Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1292
The Implementation of the Green School Model in Shaping
Sustainable Lifestyles
Eni Veronika, Ahmad Yani T
Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia
Email: F2171231012@student.untan.ac.id, dr.ahmad.yan[email protected]m
Correspondence: F2171231012@student.untan.ac.id
Industrial Class
Management; Work
Industry; Student
The problem with the green school program implemented in schools
is that it has not yet been integrated into the curriculum or teaching
materials, resulting in its limited impact on students. Teachers often
feel concerned about addressing waste issues, maintaining school
cleanliness, and selecting beneficial plants for the school, as they are
the spearhead of the green school initiative. This research is
qualitative with a case study strategy, this training employs lectures,
discussions, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The initial
evaluation results indicate a low level of understanding among
teachers and students regarding their roles and responsibilities in
supporting the green school initiative. This lack of understanding
stems from the belief among teachers and students that waste
management and school environment maintenance are the
responsibilities of the principal and the government. After receiving
training and undergoing evaluation, both teachers and students
began to understand the roles and functions they could play in
helping the school implement the green school initiative. Their
enthusiasm for the training resulted in a high level of understanding
of their roles in carrying out the green school program at SMP
AMKUR Bengkayang, Bengkayang Regency
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Green school is a concept that invites all school residents to form a lifestyle to be more caring
and preserve the environment. Schools that actually act as institutions instilling values to students to
maintain preserving this life in a sustainable manner. Therefore, schools must have a commitment to
systematically develop programs to integrate environmental values into all school activities.
Therefore, the physical appearance of the school is arranged ecologically so that it becomes a learning
vehicle for all school residents to be wise and behave environmentally friendly (Boca & Saraçlı, 2019;
Suyadi, 2010).
Looking at the current environmental conditions, the concept of green school is very
important to be implemented more widely. Various natural disasters that occur such as floods,
landslides, and so on, are mostly caused by human actions that damage the environmental ecosystem.
The concept of green schools in fostering an attitude of caring for the environment through the
process of learning and habituation is important and strategic (Rezkita & Wardani, 2018; Wijayanti
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1293
et al., 2021). In schools, the learning process leads to efforts to shape student behavior that cares
about the environment through learning models that are applicable and touch everyday life.
Meanwhile, the school environment is used as a vehicle for habituating daily environmental care
behavior. Thus, these two aspects lead to one goal, namely internalization or habituation of
environmentally caring behavior in everyday life.
The general perception of schools in big cities, including those in Junior high school AMKUR
Bengkayang, Bengkayang Regency, considers that responsibility in environmental management and
environmental sustainability is the responsibility of the government. about the world of education as
long as they consider that education is the responsibility of the government. There is a growing
perception that so far that the culture of cleanliness in schools is a demand from teachers, it is hoped
that this green school training program will be able to change the culture, in the sense that it is
expected that students and teachers really have their own initiative to create a sustainable
environment in their schools. This condition is also experienced by SMP Amkur Bengkayang,
Bengkayang Regency. Environmental management and environmental preservation are understood
to be limited to the responsibility of the government, so that later there will be orders from new
government officials competing to improve the school environment. Although the Mempawah
Regency government has implemented the Green School program, in reality in the field the program
only touches the physical aspect and not the substantial aspect, namely the internalization of good
environmental management values in education stakeholders in schools. The green school movement
carried out in schools has not been able to transmit the virus to the surrounding community, including
to the families of students and teachers.
The green school program executed in schools has not been embedded within the learning
educational modules or subject matter at school so the impact on understudies has not been as well
articulated. Go green school in Schools centres on natural administration based on community
strengthening within the school environment, to form a clean, lovely, comfortable and sound school
environment for the community within the school environment. Instructors now and then feel
concerned about overcoming waste issues in schools, keeping up school cleanliness and choosing the
sorts of plants that got to be planted in schools that can give numerous benefits, whereas instructors
initiate the usage of Go green school in schools.
2. Materials and Methods
This type of research is qualitative with a case study strategy. The case study strategy was
chosen because of the peculiarities of the problem in addition to its ability to explain social
phenomena in greater depth (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Case studies in the qualitative research
tradition allow for interaction between researchers and tineliti as in the critical paradigm tradition.
Truth is a shared understanding of a social reality in the form of intersubjectivity born due to the
interaction between researchers and tineliti (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000).
Data collection is carried out using in-depth interview techniques and ordinary interviews
that will be conducted by researchers themselves in the best possible natural conditions, Focus Group
Discussion (FGD), participant observation, documentation and literature study. Observations
involved in the context of this research should not be interpreted that researchers must be local
residents and be directly involved in green school activities at school (Syukur, 2016). The attitude to
feel part of them (being a part of) or the ability to feel what the research subjects feel (tineliti), can be
interpreted as participation observation (Syukur, 2013, 2014).
The data were analyzed using interactive analysis models (Huberman & Miles, 2002). Research
data that has been collected, processed and analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques with the
following steps; data reduction, ; namely the process of selecting and concentrating attention and
simplifying, abstracting and transforming rough data contained in interview notes and observations
obtained in the field; data display is a set of information that has been arranged that gives the
possibility of meaning that can be reported in drawing conclusions; Drawing conclusions and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1294
verification are carried out after the data is presented, described and given meaning with logical
interpretation. Conclusions are based on data presentation and data reduction. Data verification is
carried out by means, of diligence of observation and triangulation (Moleong, 1999).
