e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1195
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that in terms of
comparing the coefficients, needs, and wages of workers in the field with SNI 2022, each aspect can
be concluded in detail as follows:
From the results of the analysis comparing the average labor coefficient in the field with SNI
2022, it was obtained that the value of the foreman's labor coefficient in the field was 0.0141 OH,
lower than SNI of 0.0150 OH. The workforce of the head handyman in the field has a coefficient value
of 0.0205 OH twice than SNI of 0.0100 OH. Then the masonry workforce in the field has a coefficient
value of 0.1000 OH equal to an SNI of 0.0100 OH. Where the workforce of handyman helpers in the
field has a coefficient of 0.1215 OH even does not reach half of the SNI coefficient of 0.3000 OH. So it
can be stated that the value of the SNI labor coefficient index is higher than in the field, because it is
related to different time and energy needs.
From the results of the analysis comparing the average need for the number of SNI 2022
workers with the field, it is obtained that the labor needs of the foreman workforce in SNI are 1 OH
the same as in the field. For the workforce of the head handyman at SNI, 1 OH is needed while in the
field using 2 OH. Then the masonry workforce has a labor requirement at SNI is 9 OH while in the field
it uses 10 OH. Where the labor of handyman helpers needed in SNI is 28 OH while what has been
applied in the field is too little, namely 11 OH. So it can be stated that the need for labor in SNI is more
than in the field due to the influence of the labor coefficient index.
From the results of the analysis of the average comparison of workers' wages based on the
number of SSHBJ workers in the field, it was obtained that the labor wage needs needed for foreman
workers at SSHBJ were IDR 288,066.67 while in the field it was IDR 178,500.00 with a difference of
IDR 109,566.67. For head handyman labor, labor wages based on SSHBJ are required at Rp
141,646.15 and in the field at Rp 245,323.08 with a difference of Rp 103,676.93. Then the wages of
masonry workers required at SSHBJ amounted to Rp 1,635,361.54 and in the field amounted to
1,260,000.00 with a difference of Rp 375,361.54. Where the wages of handyman helpers needed at
SSHBJ are IDR 4,359,871.79 and in the field are IDR 1,120,512.82 with a difference of IDR
3,239,358.97. So it can be stated that the value of SSHBJ labor wages is higher than in the field, this is
because it is based on the influence of the coefficient index and labor needs.
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