Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1359
The Role of Companions in the Wirausaha Baru (WUB)Program
of Depok City in 2023
Ummi Atmowijoyo, Ety Rahayu
Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Email: ummi.atmowi[email protected], etyrah[email protected]om
Correspondence: ummi.atmow[email protected]
Micro Business
Empowerment; Micro
Business Development; Roles
and Skills of Companions;
The Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program is a government program under the
coordination of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium
Enterprises (UKM) whose implementation is handed over to the city-level
government, in this case, the Department of Cooperatives & Micro
Enterprises (DKUM). This program has been running since 2017 until now
and continues to experience developments in implementation practices in
the field. The Depok City Government is one of the city governments that
has consistently implemented the Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program. This
empowerment program, which targets micro-business actors, focuses on
capital aspects and includes training, mentoring, and providing
infrastructure to develop businesses. Program participants selected will
be given the proper entrepreneurial knowledge and the ability to grow
their businesses through entrepreneurship education, business
management, marketing access, access to financing, and product legality.
Participants also receive assistance in capital, marketing, and business
management. In mentoring activities, the Companion is one of the elements
that has a significant role as a Change Agent / Actor of Change (Ife, 1997),
In every program, it is always hoped that the Program Participants will
achieve changes for the better according to the targets or goals of the
program owner. This research analyzes mentoring activities in
implementing the Depok City Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program in 2023.
This research approach is qualitative with a descriptive research type. In-
depth interviews were conducted with Mentors at all levels, Program
Participants, and Program Organizers, using purposive sampling
techniques. The research results show that mentoring activities in the
2023 New City Entrepreneurship (WUB) program are running well and in
accordance with what is regulated in Depok Mayor Regulation No. 20 of
2022 concerning Guidelines for Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Programs. The
competencies obtained from the Companion Training/TOT and the
mentoring work forms created by the Implementation Team help the
Companion carry out their roles and functions as enablers, educators,
advocates, brokers, and experts.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1360
1. Introduction
UN General Assembly Resolution 72/233 proclaimed the Third Decade of Poverty Eradication
2018-2027, which aligns with the Sustainable Development Agenda (SDGs) with the theme
"Accelerating global development for a world without poverty." The implementation of the third
decade of the UN on Poverty includes 12 points, namely: (Malcolm, 2014) 1) increasing statistical
capacity for the 2030 agenda, with relevant data collection and analysis by mining population
dynamics, 2) accelerating global action towards decent jobs for all, by promoting sustainable
economic growth and eradicating poverty, 3) encouraging structural transformation through
industrialization, 4) supporting agricultural and non-agricultural rural economies, 5) increasing
national production capacity for employment growth and poverty eradication, 6) establishing a social
protection foundation based on national priorities, 7) utilizing fan interconnectivity innovations for
job creation and poverty eradication, 8) investing in education, skills development for job facilitation,
9) promoting universal health coverage, equitable access to quality health care, 10) promoting long-
term solutions and inclusion of refugee populations, 11) accelerating action to combat climate change
and its impacts, 12) partnerships and resource mobilization for development (Budiarto et al., 2018).
Figure 1 UN Logo, Third Decade of Poverty Alleviation
Sumber: United Nation (2018)
As a supporting country, Indonesia contributes to accelerating global action towards decent
work for all through Law No. 11 of (2020) concerning Job Creation. Job Creation, to realize a
prosperous, fair, and prosperous Indonesian society based on Pancasila and the 45th Constitution,
seeks to fulfill the rights of citizens to work worthy of humanity. Job creation is intended to absorb
the broadest possible Indonesian workforce amid increasingly competitive competition and the
demands of globalization of economists and provide protection and empowerment of cooperatives
and micro, small, and medium enterprises. This Job Creation was created with the following
objectives: 1) creating and increasing employment opportunities by providing convenience,
protection, and empowerment to cooperatives and MSMEs as well as national industry and trade as
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1361
an effort to be able to absorb the broadest possible Indonesian workforce while still paying attention
to the balance and progress between regions in the national economic unity; 2) ensuring that every
citizen gets a job, as well as receiving fair rewards and treatment and worthy of working
relationships; 4) make adjustments to various aspects of regulation related to partiality,
strengthening, and protection for cooperatives and MSMEs as well as national industries; and 4)
making adjustments to various aspects of regulation related to improving the investment ecosystem,
facilitating and accelerating national strategic projects oriented to national interests based on
national science and technology guided by the direction of the Pancasila ideology.
