Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1263
Jayapura Regency Government's Strategy in Flood Disaster
Management in Sentani District
Sulthon Rohmadin, Nuzulul Aulia Eryati, Yusi Eva Batubara
Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Indonesia
Correspondence: [email protected]*
Strategy; Disaster
Management; Flood
Sentani District in Jayapura Regency often faces floods that have a
significant impact on people's lives, infrastructure, and the
environment. High rainfall intensity, geographical conditions, and
suboptimal spatial management are the main factors causing
flooding in this region. The floods that occurred not only damaged
people's homes, but also disrupted economic and social activities,
and caused huge losses to the community and local government. The
aim of this research is to analyze and formulate appropriate
strategies to be used by the Jayapura Regency Government in
managing flood disasters, especially in the Sentani District, in order
to find out appropriate steps that can be implemented in resolving
the problems of flood disasters that frequently occur. The research
method used is descriptive qualitative through an inductive
approach. Apart from that, the author's data sources are people,
places, and documents, with data collection techniques using
interviews, observation, and documentation. The theory used by
researchers is strategic theory using SOAR analysis. This research
produced 5 (five) strategies for flood management. By implementing
the right strategy and good collaboration between stakeholders, it is
hoped that it can reduce the risk and impact of flood disasters and
increase community resilience in facing these disasters.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Indonesia has been independent for 78 years. However, various events, such as politics,
security, natural disasters, and so on, have tested the unity of the nation. This country is located on
the equator with diverse natural conditions, but certain areas have geographical, geological, and
demographic conditions that are vulnerable to the occurrence of a disaster with the risk of damage
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1264
and loss, so it requires good coordination of handling and prevention systematically and integrated.
Various disasters can occur in all corners of Indonesia, be they natural or non-natural disasters or
social disasters (Supriyadi et al., 2018; Venelia et al., 2021).
There needs to be a strategy to deal with various disasters that occur through strategic policies
and programs (Chandler Jr, 1969). Policies that have been implemented by the government and
authorities, as well as the role of the Indonesian people and nation regarding disasters to overcome
disasters, are still very lacking (Awalia et al., 2015; Setyorini, 2023).
This is evident from several disasters that occurred in Indonesia often caused various impacts.
This shows that disaster management strategies, both from the government and the community, have
not been implemented optimally. The following is presented a graph of flood disasters that occurred
in Indonesia.
Figure 1 Indonesia Disaster Information Data
Based on information obtained from the Indonesian Disaster Information Data (DIBI)-BNPB,
floods often occur in Indonesia. Flooding can occur due to high-intensity rain and is not adequately
offset by soil uptake. Although flood data has decreased in the last 3 years, it is still a concern to
complete maximum flood disaster management. Climate change that occurs also has an influence on
the incidence of hydrometeorological disasters that increase. With a large number of events, there is
a huge impact on the environmental and economic sectors of the disaster group, both directly and
Human activities also affect environmental conditions, such as settlement development and
forest encroachment for industrial activities, which certainly damage the ecosystem and ecology in
the area (Himshikha et al., 2022).
Floods are one example of natural disasters that commonly occur in various parts of Indonesia.
According to (Raharjo, 2009) flooding is the result of excessive rain and cannot be absorbed by the
soil. This natural phenomenon often occurs in Indonesia and causes huge material losses to the
victims. A flood is an event when water inundates land that is usually dry, or that inundates normal
water limits. According to the legal provisions in Law Regulation Number 24 of 2007, disaster
management includes a series of steps involving the establishment of policies related to disaster risk
development, disaster prevention activities, emergency response, and rehabilitation processes.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1265
Disaster management must be done with careful planning, coordinated implementation, and
comprehensive evaluation (F. R. David, 2013). Disaster management aims to protect residents from
the threat of danger and provide a sense of security, which is in line with the vision and mission of the
government in accordance with applicable law and build a sense of solidarity among others for an
attitude of care, empathy, and cooperation for a safe, peaceful and prosperous environment.
Sentani District is a district that has an area of 79.8 km2 and a population of 52,378 inhabitants.
This district is located in the city center of Jayapura Regency which is surrounded by Mount Cycloop
and Lake Sentani, so the area is very strategic and prone to disasters.
