Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1092
Implementation of Sustainable Tourism in Kertalangu Cultural
Village as a Tourist Attraction in Denpasar City
Anindya Chandradewi, Suryo Sakti Hadiwijoyo, Triesanto Romulo Simanjuntak
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga, Indonesia
Email : 372020091@student.uksw.edu, suryo.hadiwijoy[email protected],
triesanto.siman[email protected]u
Correspondence: 372020091@student.uksw.edu
Sustainable Tourism; Tourist
Attraction; Kertalangu Cultural
This research aims to describe how Sustainable Tourism is implemented
in the Kertalangu Cultural Village as a tourist attraction in Denpasar City.
Researchers used qualitative research methods with primary data
collection techniques obtained directly through observation, interviews
and official data published by the Denpasar City Tourism Office, in this case
in the form of the number of tourist visits to the Kertalangu Cultural Village
from 2018 to 2023 as well as secondary data collected obtained through
literature study. This research uses the concept of Sustainable Tourism and
tourism aspects are analyzed using constructivism theory. The research
results show that the implementation of Sustainable Tourism in the
Kertalangu Cultural Village has been successful. This success is proven by
an increase in tourist visits by 37.33% in 2023 and the development of
natural potential and improvements to facilities. This makes the
Kertalangu Cultural Village able to attract tourists to visit, making it a
tourist attraction with Sustainable Tourism.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1 Introduction
Bali Province is one of the regions in Indonesia that has a high level of tourism. This is shown
by Bali Province which has various tourist attractions supported by the natural beauty and
uniqueness of Balinese culture so that it becomes the tourist destination of choice for domestic and
foreign tourists (Gunadi., 2019). Based on Regional Regulation No. 3 of 1991 concerning cultural
tourism implemented in Bali, as a city that develops tourism on the island of Bali, the Government
seeks to encourage and develop villages that have tourism potential in this region. Currently, the
Denpasar City Government is focusing on the development of Kertalangu Cultural Village. Kertalangu
Cultural Village is a Tourism Attraction with natural, cultural and educational attractions located in
the area of Kesiman Kertalangu Village, Denpasar City. Kertalangu Cultural Village is well developed
and has become one of the tourist destinations in Denpasar City that is visited by many domestic and
foreign tourists. This is evidenced based on data in 2018 there were a total of 63,164 tourists, namely
55,286 domestic tourists and 7,878 foreign tourists visiting Kertalangu Cultural Village. Kertalangu
Cultural Village is a form of cultural village with Tourism Attraction, where the emphasis is on the
introduction of cultural arts and the preservation of the natural environment in accordance with the
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1093
education and existence of Balinese culture in the middle of urban areas. (Kemenparekraf., 2021)(City
Pariwisata Kota Denpasar., 2022).
In its development, this Cultural Village has not been able to become a leading tourist attraction,
because the development of Kertalangu Cultural Village is not going well and lack of maintenance
from the management so that many facilities are damaged. Especially when the Covid-19 pandemic
paralyzed all tourism in Bali, this also had an impact on Kertalangu Cultural Village where the jogging
track facility in this Cultural Village was temporarily closed. As a result, there was a decrease in
tourist attraction to visit the village in 2020, there were only a total of 4,122 tourists consisting of
4,027 domestic tourists and 95 foreign tourists. Kertalangu Cultural Village requires further handling
to restore the attractiveness of tourists to visit. Therefore, the Denpasar City Government implements
(City Pariwisata Kota Denpasar., 2020)Sustainable Tourism as a first step to make Kertalangu Cultural
Village a sustainable tourism that can have an attraction again for tourists.
Sustainable Tourism is the development of the concept of tourism that can have a long-term
impact, both on the environment, social, cultural, industrial, and economic, for the present and future
for all local communities and tourists who visit. (Kemenparekraf, 2021)Sustainable Tourism is a
sustainable practice carried out in domestic tourism and by the tourism industry. There are four
components in (CNN Indonesia., 2023)Sustainable Tourism, namely environmental, economic, socio-
culturally sustainable and governance. Environmentally sustainable can be achieved by utilizing
optimal environmental resources through resource limitation and maintaining biodiversity
preservation in tourist attractions. Economically sustainable can be done by reducing poverty,
encouraging economic growth and creating jobs. Then socio-cultural sustainability can be done by
maintaining the socio-cultural authenticity of the local community and preserving the values of local
cultural customs. Sustainable governance, namely with the management that maintains the tourist
attractions.(Hafiz., 2022)(Dinar et al., 2022).
According to Chris Cooper (2005), tourist attractions can be developed into Tourist Attractions
through four aspects of tourism referred to as 4A, namely Attraction which means attractions such as
attractions in the form of nature, culture, and man-made in a tourist destination, accessibility which
means the availability of adequate facilities and can provide convenience to tourists to visit a tourist
destination (Sunaryo., 2013), Amenities which means all facilities such as information centers,
restaurants, and public bathrooms that support to meet the needs of tourists while in tourist
destinations, and Ancillary which means the existence of institutions or organizations that manage a
tourist attraction. Kertalangu Cultural Village in its development applies aspects of 4A tourism so that
it can potentially make it a sustainable Tourism Attraction.