3. Result and Discussion
Responding to the development of the environment and the development of environmental
education methods and to increase knowledge and understanding of environmental insights to
students and the community on June 2, 2005, a joint agreement was signed between the State Minister
of Environment and the Minister of National Education and as a realization of the MOU on February
21, 2006 a green school or known as adiwiyata school was designed, namely: The school cares and
has a cultured environment.
Green school in the Adiwiyata concept through the latest module 2012 is a school that is able
to optimize the potential of natural resources as a solution to solve problems faced by residents
around the school. The other components are complementary components that are adjusted by the
conditions of the school environment. Green School has a target for all school residents. With a view
to building and exploring the participation of school residents in activities that have the content of
environmental management and preservation.
Implementation of environmental education policies, so that all parties can do, between others:
1) Developing environmental education institutions,
2) Improving the quality of human resources,
3) Development of facilities and infrastructure,
4) Increased and efficient use of budget,
5) Development of living environment material,
6) Improved Communication and Information,
7) Empowering community participation in implementation and development,
8) Development of environmental education methods.
Green school indicators are described in several criteria, including:
a) School policy development
To realize ecologically caring and refined schools, a few school arrangements are
required that bolster the usage of natural instruction exercises by all school inhabitants in
understanding with the fundamental standards of green schools, specifically participatory
and feasible. School approach is an vital viewpoint in arrange to realize a caring and naturally
refined school.
b) Environment-Based Curriculum Development
The conveyance of natural fabric to understudies can be done through coordinates or
solid educational programs. The improvement of materials, learning models and changed
learning methods is carried out to supply understudies with an understanding of the
environment related with daily environmental issues. The environmental theme is
anticipated to be the most system within the advancement and planning of environment-
based educational modules.
c) Development of Participatory Based Activities
To realize a school that cares and has a natural culture, school inhabitants have to
be involved in different natural exercises (Kamil et al., 2020; Landriany, 2014). In expansion,
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1295
the school is additionally anticipated to include the encompassing community in carrying out
different exercises that advantage school inhabitants, the community, and theenvironment.
Participatory definition is the voluntary participation of students or the involvement of
other parties in activities related to the environment. This is intended to provide
opportunities for school residents to be able to carry out learning for the surrounding
environment and is expected to encourage thinking, designing, and taking concrete actions in
answering the surrounding life problems.
d) Development and Management of School Support Facilities
Realizing green schools need to be supported by an infrastructure that reflects
environmental management efforts (Sulaeman, 2016). In addition to using the environment
as a learning medium, school residents are encouraged to develop efforts to improve the
management and quality of the environment both inside and outside the school (Amirullah et
al., 2020). Learning activities are no longer just extracting knowledge but, at the same time,
looking for media for efforts to save the environment (Muzadi & Mutholingah, 2019).
Green schools are very important to be encouraged for the implementation of healthy teaching
and learning activities. In addition to bringing benefits to education stakeholders, the program will
also help reduce the impact of global warming, although on a relatively small scale.
Smooth teaching and learning activities and conducive classes can also be created with plants
and plant growing. Plants and plants are able to provide oxygen that can make the brain develop. The
more oxygen you get, the more your brain performance will increase. If brain performance increases,
students will be able to follow and digest the lessons given by the teacher well. Of course, it can make
the goals of teaching and learning activities achieved.
The application of go green school can be done through stages, namely: 1) Recycle or recycling
is the activity of reprocessing or recycling. In his opinion, this activity utilizes used goods by
processing the material for future use. Examples are utilizing and processing organic waste to be used
as compost; 2) Reuse or reuse is the activity of reusing materials or materials that are still suitable
for use. For example, plastic bags or paper canteens that are commonly extracted from the results we
shop should not be thrown away but collected for reuse when needed. Another example is using
rechargeable batteries; 3) Reduce or reduction is the activity of reducing usage or behavior patterns
that can reduce waste production and not carry out excessive consumption patterns. For example,
using durable and quality cutlery or kitchen utensils so as to extend product life or refill or refill used
products such as aqua gallons, printer ink and household materials such as detergents, soaps, cooking
oils, and others. This is done to reduce the potential for product container waste to accumulate in
your home; 4) Replace or replacement is an activity to replace the use of an item or use allergenic
items that are more environmentally friendly and can be reused. This effort is considered to be able
to change someone's habits that accelerate waste production. For example, changing to using plastic
bags or shopping paper by bringing your own shopping bags made of fabric; 5) Replant or replanting
is the activity of replanting. For example, doing creative activities such as making compost and
gardening in the yard. By planting a few trees, the environment will become beautiful and beautiful,
help reduce the temperature at the microenvironment level (or around your own home), and reduce
the contribution to global warming.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1296
4. Conclusion
There is a low understanding of teacher and student administrators regarding the roles and
functions they must perform in assisting schools in meeting minimum service standards. This low
understanding is due to the understanding among teachers and principals that the responsibility of
education in schools is the responsibility of the government and the school itself. After the teachers
and students of the school received the training materials and conducted an evaluation, it appeared
that the teachers and students already understood the role and function they could walk in helping
the school fulfill the go green school. Their enthusiasm in attending the training made them have a
high level of understanding to run a go green school at SMP AMKUR Bengkayang, Bengkayang
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