Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1397
Globalization; Young
Generation; Cultural Identity;
Indonesian; Chinese
Crossbreed; Crossbreed
This research article aims to explore the ways in which the Chinese
Crossbreed community in Indonesia adapts and maintains its cultural
identity in the midst of globalization. By exploring the experiences and
perspectives of the younger generation, we hope to gain insight into the
challenges and opportunities they face in preserving their heritage through
literature. The research utilizes a qualitative approach, incorporating
interviews, literary analysis, and ethnographic methods to capture a
comprehensive view of the community's cultural dynamics. Through this
article, the author seeks to explain the importance of the contribution of
the Chinese community to Indonesia's rich cultural landscape and the
importance of fostering intercultural understanding and unity within the
nation. The findings aim to provide a nuanced understanding of how
globalization influences cultural preservation and the strategies employed
by the Chinese Crossbreed community to navigate their dual heritage in
contemporary Indonesian society.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Chinese Crossbreed refers to the descendants of Chinese immigrants who settled in the
Indonesian archipelago and married into the local Malay population. This unique community
emerged as a result of centuries of cultural exchange and assimilation, blending Chinese customs and
traditions with Malay culture. The Crossbreed Chinese have played a significant role in shaping
Indonesia's diverse cultural landscape, contributing to the rich tapestry of traditions and practices
that define the country today (Liliweri, 2019; Romanti, 2023).
Their influence can be seen in various aspects of Indonesian society, from cuisine and language
to fashion and architecture. Crossbreed Chinese families are known for their vibrant celebrations and
elaborate rituals, which often incorporate elements from Chinese and Malay cultures. Despite facing
challenges and discrimination throughout history, the Crossbreed Chinese community has survived
and continues to thrive, maintaining their unique identity while also embracing the wider Indonesian
culture. Today, they are recognized for their contributions to the nation's economy, politics, and art,
further cementing their place in Indonesia's rich cultural heritage (Susanto, 2015).
Studying the identity of the Crossbreed Chinese community through literature is essential for
understanding their complex history and cultural significance. Through the exploration of their
stories, traditions, and experiences, we can gain deeper insights into the challenges they face and the
Tracing Identity Traces: A Study of Chinese Crossbreed
Literature in the Context of Indonesian Culture
Edith Wenny Puspitasari, Antonius Totok Priyadi, Sesilia Seli
Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia
Email: wennyedit[email protected]
Correspondence: wennyedith06@gmail.com
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1398
resilience they have shown. Literature allows us to investigate the nuances of their identity (Moser et
al., 2019), explaining the ways in which they have navigated between their Chinese and Indonesian
heritage (Usher et al., 2021). By studying their narratives, we can appreciate the richness and
diversity of the Crossbreed Chinese community and recognize the importance of preserving and
celebrating their unique cultural heritage. By examining themes of family, tradition, and adaptation
in Crossbreed Chinese literature, we can better understand the ways in which they maintained their
cultural identity while also embracing new influences. These stories provide a window into the
struggles and triumphs of society, highlighting their resilience and determination in the face of
adversity. Ultimately, through the study and appreciation of Crossbreed Chinese literature, we can
honor their heritage and ensure that their voices and experiences are not forgotten (Sa’idah, 2023).
In addition to exploring themes of family, tradition, and adaptation, it is also important to
analyze the stylistic elements and narrative techniques used in Crossbreed Chinese literature. By
delving into the language, symbolism, and structure of Crossbreed Chinese literary works, we can gain
deeper insights into the cultural nuances and historical contexts that shape the stories told.
Additionally, examining the reception and impact of Crossbreed Chinese literature within and outside
the community can shed light on its significance and relevance in contemporary society. Through a
comprehensive analysis of these various aspects, we can truly appreciate this richness and complexity
of the literary tradition.
This deeper understanding allows us to appreciate the intricate storytelling techniques and
themes that are unique to Crossbreed Chinese literature. By examining how these works are received
and interpreted, we can also recognize the ways in which they contribute to the broader literary
landscape. Ultimately, this article on Crossbreed Chinese literature offers valuable insights into the
diverse cultural heritage and experiences of these communities, enriching our understanding of past
and present narratives.
