Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1197
The Effectiveness of Storytelling Method in Developing
Children's Receptive and Expressive Language Skills in
Raudhatul Athfal Nurul Islam Batam City
UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia
Email: roselinamustaffaily[email protected]
Correspondence: roselinamustaffailyas@gmail.com
Application; Number Blocks;
Children's Fine Motor
This research aims to analyze the application of the game of
arranging number blocks in developing children's fine motor skills
in RA Nurul Islam, Simpang Sungai Duren Village, Jambi Luar Kota
District, Muaro Jambi Regency. The research method uses a
descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by
observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses data
reduction, data presentation, data verification and conclusion. The
results of this research are (1) The learning process through the
activity of arranging number blocks has been carried out effectively.
The development of children's fine motor skills implemented
through the game of arranging number blocks and delivered by
educators has achieved the desired results. Children can arrange the
number blocks in an orderly layout, sequence the numbers correctly,
differentiate between various colours, arrange the numbers from 1
to 20 properly, and can arrange the blocks vertically. (2) Obstacles
that arise during the application of playing with number blocks in
developing fine motor skills in group B children at RA Nurul Islam
can come from internal factors, such as the child's level of interest,
mood and level of willingness to learn. (3) Efforts to develop
children's fine motor skills at RA Nurul Islam through playing with
number blocks, this approach makes it possible to form several
groups of children. Children are invited to participate in various
activities, such as competitions in arranging numbers from 1 to 20
or working together to complete tasks given by the teacher.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Education is an effort made by humans to develop their skills and potential through learning
activities that include informal, formal, and non-formal learning. We get education from an early age
to education at the university level. Early childhood education is one form of education that focuses
on laying the foundation for physical growth and development (fine and gross motor coordination),
intelligence (thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence), social-emotional
(attitudes and behavior and religion), language and communication, in accordance with the
uniqueness and stages of development passed by early childhood (Handayani et al., 2016).
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1198
The education of children is a very important thing in Islam. In the Qur'an, we find how Allah
narrates the admonitions of Luqman which is a form of education for his children. Similarly, in the
hadiths of the Prophet sallallahu'alaihi wasallam, we also find many forms of education for children,
both from his commands and actions to educate children directly. A teacher, both parents, and
teachers should know very highly. Teachers are seen as individuals who must have a lot of knowledge
and ability to handle various kinds of problems in school(Syafril et al., 2017). For this reason, a
teacher or parent must know what to teach a child and how the method that has been guided by the
lord of this people, the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
The process of forming the intelligence of golden-age children is to pay special attention to
children who are experiencing the first phase in their development into adults. Good bad experiences
in childhood will determine the child's mental attitude after he becomes an adult, therefore it is
necessary to pay attention to his behavior and mental attitude or habits, in order to avoid unwanted
things. For this reason, there needs to be good guidance and education, so that it can help in
developing itself in a positive direction.as for aspects that must be developed in early childhood
education include 6 aspects of development, namely: religious and moral norms, physical motor,
language, art, social-emotional, cognitive. As explained in the Qur'an about science in the Qur'an
Surah: Al-Mujis verse 11:
Means : O believers, when it is said to you, "Be spacious in the council", then let Allah give you space. And
when it is said: "Stand ye up", then stand up, surely Allah will exalt the believers among you and
those who are given some degree of knowledge. And Allah knows what you do. (Q.S. Al-
Mujadallah : 11).
Kindergarten or kindergarten is one form of ECCE unit for children aged 4-6 years. The
implementation of PAUD formal education pathways in the form of Kindergarten (TK / Raudhatul
Atfal (RA) and other equivalent forms, using programs for children aged 4-6 years. Meanwhile, the
implementation of non-formal ECCE in the form of Child Care Parks (TPA) and other equivalent forms,
using programs for children aged 0-<2 years, 2-<4 years, 4-<6 years and programs for children aged
0<6 years, family planning playgroups and other equivalent forms, using programs for children aged
2-<4 and ages 4-<6 years (Pendidikan Anak, 2021). Kindergarten (TK) is one form of early childhood
education unit on the formal education path that organizes educational programs for children aged
4-6 years which is a sensitive period for children to lay the first foundation in developing physical,
cognitive, language, social-emotional, self-concept, discipline, independence, art, moral and religious
values. This shows that kindergarten as an important means to develop children's potential.
Efforts that are able to facilitate children in their growth and development in the form of
educational and learning activities according to the age, needs, and interests of children. The role of
the teacher is very important in choosing the model to be used in the learning process that must adjust
to the circumstances, needs, and abilities of students. Teachers are faced with a number of existing
learning methods and supporting media to facilitate the learning process. Teachers are required to
be able to recognize the characteristics of children first before choosing learning methods and
supporting media to be used in the learning process. All these efforts are made by teachers in order
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to develop all aspects of development in children, one of which is the aspect of language skills
(Tehupeiory et al., 2014).
Through language, children can get maximum learning. Language skills are one of the areas of
basic skills development that are important in kindergarten education. This is in accordance with the
statement of the Directorate of Kindergarten and Elementary School Development that language is
the main communication tool for a child to express his various wants and needs (Anggalia & Karmila,
2014). Therefore, a child will find it easier to express his various needs if he has good language skills.