The Depok City Government is one of the city governments that has consistently implemented
the Micro Business Empowerment and Development Program since (2017) and continues to
experience developments in implementation practices in the field. Through Depok Mayor Regulation
no. 20 of (2022) concerning Guidelines for Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Programs, the Depok City Regional
Government targets 5000 New Entrepreneurs and 1000 Women Entrepreneurs (Women Heads of
Families) to be empowered throughout 2022-2026 with the following objectives: 1) Realizing
community welfare, 2) Developing local economic resources, 3) Expanding employment
opportunities in Depok City through the utilization of its potential.
The Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program is one of the Government Empowerment Programs
coordinated by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and focuses
on empowering micro business actors. The program's implementation is handed over to the city-level
government, which, in this case, is the Cooperatives & Micro Enterprises Office (DKUM). Entering a
new stage since 2022, the Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program in Depok City, which is designed to be
implemented in 5 (five) years from 2022 2026, is carried out comprehensively, including aspects of
Training, Mentoring, Capital, and Facilities and Infrastructure.
The 2021 Poverty Alleviation Acceleration Team (TNP2K) analysis states that MSME
empowerment programs generally focus on capital for micro-scale businesses. Programs that aim to
build competencies and expand market access are still carried out with a relatively small scope and
do not have clear target recipient/participant criteria. Meanwhile, empowerment should not be one-
size-fits-all to achieve the ideal development of MSMEs. Training also needs to be programmed to
meet the needs of MSMEs with a vision of developing their businesses (Kenny, 2007).
The Depok City Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program in 2023 focuses on empowerment in training,
mentoring, capital, and providing facilities and infrastructure. Program participants are given the
proper entrepreneurship education to grow their businesses. In addition to entrepreneurship
materials, participants received digital marketing training, logo and packaging design, business
management, and a new class of Business incubators."
Meanwhile, in the capital aspect, participants are directed to access banking institutions that
provide KUR (People's Business Credit) services or microfinance financial institutions, which are
institutions that are specifically established to provide business development services and
community empowerment in micro-scale businesses to the community (Law no. 1 of 2013). LAZ
(Amil Zakat Institution) Zakat Sukses is a non-bank microfinance institution collaborating with the
New Entrepreneurs (WUB) of Depok City. In many studies, microfinance financial solutions have been
proven to help overcome financial problems in micro-business actors. Ety Rahayu (2018), in a study
on poverty and microfinance, stated the importance of microfinance in empowerment programs.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1362
Microfinance activities can help people conduct small-scale transactions with the ease of loans from
informal assessments of borrowers and light collateral such as group guarantees or voluntary
deposits. Microfinance also influences a wide range of economic, socio-political, or cultural access, as
well as personal and psychological aspects. In the economic aspect, microfinance can affect business
development, in the socio-political or cultural aspects, microfinance has the potential to influence the
movement of society from the informal sector to the formal sector by forming associations, and in the
personal or psychological aspects, microfinance can grow power in the business community.
Furthermore, in providing facilities and infrastructure, the Depok City Wirausaha Baru (WUB)
Program in 2023 provides building facilities used to implement the Training at Hotels, District Offices,
Village Offices, and Companion Houses. Facilities/infrastructure also include marketing facilities,
including an online market through Dkerens, bazaars as a means of promotion through product titles,
and Depok Expo and MSME Centre Outlets.
At the mentoring stage, 81 (eighty-one) Companions were dispatched to help the trainees
develop themselves through guidance, consultation, and advocacy to overcome problems in business
development. Companions in the Depok City Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program in 2023 will receive
debriefing / TOT with coaching skills, business management, financial management, and other
materials delivered to the fostered participants. The role of the Companion is very necessary in this
stage of the Wirausaha Baru (WUB) program because the participants of the New Entrepreneurship
Program will practice what they have learned in the Training stage.
