Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1500
Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility at
The State Electricity Company (PT PLN Persero) Bangka
Belitung Regional Parent Unit in Improving Pangkalpinang
Nature School Education
Aprilia Dini Rosani, Ardiyansah, Salim Yusuf Sailan, Zulkarnain
Bidang Komunikasi dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Lingkungan, Pangkalan Baru, Indonesia
Email: aprilia.din[email protected].id, ardiyansyah2@pln.co.id, salim.yu[email protected],
Correspondence: aprilia.dini@pln.co.id
Education; Social and
Environmental Responsibility
In line with the 2005-2025 National Medium-Term Development Plan
(RJPM), PT PLN (Persero) Unit Induk Wilayah Bangka Belitung is dedicated
to making improvements in four key areas: overall enhancements,
improving the quality of education, promoting educational development,
making educational administration more efficient. This research describes
how the Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR)
program by PT PLN UIW Bangka Belitung is being implemented for the
Kacang Pedang Sub-district, Gerunggang, Pangkalpinang City community.
The study uses a qualitative method and John Elkington's triple bottom-
line theory. The results show that the TJSL program by PT PLN (Persero)
Unit Induk Wilayah Bangka Belitung provides significant benefits for the
education of the Kacang Pedang community in Pangkalpinang City by
supplying facilities and infrastructure for the Sekolah Alam Pangkalpinang
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The main purpose of a business is to make a profit. Profit in general is the difference between
revenue and expenses over a certain period of time. Profits are often used as a basis for the imposition
of taxes, dividend policies, investment guidelines as well as decision-making and elements of
Harnanto's prediction, (2003: 444) in (Saprudin et al., 2021). A company's profit is a description of
the performance achievements of the general transaction process carried out by the company during
a certain period, and profit can be used as an indicator for stakeholders to assess the extent of
management performance in managing a company (Belkaoui & Riahi, 2005; Mismiwati et al., 2022).
Although the main goal of a company is to make a profit, a company cannot be separated from the
community, this is because the founders and owners of a company are individual members of the
community and the goal of making profits cannot be achieved without the community being the
market for its production (Darmawan, 2019; Werhane et al., 2020). Because a business activity cannot
be separated from the community, business activities will definitely have an impact on society and
the elements in it as well as the environment in society (Buchari, 2006; Samsudin et al., 2019).
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1501
Companies certainly have a responsibility to the community. These responsibilities are related
to the welfare of the surrounding community. Besides that, the company also runs its business in
accordance with values, norms and ethics (Crane et al., 2019; Mismiwati et al., 2022; Probosiwi,
2016). Carrol, Freeman, and Gilbert posited that ethics is the concept of right and fair behaviour, a
principle of values and is the definition of right and wrong, while Velasquez (2015, p. 3) states that
ethics is concerned with judgments that involve moral decisions, normative judgments that indicate
or imply whether something is good or bad, also true or wrong and disciplines that focus on wisdom.
Thus, ethics in the business world are values and norms that must be upheld by all business people,
both individuals and groups that are members of corporate institutions.
In Indonesia, the term CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) or in Indonesian commonly called
Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR) has been increasingly popular since the 1990s (Devie
et al., 2018; Nirmaya et al., 2014; Zeth, 2011). CSR has been regulated in the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies regarding corporate social
responsibility. The law requires industries or corporations to carry it out, but this obligation is not a
burdensome burden. Keep in mind that the development of a country is not only the responsibility of
the government and industry, but each individual also plays a role in realizing social welfare and
managing the quality of life of the community (Fadhlan, 2019).
On the other hand, the current condition of education in industrial estates is very concerning.
Data from the Central Statistics Agency of Bangka Belitung Province in 2019 said that of the 151,993
students registered, there were 413 students who dropped out of school. Several things can trigger
school dropouts in children, including economic problems, lack of attention from children to school,
aspects of internal family communication, and health aspects. Based on the data obtained, the dropout
rate is dominated by economic reasons, most students drop out of school due to a loss of motivation
because they consider making a living rather than continuing school.
So, based on the description above, the author conducted a study on how the impact on the
educational, social, and economic life of the community on the implementation of TJSL in the company
PT PLN (Persero) Bangka Belitung Regional Main Unit which was applied to one of the natural schools
in the city of Pangkalpinang.
2. Materials and Method
This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with the aim of explaining the
phenomenon and finding evidence from various sources. This research is the result of an investigation
that was then written and described about the benefits of the CSR Program of PT PLN (Persero) UIW
Bangka Belitung for education and public health in Kacang Pedang Village, Gerunggang District,
Pangkalpinang City. The research model is described through input process output outcome
impact as shown in the following table. This model is prepared with the aim of monitoring the
implementation of TJSL to run precisely, efficiently, and effectively as needed.
Social Innovation
Community and
Community and
Community and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1502
1. Lack of
facilities that can
the needs of
children with
special needs.
