social enthusiasm in
elementary school children. This design game was designed using Luther Sutopo's multimedia
method. The Luther sutopo multimedia method consists of several stages, namely concept, design,
material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. Because the main purpose of the research is
to collect data. The data used in this study were obtained through literature studies. The data
collection method is carried out in several ways, namely: This primary data collection is carried out
through a field observation process through direct observation around Mis Azrina Elementary School,
and the implementation of interviews as the main method, an interview with one of Mis Azrina
elementary school teachers. Secondary data collection is obtained through various sources such as
literature in the form of books, online sources, as well as relevant previous research. The author made
a book entitled "Making Various Android Games with Adobe Animate", E-book source: wahana
computer, 2012 entitled "Various Educational Game Designs with Adobe Flash cs5", E-book Didik Adi
Sukmoko, (2007) "The Story of 124 Heroes and Warriors of the Archipelago By Komandoko", as a
secondary media in the design of Design Games, Educational Games for the Introduction of National
Hero Figures.
Data analysis is a systematic process to decipher and present data in order to gain a deeper
understanding of the phenomenon being studied. The data that has been collected will be processed
through 5W+1H analysis (What, Who, Why, When, Where, and How) to support the development of
design concepts and creative solutions that will be a solid foundation for designing an informative,
interesting, and in accordance with the needs and interests of the intended audience.
Table 1 Table 5W+1H Game Design "Educational Game Introduction."
What is a Design Game?
Game Design is the art of applying the design and
aesthetics of making games for entertainment or
for educational, practice, or experimental
Who is the target
audience of a design
game about hero
character recognition?
The target audience of this book is children of
elementary school age to teenagers who want to
understand more deeply about the figures of
National Heroes, and stories about all the
histories of National Heroes.
Why choose Hero
characters as the subject
of Game Design design?
National Hero figures were chosen because Hero
figures are rarely studied in elementary schools
which causes children to hardly recognize the
National Hero figures. In fact, not only do
elementary school children hardly know the
figures of National Heroes, some of adults also do
not recognize the figures of National Heroes who
can make the Warriors forget
When will this Design
Game plan be launched?
This Design Game will launch in early month 4 of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1510
Where will this Design
Game be available or
This Design Game will be uploaded to the
Playstore or a separate website.
How can we get children
interested in the Design
Games we make?
We will make a design that is very attractive for
elementary school children, namely the
appearance of Animation, Music Sounds and also
Character Sounds that can make children
interested and not boring when playing.
3. Result and Discussion
Main Media
The main medium in this design is Game Design which is expected to be able to attract the
attention of children to play it. Game design provides learning about Hero characters in the form of
games with various kinds of motion animations that can make children not only play and learn but
can enjoy some of the motion animations made by the creator.
Figure 1 Game design "National hero figure recognition educational game" menu display
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
From the game menu, where there is a logo from the game and also a game character that gives the
impression of a warrior hero and also displays several animations ranging from running tanks,
passing helicopters and also fighter planes. For the buttons on the display of this Menu there are
several, namely:
- Button Quiz to enter into the Quiz game.
- Button Puzzle to enter into the Puzzle game.
- Button material to enter into the history of heroes for children to know about heroes as well as
their history.
- There is a Setting button in the upper left corner to set the sound effects, music, and animations.
- Button how to play to learn how to play from the game, how to play the Quiz game and also the
Puzzle game.
- And finally, there is an Exit button, which functions to exit the game.
The design game has the following specifications:
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1511
: Fullscreen Handphone (1520 x 720, 2048 x 1080,
1280 x 720 )
: 2023.1.0
: Introduction of national heroes
: Quiz (quiz game about Heroes)
Puzzle (Hero Image Puzzle Game)
Material (history โ€“ history of heroes)
Exit (exit game)
How to Play (game playing procedure)
: Radio A Treqer, Poppins
: Coreldraw, Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe
After Effect, Unity.
: Game Digital
Supporting Media
The author develops supporting media that can effectively increase public awareness of the
design game that has been made, as well as disseminate information about the work. In order to
achieve this goal, the author explored several supporting media that were considered optimal,
namely: t-banners, infographics, screenads, keychans, book borders, mugs, bracelets and stickers.
All of these merchandise items are designed by taking inspiration from major media, creating
an interesting alignment. In addition, the author engages elements of supporting information media,
including T-banners and infographics, which synergistically support conceptual explanations.
