Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1378
Political News Framing Approach at Detik.com: Analysis of the
2024 Presidential Election Results Dispute
Rivana Alwardah, Izhhari Ichasul Dwitama, Asep Sunandar Nugraha
Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
Email: rivanaalw@gmail.com
Correspondence: [email protected]m
Framing Analysis; News;
Detik.Com; Media Online
This research aims to find out the analysis of framing (framing/packaging)
political news in online media Detik.com regarding the news of the dispute
hearing of the 2024 presidential election results. To answer this problem,
the framing method of the Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M Kosicki model was
used. This research is included in qualitative. The data analysis used in this
study was media text analysis using the framing analysis method using the
Zhong Dang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki model approach. The reserch results
show that detik.com, in reporting news uses the inverted pyramid
technique. Where the main topic of discussion discussed in the news is
stored at the beginning of the news. In addition, there are several data
obtained by news writers from the statements of sources to be used as data
sources. The news structure uses 5W+1H, and the source does not throw
many quotes.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The rapid development of communication technology from day to day supports the shift of
news portals from conventional to online news. This answers the needs of the community, who make
information an inseparable part of life (Hermawanto & Anggraini, 2020; Mahyuddin, 2019; Pamuji, 2019).
News delivered by various media can differ from one to the other depending on the ability to
construct and frame a reality. Journalists or reporters can have different views by looking at an event.
But sometimes news writing is constructed not in accordance with the existing reality (Fianto &
Aminulloh, 2015). A news story is sometimes constructed not in accordance with the results it was
constructed (Boukes & Vliegenthart, 2020). In a sense, the news conveyed in the media turns out to
hold the writer's subjectivity and is not neutral. The news published in the media results from
journalists' knowledge and thoughts (Carlson, 2017; Harbers & Broersma, 2014). This means that before
publishing news, the news has been processed in accordance with the interests and ideology of the
Each piece of news has its own characteristics in conveying news. Media that is not only used
as a means of conveying information but also as a tool to lead public opinion in accordance with the
goals of each media, with the presence of these media often causes diverse public opinions.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1379
According to news released by Cove.id, the most accurate and most frequently visited online
news portal by the public is detik.com. detik.com is an online media site in which various events,
opinions, ideas, and others are displayed. This is the background for the author's research on how
this major online media portal constructs news on its site.
This year, the political activity highlighted by the media is the simultaneous election activity
held on February 14, where then on March 20, 2024, the KPU announced the results with 58% of the
votes obtained by the Prabowo-Gibran pair. However, it turned out that it did not end there because
the two pairs of presidential candidates, number 01 and 03, namely the Anies-Muhaimin and Ganjar-
Mahfud pair, filed a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court with the message that there was a lot of
fraud in the elections that had been held.
During the process that has taken place until now, the media has not stopped highlighting the
progress of the Constitutional Court trial process. Legal teams 01, 02, and 03 continue to fight to
defend what they consider to be right. Detik.com is one of the major online media outlets that also
reports events. It is the largest online media outlet, and it has a big role in providing information and
spreading opinions to the wider community. This research aims to find out how the media detik.com
processes news that will be disseminated and what framing is highlighted and omitted by the
detik.com media to convey information that is in accordance with reality.
Many previous research studies have conducted the same research, namely framing analysis of
a news report in online media as done Gunawan & Setiawan (2022).On the news of the distribution of
Covid-19 vaccines, Z, Hanifah dan H Setiawan (2023) to the news of the Kanjuruhan tragedy on the
online media detik.com and Radar Malang, Q Aini and H Setiawan (2021) Regarding the news, the
Minister of Social Affairs Risma responded to the case of child abuse in the Malang Orphanage. In
addition, research conducted by Saputri & Asmara (2015) about Framing Analysis of the News of the
2014 Presidential Election (Pilpres) on the public daily of the updated vote (Framing Analysis Study
of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M Kosicki in Rubsik Main Report for the Period May July. This study
seeks to conduct a framing analysis using the framing of Zhong Dang Pan and Gerald M Kosicki in the
detik.com media about the news of the 2024 presidential election results dispute hearing published
on the April 1, 2024, edition. This kind of research has indeed been carried out a lot, but there has
been no research that reveals the object of the presidential election dispute trial through the
detik.com media with the model of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M Kosicki.
