Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1425
Efforts to Improve Service Quality at Skenario Kopi Cafe Based
on Consumer Needs Using Quality Function Deployment
Fariza Amalia, Handy Nur Cahya, Dwi Eko Waluyo, Fakhmi Zakaria
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Email: farizaamalia1@gmail.com, handy.nur@dsn.dinus.ac.id, dwi.eko.waluy[email protected],
Correspondence: farizaamalia1@gmail.com
Voice of Customer; Quality
Function Deployment; Cafe
Faced with fierce competition, coffee shops need to stay in tune with
evolving customer preferences. This research was conducted the Quality
Function Deployment (QFD) method, specifically the House of Quality
(HoQ) tool, to analyze feedback from a subject consisting of 100 customers
of Skenario Kopi Cafe. The HoQ is a structured approach that translates
customer desires (Voice of Customer or VoC) into actionable technical
improvements. The sampling technique is based on the purposive
sampling technique. Analysis of Validity Test and Reliability Test data
using SPSS 24 software. The research identified 15 key customer needs,
categorized by their level of importance. They then compared these needs
to 5 potential technical responses that Skenario Kopi Cafe could
implement. Based on this analysis, the result showed such as prioritizing
communication training for staff, followed by facility upgrades, and lastly,
implementing regular performance evaluations. By analyzing the
relationships between these factors, the researchers were able to prioritize
the actions that would have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The café business is still a business that has a considerable income figure because of the needs
and desires of consumers for a container that is not only to enjoy a cup of coffee but also to interact,
find ideas and work. The café offers an experience that is more than just a hang-out place by providing
a cozy atmosphere, interesting entertainment, and delicious food (Sinawati & M, 2019). Coffee is still
a commodity used by café entrepreneurs to then be used as processed drinks that adjust to current
trends. Coffee is not only delicious, but also beneficial for mental and physical health such as
preventing depression, and improving stamina, mood, and performance. (Nazarian et al, 2021). Coffee
offers attractive economic opportunities for managers who are able to manage it well. The key to
winning the hearts of consumers is to offer quality products that are in line with their expectations
by listening to the Voice of Customer (VoC). Unfortunately, not all business owners have the right
tools to collect these consumer expectations. Adopting a Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
approach becomes the right tool to formulate quality improvement strategies that are structured and
focused on customer needs. Skenario Kopi Cafe is a place for research carried out by researchers.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1426
Skenario Kopi Cafe is located on Jl. Anjasmoro Raya No.42, Karangayu, West Semarang District,
Semarang City, Central Java 50149. Skenario Kopi Cafe was first opened in 2015 which was originally
in the form of ordinary angkringan. As time goes by and interest from coffee connoisseurs increases,
finally they can rent a shophouse in the same place as the coffee angkringan is located. Researchers
get information showing that Skenario Kopi Cafe attracts around 500 to 600 visitors every month
(internal data, 2024). This indicates a significant development made by the Skenario Kopi Cafe. In
recent years, the Skenario Kopi Cafe has had considerable development and can still grow despite the
onslaught of competition for cafes in the city of Semarang. Along with the fierce competition in the
café industry, the Skenario Kopi Cafe is certainly required to attract new consumers with excellent
service, leading innovation, and unique concepts so that old consumers do not get bored with the
Skenario Kopi Cafe. The purpose of this study is to assist in determining the attributes that can be
prioritized for Skenario Kopi cafe in knowing what consumers want and determining the superior
technical response so that it can help increase consumer satisfaction.
The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method is an efficient customer-oriented design tool
that aims to meet customer expectations in a better way and improve organizational capabilities
while maximizing company goals (Hariri et al., 2023). QFD helps companies determine the resources
and capabilities needed to produce the products consumers want. QFD helps companies to assess
various design options and choose the ones that best suit consumer needs and desires, then create
products that suit consumer needs and desires (Suradi et al., 2021). The QFD technique was chosen
for this research because QFD is relevant to the motive for completing the research objectives. The
main motive for using QFD in meeting consumer needs is to ensure that the final priority meets
customer needs perfectly (Singh & Agrawal, 2022). The results of the technical response are
proposals for quality improvement from Quality Function Deployment (QFD). The QFD method can
help meet consumer needs by improving the quality of service provided by the Skenario Kopi Cafe
According to (Walujo et al., 2020) quality implies perfection or a higher position than other
segments. Service quality is a significant point in creating a long-term cafe business (Alamsyah et al.,
2024). According to (Putri et al., 2021) service quality can inspire consumers to have a commitment
to the products and services provided by the company as evidence of increasing company
performance. Consumer satisfaction can be used as a tool to maintain service quality because it is an
important factor in focusing on finding customers who suit market needs. The level of service
satisfaction is measured by the quality of service provided by the company. Service quality is
measured using the Service Quality (Servqual) method. Servqual's service quality dimensions are
divided into 5 dimensions, namely Reliability, which refers to the company's ability to consistently
provide services that can meet customer needs. Tangibility is the company's ability to describe service
quality. Empathy is how the company provides services so that customers believe that the company
considers customer cases important. Responsiveness is proof of the company's ability to provide
customers with communications, problems and questions. Assurance is a guarantee provided by the
company so that customers have confidence and trust in the company.