Figure 2 Documentation of
game design work
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah,
Figure 3 Documentation of
game design work
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah,
Implementation of Work
By referring to the work that has been made, it has carried out the implementation of her work
at Mis Azrina Elementary School and measured achievement through questionnaires given to
children. The questionnaire serves to assess the extent of achieving the goals of this work. The data
obtained by the author as the author comes from the results of filling out the questionnaire by the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1512
respondents. The following is documentation of the implementation of the work that has been carried
Figure 4 Documentation
(Photo is conducting a
questionnaire about the design
game "Educational Game for
the Introduction of National
Hero Figures" to students of
Mis Azrina)
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah,
Figure 5 (Photo with students and
teachers at Mis Azrina)
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
The data obtained from filling out the questionnaire by the respondents, the author
describes the data in the form of percentages, which will make it easier to understand the
results of the questionnaire for the assessment of this Game Design media . The details of the
questions given by the author and the results of the data received by the author from the
questionnaire that have been given by the respondents are as follows:
1. Do you know the figures of National Heroes?
Figure 6 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 14 respondents
(28%) stated that they knew very well with national hero figures. Meanwhile, there were 31
respondents (62%) who knew quite well about national hero figures, 4 respondents (8%) who did
not know about national hero figures, and 1 respondent (2%) who did not know about national hero
2. Apa Kamu merasa senang dengan pembelajaran tentang pahlawan nasional? .
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1513
Figure 7 Respondent Diagram to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 18 respondents
(36%) stated that they were very happy, 28 respondents (56%) stated that they were happy, and 4
respondents (8%) stated that they were ordinary. Determining that learning about heroes is a lot of
fun to learn.
3. Do you think the learning of Indonesian hero history in your school is interesting?
Figure 8 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 19 respondents
(38%) stated that it was very interesting, as many as 21 respondents (42%) stated that it was
interesting, and as many as 10 respondents (20%) stated that it was ordinary. It is certain that
learning the history of this hero is interesting for children to learn.
4. Do you agree if there is a game for the introduction of National heroes?
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1514
Figure 9 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 33 respondents
(66%) stated that they strongly agreed, as many as 16 respondents (32%) stated that they agreed,
and as many as 1 respondent (2%) stated that it was ordinary. Stated that the respondents agreed
with the existence of a national hero recognition game for a positive learning field and made a
comeback by remembering the history of the heroes' struggles.
5. How often do you play games?
Figure 10 Respondent Diagrams to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 14 respondents (28)
stated very often, as many as 13 respondents (26%) stated frequently, as many as 16 respondents
(32%) stated quite often, as many as 6 respondents (12%) stated rarely, and 1 respondent (2%)
stated very rarely. From the statement of the diagram above, many respondents often play games and
also quite often, which ensures that the target of our educational games is suitable for respondents
who play a lot of games.
6. How long do you use your phone for games in a day?
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1515
Figure 11 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 17 respondents
(34%) stated 1-2 hours, as many as 13 respondents (26%) stated 3-4 hours, as many as 1 respondent
(2%) stated 5-6, as many as 3 respondents (6%) stated more than 6 hours, and as many as 16
respondents (32%) stated less than 1 hour. From the statement of the diagram above, it is explained
that many respondents played games for up to 1-2 hours and even some still played games for more
than 6 hours, and here the game design "Educational Game for the Introduction of National Heroes"
made a warning for the audience to play with parental guidance, so that things that make children
play the game past the time period do not happen.
7. How often do you use your phone to study?
Figure 12 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 17 respondents
(34%) stated that they were very frequent, 12 respondents (24%) stated that they were frequent, 11
respondents (22%) stated that they were quite frequent, and 10 respondents (20%) stated that they
were rare. Here we know that there are still many people who use mobile phones for positive things,
namely using mobile phones for learning media.
8. What kind of Game model do you like?
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1516
Figure 13 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 8 respondents (16%)
stated Q&A (Triva), 18 respondents (36%) stated illustrated stories, 13 respondents (26%) stated
animation, 10 respondents (20%) stated adventure and 1 respondent (2%) stated a tile game using
dice. From the statement of the diagram above, respondents chose more picture stories, as well as the
design game "Educational Game for the Introduction of National Heroes" which featured a quiz game
that had pictures, and there was material that could read about the history of Indonesian heroes.
9. What types of games do you play often?
Figure14 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 10 respondents
(20%) stated sports games (sports games & Racing), 15 respondents (30%) stated Simulation Games,
6 respondents (12%) stated Tactical Games, 12 respondents (24%) stated Shooting Games and 7
respondents (14%) stated Multiplayer Online Battle Arena Games. From the above statement, the
respondents preferred to choose simulation games.
10. From which province is the Indonesian Phlawan named " R.A Kartiniโ€ Comes?
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1517
Figure 15 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game
Players (Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 36 respondents
(72%) chose Central Java, 10 respondents (20%) chose East Java, 3 respondents (6%) chose West
Java, and 1 respondent (2%) chose Bali. From the above statement, many respondents know the
province of origin of the hero R. A. Kartini.
11. From which province is the Indonesian Phlawan named " Soekarnoโ€ Comes?
Figure 16 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 10 respondents
(20%) chose Central Java, 35 respondents (70%) chose East Java, 4 respondents (8%) chose West
Java, and 1 respondent (2%) chose Bali. From the above statement, there are still many respondents
who know the origin of our hero province and our first president, Mr. Ir. Soekarno.
12. From which province did the Indonesian National Hero named "Mohammad Hatta" come?
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1518
Figure 17 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 4 respondents (8%)
chose North Sumatra, 4 respondents (8%) chose South Sumatra, 36 respondents (72%) chose West
Sumatra, and 6 respondents (12%) chose West Java. From the above statement, there are still many
respondents who know the origin of the province of our hero "Mohammad Hattaโ€.