2. Materials and Methods
This research is included in qualitative research. This qualitative research method is a method
based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to research the natural condition of objects in which
the researcher is the key instrument until the results emphasize meaning rather than generalization.
The primary and secondary data sources that will be used in this study are primary and secondary.
Primary data was obtained by collecting and documenting news texts regarding the presidential
election dispute hearing in the detik.com media edition of April 1, 2024. Meanwhile, secondary data
will be collected by searching for data from various sources such as books, the internet, theses, and
journals, which will be used as reference materials for research. The data analysis used in this study
was media text analysis using the framing analysis method using the Zhong Dang Pan and Gerald M.
Kosicki model approach.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1380
3. Results and Discussions
This study aims to conduct a framing analysis of the news of the 2024 presidential election
results dispute hearing in the detik.com media edition of April 1, 2024. The study of the news of the
dispute hearing of the presidential election results was analyzed and interpreted by the framing
analysis method of the Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M Kosicki Model. This framing model introduced
by Pan and Kosicki is one of the most popular and widely used models. The model itself was
introduced through an article in the Journal of Political Communication. The article was originally a
paper presented at the Convention of the International Communication Association in Florida. For
Pan and Kosicki, this framing analysis can be an alternative in analyzing media texts in addition to
quantitative content analysis. Framing analysis is seen as the public about an issue or policy is
constructed and negotiated (Browne et al., 2019; Bunea, 2020). According to Pan and Kosicki, there
is a difference in topic with theme. A theme is an idea that connects different parts of meaning into a
coherent overall story. The structural dimensions of the framing approach, according to Pan and
Kosicki's model analysis, have four dimensions, namely syntactic structure, script structure, thematic
structure, and rhetorical structure (Febriyanti & Karina, 2021).
Table 1 Pan and Kosicki Model Framing Device
Framing Lift
Observed units
SINTAKSIS (the way Journalists
Construct facts)
1. News Scheme
Headline, lead, background,
information, quotes, Sources,
Statements, Closing
SCRIPT (How journalists tell
2. News Completeness
5 w + 1 H
THEMATIC (How journalists
write Facts)
3. Details
4. Coherence
5. Sentence form
6. Pronouns
Paragraphs, propositions,
sentences., relationships,
between sentences
RHETORIC (The way journalists
emphasize facts)
7. Leksikon
8. Graphics
9. Metaphor
Kata, idiom, gambar, grafik
In reporting on political issues, each media has its own frame. By using framing analysis, it will
be known which frames are carried by the mass media. The frame of a media will be influenced by
the vision, mission and role of journalists in producing news. The news frame will be seen in the
efforts of journalists to compile facts obtained from the field, journalists who narrate or narrate
events, and journalists who write facts and can be seen how journalists emphasize certain meanings
in the news. For this reason, in looking at the framing of news on the CNN Indonesia online media
portal against certain political news rules, the author will use the framing analysis of the Zhongdang
Pan and Gerald M models (Sujaya & Setiawan, 2023). Kosicki formulated in syntactic structure, script
structure, thematic structure, and rhetorical structure (Febriyanti & Karina, 2021).
This research will earlier specify news news in online media detik.com as the focus of the
research study. There are a number of news about the dispute hearing on the results of the
presidential election raised by Detik.com are held hostage, including:
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1381
News 1: "The Constitutional Court Session Heats Up Because Hotman Vs Amin's Camp
Retaliates Against Each Other" (April 1, 2024)
first sentence
Paragraf 9
Paragraf 10
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1382
Paragraph 12
Paragraph 14
Paragraph 21
Paragraph 28
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1383
Paragraph 34
Paragraph 38
Paragraph 24
Paragraph 26
Paragraph 28
Paragraph 38
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1384
The frame of the online media portal Detik.com regarding the news of the heated presidential
election results dispute between Hotman and the Amin camp can be seen from the syntactic structure.
There is an April 1 edition when the presidential election dispute hearing at the Constitutional Court
is being held, starting with the title "The Constitutional Court Session Heats Up Because Hotman Vs
Amin's Camp Retaliates Against Each Other." It seems Detik.Com was trying to explain the situation
in the Constitutional Court which is heated up because of the situation of Hotman and Anis Camp
retaliating against each other.