Language skills in kindergarten are directed to improve children's ability to communicate in
Indonesian properly and correctly. In language there are four language skills, namely the ability to
listen, speak, read and write. In accordance with the mental development of children, then at the age
of kindergarten children are only required to be able to hear and speak properly and correctly
according to their age development (Nugraha et al., 2014). All of that will be realized one of them by
teaching good language skills in kindergarten.
Piaget explained that overall language development is a result of children's interaction with the
environment as well as cognitive abilities and language experiences (Dastpak et al., 2017). It can be
interpreted that language is a combination of various aspects that will make children able to
communicate clearly.
Vygotsky explained that language learning occurs through daily interactions and sharing
experiences between adults and children. Language helps to organize thoughts, and children use
language to learn as well as communicate and share experiences with others (Rajapaksha, 2016).
Continuous interaction between adults and children is expected to provide effective language
Sroufe dalam bukunya Child Development affirms that: Development is the process of orderly
communicational, directional and age related behavioral reorganitation and qualitative change in a
person (Mulyasa, 2012).
Language is a means of liaison or communication between members of society consisting of
individuals who express their thoughts, feelings, and desires (Fauzani & Mas’udah, 2016). Language is
also a communication tool as a manifestation of so that in developing expressive language, a child
needs a way that is appropriate to the level of development of kindergarten age by paying attention
to the factors that affect the child's personality (Ariss & Kusumaningrum, 2017). Based on some of the
explanations above, it can be concluded that language is a means of communication between several
individuals (children) expressed according to their respective age development levels.
Early childhood can usually develop language skills through conversations that are able to
captivate others. Use language in various ways such as asking, dialoguing and singing. From the age
of 24 months the child is able to show his desire by saying what he likes. This interest will continue
to grow as the age continues to grow and the child's vocabulary will also increase.
Language skills can generally be distinguished by receptive abilities (listening and
understanding) and expressive abilities (writing and speaking). Children use the symbol system to
exchange ideas, thoughts, and emotions in communicating and adapting to the environment
(Adiwiria, 2007).
According to Adini, receptive language is the ability to hear, understand, and decipher a
message so that it can be understood by others as recipients of the message (Adini, 2016). So the
ability to receptive language is the ability to receive information both through sight and hearing. This
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1200
means that a child who can speak receptively is a child who understands what he sees and hears.
Fizal's theory reveals that expressive language is spoken language where mimic, intonation,
and body movements can be mixed to support communication carried out. So expressive language is
a child's way of expressing feelings, words, mimics, intonation, movements, and desires simply but
meaningfully to others around him.
According to Huil and Howard, language is an expression of human abilities that are innate, in
the form of abstract symbols found in the brain. Everyone can be able to use language. All of them are
influenced by their respective environments.
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 146
of 2014 concerning the 2013 Early Childhood Education Curriculum explains that expressive
language reaches its peak when children start to be 5-6 years old, children have begun to express
desires, feelings, and opinions with simple sentences in communicating with children or adults,
expressing feelings, ideas with appropriate word choices when communicating, Simple retelling of
the story. Expressive language disclosure and comprehension in kindergarten is demonstrated
through storytelling skills.
Given how important expressive language is in conveying the content of the story that will be
conveyed by someone, namely to support the delivery of the story we present, because language is
not just speech but mimic, intonation, and body tone. So that expressive language requires hard effort
so that expressive language can be maximized in its use. Similarly, receptive language, if the delivery
of the content of a story is appropriate and interesting for children, the child's receptive language will
be optimal.
In line with the regulation of the Minister of Education No. 160 of 2014 which essentially
requires ECCE to organize the 2013 ECCE curriculum, in the ministerial regulation on the 2013
curriculum, namely the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation 137 of 2014, it is stated that
ECCE has standards that are an inseparable unity in the management of ECCE implementation which
is a reference in the development, implementation and evaluation of ECCE curriculum. Here is a table
of achievement indicators revealing the language:
Tabel 1.1 Achievement indicators reveal the language of children aged 4-5 years
Scope of development
TIncrease the achievement of revealing the language of
children aged 4-5 years
Bahasa ekspresif
1. Spoken language
2. Retelling the known
3. Express feelings, ideas and desires in the form
of scribbles.
Source : Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 137
of 2014
Meanwhile, in the definition of language development according to Yuliani Nuraini and
Bambang Sujiono, some things that characterize the achievement of early childhood language
development are as follows:
1. Speaking using simple sentences (4-5 words).
2. Love listening and retelling simple stories.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1201
3. Mention name, gender, and age.
4. Understand the form of questions and use the word Ask.
5. Participate in conversations and not dominate to be heard.
6. Mention a parent call.
7. There are several language development methods that can be applied in kindergarten. These
methods include storytelling, conversation, question and answer, role-playing, sociodrama, and
field trips.
Storytelling is an activity that a person does verbally to others. The delivery can be with tools
or without tools about what should be delivered. What is conveyed is in the form of messages,
information, or a fairy tale, which is packaged in the form of a story to be heard by children. When
listening, children feel happy. Therefore, the person who tells the story can convey it interestingly. In
kindergarten, storytelling is one method of language development that can develop several physical
and psychological aspects of kindergarten children according to the nature of their development. The
purpose of the storytelling method in kindergarten is to train the ability to capture, think, concentrate,
shape the development of fantasy or imagination of children, create a fun and familiar atmosphere in
the classroom, and develop children's vocabulary and vocabulary. Storytelling is considered an
effective method of conveying various messages, information, or a fairy tale.