The research was conducted in Kertalangu Cultural Village due to a problem, namely in its
management, this Cultural Village is not running well so according to researchers when making direct
observations to Kertalangu Cultural Village, researchers see that the village can be redeveloped and
become one of the leading tourism assets in Bali. In conducting this study, researchers have reviewed
several previous studies as a benchmark that shows similar topics, namely related to sustainable
tourism development in Tourism Attraction. One of them is a study conducted by I Made Agus Asta
Panca and I Nyoman Darma Putra in 2016 which focused on evaluating the implementation of
Kertalangu Cultural Village development program in terms of context, input, process and product. It
is different from this research because this research will emphasize the results of the implementation
of Sustainable Tourism in Kertalangu Cultural Village so as to make it a Tourism Attraction with
sustainable tourism. This research is also interesting because it is the first study to examine the
implementation of Sustainable Tourism in Kertalangu Cultural Village. Thus, this research not only
contributes to the academic literature but can also help in the development of tourist attraction in
order to make it a sustainable tourism.
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In this study, researchers in analyzing existing problems use constructivism theory which talks
about socio-cultural norms and values that affect attitudes towards nature conservation,
sustainability, or natural resource management. Constructivism in Nicholas Onuf's view emphasizes
the role of norms and identities in shaping the behavior of states and international actors.
Constructivism looks at how environmental identities are shaped through social interaction . In this
study, social interactions that occur between tourists who visit and local communities and the
cooperation between the Denpasar City Tourism Office and the management of Kertalangu Cultural
Village can be considered as a form that can (Dinar et al., 2022)build understanding and influence
actions on environmental preservation and local culture. From this background, researchers are
interested in wanting to know what collaborations are carried out by the Denpasar City Government
through the Denpasar City Tourism Office, related managers and local Village Governments in
implementing Sustainable Tourism as an effort to redevelop the Tourism Attraction of Kertalangu
Cultural Village. This research aims to describe how Sustainable Tourism is implemented in the
Kertalangu Cultural Village as a tourist attraction in Denpasar City.
2 Materials and Methods
The research method used in this writing is a qualitative research method with a descriptive
type of research. Qualitative research is research that answers problems in depth and thoroughly
(Satori, 2010). The data in this study were obtained through interviews with Marketing Officers at
the Denpasar City Tourism Office and direct observation by visiting Kertalangu Cultural Village as
well as secondary data obtained from previous research sourced from journals, reports, books, and
trusted news media. The data analysis used in this study is qualitative descriptive analysis with an
interactive analysis model by Milles and Huberman consisting of three components, namely data
reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Data reduction is carried out by selecting each
data that has been obtained from interviews and observations so that it can focus the data on
descriptions related to the implementation of (Zulfirman, 2022)Sustainable Tourism in Kertalangu
Cultural Village. Then the presentation of data is carried out by compiling and deciphering the data
for further analysis. Finally, conclusions are drawn based on the results of data that have been
analyzed and findings from the implementation of Sustainable Tourism in Kertalangu Cultural Village.
3 Results and Discussions
Dynamics of the Development of Kertalangu Cultural Village
Kertalangu Cultural Village is a cultural village located in the area of Kesiman Kertalangu Village, East
Denpasar District, Denpasar City with an area of 80 hectares. Kertalangu Cultural Village is a tourist attraction
with natural, cultural and educational attractions. This tourist attraction was established on June 22, 2007
based on the thoughts of local people who wanted a tourist attraction that includes aspects of peace, culture
and has a beautiful green area. Kertalangu Cultural Village is not just a village as in general, but developed into
a tourist attraction that has cultural village characteristics (Augustine., 2012) (Five & Son., 2016). Kertalangu
Cultural Village is oriented towards efforts for environmental preservation and cultural arts. In Kertalangu
Cultural Village there are gongs and peace monuments that have the meaning of supporting peace in the world,
fishing ponds, jogging tracks along 4 kilometers, culinary tours and various Balinese handicrafts that are
potential attractions for tourists. In addition, tourists can also watch various Balinese art performances such as
kecak dance and barong dance. (Government Denpasar City., 2020)
The development and management of Kertalangu Cultural Village did not run well during the Covid-19
pandemic. This causes Kertalangu Cultural Village to be poorly maintained. Researchers saw a decrease in
maintaining the consistency of management of Kertalangu Cultural Village as a Tourism Attraction. This
happened because of the lack of visitors so that tourist income decreased. This is a crucial obstacle due to the
lack of funds for the maintenance of tourist attractions. Tourist attraction managers and the government should
not stay too long so that this tourist spot does not become an abandoned tour.
