Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1410
Utilisation of Sentinel-2A Imagery for Estimation of Mangrove
Carbon Stock in Mamminasata Area, South Sulawesi
Munajat Nursaputra, Kurniawan, Daud Malamassam
Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, Indonesia
Email: munajatnur[email protected]
Correspondence: munajatnursap[email protected]
Carbon Reserves; NDVI; Citra
Sentinel-2A; Mangrove Forest;
Population growth and land conversion have led to the degradation of
mangrove forests on the southern coast of South Sulawesi, especially the
Mamminasata area. Reduced mangroves increase carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. However, data on the potential carbon absorption of
mangroves is still lacking. To overcome this, remote sensing is used to
estimate carbon reserves. This reseach utilises Sentinel-2A imagery to
estimate mangrove carbon stocks in Mamminasata. The image processing
process includes radiometric correction, atmospheric correction, image
classification, and extraction of NDVI values. The NDVI value is used to
classify the density of mangroves into sparse, medium, and dense,
covering 1,244.75 hectares. Field data collection was carried out through
a survey of forest stand measurements. The results of NDVI
transformation show a value range of 0.2 to 0.8 for mangrove objects in
the Mamminasata area. The NDVI data on the analysed images were then
made into three density classes. The rare density class has a carbon value
of 3.56 21.16 Ton C/ha, the medium density class is between 21.17
31.49 Ton C/ha, and the dense density class is between 31.50 39.18 Ton
C/ha. Regression analysis shows a strong correlation between NDVI and
carbon stock (R² = 0.7134). This study confirms the effectiveness of
remote sensing in environmental monitoring and mangrove conservation.
These findings support conservation efforts and sustainable management
policies by highlighting areas with high carbon sequestration potential.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Mangrove forests in Indonesia great importance, with the most extensive distribution in the
world. According to data from the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) in 2016,
mangrove forests in Indonesia cover about 2,408,652.39 hectares, highlighting their critical
ecological value for the country. These mangroves play an important role in coastal protection,
biodiversity, and carbon sequestration, which is essential for climate change mitigation and
supporting sustainable ecosystems (A. Malik et al., 2016; Mukrimin et al., 2021). South Sulawesi is
one of Indonesia's provinces with a large mangrove ecosystem, with an area of about 9,335.18
hectares. This mangrove area is spread along the west, south, and east coasts of the province.
However, population growth and land conversion are significant threats to the sustainability of
these mangrove forests. In particular, the southern coast of South Sulawesi, including the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1411
Mamminasata metropolitan area (consisting of Makassar City, Maros Regency, Gowa Regency, and
Takalar Regency), faces a critical challenge from mangrove degradation (Indrayani et al., 2021;
Siddiq et al., 2020).
This forest degradation can adversely affect natural protection mechanisms and increase the
vulnerability of these areas to environmental and climate change. Data from LAPAN shows that
between 2016 and 2017, the area of mangrove forests on the southern coast of South Sulawesi
decreased by 119.67 hectares, from 874.58 hectares to 754.91 hectares. This alarming trend
highlights the urgent need for more intensive conservation efforts (Hu et al., 2020). Mangrove
forests are known to have a high carbon storage capacity, able to store up to four times more carbon
than other tropical forests. This makes its conservation important for global climate change
mitigation efforts. While important, data on the carbon sequestration potential of mangrove forests
is still limited, posing challenges to effective conservation and management strategies. Therefore,
efficient methods for estimating and monitoring carbon stocks in mangrove forests are essential for
sustainable ecosystem management and policy formulation (Pham et al., 2019).
Remote sensing has emerged as an effective technique for estimating carbon stocks, offering a
cost-effective and accurate method for monitoring ecosystems at scale. The Sentinel-2A satellite,
equipped with multispectral sensors, has been used to detect and analyse the condition of mangrove
forests more precisely and efficiently. Recent studies have demonstrated the usefulness of Sentinel-
2A imagery in mapping mangrove distributions and estimating carbon stocks, demonstrating its
potential in environmental monitoring (Sugara et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2018). The studies highlight
the effectiveness of remote sensing in providing detailed and accurate data on mangrove
ecosystems, which is critical for conservation efforts (Putra et al., 2022; Rahmadi et al., 2021). While
promising advances in remote sensing applications for mangrove monitoring, there are still
significant gaps in the precise estimation of carbon stocks in various mangrove ecosystems.