Good language skills in receptive (comprehension) and expressive (production) aspects are
very important in human communication. Well-developed language skills allow individuals to
interact effectively, express their thoughts and feelings, and understand and respond to
communication from others. Therefore, efforts to develop receptive and expressive language skills
are a major concern in the field of education and linguistics.
The storytelling method has long been used in educational contexts as a tool to develop
language skills. Through stories, individuals can engage in a learning process that involves
imagination, attention, and understanding. The storytelling method offers a fun and meaningful
language experience, which can increase learners' motivation and interest in language learning.
However, although storytelling methods have been widely used, it is important to examine in
depth their effectiveness in developing receptive and expressive language skills. Previous studies
have provided some evidence supporting the use of the storytelling method, but there is still debate
over its effectiveness and what factors influence its success.
Therefore, this study aims to explore and scientifically evaluate the effectiveness of
storytelling methods in developing receptive and expressive language skills. In this context, receptive
language skills include listening and reading skills with comprehension, while expressive language
skills include the ability to speak and write clearly and effectively.
By understanding more deeply the effectiveness of storytelling methods in developing
receptive and expressive language skills, it can make an important contribution to the development
of more effective and efficient language learning strategies. In addition, this research can provide
insight to educators, practitioners, and policymakers in developing better approaches to language
learning and literacy teaching.
Based on the results of initial observations researchers see that it can be concluded that the
development of expressive language and receptive language in early childhood in Raudhatul Atfhal
Nurul Islam Batam City has not developed as expected and must be further improved, there are
several factors that cause the development of expressive and receptive language of children to be less
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1202
well developed, one of the factors that can develop the expressive and receptive language of the child
is to use This method of storytelling is reinforced by interviews conducted by researchers to
homeroom teachers. Ibu Dwiningsih said that we can develop children's expressive and receptive
language with storytelling methods, but the tools used in learning activities are still minimal, this is
because teachers only use media in schools.
That expressive and receptive language is indeed important to be developed to train spoken
language, intonation, body movements, the process of listening and listening to be mixed together to
support the delivery of the stories we bring to develop children's expressive and receptive language,
the storytelling method is one effective method to use.
Language skills problems at the age of 5-6 years in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City can
be the focus of research. Here are some examples of problems in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam
City: Limited vocabulary: What are the problems faced by children aged 5-6 years in Raudhatul Atfhal
Nurul Islam Batam City in expanding their vocabulary, Complex sentence comprehension: Clear and
structured speaking skills, Listening and comprehension skills and Early reading skills: How is the
ability of children aged 5-6 years in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City in reading initial words,
phrases, or short sentences.
Thus, these problems gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles faced by children aged 5-6
years in developing language skills in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City. The results of this
research can provide valuable insights for educators and policy makers in designing appropriate and
effective learning strategies to overcome these problems.
Based on the findings of these problems and considering how important the development of
expressive language in early childhood, the author was motivated to conduct a study entitled "The
Effectiveness of Storytelling Methods in Developing Children's Receptive and Expressive Language
Skills in Raudhatul Athfal Nurul Islam Batam City”.
2. Materials and Methods
The type of research used in this study is qualitative research, namely research without using
statistical numbers but with descriptive exposure, which is trying to describe a symptom, event, event
that occurs in the present moment, where this research photographed events and events that occur
into the focus of attention to then be described as they are. Qualitative research case study method
used in this study aims to develop expressive language with storytelling method. This is still
considered considering that the focus of research is a program that is held in schools uniquely and
not found in other schools.
In this study, researchers chose to conduct research in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam
City. Researchers conducted research in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City, researchers were
interested to see how teachers' efforts in developing expressive language are educators. Raudhatul
Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City is an educational institution that helps prepare the ability of human
resources from an early age to become humans who have abilities and noble morals.
According to K. Yin, data collection for case studies include documents, archival records,
interviews, conservation and physical devices. For this reason, the data collection procedures used in
this study are observation, interviews and documentation (Nur’aini, 2020).
In this qualitative
descriptive research, the instrument used is an observation sheet (chek list) during the activity
process, the observation sheet contains indicators on how to develop expressive language through
storytelling methods. In the observation guidelines, researchers use it so that when making
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1203
observations it is more directed, measurable so that the results of the data that have been obtained
are easy to process.
The data analysis technique used in this study uses data analysis according to Miles and
Hubermen, where this analysis is carried out interactively and takes place continuously to
completion, with the procedure being: data reduction, data display, and conclusion raising. The data
validity technique in this study is using triangulation techniques. Triangulation is a technique of
checking the validity of data that utilizes something other than that data for the purposes of checking
or comparing triangulation with a data source (Akhmad, 2015).
In this study, the source triangulation
technique was used which was achieved by comparing observational data with interview data.
3. Result and Discussion
Research Results
Implementation of storytelling methods in developing children's receptive and expressive
language skills in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City.
Teachers in developing receptive and expressive language skills through the application of
children's storytelling methods as follows:
a. Teachers prepare storytelling activities in accordance with the themes and objectives chosen in
storytelling activities.