2. Materials and Methods
Researchers utilize two types of data, namely data obtained directly from the field through
interaction with research subjects (primary data) in this case consumers and café management
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1427
Skenario Kopi and data that has been processed and published by other parties (secondary data) such
as data on the benefits of coffee on health. Primary and secondary data play an important role in
research. Primary data provide in-depth information about individual experiences and perspectives,
while secondary data provide information about a broader context. Research methods is descriptive
research, descriptive research is research that seeks to describe phenomena as they are according to
the data that occurs in the field because it will be explained in detail with the data that has been
obtained (Rukajat, 2018), by making direct observations of the Skenario Kopi Cafe. An interesting
phenomenon that researchers encountered is that the Skenario Kopi café has several regular
customers who are loyal to the Skenario Kopi Cafe even though it has facilities that can be said to be
inadequate than other cafes in the city of Semarang, this phenomenon makes the Scenario Kopi café
the right place to be used as research because by using QFD as a research tool Coffee Skenario Kopi
can improve their quality and facilities in order to maintain these regular customers so that always
come back to the Skenario Kopi Cafe and simultaneously attract new consumers to visit the Skenario
Kopi Cafe. This research involved 12 consumers at the pre-survey stage and 100 consumers at the
main survey. Sugiyono (2008) recommends a range of 30 to 500 respondents as an adequate sample
size for research. The measurement scale for the questionnaire given is the Likert Scale with the
number of value weight descriptions as follows: Very Important: 5; Important: 4; Important Enough:
3; Not Important: 2; Very Unimportant: 1.
The study was conducted between May and November 2023. The sample in this study was all
customers of the Skenario Kopi Cafe. The technique used in determining the sample, namely the non-
probability sampling technique, is different from the probability technique, where each member of
the population does not have the same chance to be selected as a sample. (Sugiyono, 2008),
researchers have greater control over selecting samples that are considered appropriate to research
needs. This technique can be an appropriate choice in certain studies, such as when it is difficult to
identify all members of a population, when researchers want to get in-depth information from a small
group of people, and when researchers have limited time, funds, and energy. Using one of the
methods, namely the purposive sampling method, is when selecting respondents based on certain
criteria that are considered important in the study (M.M, 2023) such as one of the criteria in this study
is that respondents must have at least visited the Skenario Kopi café at least 1 time.
The collection of questionnaire samples was carried out by circulating online questionnaires
given to Skenario Kopi café consumers, then the 100 samples were carried out validity tests which
were used to calculate the results of the questionnaire were valid for further processing and reliability
tests so that the data that had been received could be relied upon (Sinawati and M, 2019).
Tabel 1 Validity Test Results
r count
r table
Attribute 1
Attribute 2
Attribute 3
Attribute 4
Attribute 5
Attribute 6
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1428
Attribute 7
Attribute 8
Attribute 9
Attribute 10
Attribute 11
Attribute 12
Attribute 13
Attribute 14
Attribute 15
The results of the validity test calculation can be seen in table 1.
Based on Table 1, all the attribute from the questionnaire is valid for further processing
The significance test is carried out by calculating the calculated r value and then comparing the
calculated r value with the table r value at a certain degree of freedom (df) and alpha (α).
In this study the number of samples (n) = 100 with Degree of freedom (df) = n - 2 = 100 - 2 =
98, Alpha (α) = 0.005 which results in the table r value = 0.1966
The obtained table r value (0.1966) will be used to compare with the calculated r value. If r
counts > 0.1966, then the variable relationship is significant, but if r counts < 0.1966, then the variable
relationship is not significant.
Table 2 Reliability Test
Cronbach alpha
Bases on Table 2 all dimension based on reliability test are reliable.