Research in Labuan Tereng, West Lombok Regency, using Sentinel-2A imagery, found that R.
mucronata dominated the area with an average carbon reserve of 122.1 tons per hectare, with a
total of 1,359.9 tons of carbon for the area. However, variations in the composition of local
mangrove species and their carbon storage capacity require further region-specific studies to
ensure accuracy (Hambali et al., 2023).
Research on the south coast of Sampang Regency using a hybrid model for carbon estimation
revealed that the total carbon stock of mangroves is 350,721.7 tons, with an average of 300.3 tons
per hectare. These findings highlight the need for a tailored remote sensing methodology to address
the diverse characteristics of mangrove forests in different regions. In addition, integrating various
remote sensing data sources can improve the accuracy of carbon stock estimates, but it is still
underexplored in many areas (Muhsoni, 2018). In addition, although the Sentinel-2 sensor has been
validated for its usefulness in mapping mangrove areas and species, more comprehensive studies
that integrate multispectral data with field measurement efforts are needed. This integration will
help refine the estimation models and ensure they are robust and applicable in a variety of
ecological environments. The limited availability of such integrative studies highlights the critical
research gaps seeks to address (Wang et al., 2018).
This study aims to estimate carbon stocks in mangrove forests throughout the Mamminasata
region, including Makassar City, Maros Regency, Gowa Regency, and Takalar Regency. The study
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1412
leverages the advanced capabilities of the Sentinel-2A satellite to provide accurate and up-to-date
data on mangrove carbon reserves, which are essential for effective conservation and management
strategies. The application of Sentinel-2A multispectral imagery in the specific context of the
Mamminasata region is a novelty that has not been studied before. By integrating remote sensing
data with field measurements, this research will contribute to understanding the carbon
sequestration potential of mangrove forests in South Sulawesi and provide a scientific basis for
informed conservation policies and practices. In addition, the methodology used in this study can be
developed to estimate carbon stocks in other mangrove ecosystems that face similar environmental
2. Materials and Methods
Location and Time of Research
This research was carried out for 8 months, starting from March 2021 to November 2021. The
research is divided into two main stages, namely field activities and data analysis. Field activities
were carried out in the Mamminasata area, which covers the areas of Makassar City, Maros Regency,
Gowa Regency and Takalar Regency, as shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The data
analysis stage was carried out at the Forestry Planning and Information Systems Laboratory,
Hasanuddin University.
Figure 1 Map of the Research Location
Research Tools and Materials
The tools used for field data collection include the Global Positioning System (GPS) to
determine location coordinates, measuring tapes and rollmeters for plotting and measuring the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1413
diameter of the stands, as well as neat ropes and tally sheets to record data in the field. In addition,
ArcGIS software is used for data processing and spatial analysis and mapping. The main material
used in this study is the Sentinel-2A Level L1C Image Recorded in 2020.
Field Data Collection
Field data collection was carried out through measurements of mangrove forest stands on a
predetermined sample plot. The location of the sample plot was selected using the stratified
sampling method based on the density of mangroves obtained from the results of satellite image
processing. A sample plot measuring 10 m x 10 m was used to record vegetation at the tree level
(BSN, 2011). The stand variables measured in the field include the type of tree and the diameter of
the tree at chest height (DBH). The number of sample plots is determined using the Slovin formula
(Sevilla, 2007), taking into account the population area and fault tolerance limits.
Data Analysis
1. Interpretation of Mangrove Distribution and Density
Sentinel-2A image processing includes radiometric correction, atmospheric correction, image
classification, and extraction of vegetation index values using the Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index (NDVI). Radiometric correction is performed to correct pixel values due to atmospheric
disturbances, which are a major source of errors in satellite image processing (Kamal et al., 2020;
Wu et al., 2018). This process uses a radiometric calibration tool to eliminate distortions caused by
the position of the sun. Atmospheric correction is performed using a flash atmospheric correction
tool to eliminate distortions that affect the reflectance value in the image (Belov & Myasnikov, 2016;
Cetin et al., 2017).