1) Defining a Theme,
Researchers observe how teachers set themes and goals in the process of storytelling
activities so as to develop children's expressive language skills. Teachers in the process of
determining the theme first analyze the syllabus in accordance with the provisions in the
Kindergarten curriculum, especially the curriculum used, namely the 2013 Curriculum. The
learning syllabus in Kindergarten is outlined in the form of an Annual Program and a Semester
Program, which is then made into a Weekly Activity Plan (RKM), and a Daily Learning
Implementation Plan (RPPH). The themes listed in the semester program include: The theme
of semester one: Self, my environment, my needs, animals, and plants. The theme of the second
semester: Recreation, work, (water, air, fire), means of communication, my homeland,
Based on the theme above, the teacher then chooses what theme the teacher thinks is
appropriate and fun to develop children's language skills through storytelling methods based
on observation and interviews, the teacher chooses the theme of my environment. This is not
without reason because according to early childhood teachers have high curiosity, learning
children through play, and learning children through direct experience so that new things
about storytelling make children feel happy and children easily understand in learning So, the
theme chosen by the teacher in developing children's language skills through storytelling
methods is my environment.
2) Setting Goals,
Determining the purpose of storytelling, the teacher first identifies what actions will be
taught to the child in specific, operational statements. Specific statements carry certain special
meanings. Operational statements contain meaning in the form of statements of observable
As explained above, there are two specific points in determining objectives, namely
specific statements and operational statements. So in the research researchers have observed
directly (observation) that the teacher first chooses a Theme in storytelling activities, after
that the teacher determines the purpose of storytelling to be achieved, the goal is determined
after the teacher focuses in general, namely developing children's expressive language skills
in carrying out storytelling activities on the theme that has been chosen, namely my
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1204
environment. Furthermore, the teacher makes goals which are outlined in the form of a
Weekly Activity Plan (RKM) after which it is outlined in the Daily Learning Implementation
Plan (RPPH).
b. Teachers Provide Media or Materials to Conduct Storytelling Activities.
The results of observations made at Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City, namely
teachers become facilitators in dealing with all the shortcomings and advantages of children in
activities, providing children's needs in storytelling activities such as media / materials to be
used. Teachers also facilitate children's needs to develop children's language skills.
This is in line with the results of the researcher's interview with one of the teachers in
Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City, it can be seen that the teacher has provided media /
materials that attract children's attention to support during activities carried out in developing
language skills through storytelling. The results of observations and interviews that have been
conducted by researchers can be concluded that the teacher has provided media / materials that
attract children's attention and a comfortable place in the classroom, activities can be followed
well by children and children feel happy.
c. The teacher first conducts storytelling activities.
The results of observations that have been made by researchers at Assalam 2 Kindergarten
Singkep Island Bandar Lampung, that teachers have carried out storytelling activities to children
before children do storytelling activities, so that children know how storytelling activities will be
carried out and how. This is in line with the results of the researcher's interview with one of the
teachers in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City, it can be seen that the teacher has given
directions and examples first before the children carry out the storytelling activity. The results
of these observations and interviews can be concluded that the teacher before giving children a
storytelling activity, the teacher first gives directions and examples to children, so that children
can do storytelling activities correctly and aspects of child development can develop optimally.
d. Teachers provide opportunities for children to do storytelling activities.
The results of observations that have been made by researchers at Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul
Islam Batam City, that teachers have provided opportunities for children to do storytelling
activities so that children have courage and direct experience. When children do storytelling
activities, children's language skills will develop, such as mentioning the number 1-10 symbols,
showing exploratory and probing activities (such as: imitating the sounds of cats, rabbits, ),
classifying objects based on color, shape, and size (3 variations), and recognizing causation about
their environment. This is in line with the researcher's interview with one of the teachers in
Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City, that educators must always be creative in
implementing activities carried out in the classroom for child development, especially in the
development of children's language skills, namely by mentioning the symbols of numbers 1-10,
showing exploratory and probing activities (such as: imitating cat sounds, rabbit), classify objects
based on color, shape, and size (3 variations), and recognize causation about their environment
with storytelling activities carried out. These activities can be done repeatedly, this is very
beneficial for children's intellectuals and in the end can optimize language skills in children.
e. Teachers Evaluate and Assign Assessments to Children After Storytelling Activities.
As a result of the observations made, the teacher invites children to mention again what
media / materials are used for the suffering activity, how to carry out the activity, and how the
results of the suffering activity. Then the teacher gives short messages to the children for the
activities carried out today. The results of interviews conducted by researchers, that teachers
carry out material repetition or recalling activities with the aim of evaluating and providing
reinforcement for children's language development and children's comprehension.
In storytelling activities, teachers provide an assessment of the results of the
implementation of the suffering method to children as an application to develop children's
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1205
cognitive abilities. Based on the results of the researchers' observations in conducting
assessments, teachers use assessment observation sheets on children's language development
indicators. This is done in accordance with the themes and objectives that have been set before,
the indicators assessed are outlined in the checklist sheet used by the teacher, the teacher
conducts assessments in accordance with the development of the child's expressive language in
the process of irritating. The checklist sheet contains information on Undeveloped (BB), Starting
to Develop (MB), Developing as Expected (BSH) and Developing Very Well (BSB). The above is
also supported by the results of an interview with one of the teachers who said that in
determining the assessment of the results of suffering activities, especially the development of
children's language skills, the teacher makes observations first for the development of children's
cognitive abilities in the process of suffering then the teacher fills out a checklist sheet that has
been made previously.
Inhibiting factors and supporting the implementation of storytelling methods in developing
children's receptive and expressive language skills in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam
Environmental factors and parents can affect children's language development caused by the
habits they do at home and in the environment around children. Language development in children
will not be separated from the role and stimulus given by parents to their children. The family
environment is the firstplace children will learn and hone their language development.