2. Lack of attitude
of concern and
love for the
environment in
the current
1. Design of nature
education schools
for future
generations that
have facilities and
infrastructure to
1. A total of 38
nature school
students can
carry out indoor
and outdoor
2. 15 teachers can
teach optimally
with the
fulfillment of
facilities and
1. Improving the
quality of quality
2. Schools that can
3. Public trust in
schools that are
complete with
facilities and
1. Quality
2. Outstanding
3. Students'
4. Adequate school
1. There are many
parents who
want their
children to go to
school to develop
character and
social skills.
2. Supporting
programs in
Education that
students to think
creatively and
find innovative
1. The amount of
operational costs
of nature schools
to carry out
2. lack of natural
school facilities
for teaching and
3. children's
interests are
constrained due
to lack of
1. Building
Facilities in
2. Renovation and
Development of
Natural School
1. Improve the
2. increase in kWh
3. Public relations
system runs
well for positive
1. Improve the
2. increase in kWh
3. Public relations
system runs well
for positive
1. Increasing
support for PLN
2. Positive image of
the Company
(Positive news)
e-ISSN: 2723-6595 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1503
3. Results and Discussions
PT PLN (Persero) Bangka Belitung Regional Main Unit implements the TJSL program to help
people's lives become better. The company plays the role of a profiter, while the community is the
beneficiary of the profit. In this study, the researcher revealed the social life conditions of the
community after experiencing the benefits of the implementation of the PLN UIW Bangka Belitung
CSR program. All aspects of the benefits are described as follows:
Benefits of Education
Education is very important for the community, so PT PLN UIW Bangka Belitung includes the
education aspect as an important part to continue to be optimized. The TJSL program in the field of
education is to provide assistance in the construction of facilities and infrastructure as a form of
advancing education to PAUD and elementary school students at Sekolah Alam Pangkalpinang,
Kacang Pedang Village, Gerunggang, Pangkalpinang City. The following is the form of the PLN UIW
Bangka Belitung TJSL program in the field of education:
Figure 1 Infrastructure for outbound activities
such as rope tracks and flying foxes Outbound
encourages children to interact and cooperate
with their friends, strengthening communication
skills, teamwork, and empathy.
Figure 3 Through various challenges and
activities, outbound helps children develop a
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1504
sense of confidence and independence. They
learn to overcome fear, take healthy risks, and
celebrate their own achievements
Benefits of the Socio-Economic Field
The provision of outbound equipment to schools brings significant benefits in the socio-
economic field. Socially, outbound activities can increase cooperation, communication, and student
confidence, as well as strengthen the bond between students and teachers (Kumar, 2023). This
creates a more harmonious and conducive learning environment. From an economic perspective,
investment in outbound equipment helps reduce the cost of extracurricular activities for schools and
parents, while opening up job opportunities for outbound facilitators and instructors. In addition,
schools equipped with outbound facilities attract more children outside of school so that they can
increase the number of enrolments and ultimately have a positive impact on local economic
“... Outbound activities are not only fun but also important in building the character and social
skills of our students. With this facility, we can integrate more outdoor activities that encourage
collaboration, communication, and leadership among students. It is a long-term investment in their
mental and physical development. In addition, this facility also helps ease the cost burden for parents
and schools in providing quality extracurricular activities..." (As, interview on June 29, 2024)
Benefits of the Environmental Field
The provision of outbound equipment to schools also provides significant benefits in the
environment. Outbound activities carried out in the open air encourage students to get to know
better, love, and appreciate their surroundings. By frequently engaging in outdoor activities, students
will learn about the importance of nature conservation, waste management, and ecosystem
sustainability. In addition, this activity can also reduce the time students spend indoors and in front
of screens, thereby improving their physical and mental health. Overall, education that integrates
outbound activities can produce a younger generation who are more concerned and responsible for
the environment.
“... Outbound activities carried out in the outdoors provide opportunities for students to learn
directly about ecosystems, the importance of nature conservation, and sustainable environmental
management practices. Through this hands-on experience, students become more sensitive and
concerned about environmental issues..."
(DW, interview on June 29, 2024)
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research on the benefits of the TJSL PT PLN (Persero) UIW Bangka
Belitung program for the socio-economic life of the people of Kacang Pedang Village, Gerunggang
District, Pangkalpinang City, in the social field of the community (people), PT PLN UIW Bangka
Belitung provides school infrastructure assistance that is very helpful for the learning process of the
e-ISSN: 2723-6595 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1505
Pangkalpinang Nature School. TJSL PT PLN (Persero) UIW Bangka Belitung also provides benefits for
the socio-economic life (profit) of the people of Kacang Pedang Village with the existence of outbound
infrastructure because it can reduce the cost of extracurricular activities for Pangkal Pinang nature
schools or other schools and also with attractive outbound facilities can increase the number of
registrations for these schools. Through this TJSL program, it is also beneficial in the field of the
environment (planet), because it can improve physical health and also train students to be more
aware of the preservation of the surrounding ecosystem.
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