Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692

P-ISSN: 2723-6595

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences
, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1298

Implementation of Cognitive Learning Theory Through Coaching
Techniques to Understand The Character of Students In

Elementary School

I Nyoman Tulis
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]*

Coaching Techniques;
Characteristics of students;
Learning Style

The purpose of writing this research mini-research is to provide
information to readers about how teaching techniques can be applied in
education to understand student characteristics to maximize learning. The
research method used is qualitative method (literature research),
information obtained from various sources such as books, related
magazines and phenomenology. The results showed that the application of
effective training techniques was: (1) The existence of training; (2) active
listening; (3) Effective research. With the correct application of technical
competence in training, it can be understood the characteristics of student
learning styles, such as; visual learning (learning by seeing), auditory
learning (learning and listening), and kinesthetic learning (learning by
doing). Teachers can create a more flexible learning environment and
develop more effective teaching methods and strategies. From the results
of the study, it can be concluded that understanding the characteristics of
students both in terms of intelligence and different learning styles can
contribute to the emergence of a sense of comfort in learning at school.
Learning cannot run well if the techniques or concepts used are the same
because students have different characteristics. The application of
coaching techniques increases the success of achieving learning objectives
without putting pressure on students. In this mode, learning occurs
naturally within students, so that learning objectives are easily achieved
and beneficial for both teachers and students.

Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

1. Introduction

In learning, teachers must meet the needs of students according to their characteristics. This is
the ideal condition desired by the laws of an education system. No student lacks learning
opportunities, all students can develop well. But on the contrary, if the teacher implements and guides
learning without paying attention to its characteristics, gradually this will have an impact on student
development. Furthermore, students face developmental challenges in learning and psychology.
Therefore, teaching methods can be used to understand the characteristics of students in conducting
learning, for example; visual, auditory, audiovisual and kinesthetic learning opportunities. Facts in

e-ISSN: 2723-6692 �� p-ISSN: 2723-6595

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences
, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1299

the field, teacher skills sometimes do not match the actual conditions in the field and the desired
ideals. In general, teachers are still not optimal in strengthening student uniqueness. Traditional
teaching with classical concepts is still used in practical learning. The lecture teaching method is
teacher-centered, a learning model that all students pass equally in one class. Significant diversity of
student characteristics is not taken into account and tends to identify a balanced balance between
different abilities. In other words, teachers lack concern (sympathy) in controlling, paying attention
to the development, characteristics and needs of students. Classical learning benefits students with
auditory learning, and children with visual and kinesthetic learning are less accustomed to learning.
In many other instances, it is not uncommon for teachers to shout, threaten, and even wave their
hands, so that students increasingly refuse the teacher's requests or advice. Students always distance
themselves from teachers because of discordant relationships, students distance themselves from the
world of education and do not like to learn. Ormrod explained that teachers generally require
students to be obedient, obedient and obedient to show good behavior, even though students'
motivations are not in accordance with their conscience Janawi, (2018). According to Wahyun'A, DSS
research, DS subjects experienced the most significant behavioral changes when using training
techniques. This showed that the pre-test score was 94, the lowest of all subjects, but after treatment
the post-test score was 138. The results of the hypothesis showed that Ho was rejected and Ha was
accepted because the participants' communication skills changed Husain and Masri, (2018).
According to Aspin Mopangga, (2021), coaching techniques are an effort to change the role of teachers
as coaches so that teachers' professional potential is utilized to help students. cognitive development.
Similarly (TEKIR, 2022), the view that the use of SCC is an effective model for changing teacher
practices and ultimately influencing student learning is a recommendation that will help address
potential challenges in implementing SCC in the future.