2. Materials and Methods
The methodology for this research article involves a combination of qualitative interviews,
archival research, and participant observation. Interviews were conducted with members of the
Crossbreed Chinese community, as well as with scholars and activists working on issues related to
identity and social justice in Indonesia. Archival research is used to examine historical documents and
texts relating to the Crossbreed Chinese community, while participant observation allows for a deeper
understanding of the life experiences of individuals within these communities. The method in this
research article was chosen to provide a comprehensive and nuanced analysis of the complex issues
surrounding the identity of Crossbreed Chinese in Indonesia.
The data analysis in this study began with data collection with in-depth interviews, literary
analysis, and ethnographic methods. The next step is data coding, thematic and narrative analysis, data
triangulation and then drawing conclusions. Through this thorough data analysis process, the research
is expected to provide in-depth insight into the dynamics of cultural identity in the Chinese peranakan
community in Indonesia and offer recommendations to support the preservation of cultural heritage
in the era of globalization.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1399
3. Results and Discussions
Examination of themes and motives related to the identity of Crossbreed Chinese
Indonesian literature reveals the complex interplay between cultural heritage, assimilation,
and marginalization. Through careful reading and textual analysis, we can uncover the ways in which
the author describes the struggles and triumphs of the Crossbreed Chinese community in navigating
their dual identities (Fromm, 2019). By exploring the representation of Crossbreed Chinese
characters in various literary works, we can gain insight into people's attitudes and perceptions of
these communities, as well as how they are portrayed in the broader cultural landscape.
This exploration can shed light on the challenges faced by the Crossbreed Chinese community
in Indonesia, as well as their resilience and ability to adapt to changing social dynamics. By exploring
the complexities of Chinese identity in Indonesian literature, we can deepen our understanding of the
nature of cultural identity and the ways in which it is shaped by historical, social, and political forces.
Ultimately, through a literary lens, we can appreciate the richness and diversity of the Crossbreed
Chinese experience and its significance in the wider tapestry of Indonesian society.
For example, Pramoedya Ananta Toer's novel "Bumi Manusia" explores the struggles of the
Chinese Crossbreed protagonist, Minke, as he wrestles with his dual cultural heritage and navigates
Indonesia's discriminatory colonial social structure. Through Minke's story, we witness his resilience
in challenging social norms and his efforts to carve out space for himself in a society that often
marginalizes individuals like him.
A discussion of how Crossbreed Chinese culture is portrayed in literature can offer valuable
insights into the challenges and triumphs faced by these communities.
By exploring themes of identity, belonging, and cultural heritage in literary works, we can gain
a deeper appreciation of the complexity of the Chinese Crossbreed experience. By examining the ways
in which the author describes the struggles and successes of individuals navigating between their
Chinese heritage and their Indonesian identity, we can develop a more nuanced understanding of the
intricate interactions between culture, history, and personal identity. Thus, we can recognize the
resilience and adaptability of the Crossbreed Chinese community in the face of difficulties and
changes (Suryadinata, 2022).
This deeper understanding can also lead to a greater sense of empathy and connection with
individuals who are part of the Crossbreed Chinese community, as we appreciate the challenges they
face in reconciling their dual identities. By studying the literary works of Crossbreed Chinese, we can
not only learn about a particular cultural group but also reflect on our own sense of identity and
belonging in a multicultural society (Pramujiono, 2015). Ultimately, exploring themes of identity and
cultural heritage in literature allows us to broaden our perspectives and foster a more inclusive and
understanding society.
Comparison of various literary works that discuss the Crossbreed language
One of the literary works that explores the complexity of Crossbreed Chinese identity is "The
Straits Chinese" by Edwin Thumboo. Through the protagonist's journey in self-discovery and cultural
navigation, Thumboo provides readers with a nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by
individuals with mixed heritage. Similarly, "The Ghost Bride" by Yangsze Choo offers a unique
perspective on the intersection of Chinese and Crossbreed cultures, weaving elements of folklore and
tradition to explore themes of identity and belonging.
These works not only explain the struggles of the Crossbreed Chinese community but also
invite readers to reflect on their own cultural backgrounds and the ways in which they shape their
sense of self (Hariyono, 2020; Hoogervorst, 2019). By exploring the complexities of cultural identities,
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1400
both Thumboo and Choo encourage readers to embrace their heritage and appreciate the wealth that
comes from having diverse backgrounds. Through their stories, they highlight the importance of
recognizing and celebrating different aspects of one's cultural heritage. Ultimately, these works serve
as a reminder that our individual experiences and backgrounds contribute to the tapestry of who we
are, shaping our perspective and influencing our sense of belonging in the world.
