Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1284
Classroom Management in Industrial Settings and Industry-
World of Work (IDUKA) in Enhancing Student Competence
Rusti Wulaningsih, Ahmad Yani T
Universitas Tanjung Pura, Indonesia
Email: F2171231019@student.untan.ac.id, dr.ahmad.yan[email protected]m
Correspondence: F2171231019@student.untan.ac.id
Industrial Class Management;
Work Indusrty; Student
This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method
with techniques through observation, interviews, and
documentation. The results of the study show that: 1) planning
aspects have been carried out according to the conditions and
abilities of the vocational school concerned, 2) programs in the
implementation of cooperation have entered the criteria, 3)
Expertise Competency Test (UKK) as a way of evaluation, students
pass get skill competency certificate, and deserves to be distributed
to work at IDUKA through the Vocational Special Job Exchange, 4)
The problems faced are the unpreparedness of students to enter
IDUKA, lack of student competence in productive fields, not
seriousness of IDUKA, lack of funds for learning quality
improvement programs, facilities and infrastructure that is not in
accordance with IDUKA, as well as fees for guest teachers. Efforts
made to deal with the problem are increasing teacher competence,
mutually beneficial cooperation, building trust with IDUKA, and
seeking donors from IDUKA. The conclusion of this study is that the
management of industrial class SMK and IDUKA in improving
student competence has been carried out in accordance with the
provisions of standard operating procedures for industrial class
management, in its implementation, it is very supportive of
increasing student competence, although it is still not optimal due to
limited support resources, both human resources and other
resources. The need to build and improve collaboration with IDUKA
is an absolute necessity for vocational high schools in improving
student competence.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The development of the world of education in Indonesia cannot be separated from the influence
of global developments where science and technology are developing rapidly, the era of the free
market is also a challenge for the world of Indonesian education (Akrim, 2022; Meliani et al., 2022),
because there are opportunities for educational institutions and educators from foreign countries to
enter Indonesia, to face the global market, the national education policy must be able to improve the
quality of education, both academic and non-academic (Fadhil & Sabic-El-Rayess, 2021; Saodah et al.,
2020), improve education management to be more productive and efficient and provide the widest
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1285
access for the community to get education, one of the educational paths at the secondary level is
vocational education. The important role of Vocational Secondary Education (PMK) in producing
graduates who are skilled and in accordance with their fields is still a serious concern of the
government and stakeholders related to FMD graduate users (Supeni et al., 2021; Vandeweyer et al.,
2020). According to Law Number 20 of 2003 article 15, concerning the National Education System,
that "Vocational education is secondary education that prepares students, especially to work in
certain fields” (Hasibuan et al., 2022). PMK is expected to produce graduates who are able to win the
challenges of competition in the field of national labor and face the challenges of globalization, namely
education that is oriented to IDUKA or industry with an emphasis on a learning approach and
supported by good education management (Sudirjo et al., 2023).
The implementation of vocational education at this time in its development is still experiencing
several obstacles in producing quality human resources, so that developments are needed in
improving the competence and competitiveness of human resources, Permenperin Number 03/M-
IND/PER/1/2017 concerning the coaching and development of competency-based vocational high
schools that link and match with industry (Garnadi et al., 2022). The government continues to
synchronize the curriculum with the needs of the business world (Ahmed & Saberi, 2024; Akbar et
al., 2020), In addition, that quality can be improved through close cooperation and developing
competencies that are needed today, vocational schools need to be revitalized, but cannot be done at
once, currently the absorption of vocational school graduates is still not optimal when compared to
the needs of IDUKA which is caused by vocational school graduates who still do not meet the
competency standards of the ready-to-use industrial world, the causes are: a) vocational school
graduates who have not met the competency standards of the ready-to-use industrial world; b) the
components of the formation of quality students are constrained by the ability of teaching staff who
are still lacking, where to produce quality students must start from the ability of teachers who have
high competence; c) Inadequate learning infrastructure to support the learning and teaching process,
in addition to that, all are inseparable from IDUKA's seriousness to assist vocational schools in
synchronizing the curriculum and trainings for vocational teachers; d) The curriculum
synchronization has not been properly arranged; e) IDUKA has not fully implemented the
memorandum of agreement in the MoU; f) The teacher internship program has not been
The industrial class program is a program to procure special classes in the school environment,
this class is managed jointly between the school and IDUKA (Roesminingsih et al., 2022). From the
joint management model/system, a new learning climate will be created that ensures the quality of
student education (Albelbısı & Yusop, 2019; Noprika et al., 2020), this program is allegedly the most
optimal program in improving the quality of education in schools, because IDUKA also participates in
KBM (Teaching and Learning Activities) in the classroom. SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya Kubu Raya
Regency has a cooperative relationship with IDUKA to seek breakthroughs in an effort to prepare and
improve the quality of its graduates who have competencies in accordance with standards and hope
to get greater opportunities to work directly at IDUKA, SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya Kubu Raya Regency
conducts a cooperative relationship including with PT. Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur West
Kalimantan on the competence of Agritechnology Agricultural Product Processing and the
competence of Visual Communication Design in collaboration with Mujahidin TV Pontianak.
