e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1476
6. Arbitration is an alternative to resolving civil disputes outside the court based on the
agreement of the parties to the dispute.
4. Conclusion
Each legal order in Indonesia has its own rules and procedures in terms of how to handle an
action that is considered to violate the rules that have been set. In civil law, what is done to resolve a
civil dispute is negotiation or settlement by deliberation, if a consensus is not reached, a lawsuit can
be filed with the court. There are stages to settle a civil case. One of the stages is the proof stage, the
process by which the party filing the lawsuit must prove its lawsuit by presenting a contract of
evidence. In civil law, there are types of evidence in accordance with 1866 of the Civil Code, one of
which is written evidence or authentic deeds. AJB can be classified as an authentic deed because it is
made in front of a notary, the sale and purchase deed can be evidence in the process of proving land
sale and purchase disputes as evidence that there is a transfer of rights from the seller to the buyer.
Buying and selling is an agreement between the seller and the buyer in an agreement, where
the validity of the agreement is the fulfillment of subjective conditions and the fulfillment of objective
conditions. The sale and purchase deed must be made before an authorized notary, must contain an
honest statement from the seller, the seller must provide clear information, and must be signed by
both parties. The sale and purchase deed must pay attention to the elements of freedom of contract
and the conditions contained in Article 1320 of the Civil Code.
When the parties enter into a sale and purchase agreement, they must bind the sale and
purchase. The seller and the buyer must have good faith, which is the main element in the sale and
purchase agreement, including the sale and purchase deed. If one party violates the good faith, it will
cause losses for the other party. In this dispute-resolution effort, the aggrieved party can negotiate
through peaceful or familial channels. If alternative efforts cannot be carried out, legal efforts can be
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