As for the flood disaster data in Sentani District, it can be seen in the table presented below:
Table 1 Flood Disaster Data in Sentani District 2018-2022
Types of
Location and time
Distrik Sentani
2 housing units
BTN Gajah Mada,
BTN Sosial, Jalan
Raya Kemiri
Distrik Sentani (6
ยฑ 302 submerged
housing units in
BTN Gajah Mada,
14 units, BTN Pool 3
Landslide Prone Unit
Lake Sentani
nt (163
Damaged pier
Submerged house 16
fail to
Jayapura (Maret
106 MD
17 Lost
153 LB
801 LR
Heavily damaged
road (22,302 m)
road (4,000 m)
Heavily damaged
aircraft (1 unit)
Damaged water
(13,120m) Water
intake 4 units
Broken water
Market damaged 90
plots District office
1 unit Subdistrict
office 2 units School
Farm failure
Distrik Sentani
(23 Desember
d sago
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1266
BTN Gajah Mada,
BTN Sosial, Jln
Raya Kemiri
Distrik Sentani
Several housing units
were submerged
Kampung Sereh
Distrik Sentani
Kampung Maribu
Distrik Sentani
access road
40 Housing Units
Kampung Yahim
Distrik Sentani
(7 Januari 2022)
People's homes
were flooded
(7 Januari 2022)
Resulting in
1 Church building unit
Kampu Kehiran II
People's homes
BTN Permata
Hijau (2022)
Residents' houses
were submerged as
many as 41
units/KK (141
people), and
appliances were
also submerged
Source: Processed by researchers, 2023
Based on data from BPBD Jayapura Regency in the last 5 years, there have been various floods
that occurred in Sentani District, which resulted in various impacts on both property and lives.
Sentani district has 12 rivers that are prone to overflowing due to water deliveries from the Cycloop
Nature Reserve during heavy rainfall. Previously, on March 16, 2019, there was a major flash flood
disaster in the Sentani area, the capital city of Jayapura, and surrounding areas due to the overflow of
a number of rivers after heavy rain for several hours.
The largest total loss due to flash floods occurred in 2019, reaching Rp 506 billion with a death
toll of 106 people. BPBD of Jayapura Regency reported that several facilities and infrastructure were
flooded, such as housing units, churches and Lukas Enembe Stadium, and caused landslides in several
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1267
areas in Sentani District. The locations affected by flooding spread in several areas in Sentani District.
Reviewing this, the government moved quickly to overcome the flood in collaboration with various
other agencies, the TNI-Polri, the youth community, and the community.
There are several aspects that cause flooding namely, the first is influenced by high rainfall, the
second is the topographic condition of the Cycloop mountain with a slope of 60-90 degrees, the third
aspect is the change in land function in several areas of the Cycloop mountains into residential areas
carried out by residents, the fourth is not the maximum role of the government in coordinating and
cooperating with related agencies and the community in disaster management, The fifth is the low
handling of rehabilitation and reconstruction so that supporting facilities are inadequate and lastly
the lack of public knowledge and awareness about disasters (Sumber BPBD, 2022).
The objectives of this study are to Identify policies and programs that have been implemented
by the Jayapura Regency Government in flood management in Sentani District, Analyze the role and
involvement of various stakeholders in flood disaster management in Sentani District, Assess the
capacity and readiness of the Jayapura Regency Government in facing future flood disasters, Identify
obstacles and challenges faced in flood disaster management in Sentani District, as well as Developing
recommendations for strategies to improve more effective and sustainable flood disaster
management in Sentani District.
2. Materials and Methods
To answer the problems and research objectives, this study will explain (descriptive) using
qualitative research methods. Primary data collection techniques through interviews, observations
and documentation combined with QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) analysis (Creswell,
2013). While secondary data through various references to books, documents, and information use
literature studies to support the primary data.
3. Result and Discussion
Sentani District is located in Jayapura Regency, Papua Province, and serves as the city center of
Jayapura Regency. This district has 3 villages and 7 villages with an area of 98.00 square kilometers.