2. Materials and Methods
The approach used in this study is qualitative. This approach was chosen to obtain in-depth,
accurate, and comprehensive data adapted to the field conditions (Neuman, 2014). Denzin and Lincoln
(2005) also mentioned that qualitative research is a process used to produce a deeper understanding
of a social phenomenon by exploring personal data of interactions with research participants and
analyzing the data using flexible and reflective techniques. According to Rubin and Babbie, (2011),
qualitative research seeks to produce a deep meaning of the experience of facts from human behavior
and is intended to produce qualitative data. Theoretically, detailed observations and data obtained
cannot be easily reduced. This type of research is descriptive research. Neuman (2014) defines
descriptive research as having the goal of describing research by using words or numbers, profiles,
type classifications, or specific steps to answer research questions such as when, where, how, and
whom. By using the type of descriptive research, this research is made to describe systematically, in-
depth, detailed, and factual related to community empowerment through the assistance activities of
the Depok City WUB Program. The city of Depok was chosen as the research locus because Depok has
continuously and consistently run the Wirausaha Baru (WUB) program and similar programs since 2017.
3. Results and Discussions
Community development is one of the elements of empowerment, which, according to Dunham
(1958), aims to improve welfare through cooperative efforts and develop community independence
with technical assistance from the government or voluntary institutions. The 2023 Depok City
Wirausaha Baru (WUB) Program empowers the community by developing entrepreneurial skills.
Capacity building is provided in the form of training, assistance, capital, and the provision of facilities
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1363
and infrastructure. Mentoring activities are carried out in 6 (six) stages, namely: (Green & Goetting,
2013; Green & Haines, 2012)
1) Data Verification Stage,
At this stage, the Companion performs the suitability of data and completeness of the
Program Participant's documents according to the specified requirements.
2) Problem Identification Stage,
It is a stage where the Companion, together with the Program Implementation Team,
identifies the participant's problems and analyzes the participant's needs.
3) Stage of access assistance and management consultation,
The stage where the Companion assists Program Participants in practicing what they get
in the training.
4) Task collection stage,
Tahap ini Pendamping mendokumentasikan semua aktifitas dan tugas-tugas
5) Monthly reporting stage,
The stage of submitting a Performance Report that is prepared and reported to the
Program Implementation Team every month.
6) The stage of evaluating the business progress of the best participants,
The stage where the Companion maps the progress and development of the participant's
business every month.
A form is summarized in the Companion Workbook prepared by the Implementation Team
(DKUM) at all stages. The forms are arranged in the form of tables and descriptions. All Forms must
be filled out by fostered participants or companions. The provision of forms is a support for the work
of the Mentors so that the mentoring work becomes more directed, especially at the stage of access
assistance and management consultation, which is the most critical stage where the activities at this
stage consist of phases of the participants practicing what they get from entrepreneurship training.
The provision of forms in the mentoring agenda has represented the role of a guidebook which,
according to Ife (2013), provides a set of clarity, various sets of instructions on how to do community
work, including assessing various needs, how to run a community meeting, how to write a fund plan,
how to organize a series of education and so on.
Mentoring activities in the Depok City Wirausaha Baru (WUB) program in 2023 are carried out
by Companions who are prepared with debriefing / TOT Companions so that Companions can carry
out their roles and duties as a change actor who has the ambition to facilitate fostered program
participants to develop themselves through guidance, consultation, and advocacy in overcoming
problems related to business development.
Program Assistants in social welfare science are change agents in community empowerment.
Ife (1997) mentioned several roles of change actors, namely:
1) Facilitative roles include social spirit, mediation, and negotiation skills, as well as providing
support, building consensus, group facilitation, utilizing various skills and resources,
organizational skills, and communication skills.
2) Educational roles, including raising public awareness to make people willing and able to
overcome structural misfortune, providing necessary information, confrontation, and training.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1364
3) Technical roles, including research, alternative research approaches, computer skills, verbal
and written presentation skills, management, financial management
4) The representative's role includes obtaining various resources, advocacy skills, using the
media, public relations and public presentations, networking, and sharing knowledge and
Meanwhile, Spergel in Adi (2008) mentions the seven roles that Change Agents must play:
a) enablers,
b) Brokers.
c) educator,
d) Experts,
e) social planner,
f) Advocate, and
g) Activist.
Not all Changemakers can be fully played; the role chosen is ideally the most effective, taking
into account the existing conditions (Zastrow, 2017).