The importance of the topics raised

Coaching is an approach or partnership between teachers and students. In the coaching
program, the role of the Coach is to guide and explore the potential and ability of students to achieve
certain goals and provide information about student needs. Each student has different opportunities
and abilities. Here the role of the trainer is very necessary to be able to provide cues or markers that
support students' skills and interests. Teaching in education helps students achieve minimal grades
and minimize failure in entrance exams. Training is an effective method applied in the field of
education, whose process is student-centered. The application of appropriate teaching methods can
help teachers develop communication, cooperation, creativity and develop students' critical thinking.
Coaching is a style of coaching where the communication method is more active listening and asking
questions to find more information. In addition, it provides positive input that builds to reach the
personal potential of the students he mentors. One of the goals of coaching is to guide students to find
new ideas or ways to overcome the challenges faced or achieve the desired goals. Coaching techniques
can be applied in conjunction with the phases of attendance coaching, active listening, and strong
questioning. The presence of the trainer, namely the ability of the trainer to be fully present in front
of students. Active listening, which is a process in which the coach focuses his attention on listening,
understanding, and responding to students according to the information heard. Effective inquiry is a

e-ISSN: 2723-6692 �� p-ISSN: 2723-6595

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences
, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1300

creative conversation in which the coach asks questions that generate thoughts, ideas, inspiration and
motivate action.

Benefits of the topics raised

According to Borg and Gall (1989: 5), there are four research objectives in its use, namely: (1)
to describe a symptom or event; (2) foresee (foresee) something that will happen; (3) enhance; and
(4) clarify (explain). The three most influential and common research objectives are to investigate,
describe, and explain. Research work involves introducing the topic to the researcher. Research
satisfies researchers' curiosity and desire to improve understanding.

Previous research on the topics raised

1) Coaching Techniques to Understand Student Characteristics in the Independent Learning
Curriculum by Adi Kusumardi (2023).

2) Application of Coaching in Student Development Programs by Nani Herlina Pasaribu
3) The Influence of Fun Teachers Through Coaching Methods on the Development Process of

Elementary School Children's Thinking Power by Rachmi Nursifa Yahya, Triana Lestari.

The purpose of this mini-research research is to find out students' thoughts or ideas on a
particular topic. This mini-study compares two different pedagogical approaches to the same content
side by side. The point is not to suggest that one approach is better than the other. Students often
benefit from looking at a topic from a variety of approaches and perspectives. The purpose of research
is to collect information, analyze the collected information and produce new information or test the
correctness of a theory.

The purpose of writing this coaching research mini-article in the field of education is to provide
information to readers about the use of coaching techniques to know or understand student
characteristics. Teachers will find it easier to maximize learning when understanding the
characteristics of different students. Coaching techniques are very necessary for teachers who have
performance problems in their teaching duties. Training can also improve teacher effectiveness in
accordance with current developments (Mardiyatun, 2021). Therefore, how suitable training
techniques to understand or discover the characteristics of students. What are the benefits of
applying teaching techniques in learning Key questions for teachers? The correct application of
training techniques in education is to understand the various characteristics of learners. Thus, it is
morefree to plan the implementation of learning optimally. Teacher learning is memorable for
students because there is no pressure and coercion without eliminating the role of the teacher. The
teacher acts as a guide so that students stay on the right track so as to create a harmonious
relationship between teachers and students. According to Pearsons and Sardo, being a teacher means
being fully engaged in getting to know students. Therefore, it is important to know the student not
only physically, but also as a whole mind and heart, because every student is unique (Akhmadi, 2020).

2. Materials and Methods

The method used in this study is a qualitative method that emphasizes analysis or description.
Qualitative research begins with a research question. Research questions determine the methods of
data collection and analysis. Methods are always open to changes, additions and replacements during
the analysis process (Srivastava and Thomson, 2009). Bogdan and Taylor L.J. According to Moleong,
qualitative research methods produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words of

e-ISSN: 2723-6692 �� p-ISSN: 2723-6595

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences
, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1301

people and observed behavior. In addition, qualitative research is rooted in the natural environment
as a whole, relies on people as a research tool, analyzes data inductively, directs the object of research
to the discovery of theories from the beginning, is descriptive, processes results a priori, limits
research based on focus, criteria for checking the correctness of data, research plans are temporary
and research results are agreed between both parties and research subjects. Qualitative research is
also called literature review, which is reviewing journals, books, research reports, magazines, and
other literature related to the discussion of this research Hikmawati, (2020). After analyzing the
material of this study, researchers used a qualitative phenomenological approach, studying and
listening more closely to individual explanations and understanding experiences. After completing a
literature review in accordance with the material studied, the author analyzes the data according to
the author's understanding when conducting this research.