In 2023, the population of Sentani District is expected to reach approximately 73,977 people, with a
population density of approximately 327.26 inhabitants per square kilometer.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1268
Figure 2 Map of Sentani District
Facing the challenges of floods that occur every year in Sentani District, researchers designed a
flood management strategy by utilizing the SOAR approach (strength, opportunities, aspirations,
result) as follows (Raharjo, 2009):
The strength factor is one of the elements that comes from the internal organization or
institution. In this context, internal factors originate from the activities of the Daetrah Government,
especially the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Jayapura Regency, which consists of:
1. Policy in Flood Disaster Management,
2. Regulation of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Jayapura Regency,
3. Location of Sentani District within the Coverage of BPBD Jayapura Regency.
Opportunity is a clue in determining strategy. In this context, the Regional Disaster
Management Agency of Jayapura Regency, as the institution responsible for disaster management in
the region, has a strategic opportunity. The opportunity involves training programs and courses in
disaster management, covering the pre-disaster stage, during the disaster, and also in the post-
disaster stage, consisting of:
1. Map of Flood-Prone Areas of Sentani District,
2. Coordination and Cooperation,
3. General Policy Strategy and Direction.
Aspiration reflects the desired state or goal to be achieved. Communication is carried out by all
parties in the organization to set goals and work plans so as to increase motivation and performance
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and provide better service. In this context, various elements of both government and society have the
right and authority to give their aspirations, consisting of:
1. Community Socialization and Approach,
2. Community Trust.
Results refer to the results or consequences of actions or operators taken to achieve a goal. These
results have an important role in cognitive processes and decision-making. The Results component
in SOAR theory not only includes concrete results of action but also involves a process of evaluation,
learning, and adaptation to support the achievement of desired aspirations or goals consisting of
expectations and goals (Sukamto, 2015).
Furthermore, in the formulation of strategies using analysis that aims to determine the
right strategy in flood disaster management, namely:
Analysis Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE)
Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) is the process of recognizing internal elements in the
form of strengths and opportunities.
Table 2 Results of Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix Analysis
Internal Factors
Kekuatan (Strength)
1. Regional Regulation of Jayapura Regency Number 4 of
2011 concerning the Establishment, Organizational
Structure, and Work Procedures of the Regional
Disaster Management Agency of Jayapura Regency.
2. The strategic geographical location is between the
Cycloop Mountains and Lake Sentani.
3. Natural resources that can still be improved.
4. Sentani District has an average number of residents
who participate in disaster management.
5. Availability of accessible and affordable facilities for
disaster management efforts.
1. Support from BPBD Jayapura Regency
2. There is cooperation between the government and
the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD)
in disaster management efforts,
3. Increased community participation and awareness.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1270
4. Disaster management potential in disaster-prone
5. Opportunities for local communities to gain
knowledge about disaster management, both through
formal and informal approaches.
Source: Data processed by researchers, 2024
With rating:
1: Big weakness
2: minor weakness
3: small power
4: great power
Based on the results of the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix Analysis, a score of 3,185 is
obtained, which indicates that if the score is above 2.5, internally, the organization has a stronger
strategy opportunity.
External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Analysis
External Factor Evaluation (EFE) involves identifying internal elements, such as
aspiration and results (Notowijoyo, 2015).
Table 3 Results of External Factor Evaluation Matrix Analysis
External factors
1. The government is expected to accelerate development
in disaster-prone areas.
2. In efforts to develop and develop disaster management
by BPBD Jayapura Regency, collaboration is not only
carried out independently, but also involves
cooperation with related OPDs.
3. Local governments in the development and
development process also actively involve community
participation, especially in the context of disaster
4. Increasing awareness and quality of human resources
can be achieved through community empowerment
programs that are resilient to disasters.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1271
5. The formation of community groups is a means to
increase cooperation in disaster management efforts.
1. Acceleration of infrastructure, facilities and
infrastructure development in disaster-prone areas.
2. Construction of facilities/infrastructure facilities carried
out together with related OPDs as organizers.
3. Consistent maintenance of existing facilities, facilities,
and supporting infrastructure.
4. Implementation of socialization by utilizing existing
resources through the era of digitalization.