Of the seven Role Criteria for Change Agents mentioned above, the Depok City Wirausaha Baru
(WUB) Program Companion in 2023 met several role criteria in their mentoring duties. These roles
a. The Role of a Companion as an Enabler,
The facilitator's role as an enabler is to help the trainees articulate their needs, identify their
problems, and develop their capacity to address these problems more effectively.
Findings in the field show that there is a stage of problem identification and analysis of the
needs of the fostered participants. Identification begins with mapping the profile and characteristics
of each program participant, assistance with Business Model Canvas (BMC), Current and Future
Business Models, and assistance on How to Apply Management through the forms provided and
submitted to the Program Implementation Team. For the next time, the Program Implementation
Team will map the problems and needs of the program participants. The results of problem mapping
and needs analysis are Continuing Training.
There are 4 Advanced Training classes organized by the Program Implementation Team in
WUB in 2023, namely:
1) Digital Marketing Class,
2) Logo and Packaging Design Class
3) Business Management Class
4) Business Incubator Class.
However, Advanced Training has a limited capacity, so the quota only meets some fostered
participants. In carrying out the duties as an enabler to develop the capacity of program participants
to be able to overcome their problems effectively, the Companion takes the following steps:
1) Recommend to the Office of the fostered participants who will fill the available Advanced
Training quota. Recommendations are given with consideration:
the ability to absorb and practice the knowledge gained from Advanced Training.
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1365
2) For the fostered participants who do not get the Advanced Training quota, the Companion will
conduct additional training in the form of :
Knowledge Sharing delivered by Advanced Training participants to other fostered
participants who do not get the Advanced Training quota,
Trainings related to materials that are similar or still related (relate) to the material in the
advanced training .
3) If needed, The Sub-district and Village Assistants hold a Sieve to conduct additional training at
the Sub-district or Village level.
Figure 2 Problem Identification and Needs Analysis Form
Source: Depok Mayor Regulation No. 20 of 2022.
b. The Role of Intermediaries (broker)
The role of a Broker is closely related to trying to connect individuals or groups in society who
need help or community services but do not know where and how to get them. The Companion role
is a role for mediation between the assistance provider and the fostered participant who needs
assistance. The steps taken by the Companion in seeking assistance or services for the fostered
participants are as follows:
1. Proposal Submission
2. Proposal Presentation
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1366
3. Hold coordination meetings
4. Agree on the form of cooperation
This intermediary role is usually performed at the District Assistance Level and Village
Assistant. At the District Level, for example, Beji District submitted a Cooperation Proposal to LAZ
(Amil Zakat Institution) Zakat Sukses. The collaboration agreed on procuring business management
training by providing WhatsApp business optimization materials, product photos, access to capital,
videography, and research and market access. The fostered participants who took part in the training
and received business management training assistance also received capital assistance in the form of
grants and Qordul Hasan (interest-free soft loans). Likewise, several sub-districts collaborated with
BSI, and the trainees received socialization of the KUR Financing Partnership and free QRIS making.
Cooperation with assistance providers is also established by Companions to develop the
market, for example, Beji District held a Socialization webinar about Market Place by inviting
practitioners who have successfully marketed their products on the Toko Pedia marketplace. In
Kukusan Village, the Companion collaborated with Mbiz, an e-commerce company, to increase the
market for its fostered products.
c. The Role of Educators (educator)
The role of education requires the Companion to have the ability to convey information well
and clearly and is quickly captured by the community that is the target of change.
The educational skills of the Assistants of the 2023 Depok City Wirausaha Baru (WUB) program
are monitored from the way the Companions build communication patterns through Whatsapp
groups. Some of the main WhatsApp groups formed include:
1. Large Group: This group consists of all Fostered Participants in the District area, City Assistants,
District Assistants, and Village Assistants,
2. Small Group: This group consists of Fostering Participants in each Village and the Sub-district
and Village Assistants concerned.
3. Village Assistance Group: This group consists of Fostering Participants in each Village and the
Village Companion concerned.