A research questionnaire can be said to be reliable if the answers from respondents to the
questionnaire statement are consistent over time (Prasmoro et al., 2020). This test uses the SPSS 24
application using the Cronbach alpha formula of 0.6. The questionnaire is said to be reliable if the
Cronbach alpha count is greater than the Cronbach alpha table. Reliability Test Results using SPSS 24
application in table 2
QFD analysis begins by determining the Left Room in the HoQ, which contains consumer needs,
then continues to determine the priority of consumer needs in the Right Room, then conducting
interviews with café owners to find out the company's technical response in meeting consumer needs
which is then to fill the Upper Room, the next stage is to fill in the priority of technical responses in
the Lower Room and the last stage is to fill in the relationship between technical responses in the Roof
3. Results and Discussions
The description of respondents in the study can be seen from the following table 3
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1429
Table 3 Description of Respondent
Characteristics Respondent
Total Respondent
18 - 22 years old
23 - 27 years old
28 - 32 years old
33 - 37 years old
< 37 years old
Based on the results of the descriptive analysis of respondents, it is known that the majority of
respondents are female at 57%. Respondents aged 18 22 years made up the majority in this study.
In the early stages of the study, researchers conducted initial interviews with 12 café
consumers to gain a deeper understanding of their habits and preferences for products or services in
the Skenario Kopi café in the form of pre-survey data. The data produces the voice of the consumer
(Voice of Customer), the data is presented in table 4
Table 4 Voice of Customer
Voice of Customer based on Pre-Survey
Bathroom facilities need to e upgrading
Not enough car parking
Services need to be improved
Praying facilities are insufficient
Speed in serving customer during peak times
Lack of employee awareness to help consumers
The café seat is not comfortable
Small parking slot
Electrical outlet everywhere
Employees don't smile
Parking is not wide enough
Prices suit students' pockets
Outdoor area needs to be expandable
Service is not fast when it's crowded
Price are cheap
Table cleanliness is lacking when crowded
Halal guarantee
Bathroom less modern
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1430
Graph 1 Tree Diagram
Prayer facilities
Availability of modern bathrooms
Parking facilities
Seating facilities
Employee friendliness
Employee ability to communicate
Serving food and drinks as
Speed of employees serving
Employee hospitality
Halal food and beverage
Guarantee of punctuality
Money back guarantee
Satisfying taste
The employees are informative
about the menu
Employee willingness to help
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1431
Consumer voices are grouped into sections within affinity diagrams which are then used to
construct tree diagrams. Information about consumer voice groups using affinity diagrams that are
filled in the Left Room of the HoQ The grouping can be seen in Graph 1
The tree diagram consists of 2 (two) parts, namely the dimension and attribute parts that will
be grouped as.
Table 5 Consumer Needs, Dimensions and Attributes
Availability of modern bathrooms
Prayer facilities
Parking facilities
Seating facilities
Employee friendliness
Employee ability to communicate well
Employee Hospitality
Speed of employees serving customers
Employee willingness to help consumers
The employees are informative about the menu
Satisfying taste
Serving food and drinks as advertised
Money-back guarantee
Guarantee of punctuality
Halal food and beverage guarantee
Right Room, in the form of calculation results that show the priority order of consumer needs
per dimension obtained by calculating the results of the amount of importance per dimension from
the result of summing the importance level per attribute divided by the number of items of each
dimension, is presented in Table 6.
Table 6 HoQ Right Room
Rate per
Needs per
Rate per
Priority Needs
per Dimension
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1432
Source: data processed by researchers, 2024
The calculation results show the priority order of consumer needs attributes that need to be
the attention of the Skenario Kopi café. The first priority is filled by the Empathy Dimension of 3,018
on the employee friendliness attribute. Employee friendliness will be the first impression noticed by
consumers who are visiting the café for the first time. Skenario Kopi then must be a priority that is
improved. Employee friendliness has a positive and significant effect on repurchases, quoted from (S
et al., 2023). Based on research from (Ismayana et al., 2021) revealed that if the friendliness of
employees is good, it will make customers feel comfortable.
Ruang Atas is a technical response of the Skenario Kopi café obtained by interviewing the café
owner of Semarang Skenario Kopi cafe so as to get information about how the owner will respond to
some of the needs of café consumers. The result of the discussion of this section becomes the content
of the Upper Room at HoQ.
Table 7 Business Technical Response
Technical Factors
Technical Response
Upgrading all facilities more adequately
Organize communication training for employees
Organize regular evaluations of employee service performance
The café promises products according to the menu
Ensure customer dissatisfaction with appropriate compensation
The owner ensures all products are halal
Middle Room (the relationship between the technical response provided by the company and
consumer needs). L-shaped matrix Diagram is used to determine the level of relationship between
technical response and consumer needs. Exposure L-Shaped Matrix Diagram uses symbols as a tool,
namely to facilitate the weighting of relationship values. The explanation of the symbol is as follows
( ) showing a strong relationship with a weight value of 9. The symbol (○) indicates a medium
relationship, with a value weight of 3 and the symbol (Δ) indicates a weak relationship, with a value
of 1. A technical response must be implemented properly if one technical response is able to meet
various types of consumer needs at once (Cahya, 2016).