5. The formation of community groups (disaster resilient
group organizations) led by BPBD Jayapura Regency.
Source: Data processed by researchers, 2024
With rating:
1 = jellyfish response
2 = Respond Average
3 = above-average response
4 = overwhelming response
Based on the results of the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix Analysis, a score of 2,624 is
obtained which indicates that a score above 2.5 characterizes that externally existing aspirations
greatly affect the organization.
Internal โ€“ External Matrix Analysis
After obtaining the total weight, rating, and score values for each matrix, consisting of strengths
and opportunities in the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE), as well as aspirations and results in the
External Factor Evaluation (EFE), the data will be unified in the Internal-External Matrix (IE). It aims
to determine the position of the organization and alternative strategies that are considered more
suitable based on the results of the analysis of the position of the organization (Ramli, 2010).
The results of Internal โ€“ External (IE) in the picture above with the average value of Internal
Factor Evaluation (IFE) is 3,185 then External Factor Evaluation (EFE) 2,624, showing the position of
Sentani District is in cell IV. In this position, the most appropriate strategy to apply is to grow and
SOAR (Strength, Opportunities, Aspiration, Result)
In this step, we will describe the process of recognizing the factors associated with each element
in the SOAR framework (Strength, Opportunities, Aspiration, Result) and implementing strategies
based on these elements (Stavros et al., 2003).
Referring to the SOAR analysis that has been described by the researcher as explained earlier,
the researcher tried to formulate alternative strategies that can be considered for the Regional
Government of Jayapura Regency in continuing the development of flood disaster management
strategies, namely (Triton, 2011)
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1272
Strategy 1: Strategies that need to be carried out by the Regional Government of Jayapura
Regency in flood disaster management related to the development of infrastructure/infrastructure
facilities in disaster-prone areas, namely by carrying out a program of development acceleration
activities in the disaster sector and making these activities a priority activity by improving facilities
by focusing on accelerating development involving cooperation with related OPDs and support from
society; Establishment of activity programs by empowering communities for disaster management
Strategy 2: the strategy that needs to be carried out by the Jayapura Regency Government is to
build cooperation from related OPDs in the development of infrastructure/infrastructure facilities in
disaster-prone areas, namely the Jayapura Regency Disaster Management Agency takes firm action
on the implementation of development in a binding activity program and in its work is based on
existing regulations.
Strategy 3: The strategy that needs to be carried out by the Regional Government of Jayapura
Regency is to conduct disaster socialization, namely to encourage the government and the community
to create a conducive climate for the growth and development of environmental care. The disaster
resilience program aims to increase the capacity of the community as environmental managers to
improve community security. Then proceed with providing education/training or proposing
comparative study activities to areas with environmental security.
Strategy 4: the strategy that needs to be carried out by the Jayapura Regency Government is in
an effort to create a sense of security, maintain cleanliness and environmental sustainability in
Sentani District, local governments, especially BPBD Jayapura Regency form a disaster resilient group.
This group was formed as a coordinator and person in charge of all activities in the environment.
Strategy 5: a strategy that needs to be carried out by the Jayapura Regency Government to
promote environmental awareness in Sentani District by utilizing natural resources, the strategic
geographical location of Sentani District, and the diversity of the surrounding environment. BPBD
needs to carry out socialization through digitalization of information media.
QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix)
The final step in the strategy proposal after choosing an alternative strategy is to decide to
determine the most appropriate strategy to be implemented by the Regional Government of Jayapura
Regency. The QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) aims to summarize and objectively
evaluate various alternatives, considering previously identified internal and external factors. QSPM
is obtained through calculations by multiplying the average weight of internal and external factors of
the organization by the AS value (attractiveness score) so as to get the TAS (total attractiveness score)
(M. E. David et al., 2009). This matrix will produce alternative strategic actions that can be
implemented by the Jayapura District Government.