Location and conduct of mini-research

The place of research is a place used in conducting research to obtain the desired data. This
research took place at SD Negeri 124 Babamolingku, West Poleang District, Bombana Regency,
Southeast Sulawes for the 2023/2024 academic year. Research time is the time when the research
takes place or when this research is carried out. This research will be conducted in May 2024. The
subjects of the study were Class II students of SD Negeri 124 Babamolingku, West Poleang District,
Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province in the 2023/2024 academic year, the subject of
discussion mentioned the name of the number 2 numbers.

3. Results and Discussions
Theoretical studies

Carol A. Tomlinson argues that teaching should pay attention to individual differences
(differentiation). Differentiated learning, learning in the delivery of material by paying attention to
the level of readiness, interest and learning style of students (Rindiani, 2021). Learning materials or
materials cannot be changed, but the learning process, the learning products or outcomes taught, and
the learning environment in which students learn can also be conditioned. The same excellent service
is also given to students who have different treatment in the learning process. Schools can use
different learning processes to free students from having to be alike in everything, allowing them to
express themselves according to their uniqueness (Wahyuningsari et al., 2022). According to
Miskawaih, morals (khuluq) is an inner state that makes a person act, either consciously or
unconsciously in thinking or contemplating it. These terms include, e.g. natural (from nature) and
created by habit and practice. So, some experts argue that character is an unthinking (irrational) soul.
While there are also those who say that characters can also have a thinking soul (rational). There are
also those who argue that character is natural and sooner or later can be changed with discipline and
noble advice (Ramli, 2022). In the second millennium learning model of the 21st century, the
independent curriculum prioritizes differences in student characteristics. Differences in the
characteristics of these students must be considered and considered in educational and educational
activities. The implementation of each teaching and learning activity in the learning unit must be in
accordance with the characteristics, learning styles and intelligence of each student. According to

e-ISSN: 2723-6692 �� p-ISSN: 2723-6595

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences
, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1302

Bloom, there are three hierarchical models used to objectively classify children's educational
development, namely; cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Teachers often only assess cognitive
aspects, so children are always forced to know something, not understand something (Alannasir,
2020). According to Jeti and Mumuhi (2014: 72), students are the main target of educational activities,
and to them everything related to educational activities is directed Hermawan, (2019). According to
Ki Hadjar Dewantara, the purpose of education is to "guide" the growth or life of students' natural
forces in order to improve their quality (Masitoh and Cahyani, 2020). The formation of student
characteristics is influenced by various factors including requirements, skills, interests, needs and
interests of students based on family, social, cultural, economic and environmental differences
(Suryadi, 2020). According to Piuas Partanto and Dahlan, ciri comes from an adjective which means
nature or disposition, characteristics and habits of an individual that are relatively fixed (Magdalena
et al., 2020). Meanwhile Moh. According to Uzer Usman, traits refer to a person's character and
lifestyle and values, which regularly evolve to make behavior more consistent and observable
(Hanifah et al., 2020). In Sudirman's opinion, student characteristics are general patterns of student
behavior and abilities resulting from the nature of their social environment, thus determining the
pattern of these activities to achieve their goals (Hanifa, 2023). In line with Hamzah's opinion. B. Uno,
Student characteristics are aspects or individual characteristics of students consisting of interests,
attitudes, learning motivation, learning styles, thinking abilities, and original abilities. Students are
everyone who is influenced by a person or group of people who experience education Sari, (2021).
This is in accordance with Al-Ghazal's thinking even stating that character is the axis of life, including
education. The character and teachings of Islam are two things that a Muslim must have (Ghozali &
Zamroni, 2022). According to Ardhana, in Asri Budiningsih, student characteristics are one of the
variables of learning design, usually interpreted as the background of student experience, which
includes other aspects such as; students' general abilities, learning expectations, and physical and
emotional characteristics that affect learning performance (Andriani & Muntohar, 2022). Based on the
new orientation of the world of education, students are the center of the teaching and learning
process (learning center), therefore the success rate of the teaching and learning process depends on
the achievement of knowledge, skills and competencies. student affection. One of the characteristics
of teaching and learning activities is two-way communication between teachers and students. Each
has a mutually supportive task to improve interaction and communication in learning. The task of
students is to learn and the task of teachers is to accompany students in learning. In learning activities,
students are expected to achieve certain learning goals, which include general goals and specific goals.
Therefore, as curriculum designers, teachers should consider the characteristics of students both
individually and in groups. Each student has different characteristics. The diversity of student
characteristics in the classroom is an unavoidable problem that must be faced and solved by teachers.
As a learning designer, teachers must use student characteristics as a reference for classroom
planning and management in the learning process.