Graduates of SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Regency in 2022/2023 for the competence of
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1286
Agritechnology Agricultural Product Processing expertise are mostly estimated to have worked but
are not known for sure because many graduates have not been recorded because some get jobs
directly accepted at IDUKA who collaborate and some work outside the school cooperation industrial
class program.
2. Materials and Methods
This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method, because this research is to
describe social activities. This is in line with the opinion (Tamrin, 2021) qualitative research is
research that aims to describe and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs,
perceptions, thoughts of people individually and in groups, this research was carried out in two
schools, namely SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Regency which is the subject of the research
is the principal, vice principal for curriculum, vice principal for industrial relations, and the head of
expertise competence, in this study to obtain the data needed it is necessary to use data collection
techniques, namely Observation, Interview, and Documentary, data collection instruments as a
reference in data collection are arranged in the form of data collection grids and research questions.
3. Result and Discussion
Industrial class planning of Vocational High Schools (SMK) and IDUKA in improving student
competence at SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Regency.
The Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Regency stated that the purpose of the
collaboration between Vocational High School (SMK) and IDUKA is to improve the quality of
vocational education to be in accordance with the expectations of schools and industries and to
produce students or graduates who have the ability and life skills to compete. IDUKA as a user and at
the same time trains the workforce to be skilled, both produce human beings who have professional
abilities and skills, teachers in schools provide general and basic vocational subject matter while
IDUKA provides a real field, and we can know the development of technology in IDUKA. The planning
of the vocational high school industrial class with IDUKA is prepared jointly between the relevant
parties, before carrying out the vocational and IDUKA industrial class program, the Principal must
make a plan between the Principal, the Vice President of Curriculum and the head of the expertise
competency to determine the needs and cooperation strategies that will be implemented, in the
preparation of this planning the Principal is open to receiving input from various parties before
deciding on the cooperation plan Next. The preparation of the industrial class program implemented
in vocational high schools (SMK) is a collaborative program between education and training
programs, so that in compiling this work program, a work team consisting of the principal, the deputy
head of industrial relations, the deputy head of curriculum, the head of expertise competence and the
school committee.
Stages of implementing industrial class management of Vocational High Schools (SMK) with
IDUKA in improving student competence at SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Regency
The organizing process can be shown by three procedural steps, namely: (1) Detailing all the
work that must be carried out to achieve the organization's goals, (2) The division of the total
workload into activities that can logically be carried out by one person, the division of labor should
not be too heavy so that it cannot be completed, (3) The procurement and development of a
mechanism to coordinate the work of the members of the organization into a single unit in harmony
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1287
and harmony. The organization of vocational high school industrial classes and IDUKA is carried out
directly by the principal which is then continued together with the deputy head of the hubind field in
the school, then carried out by forming a working group (Pokja), namely the Vocational Industrial
Class Working Group (Pokja KI) and the Special Job Exchange Working Group, where the two working
groups are under the responsibility of the deputy head of the field of industrial relations, this team
collaborates with IDUKA for the smooth implementation of cooperation. The real results of the
implementation of industrial classes are very many both for students and for schools, with industrial
classes students have vocational skills and are able to compete and are ready to enter the world of
work, this is shown by the absorption of students in IDUKA, while for schools the benefits are very
many because they help schools produce students who have abilities that are relevant to market
needs, Helping schools to implement a curriculum that is in accordance with market needs and also
helping in the distribution of graduates. The results of the teacher internship program have been felt,
that the results obtained in collaboration with the teacher internship program, there is an
improvement in teachers' abilities in accordance with needs, so that in providing learning material
delivered up to date, teachers become more creative in providing learning because they have seen
firsthand the conditions in the field so that the application is easier because more has been produced,
What we really see is the increase in the competence of the teachers themselves, so with competent
teachers, it is expected to produce competent students as well. The real results of the school's
industrial class program and IDUKA so far have made a huge contribution to the school because it
improves the quality of learning at school with guest teachers and teacher internships, besides that
students are more ready to participate in industrial classes because they use a curriculum that has
been synchronized or validated that is adjusted to market needs, In addition, many students are
absorbed by IDUKA because of the BKK (Special Job Exchange) in collaboration with IDUKA.
Evaluation of industrial classes of Vocational High Schools (SMK) and IDUKA in improving
student competence at SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Regency.