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Table 4 Strategy Ranking Results of QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning
Matrix) Matrix Analysis
Strategic Alternatives
Bag Score
Strategy to accelerate disaster sector
development and make these
activities a priority activity by
improving facilities by focusing on
accelerating development involving
cooperation with related OPDs and
support from the community;
establishment of activity programs by
empowering communities for
progress Disaster
The strategy that needs to be carried
out by the Jayapura Regency
Government is to build cooperation
from OPD related to the development
of infrastructure/infrastructure
facilities in disaster-prone areas by
taking firm action on the
implementation of development and
development in disaster-prone areas
in a binding activity program and in
its work based on
on existing regulations
The strategy that needs to be done by
the Jayapura Regency Government is
to carry out disaster socialization,
namely to encourage the government
and the community to create a
conducive environment for disaster
The Tangguh bencana program aims
to increase the capacity of the
community as environmental
managers in improving community
welfare and security. Then proceed
with providing education/training or
proposing comparative study
activities to regions with the security
of its territory.
The strategy that needs to be carried
out by the Jayapura Regency
Government is in an effort to create a
sense of security, maintain
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1274
Strategic Alternatives
Bag Score
cleanliness and environmental
sustainability in Sentani District, local
governments, especially BPBD
Jayapura Regency formed a disaster
resilient group under the BPBD of
Jayapura Regency.
This group was formed as the
coordinator and person in charge of
all environmental activities in Sentani
The strategy that needs to be carried
out by the Regional Government of
Jayapura Regency is to promote by
utilizing natural resources and the
strategic geographical location of
Sentani District, the need for BPBD
Jayapura Regency to carry out
socialization through digitalization
information media in increasing the
promotion of environmental
awareness in Sentani District.
Source: Data processed by researchers, 2024
Based on the evaluation of the QSPM matrix and the comparison of tables that have been carried
out, it can be concluded that the strategic priorities for the Jayapura Regency Government are as
The main strategy that must be carried out is to strengthen cooperation with related OPDs in
building infrastructure and infrastructure facilities in disaster-prone areas. This includes strict action
on the implementation of disaster management development and development programs that are
binding and in accordance with applicable regulations.
In addition, the last strategy is to ensure safety, cleanliness, and environmental sustainability in
Sentani District. To achieve this, local governments, especially BPBD Jayapura Regency, are expected
to form an environmental management group led by BPBD Jayapura Regency. This group is
responsible for coordinating and implementing all environmental activities in Sentani District.
4. Conclusion
Strategies for overcoming obstacles arising in flood disaster management in Sentani District are
as follows: 1) The IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) matrix shows that areas in Sentani District have
strong strategy opportunities. This is evidenced by a total result of 3,185, which indicates that if the
score is above 2.5, the organization has a stronger strategy opportunity internally. 2) The EFE
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1275
(External Factor Evaluation) matrix shows that existing aspirations greatly affect flood disaster
management strategies in Sentani District, as evidenced by a total EFE (External Factor Evaluation)
matrix of 2,624, which indicates that a score above 2.5 indicates that externally existing aspirations
greatly affect the organization. 3) IE (Internal-External Matrix) matrix results are obtained from IFE
(Internal Factor Evaluation) and EFE (External Factor Evaluation), which are used to compile the IE
(Internal-External Matrix) matrix. The IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) matrix value is 3.185, and EFE
(External Factor Evaluation) is 2.624. This shows that the position of the Jayapura Regency Disaster
Management Agency is in cell IV, which means that in this position, the right strategy to use is to grow
and build. 4) Based on the results of the analysis of internal factors and external factors of the
organization, alternative strategies based on the SOAR matrix (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations,
Results), namely Strategy I: development acceleration program in disaster-prone areas; Strategy II:
cooperation with OPD related to the development and development of disaster-prone areas based on
regulations; Strategy III: socialization of environmental and disaster care to the community; Strategy
IV: the government makes community groups disaster resilient; and Strategy V: environmental
promotion by the Regional Disaster Management Agency. 5) Based on the determination of strategy
based on SOAR analysis, the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) will produce alternative
strategies that can be applied by BPBD Jayapura Regency in flood disaster management, namely
strategy II the strategy that needs to be carried out by the Jayapura Regency Government is to build
cooperation from related OPD in the development of infrastructure/infrastructure facilities in
disaster-prone areas, namely, take firm action on the implementation of development and
development in disaster-prone areas in a binding activity program and in its work based on existing
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