After corrections, the next classification of mangrove vegetation was carried out. To clarify the
object to be classified, a combination of bands 4 (red), 3 (green), and 2 (blue) is used. These bands
were chosen because they have high sensitivity and high reflectance value to vegetation, making it
easier to identify mangrove cover (Ghorbanian et al., 2021; Purwanto & Asriningrum, 2019). After
that, image sharpening is carried out to help visually interpret the mangrove cover (Ulfarsson et al.,
2019). This identification involves the ability to interpret images through elements such as colour,
texture, size, shape, pattern, shadow, and association to recognise objects. The estimation of above-
surface biomass using the Sentinel-2A image will be based on the value of the NDVI vegetation index
and the results of biomass measurements in the field. NDVI values were obtained through the
transformation of the vegetation index which was regressed to the actual biomass values from the
field. The calculation of the vegetation index using NDVI involves the red band and the near infrared
band reflected by the vegetation. On Sentinel-2A satellite imagery, NDVI is calculated using bands 8
(near-infrared) and 4 (red) (Muhsoni et al., 2018; Rakuasa & Sihasale, 2023).
2. Estimated Carbon Stocks
The value of carbon reserves is obtained from the conversion of the value of the stand
biomass. Information on mangrove biomass content was obtained using an allometric formula
approach. This formula, which takes into account factors such as the diameter of the tree, the
density of the wood, and the height of the tree, is essential for accurate calculations (Adame et al.,
2017; Fatoyinbo et al., 2018; A. Malik et al., 2016; Sitoe et al., 2014; Trissanti et al., 2022). The
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1414
allometric equations for several types of mangroves found in the Mamminasata Area are presented
in Error! Reference source not found..
Table 1 Allometric equations of several mangrove species
Allometric equations
Rhizophora apiculata
(Amira, 2008; Pambudi, 2011)
(Fromard et al., 1998)
Avicennia sp
(Komiyama et al., 2005)
Avicennia marina
(Dharmawan & Siregar, 2008)
Where: B is Biomass (kg), = BJ Wood (g/cm3), DBH is Chest Height Tree Diameter (cm).
The distribution of biomass values obtained at the research site was then converted into the
value of carbon reserves, which were multiplied by the value of the percentage of carbon content of
47% of the biomass. The creation of carbon stock maps is carried out based on the best models. The
best model was obtained from the relationship between the content of biomass above the surface
and the NDVI value of Citra Sentinel-2A, which was analysed using mathematical equations with
linear, exponential and logistic models. The best model is depicted with a coefficient of
determination (R2) value. This coefficient aims to measure how far the model can apply dependent
variable variations, which are described as very low (0-0.19), low (0.2-0.39), medium (0.4-0.59),
strong (0.6-0.79) and very strong (0.8-1.0) (Sugiyono, 2010). The carbon stock values were then
distributed using a raster calculator in the ArcGIS Software spatial analyst tool. Then, the carbon
reserve value in each mangrove density class is issued using zonal statistics as a table in the spatial
analysis tool ArcGIS Software, where the data entered is the mangrove forest density raster data and
the carbon stock raster data that was made previously.
3. Results and Discussions
Distribution and Density of Mangroves
The results of the interpretation show that the mangrove land cover in the Mamminasata area
is found in Makassar City, Takalar Regency, and Maros Regency, covering an area of about 1,244.75
hectares, as depicted in Error! Reference source not found.. This interpretation shows a
substantial distribution of mangrove forests in the three administrative regions. The validation
process was carried out through field checks at 20 points, resulting in an overall accuracy of 90%.
However, there are differences at two points, namely point 3 in Lakkang Village and point 19 in
Maccini Baji Village, where the initial interpretation identifies these points as mangrove land cover,
while the field check is a fish pond.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1415
Figure 2 Interpretation Map of Mangrove Distribution in the Mamminasata Area
The findings of this study are in line with previous research that shows the effectiveness of
Sentinel-2 imagery in mangrove forest mapping. For example, Hu et al. (2020) highlighted the
significant improvement in spatial and temporal resolution offered by Sentinel-2 compared to
Landsat imagery. Studies such as those conducted by Sugara et al. (2022) and Jia et al. (2019) telah
berhasil menggunakan Sentinel-2 untuk mendeteksi mangrove yang terendam, mapping mangrove
density, and estimating carbon stocks with reported accuracy exceeding 80%. Similarly, Aulia et al.