1. Supporting Factors in the storytelling method,
1) Adequate ability of educators (teachers). Of course, teachers who have attended trainings
on the storytelling method approach.
2) Educators (teachers) who have experience teaching in the center will be more aware of
comfortable conditions for children to learn, and will be easier to overcome problems that
may arise during the learning process.
3) Professional educators (teachers). Namely teachers who are able to distinguish personal /
family affairs from school affairs.
4) A learning environment that supports children's play activities. Such as classrooms, halls,
play yards.
5) Supportive media and learning resources.
6) Varied and complete educational game tools will support children's play activities that
support the stages of child development.
7) School operational funds. The funds are obtained from tuition fees for students and
assistance from the Education Office.
8) Parents who always support children's activities at school and in the home environment.
a. Educators
In the teaching and learning process, the role of educators is very important. Because after
all, the subject of regulating the series of teaching and learning processes is the educator.
Likewise, in the implementation of the story method in learning at Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam
Batam City.
As the data available, Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City has 4 (four) educators. Each
has a different background and level of education. Traced from the educational background of
each, there are variations in levels, but not too significant. Two of them are graduates of
Madrasah Aliyah but have continued their education to the S1 level and are in the process of
completion, while the other two have graduated from S1.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1206
This is in accordance with the Academic Qualifications of PAUD/TK/RA Teachers as stated
in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16
of 2007 concerning Standards of Academic Qualifications and Teacher Competencies is that
teachers in PAUD/TK/RA must have a minimum educational academic qualification of diploma
four (D-IV) or bachelor (S1) in the field of early childhood education or psychology obtained from
an accredited study program.
In addition to the level of education that has met the requirements, each of them is also
active in social and religious institutions in their environment, so to educate students in
Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City which in fact is characterized by religion, especially in
using the story method is appropriate.
However, for early childhood in particular, an educator is required to have a leader
mentality and have a high spirit of life. He is an example and role model for his students, so he
must have great confidence to appear, speak and express in public, especially his own students.
In addition, they must have the spirit of educating and disseminating their knowledge selflessly.
b. Lingkungan
The role of the environment is very important in the management of educational
institutions, especially ECCE educational institutions. It is unimaginable how failed and difficult
an educational institution is without environmental support. So it is fortunate for educational
institutions that can establish harmonious relationships with their environment, which
ultimately affects the occurrence of synergy directly or indirectly in order to educate students.
This is what must be understood and realized by the managers and educators of Raudhatul Atfhal
Nurul Islam Batam City.
The students of Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City come from a religious community
environment and have been given stimulus from their respective families about the need for
knowledge for them. Thus the enthusiasm to follow stories and materials with variations of other
learning models is also high.
This supportive environment must be realized by educators Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam
Batam City, especially the head of RA as the main manager, all stakeholders need to be invited to
sit at the same table, so that they have the same vision to condition the permanence of this
environmental support. The stakeholders involved are educators themselves, community
leaders and community members.
c. Learning resources,
Educators easily get learning resources, namely books that contain story material. They
can get it from existing bookstores, magazines and LKS. After being supported by this easily
available learning resource, the implementation of learning with the story method in Raudhatul
Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City should be even more optimal. Considering learning resources is
very important in the implementation of learning. Often found learning in some educational
institutions that lack learning resources, this will make learning in these institutions staggered.
The next step that can be taken by educators and ECCE heads is to work on a program of
book collections and other supporting learning resources, united in one bundle or at least made
a special place for these learning resources. This effort can make these learning resources neat
and not scattered, so that later each educator can take turns to freely combine these learning
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2. Inhibiting Factors,
The following are things that hinder the smooth implementation of the storytelling method based
on interview data reinforced by observational data:
1) The limited number of educators in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City which
sometimes makes chaos due to the unclear distribution of tasks.
2) Teachers' creative ideas that are sometimes difficult to arise when going to teach.
3) Administration (RPPM and RPPH which are sometimes forgotten to be filled in by teachers).
4) Anak didik yang masih sulit diatur saat pembelajaran/kegiatan main
Increasing children's attention is also inseparable from more mature preparation for
storytelling learning, teacher skills in storytelling and good use of media.
i. Time Constraints,
Time becomes an obstacle for educators in telling stories, because the time to tell stories
sometimes shifts. That is when the child's play time is quite a lot, so that when the child has
entered the class play activities are still carried out. It is necessary to establish restrictions and
proportional distribution of time. This means that learning with the story method can be
extended in time, not equated with learning using methods other than the story method. This
difference in the division of learning time does not matter, because each level of need for learning
is different.
This is where the role of the head of Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City as a central policy
maker is needed. He must act tactically so that technical matters such as time sharing can be
effective and efficient in order to improve the quality of learning.
ii. Time Constraints,
In classroom management, sometimes educators still have difficulties, so educators arrange
children's seats, so that children can be conditioned calmly to be ready to listen to stories. It
needs enlightenment and new experiences for each educator of Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam
Batam City in order to condition the classroom well. It can be through workshops and the like, or
at least enrichment through learning technique books. The function of KKG (Teacher Work
Conference) as it has been running on school-level teachers seems enviable. The existence of a
forum like this can at least bridge various complaints, transfer ideas, emergence and stimulation
of new ideas between educators in order to strengthen educators' human resources so that they
can successfully carry out learning for their students.