The form of evaluation activities carried out is a Competency Test carried out jointly between
the school and IDUKA which is followed by a certification process, for students who are declared
competent, they will be given an expertise competency certificate. Students who have been declared
competent and have received competency recognition in the form of a certificate of expertise
competence should be distributed to IDUKA by the Special Job Exchange through graduate
recruitment activities, this is in line with the statement of the principal of SMK Negeri 1 Sungai Raya
Kubu Raya Regency, that the first strategy implemented is recruitment carried out by IDUKA at school
through BKK, the second is by directly fostering students as prospective workers.
Problems faced and improvement efforts in the development of the Vocational High School
(SMK) industrial class program with IDUKA in improving student competence at SMK Negeri
1 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Regency.
Teachers who have high competence are needed to improve student competence but the
problem faced today is the lack of teacher competence, vocational teachers are required to have
abilities that are able to produce graduates who are ready to use but most vocational teachers are not
people who have vocational skills but more normative abilities, teachers are still very lacking because
teachers are not from IDUKA, So that in improving the competence of the teacher apprenticeship
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1288
program or guest teachers is needed to overcome this problem. Another problem is the limitation of
school facilities and infrastructure, because the practicum place in the school should be conditioned
or equated with more advanced facilities in IDUKA so that students have skills that are in accordance
with market needs. The problems faced in the management of school industrial classes and IDUKA
are from the school management, the most important problem is time due to time constraints,
especially the deputy head of industrial relations who is in charge of collaborating with IDUKA, the
term pick-up ball that is in charge of establishing cooperation with IDUKA which partners with school
management to make an MoU, while the deputy head of industrial relations itself must teach in
schools, do school administration tasks, this is one of the obstacles to cooperation management
cannot develop optimally in addition to the problems of funds for the supporting facilities of
cooperation itself, while from the side of IDUKA is constrained because it does not want to sign an
MoU cooperation after reading the draft binding agreement so that IDUKA supports the graduate
distribution program by accommodating graduates who have made an MoU with IDUKA itself in
accordance with the competence of experts, besides that also when the industrial class of students is
not placed in accordance with their competence, this is clearly a violation of the MoU agreement, this
is one of the reasons why the cooperative relationship does not go well. The problem that exists in
the industrial class program is the lack of seriousness of IDUKA in implementing the cooperation
program, as for other problems that are often encountered by students in industrial classes, usually
not a few students are unable to adapt to the conditions of the work environment. Every school
program is always faced with various problems so that the principal must determine efforts that can
overcome the problems faced so that the goal of school cooperation with IDUKA can be achieved.
Overcoming the existing problems, the school has made efforts, namely improving the competence of
teachers, the school as an education provider has had training/training and apprenticeship activities,
both internally from within the school itself by bringing in resource persons such as from IDUKA,
teachers out (externally) to participate in training outside the school, to enrich and absorb various
competencies that can add and improve the quality of learning. Equip facilities and infrastructure in
schools that can add/improve teacher competence by budgeting in the RKAS.
The planning of the industrial class of SMK and IDUKA is prepared jointly between related
parties, before collaborating with IDUKA, the Principal must make a plan between the Principal, the
Vice President of Curriculum and the head of expertise competencies to determine the needs and
strategies of cooperation to be implemented, in the preparation of this plan the Principal is open to
receiving input from various parties before deciding on the next cooperation plan. Programs carried
out in industrial classes at Vocational High Schools (SMK) and IDUKA include: 1) Work Practice
Program at IDUKA; 2) Curriculum Synchronization; and 3) Training programs/internship/guest
teacher programs. The implementation of industrial classes as stated in the vocational school
curriculum regarding the implementation of industrial classes which is carried out for 3 months, was
explained by the principal that this industrial class provides a lot of benefits for schools, teachers, and
students, of course because the industrial classes that are carried out can provide provisions for
students to enter the market with this fierce competition. Industrial classes have a positive impact
on students in the formation of a high work ethic, have the discipline needed by the world of work
and are able to develop themselves.
