e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1282
which are all pointed at the advantage of the open or Speculators and potential Speculators (Nefi,
4. Conclusion
The occurrence of Insider Trading in the capital market According to the Capital Market Law
Number 8 of 1995, Insider Trading practices occur when Insiders (insiders) trade using material fact
information that can not be conveyed to the public (non-public information material), which is feared
to affect the stock price. From the provisions of article 95 of the UUPM, it can actually be derived from
several elements that Insider Trading is said to occur if three elements have been met. First, there is
an insider. Secondly, the insider information is material and has not been made public. Third, the
power of securities trading transactions by insiders based on such information.
Legitimate assurance for financial specialists concurring to Law Number 8 of 1995, To secure
speculators within the capital advertise law Number 8 of 1995, it must apply the rule of openness to
protect investors from wrongdoing within the capital showcase, for illustration Insider Exchanging
and backers who will offer securities in a open advertising must give an opportunity for speculators
to examined the plan with respect to the securities issued, sometime recently booking or at the time
the booking is made. Within the conclusion, after Bapepam-LK paid consideration to completeness.
On the off chance that legitimate security isn't connected, it'll result in a misfortune of speculator
certainty in exchanges within the capital showcase, and in the event that the misfortune of speculator
certainty will result in a frail capital advertise.
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