iii. Barriers to Evaluation,
Each evaluation is carried out at the end of each story activity, the obstacle experienced by the
educator is that the children who sit in the front alone often answer the educator's questions. For
this reason, it is necessary to vary the technique of approach. For example, by surrounding each
protégé from front to back. This is in addition to attracting the attention of students, because it
is not a static pattern used by educators, besides that educators can condition well over the
iv. Bottlenecks to Storytelling Tools,
For tools used in storytelling activities, educators Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City only
use story books or story magazines and tell stories orally. Meanwhile, storytelling tools such as
audio and audio visual have not been used because they are hit by administrative constraints in
the form of funds. Funding is a classic problem and has always been a scourge for the journey of
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an educational institution, including Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City. For this reason, it
needs a joint effort involving all elements, starting from stakeholders or managers of institutions,
heads of institutions, educators and the community. It is hoped that they can sit at the same table
to jointly solve problems in terms of funding.
3. Effectiveness
This can be seen from the attitude of some children who still like to make noise in the classroom
if asked, do not want to answer and cannot understand the content of the story.
a. Children are able to say greetings and answer greetings.
The habit of a child who is in the developing / active phase, when meeting people who are
considered to know, and figures as teacher mothers, then the dominant child can say greetings
from an early age. Children need to be educated to have good behavior, one of which is teaching to
say greetings.
Getting children used to saying greetings is very important, children need to be trained and
accustomed to saying greetings to the people they meet in order to make good attitudes and
behaviors for these children. Training and accustoming children to greet and greet is as important
as teaching children to get used to saying sorry and thank you. When children are accustomed to
doing positive habits and behaviors from an early age, then in the future they can grow into a better
person. From the observations that the author made in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City
there were 16 children and after seeing that there were 8 children starting to develop, 3 children
who had not developed, 3 developed as expected, 2 developed very well. This can be seen from the
attitude of some children who still want to answer greetings from mothers, teachers and friends
around them.
b. Children are able to read prayers before and after doing something,
The habit of praying must indeed be instilled in everyone, especially to children from an early age.
Praying is something that is often done and applied in everyday life in order to be given ease and
blessings in carrying out every activity. One of the prayers that must be taught to children is prayer
before and after learning, demanding law knowledge is mandatory because it is useful for every
daily life. In his time, children in learning, we can get used to starting and ending everything by
Children are very enthusiastic in following / imitating what is done by the surrounding
environment. So, unconsciously the prayers said will be imitated and remembered by the child.
Why is that? Because by being taught prayer since childhood, our generation will grow into a
generation that is obedient and obedient to religion, especially for both parents. The generation
that is obedient and obedient to religion will always recite prayers when going to do something
and when after doing something. Something that begins with prayer will undoubtedly run
smoothly and without many obstacles. One thing we must remember is that God is all-hearing, God
will listen to our every prayer. Never get tired of praying, because we will never know which of
our prayers and how many will be answered by God. From the observations that the author made
in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City there were 16 children and after seeing that there were
9 children starting to develop, 2 children who had not developed, 2 developing as expected 3
developing very well. This can be seen from the attitude of some children who still do not want to
read prayers when learning when it begins.
c. Children are able to retell stories that children hear.
There are two things that need to be considered to focus children able and skilled in using
language to communicate. In retelling a story, children are able to say words that are easily
understood by others and children can understand the meaning of words that have been spoken.
This ability is important for children to have so that children can retell the content of the story
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The ability to retell the content of stories in children is the ability and ability of children in
rearranging stories that have been heard from the storytelling process with the aim of providing
information and knowledge to others orally. The ability to retell the content of the story in
children, in order to understand the content of the story first through receptive activities.
Receptive activities such as listening to stories so that simple morphological and syntactic abilities
are formed. Children are able and skilled in using language to communicate in retelling if the child
says words that are easy for others to understand and the child understands the meaning of the
words that have been said.
Retelling the story is a child's activity, after the child understands and retells the content of
the story. The storytelling presented by children aims to reveal the abilities and skills of children
to tell stories. From the observations that the author made in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam
City there were 16 children and after seeing that there were 7 children starting to develop, 3
children who had not developed, 4 developed according to expectations 2 developed very well.
This can be seen from the attitude of some children who still cannot retell the content of the story.
d. Children are able to remember the names of natural characters of the story,
A storyteller or author can position himself as the central character who tells about himself
or his personal experiences. The author can also replace himself as the central character in the
third person or by the name of another person the story character is the perpetrator in the story,
such as a children's story. The authors / figures provide an illustration, children who are growing
and developing in language development. Where the storyline in children is very simple.
The storyline commonly used by the author usually prioritizes advanced storylines, namely
the stages of the story starting from the introduction of the story characters, the period of facing
problems, climax, anticlimax, and completion of the story. From the explanation above, it can be
concluded that the characteristics of a good story for children contain themes, story characters.
From the observations that the author made in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City there
were 16 children and after seeing that there were 8 children starting to develop, 2 children who
had not developed, 3 developed according to expectations 3 developed very well. This can be seen
from the attitude of some children who still cannot remember the names of the story characters.
e. Children are able to understand and explain the moral message in the story.
Themes in children's stories usually use themes related to religion and morals. The theme
of children's stories gives the value of honesty, piety to God, affection, and love to parents. The
language used in children's stories uses simple, communicative language, and uses interesting
illustrations of images from the story. From the observations that the author made in Raudhatul
Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City there were 16 children and after seeing that 10 children were
starting to develop, 2 children who had not developed, 3 developed according to expectations 1
developed very well. This can be seen from the attitude of some children who still cannot
remember the names of the story characters.
f. Children are able to convey words as a whole.