The final result of the relationship between Technical Response and Consumer Needs can be
seen in Figure 1.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1433
Figure 1 HoQ Middle Room
The Lower Space (Corporate Action Priority) is done by vertically summing the results of each
weight between the attributes of consumer needs and the company's technical responses. The higher
the value of the weight of an importance on the technical response, the more important it is for the
attribute to be the company's focus in fulfilling attributes to meet consumer needs. The bottom
chamber results in the HoQ matrix as follows in figure 2
Figure 2 HoQ Basement
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1434
Source: Processed primary data (2023)
The result of the vertical summation of the bottom space produces 3 (three) priority sequences
of consumer needs and their relationship with technical responses. The first priority is to Organize
communication training for employees (score 63) in accordance with research from (Apriada &;
Wulandari, 2020) which says that training has a positive effect on employee performance. Research
conducted by (Faisal Fauzi Abdillah et al., 2020) at C&R Cafe &; Resto Surabaya and (Fitri &; Cahya,
2023) at Omah Gedhi Steak and Penyet Fast Food Restaurants in Kendal City turned out to produce
the same priority, namely providing training on service (smiles, greetings and greetings) in
restaurants. The second priority is to Upgrade all facilities more adequately (score 36), supported by
research by (Maulidiah et al., 2023) and (Hardina &; Sudarusman, 2021) which said that improving
facilities have a positive and significant effect on visiting decisions. Research conducted by (Putri et
al., 2021) at Inaka Coffee in Cimahi has the results that it is necessary to prepare and complete the
available facilities. This can be one of the considerations for Skenario Kopi Cafes to improve facilities
in order to attract potential customers. The third priority is to Organize regular evaluations of
employee service performance (score 27) research conducted by (Santi &; Isyanto, 2023) states that
by conducting evaluations or performance appraisals employees can evaluate employee
competencies as a whole, including their advantages and disadvantages, to help optimal job position
placement. In research conducted by (Prasmoro et al., 2020) it has been found that there needs to be
a thorough evaluation of the state of the Cafe. Technical response, which is a top priority, should
immediately find the right solution for the company and employees to meet consumer needs.
Roof space (Relationship Between Technical Responses) The determination of whether or not
a technical response is interrelated is with the ability of one technical response to support another
technical response. The more diverse the technical responses, the stronger the technical response
linkage. The explanation of the relationship symbol between technical responses is as follows: symbol
(++)means to have a positive strong relationship, symbol (+) explains a positive relationship, no
symbol means no relationship, symbol (-) indicates the presence of a negative relationship and
symbol (--) indicates the presence of a strong negative relationship. The following is the Roof Room
Section of HoQ presented in Figure 3
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1435
Figure 3 HoQ Roof
Analysis of the images showed no strong negative relationship between technical response
attributes. This means that improving one attribute of a technical response to improve the quality of
service will not have a strong negative and negative impact on other attributes of technical response
because of the positive relationship they have.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1436
Figure 4 House of Quality
After everything is filled in completely with problem mapping, how to solve and priorities, it is
compiled into a complete House of Quality as we can see in figure 4 above.
4. Conclusion
Based on the application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in Skenario Kopi cafes, the
following conclusions can be drawn: Attributes of customer needs based on the Direct Evidence
Dimension have attributes in the form of the availability of modern bathrooms, prayer room facilities,
spacious parking facilities, comfortable seating facilities. The Empathy dimension has attributes of
employee friendliness, employee communication ability and employee hospitality. The Quick
Response dimension has attributes of employee speed in serving consumers and employee
willingness to help consumers. The Reliability dimension has informative employee attributes about
the menu, satisfactory taste and presentation of food according to the menu. In the last dimension,
the Guarantee Dimension has attributes such as money-back guarantees, punctuality guarantees, and
halal certification on products. Skenario Kopi Cafe needs to focus on 5 key attributes identified
through Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and House of Quality (HoQ) from the 15 analyzed
attributes that can be seen through HoQ Right Room. These attributes are key in meeting consumer
needs. The first priority attribute is halal assurance on food and beverages, the second priority is
employees who are informative about the menu, the third priority is employee friendliness, the fourth
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1437
priority is the ability of employees to communicate well, and the last priority is facility improvement.
The results of the HoQ Lower Room analysis also show a technical response which is the main point
as a priority for the Skenario Kopi café to increase customer satisfaction is to conduct communication
training to employees, make improvements to important facilities of the Skenario Kopi café and
conduct regular evaluations of employee performance and service. This information can help
companies to focus on developing the attributes that are most important to consumers, thereby
increasing the chances of the product/service to succeed in the market, improving the quality of the
product/service, increasing consumer satisfaction and increasing competitiveness.
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