Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1140
Quality Measurement of Online Single Submission (Oss)
Information System with Mc Call Method
(Case Study of Plut Kumkm)
Lina Astika Dewi, Wafiah Muniarti, Sofiansyah Fadli, Hairul Fahmi
STMIK Lombok, Praya, Indonesia
Email: linaastika99@gmail.com, wafiah.[email protected], sofiansya[email protected],
Correspondence: linaastika99@gmail.com
Business Licensing; OSS; Mc
Call; System Measurement
The NTB Province Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperative
Integrated Business Service Center (PLUT-KUMKM) under the West Nusa
Tenggara Province Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperative Service,
provides comprehensive assistance to KUMKM to increase production and
competitiveness. With seven service areas, PLUT-KUMKM provides
effective solutions for business actors. However, in issuing a Business
Identification Number (NIB) via the OSS application. The thing is, like in the
Business Licensing menu, there is a business development feature.
Carrying out business development cannot be completed in one activity in
one feature, users must return to the new application menu to continue the
business development process and make updates. And user errors often
occur such as entering information or not following the correct procedures
when filling out forms. The licensing system seeks to be integrated
electronically, aiming to cut bureaucracy and improve public services. This
research measures the quality of the OSS system for issuing nibs based on
the perceptions of 100 gardatransfumi assistants, using the McCall method
. A comprehensive evaluation is carried out to identify weaknesses and
necessary improvements. Measuring the quality of OSS systems using
McCall's theory is important for understanding product quality attributes
from the perspective of users and the software itself. The research results
will provide in-depth insight into the condition of the website and
recommendations for improvement. With the OSS system, the government
is trying to make it easier to manage business legality. The NIB issued
through OSS becomes the identity of business actors for import and export
activities. Through quality measurements, systems, weaknesses and
improvements to the NIB issuance process can be identified thereby
ensuring better service for business actors.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The NTB Province PLUT KUMKM Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Cooperative Integrated
Business Service Center is an institution under the auspices of the West Nusa Tenggara Province
Small and Medium Enterprise Cooperative Service which provides assistance and other
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1141
empowerment to MSMEs in a comprehensive and integrated manner. ways to increase production,
added value, and competitiveness. It has functioned as a companion institution to PLUT KUMKM
which has seven areas of assistance services, including the institutional sector, production sector,
marketing sector, financing sector, human resources sector, information and technology
development sector, business cooperation network development sector (Nagy et al., 2018; Rana et
al., 2021).
Plut Kukm is an institution that always provides services to cooperatives and micro, small and
medium entrepreneurs under one roof, which is able to provide solutions for MSMEs in a
comprehensive and effective manner so that they can develop regional superior potential into
superior products and commodities. is the issuance of the NIB business registration number through
the OSS application. In the issuance of the NIB there are several problems, such as in the Business
Licensing menu there is a Business Development feature to carry out business development which
cannot be completed in one activity in one feature. Users must return to the new application menu
to continue the development and update process. business. User errors often occur, such as entering
information without following the correct procedure when filling out a form.
OSS is an electronically integrated Business Licensing system or Online Single Submission (
OSS ) is a Business Permit issued by the OSS Institution on behalf of the Minister, head of institution,
Governor, or Regent/Mayor to business actors through an integrated electronic system (Fasyehhudin
et al., 2022; P, 2023; Tomo et al., 2021). As for anyone who can use OSS to arrange business permits,
namely business actors in the form of business entities or individuals; Micro, small, medium and large
businesses, individuals/business entities, both new and established before OSS operationalization;
Businesses whose capital comes entirely from within the country, or contain a composition of foreign
capital. The aim of implementing Online Single Submission-based Business Licensing is to improve
the quality of public services by cutting bureaucracy in the form of: cutting stages or procedures,
cutting costs; reducing the number of requirements; reduction in the number of paragraphs and
signatures; and reducing the time required to process permits. Improvement of public services such
as transparency and accountability (Gunawan et al., 2023; Hyndman & Liguori, 2016). Measuring the
quality of an information system is an evaluation process to assess the extent to which an information
system meets certain standards and meets user needs. Measuring the quality of information systems
is important to ensure that the system can provide added value and support business goals. Software
measurements are important because the quality of the system will be known after measurements
are taken, the quality of the system is included in the good or bad category.
Measuring the quality of an information system is very important to determine the current condition
of the information system itself, whether it is still relevant or not with current conditions, if after measuring
it turns out that the information system is no longer relevant then it can be used as a reference or point of
reference for improvements to make it even better. .