The next benefit that can be felt by children is being able to convey every word as a whole to
others. This is very helpful for children in building communication and daring to express
expressions and body language. From the words heard, children can and are able to interpret the
sentence to be understood within their ability. Early childhood language development activities
can be done by giving him a simple command. If the child begins to understand, try to give him
orders in conveying something to others. Even if the child forgets or omits some words, it doesn't
matter, because the child needs a process and practice. When children already have the ability in
this matter, then language can be used as a tool for communication and interaction with other
friends. This is certainly very good for children in building their confidence. From the observations
that the author made in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City there were 16 children and after
seeing that there were 8 children starting to develop, 4 children who had not developed, 2
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1210
developed according to expectations 2 developed very well. This can be seen from the attitude of
some children who still cannot remember the words heard.
g. Children are able to repeat newly heard vocabulary.
Vocabulary in everyday life especially in early childhood, Along with the development of
children in their experiences interacting with the environment, as well as the child's vocabulary
that develops rapidly. Even if the child has not learned syntactic grammar, but through examples
of language that children hear and see in their environment, children have been able to use spoken
language with good sentence structure. For example
"Rita feeds the cat" not "Cat Rita eats gives".
Semantics, meaning the use of words according to their purpose. Children in Raudhatul Athfal
can already express their desires, rejections, and opinions by using the right words and sentences.
For example, "do not want" to express rejection.
From the observations that the author made in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City there
were 16 children and after seeing that there were 7 children starting to develop, 4 children who
had not developed, 3 developed according to expectations 2 developed very well. This can be seen
from the attitude of some children who are still unable to remember the names of the story
h. Children are able to ask for help from mothers, teachers and friends in the classroom.
Generally, humans need each other both in personal and special matters as well as adults and
children and the same is true for children who are still at an early age, where these times are still
very effective or often to ask for help. Aims so that children can communicate with teachers and
friends clearly such as when children are able to ask for help opening bottle caps to teachers and
friends around children. From the observations of the author can see that 9 children are starting
to develop, 3 children who have not developed, 3 are developing according to expectations 1 is
developing very well.
i. Children are able to write and produce letters.
Every time in writing and understanding letters will produce development in writing for
children who have begun to memorize or understand a lot of vocabulary, which is applied every
day, and can produce letters every day, the addition of producing letters is very important. Here it
can be seen when children already know the meaning of what letters are written, writing from
letters A to E, but some children who want to write, some are playful and some are silent. From
the observations of the author can see 10 children who are starting to develop, 2 are not yet
developing, 3 children are developing as expected, 1 is developing very well.
j. Children can imitate animal sounds on land.
We can see when children can imitate animal sounds. Like the sound of a meow cat, a goat
embek and the sound of a cow moo, when imitating animal sounds Children do not feel
embarrassed when their teachers point to imitate animal sounds in the classroom, but not all
children want to imitate animal sounds such as goats, cats, cows. When asked by the teacher to
imitate animal sounds, there are some children who feel embarrassed and some children find it
difficult to imitate it. From the observations that the author made 7 children began to develop, 2
children who were not yet developed, 4 developed according to expectations 3 developed very
Based on the results of research conducted by researchers in Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam,
Batam City, Jangkat Village, the author can describe that there are steps that must be considered
by teachers in improving children's language skills through the story method in the classroom, this
according to researchers is the cause of the lack of maximum language development of children in
Raudhatul Atfhal Nurul Islam Batam City.
To apply the story method in improving children's language skills that need to be considered
so that activities can take place properly and optimally are as follows:
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1211
1) In storytelling activities, teachers should prepare not just one teaching aid, but there are three or
more props so that children do not get bored in learning to tell stories in class because where the
child's focus is only 15 minutes. Therefore, teachers are required to be more active in applying
the story method,
2) Furthermore, teachers must be required to understand more about the content of the story
because with teachers more familiar with the content of the story, the teacher's face at the time
of telling the story is very influential with the teacher's facial mimic, the child can be more
interesting to listen to the story and children also do not easily feel bored.
3) The teacher must also intersperse between stories to ask questions or with games. The goal is
that children are less saturated to listen to it.
Analysis of Research Results
Use of storytelling method steps in improving Early Childhood Receptive Language Skills
through Storytelling Media at Raudhatul Athfal Nurul Islam Batam City Academic Year
Based on observations and interviews conducted by researchers in their research, there are
several findings about improving early childhood receptive language skills through storytelling
methods in Raudhatul Athfal Nurul Islam that children's listening skills in terms of listening
attentively, interpreting (interpreting) stories and understanding the meaning of stories, look still not
optimal or developing. This is influenced by several things for example; Children feel jenu or feel
bored with the teacher's storytelling method, so children choose to be cool themselves, by playing
and joking or talking alone with their deskmates.
Development that uses storytelling methods, where this method can be liked and fun for
children or students, then teachers must master the methods used in developing early childhood
receptive language (listening) skills. This is in accordance with what Moeslichatoen expressed;
The storytelling method is one of the learning experiences for children by bringing stories to
children orally. The story presented by the teacher must be interesting, and invite the attention of
children and cannot be separated from the purpose of education for early childhood."