News 2: "When Expert 01 Thinks There Is Jokowi's Help Behind Prabowo's Victory
Writing Strategy
Kala Ahli 01 Anggap Ada
Bantuan Jokowi di Balik
kemenangan Prabowo
1. The expert presented by
the number 1 presidential
and vice presidential
candidates in the 2024
Presidential Election,
Anies Baswedan-
Muhaimin Iskandar,
considers Prabowo
First paragraph first
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1385
Rakabuming Raka to win
because of the help of
President Joko Widodo
2. The legal team of the
Prabowo-Gibran camp
also responded scathingly
to 01's expert testimony.
Anies experts conveyed
this information in the
dispute hearing over the
results of the 2024
Presidential Election at
the Constitutional Court
on Monday (1/4/2024).
One of the experts
presented by the AMIN
Team was Vid Adrison, an
economics lecturer from
the University of
First paragraph,
second sentence
In his presentation, Vid
initially linked the issue of
poverty, the provision of social
assistance and Jokowi's visit to
Prabowo Subianto-Gibran
Rakabuming Raka's vote in the
2024 Presidential Election. Vid
said low-income and low-
educated societies tend to be
myopic or a condition in which
a person or group of people is
unable to fulfill their basic
rights to sustain and develop
first paragraph third
1. Vid Adrison, Lecturer in
Economics, University of
Indonesia "People with
low income or low
education usually tend to
be myopic, because they
focus on fighting for their
daily needs, so usually the
long-term implications
for decisions, including
the presidential choice,
have low weight," said
2. Faisal Basri initially
raised the issue of the
politics of the pork barrel.
He said the pork barrel
Second paragraph,
first sentence
Third paragraph,
first sentence
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1386
phenomenon occurred in
the United States, where
when lawmakers want to
be re-elected, they will
include many projects
with large budgets in
their constituencies.
Vid Adrison, a lecturer in
Economics at the University of
Indonesia, stated that the
simple language is that the
economy runs on autopilot.
But it must be remembered
that when economic
conditions are bad, people are
of the view that it is the result
of the government. This
departs from the psychological
aspect. The person's reaction
is always greater to the bad
than the good," he said.
Second paragraph,
sixth sentence.
1. Vid Adrison, a lecturer in
Economics at the
University of Indonesia,
said the visit had an
impact on Prabowo-
Gibran's vote. According
to him, Prabowo
experienced a
considerable increase in
2. Faisal Basri, he said, this
pork barrel is done in a
different way in
Indonesia. He said that
pork barrels in Indonesia
were carried out by
providing social
assistance. One of the
ones he brought up was
BLT el nino.
The second
paragraph of the
tenth sentence.
Third paragraph
fifth sentence
Vid Adrison, Faisal Basri
Second and third
Expert 01 Considers Jokowi's
Help Behind Prabowo's
Jokowi's Assistance Behind
Prabowo's Victory
Paragraf Pertama
Pilpres 2024
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1387
Kala Ahli 01 Anggap Ada
Bantuan Jokowi di Balik
kemenangan Prabowo
First Paragraph
between sentences)
Coherence Details,
Sentence Shape
1. Jokowi's Assistance
Behind Prabowo's
2. the relationship between
Jokowi's aid and
Kala, Member, Help
The Constitutional Court
Session on Monday
4. Conclusion
Based on the discussion that has been outlined by the author regarding the news frame in
Detik.com about the 2024 presidential election result dispute hearing. From this discussion, the
following conclusions can be drawn: The news packaging carried out by detik.com online media
portals related to the news of the 2024 presidential election results dispute hearing emphasizes more
on the conditions and facts that occur in the field and the situations that occur during the presidential
election results dispute hearing. The news construction is arranged in a fixed and regular form so that
it forms an inverted pyramid starting with the headline, lead, episode, background, and closing title.
Then the preparation and emphasis on facts are supported by quotes from credible parties as
information support. Based on the structure of the script, the news carried out by detik.com has a
general form that has a 5W+1H pattern, this certainly shows the completeness in the presentation of
the news. From the object of the news, the problems that occur so that it forms an event, the place
where the event is reported, the cause of the event, and how the chronology of the event to the time
that shows when the event occurred in the news, based on the thematic structure, journalists
Detik.com want to display news with the same theme, namely regarding the dispute hearing on the
results of the 2024 presidential election. And based on the rhetorical structure, the discourse
reported by the journalists also shows a tendency that what is conveyed in accordance with the actual
events in the field is emphasized through Spelling that is perfected and emphasizes the message in
the news through graphic elements and images that depict the actual events.
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