McCall method is a method that measures software quality. McCall's main idea is to assess the
relationship of quality factors and product quality criteria or improve software quality. Measuring the
quality of an information system is very important to know the current condition of the information
system. The McCall factors relating to the operational properties of software are: correctness, reliability,
efficiency, integrity, and usability (Rahmawati et al., 2016; Saputera et al., 2020).
In order to increase business investment in this country, the government will provide the best
solutions to manage business legality more easily. The Online Single Submission (OSS ) System is a
better solution for managing Business Identification Numbers (NIB). The Business Identification
Number (NIB) is the identity of the business actor which is issued through OSS after registration is
carried out by the business actor. Business Identification Number becomes TDP (Company
Registration Certificate), Customs Access, API (Import Identification Number) in carrying out import
and export activities (Khumaidi et al., 2022; Tyagi & Goyal, 2023). This research aims to measure the
quality of websites at Nib publications based on user perceptions using the McCall method . The
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1142
website that is created and run has a very important function in the Nib Issuance process for the
legality of the business in its use, it is necessary to measure several quality factors to find weaknesses
and improve them in the future. Measuring websites is important because by measuring, the quality
of an information system will be known. One measurement method is measurement based on
McCall's quality theory . According to McCall's rules , the way to measure the quality of attributes is
arranged hierarchically, where the top level ( high level attributes ) is called factors, and the bottom
level ( low level attributes ) are called criteria . . Factors indicate product quality attributes seen from
the user's perspective. Meanwhile, the criteria are product quality parameters seen from the
perspective of the software itself. These factors and criteria have a cause and effect relationship
(Andrianti, 2020).
2. Materials and Methods
McCall method is a method that measures or evaluates software quality which combines 11
factors from Product Operation (Correctness, Reliability, Efficiency, Integrity, Usability, ), Product
Revision (Maintainability, Flexibility, Testability), and Product Transition (Portability, Reusability,
Interoperability). McCall's main idea is to assess the relationship between quality factors and product
quality criteria or improve software quality.
Figure 1 Method Mccall
McCall's factors relating to the operational properties of the software are: (Sagar & Saha, 2017)
a) Correctness: The degree to which the program meets its specifications and meets the
customer's mission objectives, namely Completeness, Consistency, Traceability,
b) Reliability: The degree to which a program can perform a particular function as expected with
the level of precision requested. They are Accuracy, Error Tolerance, Simplicity,
c) Efficiency: The amount of computing resources and code required for a program to perform its
functions properly.
d) Integrity: The degree to which access to software or data by unauthorized persons can be
controlled, i.e., Execution Efficiency and interface protocol.
e) Usability The amount of effort required to study, operate, provide inputs, and interpret outputs
for a program, namely Communicativeness, Operability, and Training (Kasriah et al., 2022).
Poulation and samples
Of the 74 respondents consisting of 40 men and 34 women with an age range of 21 to 52 years, and
the majority with bachelor's and master's educational backgrounds, system measurements were
carried out through questionnaires. Each respondent has a variety of experiences and knowledge that
they bring to bear in answering the questions in the questionnaire.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1143
System measurement through this questionnaire aims to obtain a comprehensive understanding of
user perceptions and experiences of the system being evaluated. The questionnaire may include
questions about the system's usability, reliability, ease of use, performance and other relevant
The data collection process from the questionnaire will then be processed and analyzed to gain useful
insights in understanding the extent to which the system meets user needs and expectations. The
results of this analysis can be used to identify areas that require improvement or improvement in the
system, as well as to make decisions based on data in developing or perfecting the system in question.
The Slovin formula is a formula used to determine the sample size. Usually, this formula is found in
research methodology books because it is a formula related to research activities, especially those
that rely on populations and samples. The formula reads, "The Slovin formula is used to determine
the size of the research sample with a significance level that can be chosen, whether using 0.05 (5%)
or 0.01 (1%)". Here's Slovin's formula:
n = Number of samples
N = Number of residents
e = The maximum error limit that can be tolerated in the sample aka significance level is 0.05
(5%) or 0.01 (Saputera et al., 2020)
Problem identification is the process of recognizing, determining, and describing the problems
or obstacles faced in a particular situation or context. This is the first step in troubleshooting and
planning corrective action. Problem identification involves gathering information to understand the
root of the problem so that appropriate solutions can be implemented.
Literature study or often called a literature review in English is a form of comprehensive review
or analysis of literature or a collection of writings that are relevant to a particular research or study
topic. Literature studies include reviewing, synthesizing and understanding research results,
theories, scientific articles, books and other existing literature sources.
Data collection through observation, interviews and distributing questionnaires to OSS users. in
order to find out and measure the quality of a system, and the samples taken are MSME companions.