Efforts to develop early childhood receptive language skills by telling stories must be an
experience for early childhood itself, which has a unique and interesting nature. Teachers must be
able to motivate children or students to follow the story to completion because stories are one way
to attract children's attention.
The storytelling method has a touching appeal, the world of children's lives is full of joy
therefore the storytelling method must be able to provide feelings, joy, funny and exciting.
Melakukan kegiatan bercerita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa reseptif (menyimak)
pada anak usia dini guru kelas mempersiapkan pembelajarannya dengan sebelum melaksanakan
kegiatan bercerita, anak-anak atau peserta didik duduk melingkat mengelililing guru untuk
mendengarkan apa yang akan diceritakan gurunya.
Establish the design of the chosen storytelling form and determine the materials and tools
needed for storytelling activities. In this case, teachers need some tools for example; Telling about
floods using picture illustrations, namely houses, schools that are flooded, people who are waiting to
be delayed by eviction tents and so on.
Establish a draft of storytelling activity steps,
a. Convey themes and objectives,
b. Arranging child seating,
c. Initiating children's experiences in relation to flood events so that children can see their
relevance to the illustration of flood stories that will be told by the teacher,
d. Develop the content of the story with facts around the child's life or in the surrounding
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1212
e. Guru menjelaskan sebab dan akibat terjadinya banjir dengan
f. Questions and answers to children or students, describing the suffering of the community
experienced by floods,
g. The last step also asks questions and answers as well as what children feel when hearing the
story, the content of the story, and commenting on the cause and effect of the flood.
Establish a storytelling activity assessment design,
In the assessment used using performance, anecdotes with this research show the development
of children or students one by one. The teacher gives praise to children who can answer questions
from teachers who provoke children's interest in listening with others.
Based on the description above, it can be seen that there is an increase in listening skills from
the initial activity before the research to finally using the storytelling method that invites children to
actively participate in the storytelling process with Questions and Answers in the process of ongoing
learning activities. Because the child has begun to listen attentively (looking at the reader, looking at
the face looks happy, enthusiastic about listening to the story), interpreting (interpreting) the story
(asking questions during the story, understanding the answers from the teacher and understanding
the meaning of responding to the story conveyed by the teacher (can answer questions, can retell,
sort the story back and can interpret words). Therefore, activities need to be continued or developed
again to improve Early childhood receptive language skills through storytelling.
Storytelling activities provide a lot of learning value for the learning process and child
development. In addition, storytelling can create a pleasant atmosphere, invite and stimulate the
process of cognition, especially imagination activities, develop basic readiness for receptive language
development and become a means for learning, and serves to build a strong relationship between
teachers and student relationships between parents and their own children because teachers have
considered their students to be their own children.
As was done in this study in improving early childhood receptive language skills through
storytelling methods in Raudhatul Athfal Nurul Islam Batam City for the 2023/2024 academic year.
Based on the above activities, it can be affirmed that the improvement of listening in early
childhood can be improved through the method of telling stories. This is in accordance with
Madyawati's opinion that storytelling is a productive language activity which means that in telling
stories someone involves thoughts, mental readiness, courage, and clear words so that others can
Reasons for stories as something important for children include:
a. Storytelling is the most easily digestible ethical education tool for children to digest next to the
examples that children see every day.
b. Storytelling is a method and material that can be integrated with other basic skills, namely
speaking, writing and listening
c. Storytelling gives children a free scope to develop the ability to sympathize and empathize with
events that happen to others. This underlies children to have social sensitivity.
d. Storytelling gives examples to children how to respond to a problem well, how to talk well, as
well as buying lessons for children how to deal with desires that are judged negatively by society.
e. Storytelling gives new meters to children, what values are accepted by the surrounding
community, such as obeying parental orders, succumbing to younger siblings, are always honest.
f. Storytelling provides cultural and understanding lessons that have a stronger string than the
lessons of understanding given through direct narration and command.
g. Storytelling gives children room to move when a value that has been captured will be applied.
h. Storytelling has a positive psychological effect on children and teachers as storytellers, such as
dexterity, emotionality, as a substitute for parents' inherent thinking.
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i. Bercertia awakens children's sense of knowledge of events or stories, plots, plots, and thus it
fosters the ability to string together causal relationships of an event and provides opportunities
for children to learn to analyze events around them.
j. Storytelling provides an attraction to school for children because in telling stories there is a
recreative and imaginative effect needed by children according to kindergarten. The presence of
stories makes children have more longing to go to school.
k. Encouraging storytelling provides "meaning" for the learning process, especially about empathy,
so that children can express their psychological feelings on how to keep a problem from someone
else's point.
Benefits of storytelling methods; (1) Storytelling activities provide some social knowledge of
religious moral values. (2) Storytelling activities provide learning experiences to train hearing. (3)
Provide learning experiences using storytelling methods to enable children to develop cognitive,
affective, and psychomotor abilities.
4. Conclusion
In this study, we aimed to explore the application of children's use of traditional game media in
improving social-emotional relationships among grade 5 students of SDN Sidokare IV. Based on the
study's results, we concluded that intervention with children's traditional play media significantly
improved students' perceptions of their social-emotional relationships and social-emotional skills.
Observations of social interaction also showed a clear improvement in the quality of interaction
between students during traditional play sessions. These results suggest that children's use of
traditional game media can effectively strengthen students' social-emotional relationships and skills
in grade. This aligns with our research objectives to create inclusive and supportive learning
environments and improve students' social-emotional well-being.
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