(2022) recorded up to 86.07% accuracy for mangrove density mapping using Sentinel-2. The
differences identified in Lakkang Village and Maccini Baji Village reflect the challenges noted by
previous researchers in distinguishing mangrove land cover from other land uses such as fish
ponds. This highlights the need to integrate multispectral data with field measurement efforts to
improve the accuracy of mangrove mapping. Chen et al. (2022) and Maung (2023) It also
emphasises the importance of combining remote sensing data with field validation to improve the
accuracy of ecosystem assessments.
The identified mangrove areas in the study area were analysed to determine the level of
mangrove density. Using the Normalization-Related Vegetation Index (NDVI), mangrove objects in
the Mamminasata region show NDVI values ranging from 0.2 to 0.8. The NDVI data was then
categorised into three density classes, namely -1 0.32 (rare), 0.33 0.42 (moderate), and 0.43 1
(dense) (Departemen Kehutanan, 2005), with the results presented in Error! Reference source
not found. and Error! Reference source not found.. The total area for sparse density is 58.17
hectares, medium density covers 57.46 hectares, and dense density covers 1,129.12 hectares.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1416
Table 2 Mangrove Forest Density in Mamminasata Area
Area per Class Density (Ha)
Biring Kanaya
Tello Baru
Parang Loe
Tamalanrea Indah
Tamalanrea Jaya
Total Makassar
Bonto Bahari
Maros Baru
Total Maros
Takalar Kota
Total Takalar
Total Mamminasata Area
The use of NDVI for mangrove density mapping is in line with various studies that have shown
its effectiveness in estimating canopy cover, forest health, and mangrove structure (Lovelock et al.,
2017; Pamungkas, 2023; Ticman et al., 2021). NDVI is widely recognized for its ability to monitor
mangrove forest restoration, track changes in mangrove areas, and assess damage based on canopy
density (Anggraini, 2023; Faizal et al., 2023). In addition, NDVI has been used to classify mangrove
canopy density and estimate above-ground biomass within mangrove ecosystems, emphasising its
flexibility and reliability in remote sensing analysis (Rinjani, 2024).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1417
Figure 3 Map of Mangrove Density in Mamminasata Area
The findings in the Mamminasata region, which shows a dense density area of 1,129.12
hectares, are consistent with studies highlighting the extensive canopy cover of healthy mangrove
ecosystems. Classification of mangrove densities into sparse, moderate, and dense categories
facilitates targeted conservation efforts, as seen in other studies using NDVI to categorise canopy
density levels and implement effective management practices (Singgalen et al., 2021). This density
class is the basis for determining the number of sample plots for the calculation of carbon reserves
in the field, where 2 plots for sparse density, 2 plots for medium density, and 39 plots for dense
density are obtained. The application of Slovin's formula to determine the number of sample plots
based on density class further strengthens the systematic approach used in this study to ensure
accurate and representative sampling.
Estimated Carbon Stocks
The calculation of mangrove stand biomass in 43 sample plots in the Mamminasata area
showed an average mangrove biomass of 689.20 kg/plot. The lowest biomass was recorded at
235.23 kg/plot in plot 21, which is categorised as sparse density, while the highest is 963.96
kg/plot, categorized as dense density. The biomass values obtained at the study site are then
converted into carbon reserve information, which is usually expressed in carbon tons per hectare
(tonC/ha). The average carbon reserve in the Mamminasata area was found to be 34.46 tonsC/ha.
Furthermore, regression analysis was carried out to explore the relationship between NDVI values
and carbon stocks, with the results of the regression analysis presented in
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1418
Table 3 Carbon Stock Estimation Model
Model Persamaan
y = 84,963x + 15,012
y = 24,312e
y = 43,564ln(x) + 90,225
The logarithmic regression model shows the highest coefficient of determination (R²) of
0.7134, so it is selected as the best predictor model for estimating carbon stocks. It shows a strong
relationship between carbon stock values and NDVI, where 71.34% of the variation in carbon stocks
can be explained by NDVI values, with the remaining 28.66% due to other variables. These findings
are consistent with previous studies that used regression models to analyse the relationship
between NDVI and carbon stocks in various ecosystems. Malik et al., (2023) and Hidayah et al.,
(2022) has demonstrated the potential of NDVI as a predictor for carbon stock estimation, with the
determination coefficient ranging from 0.7 to 0.98, highlighting the significance of NDVI in affecting
above-ground biomass and carbon stocks.
