e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1244
gods, and servants with fellow servants. One of the teachings in suluk saridin is a symbolization of
sincerity in zakat that can be used to improve relationships between humans and relationships with
God (Machsum, 2009; Mussaif, 2018).
This study correlates the problem of crime with the concept of symbolizing sincerity when
giving zakat in suluk saridin as a means of getting closer to God to find solutions for humans who are
increasingly far from God. Before that, Suluk was one type of Javanese literature classified as coastal
Javanese literature. Coastal Javanese literature is easier to understand by combining its religious style
tends to be Islamic. The form of correlation that we will examine is the symbolization of sincerity as
a solution to increasing crime (Flynn et al., 2017).
In this research, we examined the symbolization of zakat in suluk Saridin from 2 stages. The
first stage is man's relationship with God called Shari'a. At this stage, there is a symbolization of zakat,
whose form is easier for humans to understand. The second stage after Shari'ah is the stage of
Thariqat. The stage of Thariqat is different from the stage of Shari'a, the stage of Thariqat must be
identified in depth first in order to find the true meaning of the symbol. By examining the
symbolization of sincerity when giving alms from these 2 stages, it is hoped that it can make it easier
for us to leave crime by getting closer to God by implementing the symbolization of sincerity.
In accordance with the problems raised, this study aims to find out the symbol of sincerity in
zakat as well as aims to get closer to God. Actually, research that correlates the concepts of sincerity,
zakat, and the relationship of servants with God and fellow servants with the problem of crime in
Indonesia is still quite rare. Most of the research we found examining the sincerity, zakat, and
relationship of servants with God was then correlated with the phenomenon of Society, all of these
were studied separately. Therefore, this research can open new insights into the correlation between
the three research objects in Suluk Saridin and phenomena in the Middle of the Community. It is
certain that we live in a relationship with our fellow human beings and a relationship with God. So,
the need to know the symbol of sincerity in both relationships is very important in order to know the
importance of a good relationship between humans and God.
The research we raised can be said to be new research, so no one has studied Saridin suluk
sema as we researched. The research we conducted was more in-depth research by looking for
symbols of sincerity in zakat that could be a means of getting closer to God in the suluk Saridin. The
research we conducted is important because, from the history of the topics we raise, this research has
the opportunity to be one of the solutions to the problem of crime in Indonesia.
The theory we used to conduct this research uses semiotic theory. There are several types of
semiotic theory, such as Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics (2014), who found sign analysis that
focuses more on painting signs, abstract forms, and other forms of art. Other types of semiotic theory
are also put forward by Roland Barthes (1968), who posits the concepts of denotation and
connotation. Barthes distinguishes between denotation (literal meaning) and connotations
(additional or hidden meanings) in signs or symbols. According to him, literary texts have layers of
meaning that need to be deciphered. Then, there is the semiotic theory of Ferdinan D. Sausure. The
theory of semiotics was introduced by Ferdinand De Saussure in 1857-1913. In this theory, the
semiotics section is divided into two parts, namely signifiers and signs. Signs are considered physical
forms/expressions that can be recognized through the form of architectural works, while markers
are considered as meanings revealed through concepts, functions, and/or values contained in
architectural works. The existence of Saussure semiotics is the relationship between signifier and