Coaching in an educational context

Student characteristics can be interpreted as the development of innate behaviors or skills or
the result of knowledge born from the family and environment. Basically, all students have different
academic, psychomotor, and behavioral abilities. The results of interactions between characters and

e-ISSN: 2723-6692 �� p-ISSN: 2723-6595

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences
, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1303

the social environment determine the dominant pattern of action. The diversity of characteristics
affects how students actually learn about themselves. Each student also has different learning
characteristics such as; Some students prefer to learn through visualization, some through audio
visual, and some through kinesthetics (Susilana and Riyana, 2008). Sudjana said students are unique
individuals, have different abilities and characters, there are six differences in individual
characteristics of students, namely intellectual development, language skills, background experience,
learning styles, skills and interests, and personality (Herlina et al., 2022). The variety of these traits
affects the level of understanding of different concepts, for example there are students whose
understanding is weak, medium, and fast. Improving student performance requires a more optimal
role of teachers, especially when implementing a decent self-study curriculum. The new paradigmatic
self-learning curriculum directs the development of learners to grow in a sustainable and purposeful
manner. One approach that can be applied and strengthened is the training approach. Coaching
techniques play a role in understanding student characteristics, allowing students to be independent
in learning and exploring themselves to achieve learning goals to maximize their potential. As
Whitmore argues, coaching is the key to unlocking students' potential to maximize performance
(Wijayanti et al., n.d.). The ability to become a coach is fundamental that teachers must have and is
developed in an independent curriculum to guide students' chances of achieving their goals in society.
The training process basically starts with two-way communication between teachers and students.

According to Masgant, learning style is defined as the way a person tries to receive information
from the environment and process it (Andriani & Muntohar, 2022). According to De Porter and Hemack,
Masgantis' learning style is a combination of ways of absorbing, organizing and processing
information. Based on these two views, it can be affirmed that learning style is the way that students
usually choose or use when receiving, organizing, and processing information or messages from
teachers or information producers. Student learning styles are important things to consider when
carrying out the learning process, because they can affect the learning process and outcomes.
Learning styles can be grouped into three, namely visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (Andriani &
Muntohar, 2022). The same thing was also expressed by Connell (Yaumis), namely visual learners,
auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners (Sutama et al., n.d.). Volado defines learning style as the
student's preferred study habits (Ardipal, 2006). According to Fleming and Mills, learning style is the
tendency of students to adapt certain learning strategies as part of their responsibility for acquiring
a learning mindset that meets the demands of learning in the classroom and subject matter.
Therefore, learning styles can also be interpreted through the characteristics of students in the
learning process or behavior patterns that students themselves like. Different learning styles include;
visual (learning by seeing), auditory (learning by listening) and kinesthetic (learning by moving)
(Dewi, 2022). Visual, which is learning by prioritizing skills through vision. This learning style is
perfect for people who have sharper and deeper vision. Students with visual learning styles more
easily absorb visual learning information provided by the teacher, such as colors, images, maps,
diagrams. In other words, concrete evidence must be presented first so that students can better
understand it. This visual learning style uses visual acuity to explore, understand and analyze the
concept of matter as evidence of the truth of matter itself. Visual students tend to have an edge in
imagination because they more easily remember complex scenarios through images or videos. With
the help of learning media such as; Charts, graphs, maps, and flowcharts help students with visual

e-ISSN: 2723-6692 �� p-ISSN: 2723-6595

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences
, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1304