In the implementation of curriculum synchronization preparation activities, IDUKA has been
willing to cooperate to provide inputs to the existing curriculum, so that the curriculum remains up
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1289
to date and able to produce students who have competencies in accordance with market needs,
although IDUKA's involvement is not fully because in curriculum synchronization, the school must
not go out of the existing spectrum. The implementation of school industry classes and IDUKA in
curriculum synchronization that is able to adapt to market needs is by adding and entering into the
group of vocational subjects in schools, then guest teachers, IDUKA are invited to schools to provide
teaching programs that are in curriculum synchronization and are not delivered by vocational school
teachers, because the material is new / up to date that teachers do not have, It is the guest teacher
who must provide it. The real results of the implementation of industrial classes are very many both
for students and for schools, with industrial classes students have vocational skills and are able to
compete and are ready to enter the world of work, this is shown by the absorption of students in
IDUKA, while for schools the benefits are very many because they help schools produce students who
have abilities that are relevant to market needs, Helping schools to implement a curriculum that is in
accordance with market needs and also helping in the distribution of graduates. The vocational and
IDUKA industrial classes are carried out with great potential to become a more professional
partnership and not just to seek profits but rather to develop students to become human beings who
have life skills and provide sufficient provisions when students graduate later in accordance with the
goals of vocational education, namely as an educational institution that has a mission to prepare a
middle-level workforce that is able to act as a superior tool for industries in Indonesia in the face of
global competition, school cooperation activities with IDUKA, the school always tries to establish
good cooperation with IDUKA and expand cooperation with IDUKA and always tries to make
innovations that never stop to expand the network, this is the strength that the school has in an effort
to improve student competence. Conducting quality assurance and the quality of graduates in
maximizing their graduates, the evaluation function in management must be carried out as a tool to
measure the success of a program, the form of evaluation activities carried out is a skill competency
The Skills Competency Test (UKK) is an assessment held specifically for vocational school
students to measure the achievement of student competencies equivalent to qualifications at level 2
(two) or 3 (three) in the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI). SKKNI is a
formulation of work ability that includes aspects of knowledge, skills, and work attitudes that are
relevant to the implementation of duties and position requirements set in accordance with the
provisions of applicable laws, UKK is carried out at the end of the study period by a Professional
Certification Institute or an accredited educational unit with IDUKA partners. The results of UKK for
students will be an indicator of the achievement of graduate competency standards, while for
stakeholders, the results of UKK will be used as a source of information on the competencies
possessed by prospective workers. In the expertise competency test, IDUKA requirements have
collaborated with vocational high schools and have contributed to the development of the school,
including guest teachers or involved in vocational school curriculum synchronization activities or as
a place for field work practice.
These existing problems are weaknesses of the management of the industrial class of vocational
schools and IDUKA which can hinder the industrial class program itself and also affect the quality of
learning in schools, the weakness of schools is that they do not have bargaining power that can bind
IDUKA to implement the memorandum of agreement that has been agreed. The vocational high school
and IDUKA industrial classes that are implemented are only limited to mutually beneficial
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2024 1290
cooperation without having a strong commitment to creating quality human resources through
vocational education, every school program is always faced with various problems so that the
principal must determine strategic steps and efforts that can overcome the problems faced so that the
goals of the school and IDUKA industrial classes can be achieved. Schools as education providers have
had training/training and apprenticeships, both internally from within the school itself by bringing
in resource persons such as from IDUKA, teachers who come out (externally) to participate in training
outside the school, to enrich and absorb various competencies that can add and improve the quality
of learning. Equip facilities and infrastructure in schools that can add/improve teacher competence
by estimating in the RKAS. Efforts to improve the quality of learning by bringing in guest teachers
from IDUKA who have signed an MoU with the school, other efforts made by the school are the teacher
internship program, carried out by increasing cooperation with IDUKA to be able to improve the
teacher internship program so that it can improve the quality of learning. Efforts to overcome IDUKA's
lack of seriousness in establishing school partnerships, so that IDUKA is not only limited to the
learning process and industrial classes but this collaboration is also in graduate marketing, an effort
to overcome the inadequacy of absorption of vocational school graduates in IDUKA by optimizing the
existence of BKK as a bridge for the distribution of vocational school graduates.
4. Conclusion
The planning carried out in the management of the industrial class of the vocational high school
(SMK) Negeri 1 Sungai Raya, Kubu Raya Regency with IDUKA in improving student competence,
shows that the aspects of the planning have been carried out in accordance with the operational
standards of the industrial class management procedures and the capabilities of the vocational school
concerned. The implementation carried out in the management of vocational high school (SMK) and
IDUKA industrial classes in improving student competence has been included in the criteria for
programs in the implementation of cooperation. The evaluation carried out in the management of
vocational high school (SMK) and IDUKA industrial classes in improving student competence, is in
accordance with the procedures set by the skill competency test (UKK), students who are declared to
have passed get a certificate of competency as a form of written recognition, and it is appropriate for
students who get a certificate of competency to be distributed to work at IDUKA through the Special
Job Exchange (BKK) of SMK. The problems faced are the unpreparedness of students to enter IDUKA,
the lack of student competence in the field of productive expertise, the lack of seriousness of IDUKA
to accommodate vocational school students and the lack of funds to support programs to improve the
quality of learning such as education/training/apprenticeship, the completeness of facilities and
infrastructure in accordance with the equipment used by IDUKA, as well as the cost of bringing in
guest teachers.
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