Data Processing Likert Scale or Likert Scale is a research scale used to measure attitudes and
opinions. This scale is used to fill out questionnaires that require respondents to indicate their level
of agreement with a series of questions. The instrument used in this research uses a Likert scale with
scores on the Likert scale used between 1 and 4 with 4 alternative answers. The specified
questionnaire measurement scale can be seen in Table 1 below:
Table 1 Scale Likert
Very Unimportant
Not important
Very important
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1144
Data analysis is the process of turning raw data into meaningful information. Data analysis
steps can vary depending on the analysis method used and research objectives, based on McCall's
Data analysis was carried out by quantitative data analysis using measurement techniques based on
the formula:
Fa = Software quality factors
w1 = Weight depending on product and importance
c1 = Metrics that affect software quality factors
The grading system uses the following stages:
1) Determine the criteria used to measure a factor,
2) Determine the weight (w) of each criterion (0.1<= w <=0.4), based on the importance of the
agency to the system. Where:
0.1 = very unimportant
0.2 = not important
0.3 = Important
0.4 = very important
3) Determine the criterion value scale, where the scoring scale used between 1-5
4) Enter values on each criterion
5) Calculate the total value (Camara M et al., 2021).
3. Results and Discussions
he following is a table of indicators and weighted values for each question from the questionnaire.
Table 2 Table of indicators and weighted values of each question from the questionnaire,
Criterion Value
a. Finished
1. This application is capable of carrying out this
2. The features contained in the OSS
application already exist
b. Consistency
1. The features and table design on each page
are the same
2. Data management on each form is the same
3. The language used is consistent on each page
4. The form and reporting structure for
processing all data is the same
5. The language used is easy to understand
c. Traceability
1. Users can get the required information on
d. Communicativeness
1. The text of each page can be read clearly
2. The function of each button is clear
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1145
e. Operation
1. The menu options and buttons on the system
are easy to use
2. Users easily understand the existing coding
f. Training
1. New users can easily use the oss application
2. There is a help service provided by the
system to help new users in using the OSS
g. Accuracy
1. The application easily inputs the input
required by the system
2. This application displays exact data
according to the keywords searched
3. This application provides data and
information that suits user needs precisely
4. The information from this application is
accurate and error-free
5. The output of this application is presented in
the correct form making it easier for users to
h. Fault tolerance
1. What if application and data access is not
commonly used by those who are entitled to
use it
i. Simplicity
1. The information in the application is easy to
understand without any difficulty
2. The menus in this application can be easily
understood without any difficulty
j. Excecution
1. Are the service and data menu functions
appropriate to your needs?
2. The interface, protocols used to operate the
OSS application are adequate
k. Security
1. This application can control user access by
limiting access rights
2. The login process can be correct and in
accordance with user expectations
a. Accuracy
Completeness = w1c1+wc2c2
= (0,4x3,49)+(0,3x3,50)
Consistency = w1c1+w2c2+w3c3+w4c4+w4c4+w5c5
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1146
Penetrability =w1c1
  
  
= 9,53
= 79,41%
b. Utility
Communicative =w1c1+w2c2
Operation =w1c1+w2c2
Practice =w1c1+w2c2
  
  
c. Readiness
Accuancy =w1c1+w2c2+w3c3+w4c4+w5c5
Faul Tolerance =w1c1
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1147
Simplicity =w1c1+w2c2
  
  
d. efficiency
Exucution Efficiency =w1c1+w2+c2
e. Integrity
Security =w1c1+w2c2
Table 3 System Credential Category
Score in percentage
Very Valuable
Worth it
Not feasible
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 p-ISSN: 2723-6695
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1148
Totally Not Worth It
From the results of the calculations above, the values for each component of the criteria
are obtained, namely: correctness 79.41%, usability 66.9%, reliability 79.08%, efficiency
57.7% and integrity 67.5% Based on existing provisions, the measurement results quality in
the correctness section got the highest score and is included in the very suitable for use
category, while the Efficiency section received the lowest score and is included in the quite
suitable for use category, so that development efforts can be increased on the efficiency side
of OSS applications. In terms of reliability, this application is very suitable for use, but there
needs to be socialization in the form of training on the use of the application to users so that
users can understand the various features available in the application.
4. Conclusion
OSS applications have a high level of correctness but there is still room for improvement in
terms of efficiency of use. Therefore, the suggestion that can be given is to improve training for users
to utilize application features more efficiently. In addition, application updates can also be carried out
to correct efficiency deficiencies and ensure the application remains relevant and can properly meet
user needs. With these steps, it is hoped that the use of OSS applications can be more optimal and
provide greater benefits for users.
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