The WhatsApp groups above are influential communication tools that close the distance
between the companion and the fostered participant. Helpful information for the fostered
participants, both from the Agency and from outside that supports the needs of their business
development is openly conveyed through the WhatsApp groups. Information from the Agency, for
example, about advanced training activities, bazaar activities, expo activities, product titles, etc., was
conveyed through the WhatsApp groups. The flow of information delivery is submitted in stages, the
information received from the Program Implementation Team will be submitted to the Large Group
by the City Assistant, then resubmitted to the Small Group by the District Assistant, and finally
repeated in the Village Assistance group to discuss further the formal and technical provisions.
Likewise, additional trainings held at the sub-district and village assistance levels will be
communicated and shared through the WhatsApp group.
d. The Role of Experts (expert)
The role of an expert requires the ability to provide input, advice, and information support in
various areas. The role of experts is found in the field. This role is found in all Mentors at all levels in
the Business Consulting Guidance stage. In the business consulting stage, the Companion carries out
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1367
its duties through the Business Clinic. The total number of Business Clinics in Depok City is 12
(twelve). 11 (eleven) Business Clinics are established in 11 sub-districts by occupying special rooms
in each sub-district office. Meanwhile, another Business Clinic at the City level stands in the front
lobby of the Office of Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises (DKUM) in Building D, 9th Floor, Depok City
Business Clinic operations are carried out by all Companions at all levels (City Assistants,
District Assistants, Village Assistants) and assisted by Admins at all levels (City Admins and District
Admins). All operational personnel of the Business Clinic amounted to 103 people consisting of :
7 (seven) City Companion personnel,
11 (eleven) District Assistance personnel
63 (sixty-three) Village Assistance personnel
1 (one) City Admin Personnel and
11 (eleven) District Admin Personnel.
All Companion personnel divided picket duties alternately and carried out the functions of the
Business clinic at each level of their respective regions. City Assistants and City Admins carry out
picket duties at the City Business Clinic, and District Assistants and District Admins carry out pickets
at the District Business Clinic. With this Business Clinic, program participants can come anytime
where the Business Clinic stands, during operational hours/working hours, to discuss their business
e. The Role of Advocacy,
The role of advocacy, according to Ife (1997), is a role on behalf of a group to handle their
cases/problems to be better. The role of Companion advocacy in the Assistance activities of the Depok
City New Entrepreneurship Program in 2023 can be seen from:
1. Collaborate with bank and non-bank financial institutions to hold business financing
In the issue of Capital, cooperation with banking institutions such as BSI, Bank Jabar, and
Banking that provides KUR services is carried out by Companions in several sub-districts such as
Sukmajaya and Beji Districts.
2. Collaborate with institutions or business practitioners who have successfully marketed their
Market development in the information era in addition to real stalls, online marketing through
marketplaces is a norm. Representing the interests of the fostered participants, the Companion
collaborated with the LAZ Zakat Sukses assistance provider in the Business Management Training,
where participants were taught to get to know E Catalog and master WA Business. The collaboration
was also carried out in the context of digital marketing training by inviting successful marketplace
entrepreneur practitioners to share tips and tricks for successfully selling marketplaces.
The steps mentioned above illustrate the advocacy role of the Companion, where the
Companion realizes that the common problems faced by micro business actors in developing their
business are Capital and Marketing problems. Cooperation with several KUR (People's Business
Credit) service providers are the right step.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1368
4. Conclusion
Findings in the field show that the mentoring activities have been in accordance with what is
the provision of the Law, in this case, Depok Mayor Regulation no. 20 of 2022, ps. 1 no. 12, which
states that: "Assistance is an effort to facilitate trainees to develop themselves through guidance,
consultation and advocacy, in overcoming problems faced in business development." The task of
guidance is carried out by the Companion by carrying out training agendas as outlined in the role of
an enabler (accelerator of change); establishing effective communication as an actualization of the
role of educators, and becoming a mediator in connecting those who need assistance with those who
provide assistance (brokers/intermediaries). Likewise, in the consulting task, the Companion acts as
an expert by managing business clinics in their respective work areas. The Business Clinic can be
accessed every weekday (Monday-Friday), and the fostered participants can consult or discuss their
business problems at any time. Meanwhile, the advocacy task is carried out by the Companion by
establishing a wide relationship with both the Institution and the Practitioner to support the trainees
in handling their business development problems.
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