The Cultural Significance of Crossbreed Chinese Identity in Indonesia
The impact of Crossbreed Chinese culture on Indonesian society The Crossbreed Chinese
community in Indonesia plays an important role in shaping the country's cultural landscape. With a
unique blend of Chinese and Indonesian traditions, they have created a dynamic and distinct identity
that is celebrated and embraced by many. The influence of Crossbreed Chinese culture can be seen in
various aspects of Indonesian society, from cuisine and language to art and architecture. Their
contributions have enriched the tapestry of Indonesian culture, creating a vibrant and diverse society
that is a testament to the power of cultural exchange and integration (Prayogi, 2016; Thohir, 2019).
The influence of the Crossbreed Chinese community can also be felt in the fashion world, with
their traditional kebaya and batik designs becoming a popular choice for special occasions and
everyday wear. Additionally, their strong emphasis on family ties and ancestor worship has helped to
preserve and pass on important cultural practices and beliefs from generation to generation. Overall,
the Crossbreed Chinese community serves as a shining example of how different cultural influences
can come together to create something truly unique and beautiful, enriching the fabric of Indonesian
society in the process.
Contribution of Crossbreed Chinese to Indonesian art and literature
The contribution of the Crossbreed Chinese community to Indonesian art and literature cannot
be overstated. Their rich cultural heritage and unique blend of Chinese and Indonesian influences
have profoundly influenced the country's art and literary landscape. From intricate embroidery and
intricate beads to vibrant storytelling and poetry, Crossbreed Chinese have left an indelible mark on
Indonesia's creative scene (Kurniawan, 2020).
Their traditional arts and crafts, such as porcelain and intricate wood carvings, have been
passed down from generation to generation, preserving their cultural heritage for future generations
to cherish and enjoy. Additionally, their unique language, known as Baba Malay, has played a
significant role in shaping Indonesian literature, with many well-known writers and poets taking
inspiration from the linguistic traditions of the community.
Overall, the contribution of Chinese Crossbreed to Indonesian art and literature is a testament
to the richness and diversity of the country's cultural tapestry. Their vibrant and colorful batik
patterns are also highly valued in the fashion industry, with many designers incorporating Chinese
Crossbreed motifs into their collections. In addition, their culinary heritage, which is characterized by
a blend of Chinese and Indonesian flavors, has become a beloved aspect of Indonesian cuisine.
Through art, language, and cuisine, the Crossbreed Chinese community continues to grow and enrich
Indonesia's cultural landscape.
Challenges faced by Crossbreed Chinese in preserving culture
Identity includes the pressures of modernization and globalization, which often lead to the
dilution of traditional practices and customs. Additionally, discrimination and marginalization within
societies can pose barriers to maintaining their unique heritage (Julianty et al., 2022). Despite these
challenges, the Crossbreed Chinese community remains resilient in their efforts to preserve and
celebrate their cultural identity, passing on their traditions from generation to generation. By actively
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1401
participating in cultural events, educational programs, and community initiatives, they can ensure
that their rich heritage continues to be cherished in the tapestry of diverse Indonesian society.
Through their dedication and commitment, the Crossbreed Chinese community is able to
showcase the beauty and importance of their cultural practices to a wider audience. By sharing their
traditions and customs with others, they are able to foster a sense of unity and understanding among
various communities in Indonesia. Their efforts not only help preserve their own heritage but also
contribute to the rich cultural tapestry of the country as a whole. With their resilience and
determination, the Crossbreed Chinese community ensures that their unique cultural identity will be
cherished and celebrated for many generations to come.
4. Conclusion
The dedication of the Crossbreed Chinese community to preserving and promoting their
cultural heritage is a strong example of the importance of cultural diversity and unity. Through their
efforts, they not only preserve their own traditions but also enrich Indonesia's cultural landscape. By
sharing their customs and practices with others, they foster mutual respect and understanding among
different communities. Through the resilience and determination of communities such as the Chinese
Crossbreed people, Indonesia's cultural heritage continues to grow and develop. Their commitment
to passing on their customs and traditions to future generations ensures that their unique identity
will endure for years to come. In doing so, they contribute to Indonesia's rich cultural tapestry and
reinforce the value of diversity in a rapidly changing world. The efforts of the Crossbreed Chinese
community serve as a reminder of the importance of embracing and celebrating the differences that
make each culture unique, ultimately creating a more harmonious and inclusive society for all.
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