13. From which province did the Indonesian Hero named "Fakhuruddin come from"?
Figure 18 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 5 respondents (10%)
chose South Sulawesi, 9 respondents (18%) chose Southeast Sulawesi, 35 respondents (70%) chose
Yogyakarta, and 1 respondent (2%) chose Bali. From the above statement, there are still many
respondents who answered correctly but there are still some respondents who do not understand
and are wrong in answering questions about national heroes.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1519
14. What year did the Indonesian Hero Named "Cut Nyak Dien" die?
Figure 19 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 4 respondents (8%)
chose 1855, 8 respondents (16%) chose 1922, 35 respondents (70%) chose 1908, and 3 respondents
(6%) chose 1945. From this diagram, there are also many who answer correctly and there are still
those who answer incorrectly in the question.
15. After you play the game "Gepetopana", do you think the game with the theme of Indonesian
heroic history is interesting?
Figure 20 Respondent Diagrams to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 16 respondents
(32%) stated that they strongly agreed, 25 respondents (50%) stated that they agreed, 6 respondents
(12%) stated that they were ordinary, 2 respondents (4%) stated that they did not agree, and 1
respondent (2%) said they disagreed. From the above diagram statement, the design game
"Educational Game for the Introduction of National Heroes" got the most agreeing statements, which
means that the author's game succeeded in making respondents interested.
16. What do you think makes this game "Gepetopana" interesting?
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1520
Figure21 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 10 respondents (20%)
chose Music/Sound Effects, 27 respondents (54%) chose Gameplay, and 13 respondents (26%) chose
Graphics. In the diagram above on the author's game, the respondents were most interested in
choosing their Gameplay (How to Play).
17. Do you think the game "Gepetopana" can make learning the history of heroes more fun and
Figure 22 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 17 respondents
(34%) voted strongly agree, and 27 respondents (54%) voted in favour. 5 respondents (10%) chose
ordinary, and 1 respondent (2%) voted to disagree. From the diagram above, it is stated that many
respondents strongly agree and also agree that the game that makes the author succeed in making
the respondents play very fun and interesting.
18. Do you like the game "Gepetopana"?
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1521
Figure 23 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 11 respondents
(22%) stated that they strongly agreed, 27 respondents (54%) stated that they agreed, and 11
respondents (22%) stated that it was ordinary. And 1 respondent (2%) stated that they disagreed. In
the diagram above, it is stated that many people like the game that the author created.
19. Do you get new knowledge about heroes that you didn't know about after playing the game
Figure 24 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 19 respondents
(38%) stated that they strongly agreed, 23 respondents (46%) stated that they agreed, and 8
respondents (16%) stated that they were ordinary. From the diagram above, the game created by the
author succeeded in making the respondents gain new knowledge about national heroes that they
had never known.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1522
20. Write your thoughts about "Gepetopana" in.
Figure 25 Diagram of Respondents to Design Game Players
(Source: Renaldi Febriansyah, 2023)
Based on the diagram above, out of a total of 50 respondents, as many as 2 respondents (4%)
stated that it was not good, 1 respondent (2%) stated that it was not good, 6 respondents (12%)
stated that it was ordinary, 23 respondents (46%) stated that it was good, and 18 respondents (36%)
stated that it was very good. In the assessment of the diagram above, the game created by the author
received a rating of 46% good and 36% very good, which means that the game created by the author
succeeded in making the respondents satisfied with the game created by the author.
4. Conclusion
The design of this game is a manifestation of concern for the importance of an alternative
learning medium for heroic history for children. with the use of Android technology, it is expected to
be able to support technological developments in early childhood education. The reappointment of
the old history of the Heroes is also one of the introductions of heroes to the current generation. It is
hoped that this media can attract children's interest in learning the History of Heroes. There is a lot
to know and learn to produce this game as expected. The first thing to know is the theory of the hero
guess quiz, this is the main content of the game. Therefore, creativity in this media is the main concern
in design. Design theories and methods, especially game design, must be mastered, and
manufacturing techniques and basic requirements for designing an Android game must be met. All of
these theories and methods are adapted to the idea and theme of the game that adapt the history of
heroes. A review of the history must also be done in order to produce a memorable experience when
playing in the game. The next step is to create a design concept. All elements in the game are
conceptualized according to the theme and design goals. The concept of media goals and creative
goals must be achievable through media strategies and creative strategies. The strategy must be
supported by a visual concept to produce the expected visuals. The game concept of this game must
also be considered because the success of this game is determined by the success of the strategy in
this part of the concept. The next process is to produce the concept into game assets and arrange
them into a single game with a program. The production process of game assets goes through the
stages of searching for visual ideas, sketching, layout, and maturation. The author uses a
predetermined technique. Each asset must be able to be made according to its respective function
into an interactive media system. The end result of this production process is an Android game that
is ready and can actually be used as it should be.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1523
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