The carbon stock in the study area is then calculated based on the density of mangrove forests
to evaluate the potential carbon stocks in each vegetation density class. This was done to see the
potential value of carbon stocks in each class of mangrove vegetation density. The carbon content is
divided into three classes, namely sparse, medium and dense density classes. The distribution of
carbon reserve values has been divided into three classes based on the classification of vegetation
density. The rare density class has a carbon value of 3.56 21.16 Tons C/ha, the medium density
class has a carbon value between 21.17 31.49 Tons C/ha, and the dense density class has a carbon
value between 31.50 39.18 Tons C/ha. More details of carbon distribution in the Mamminasata
area mangrove forest are presented in Error! Reference source not found..
Table 4 Carbon Distribution of Mangrove Forests in the Mamminasata Area
(Ton C/ha)
(Ton C/ha)
The spatial distribution of mangrove carbon stocks using NDVI values as shown in Error!
Reference source not found., has actually been widely studied using remote sensing data and
spatial modeling techniques to map and estimate carbon stocks in mangrove ecosystems. These
studies highlight the spatial variability of carbon stocks in different areas of mangroves, providing
essential insights into the distribution patterns and carbon sequestration potential of mangrove
forests. For example, Pham et al., (2020) showed that the NDVI values obtained from satellite
imagery effectively assessed changes in carbon stocks and identified areas with high carbon density.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1419
The findings of this study, which classifies carbon stocks into sparse, medium, and dense classes, are
in line with previous research that emphasized the usefulness of NDVI in determining vegetation
density and appropriate carbon stocks (Aulia et al., 2022; I Gusti Agung Indah Mahasani et al., 2021;
Sugara et al., 2022). The categorization of carbon stock values in the Mamminasata region into
different density classes reflects the methodological approach used in similar studies, which further
validates the effectiveness of NDVI in mangrove carbon stock assessments.
Figure 4 Map of the Distribution of Mangrove Forest Carbon Reserves in the Mamminasata Area
The findings of this study have significant implications for the conservation and management
of mangrove ecosystems in the Mamminasata area. By accurately mapping the spatial distribution of
carbon stocks based on vegetation density, this study provides important data for targeted
conservation efforts. Identifying areas with high carbon density, which have greater carbon
sequestration potential, is essential to prioritising conservation actions and mitigating the impacts
of climate change. The integration of NDVI values in spatial analysis has proven to be very helpful in
mapping and evaluating mangrove carbon stocks, contributing to a better understanding of the role
of mangroves in carbon sequestration (Adni, 2024). The data generated from this study can inform
conservation policy decisions and strategies, ensuring sustainable management of mangrove forests
and their ecosystem services. Additionally, the study emphasises the importance of remote sensing
technology in environmental monitoring, offering a reliable and efficient method for assessing
ecosystem health and carbon stock dynamics over time.
4. Conclusion
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1420
This study successfully utilised Sentinel-2A imagery and NDVI values to estimate and map the
carbon stock of mangrove forests in the Mamminasata area, South Sulawesi. The findings show that
mangroves in the region cover an area of 1,244.75 hectares, with carbon stock values ranging from
3.56 to 39.18 Tons C/ha in various density classes. Logarithmic regression models show the highest
accuracy in predicting carbon stocks, with an value of 0.7134, which shows a strong correlation
between NDVI values and estimated carbon stocks. These results confirm the effectiveness of
remote sensing technology, specifically the Sentinel-2A imagery, in providing accurate and reliable
data for environmental monitoring. The study contributes to an increased understanding of the role
of mangroves in carbon sequestration, emphasising its importance in climate change mitigation and
ecosystem conservation. By identifying areas with high carbon sequestration potential, the study
supports targeted conservation efforts and informs sustainable management practices. The
integration of NDVI in spatial analysis offers a powerful method for assessing and monitoring
mangrove ecosystems, providing valuable insights for policymakers and conservationists. Future
research should focus on refining this methodology and expanding its application to other regions,
ensuring a comprehensive and effective mangrove conservation strategy. The study highlights the
critical role of mangroves in carbon storage and the importance of advanced remote sensing
technology in environmental science.
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