learning styles learn more easily. Characteristics of visual learning style: 1. Remembering is easier
with the help of vision. 2. Do not be distracted by loud noises. 3. Love to read. 4. Likes to see and show
things. 5. Learn by observing. 6. You can read the image and save the detail information about the
image. But visual learning styles have obstacles, for example. Late copy class, the writing is messy so
it is not pleasant to read. Instead of listening to lectures that deliver material, students with visual
learning styles prefer to deliver material indirectly through various visual media both 2D and 3D. In
terms of appearance, students with visual learning styles live more organized, organized and love
beauty. Therefore, visual perception makes visual types easily distracted by visual stimuli such as
pop-up notifications, sitting near a window, being in a crowd, and others. Auditory (learning by
listening), which is a learning style that prioritizes listening. Students with auditory learning styles
have a keen sense of hearing to a certain frequency so that they can make better use of their hearing
and focus more on the material. Students with this learning style better understand learning by
listening to media. Auditory learning refers to a learning process that involves more rote
memorization, reading, or story-related problems. Therefore, the auditory learning style is a learning
style that prioritizes hearing, emphasizing all kinds of sounds and words, both traditional and digital,
that are worth remembering. Students with auditory learning styles more quickly absorb learning
information conveyed through listening. Written explanations and sounds make it easier for students
with auditory styles to absorb the material delivered by the teacher.

Mini research results

Entering a school with different abilities, experiences, talents, interests, languages and cultures
makes it a moment of pride and happiness. It is very unfair if teachers only conduct learning and
assessment in the same way with all students whose character conditions are different. Considering
the diversity of students and providing different services to meet student needs is one of the
responsibilities of a teacher. Every student needs learning opportunities according to their
developmental stage, characteristics, and learning outcomes. Therefore, when designing a
curriculum, attention should be paid to traits that can be identified through non-pedagogical
assessment. The curriculum influences the learning process, the results can be seen through
formative and summative assessments (Suparno, 2012).

Government Regulation no. 57 of 2021 states that schools are required to develop curricula
based on regional potential, school needs, and student characteristics. The curriculum development
of educational units is carried out as widely as possible according to the needs of school independence
(New, n.d.). Ki Hadjar Dewantara argues that the purpose of education is to guide students according
to their nature to achieve their life goals. Curriculum implementation is the application of concepts,
ideas, programs or course arrangements to learning practices or various new activities to bring
changes to a group of people who are expected to change (Wahyuningsari et al., 2022). In real field
conditions, schools or even classes have different students with different learning abilities, interests,
abilities and learning styles. Therefore, they need different educational services to understand skills
and learning materials based on their respective characteristics and uniqueness in order to develop
optimally. Therefore, a learning process is needed that pays attention to the characteristics and
differences of individual students. Interpreted in accordance with the diversity of student

e-ISSN: 2723-6692 �� p-ISSN: 2723-6595

Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences
, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1305

characteristics as learning with a new paradigm of independent learning that combines curriculum,
learning, and assessment.

4. Conclusion
From writing and identifying different references, it can be concluded that each student has

different characteristics and learning styles. Therefore, every teacher must know and understand the
characteristics of each student so that learning runs smoothly. Teachers can create learning action
plans using various media, methods and strategies that can improve learning. The diversity of student
characteristics that teachers or supervisors need to know before teaching, namely; student character,
student intelligence, and learning style. The competence of training technology strategies can be
improved in several stages, for example; Crescent leadership, active listening, strong questioning.
Teachers who act as trainers understand the characteristics of each student, both in terms of
intelligence and different learning styles, so that learning runs well and optimally. The right teaching
process finds the characteristics and learning styles of students, including visual (learning by seeing),
auditory (learning by listening), and kinesthetic (learning by moving). In this way, teachers can create
a more flexible learning environment and develop more effective teaching methods and strategies.

Understanding the characteristics of students provides flexibility to teachers as trainers to
develop teaching materials, learning processes, products or learning outcomes. Teachers can take
advantage of the environment where students learn in a different atmosphere. Trainers can serve
students who are taught according to their specificity in the implementation of learning. Schools can
use a variety of learning processes, including methods, strategies and learning models, to cultivate
and express themselves according to the peculiarities of their students. The application of training
techniques in education helps to learn new paradigms, making a more flexible and less rigid
curriculum reference to achieve national educational goals.

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