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After the Covid-19 pandemic, the Denpasar City Government began to focus on increasing the
development of Kertalangu Cultural Village to improve all existing facilities in order to make it a leading tourist
attraction and attract local and foreign tourists to come to visit. The strategy carried out by tourism managers
and the Government is to issue policies in the form of promotions carried out through social media and print
media, as well as making supporting programs such as improving sports facilities (jogging track). In addition,
an introduction was also made to the Balinese people about the potential for unique Tourism Attractions in
Kertalangu Cultural Village. The Denpasar City Tourism Office through the marketing department made a
booklet "Pesona Denpasar" which contains Kertalangu Cultural Village as a tool to further promote this tourist
destination (Results of an Interview with a Marketing Officer of the Denpasar City Tourism Office., July 2023).
Through this policy, Kertalangu Cultural Village can become a Tourism Attraction with sustainable tourism in
Denpasar City. Researchers in conducting research obtained data that the Denpasar City Government in
maintaining the consistency of the sustainability of tourism potential and arousing the charm of tourism in
Kertalangu Cultural Village by providing trainings per year as a form of empowering local communities in
developing tourist destinations.
Implementation of Sustainable Tourism in Kertalangu Cultural Village
In this study, researchers focused on the results of the application of the four components of
Sustainable Tourism in Kertalangu Cultural Village so as to make it a Tourism Attraction with
sustainable tourism. As for the four components of Sustainable Tourism, researchers see that
Kertalangu Cultural Village is currently well implemented. This can be seen from the first component,
which is environmentally sustainable. Kertalangu Cultural Village is developed in the area of Kesiman
Kertalangu Village by having agricultural land or large rice fields so that the development and
management of this village is carried out to preserve existing rice fields in order to avoid the
conversion of rice fields into residential areas. Furthermore, to continue to utilize and preserve this
natural potential, the Kertalangu Cultural Village Government established (Ni Putu., 2022)jogging
track facilities around rice fields, improved irrigation paths, established Subak and an education
center called Subak TeBa Majalangu Education Tourism. There tourists can carry out various
educational activities related to irrigation network systems, agricultural land processing processes,
how to plant rice, to harvest rice.
Based on the second component of Sustainable Tourism , which is economically sustainable, it
has also been well implemented. It can be seen that in an effort to improve the economy and empower
the local village community, people in Kertalangu Village sell a variety of Balinese culinary and
handicrafts that can be purchased by tourists. This handicraft business and souvenir market is
managed directly by the Village Government and Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) called Kerta
Sari Utama. In addition, by preserving rice fields, Kertalangu Village residents who work as farmers
can maintain their profession and cultivate agricultural land and sell their agricultural products. Then
researchers also see directly based on the third component of (Ni Putu., 2022)Sustainable Tourism ,
namely socio-cultural sustainability, it has been well implemented. This can be seen through tourists
who visit can watch various performances of Balinese regional arts and music such as barong dance,
kecak dance, joged roof and beleganjur. The existence of this development can increase the insight
and experience of tourists in respecting the socio-cultural values and traditions of the local
Researchers see that implementation based on the fourth component of Sustainable Tourism ,
namely sustainable governance, has also been carried out well. This can be seen by the existence of
the management of Kertalangu Cultural Village tourist destinations which is carried out in the form
of cooperation, consisting of cooperation by the Kesiman Kertalangu Village Government through
Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) with investors as third parties. The Kesiman Kertalangu Village
Government will give full responsibility to BUMDes and investors to manage all existing and under
construction supporting facilities. In this case, BUMDes and investors as the management have tried
to maintain cleanliness and environmental sustainability in Kertalangu Cultural Village. The
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governance model of Kertalangu Cultural Village has been regulated in Article 6 of Kesiman
Kertalangu Village Regulation Number 10 of 2019.(Goddess et al., 2022).
An area or place that has tourism potential can be developed into a Tourism Attraction based
on the existence of tourism aspects. These aspects of tourism include four things or what is called 4A,
namely Attraction, Accessibility, Amenities and Ancillary. Based on research, researchers see that this
aspect has been applied in making Tourist Attractions which can be explained as follows:
1. Attraction or attraction where there are various performances that can be witnessed by
tourists when visiting. Attraction is an important aspect for a tourist destination to make it a
tourist attraction because this aspect is related to what can be seen (what to see), what can be
done (what to do) and what can be bought (what to buy) tourists while in tourist destinations.
The existence of attractions is the reason and motivation for tourists to come to visit a tourist
destination. This attraction will also make a tourist destination unique from others.
Researchers see that the application of this aspect of Attraction has been successfully carried
out by Kertalangu Cultural Village, which can be seen in the pictures below as follows.
(Source: Dinas Pariwisata Kota (Source: Personal Documentation, 2024)
Denpasar, 2023)
(Source : Personal Documentation, 2024) (Source : Personal Documentation, 2024)
Figure 1 TeBa Event
Majalangu Festival
Figure 2 Jogging Track in
Kertalangu Cultural Village
Figure 3 Pool in Kertalangu
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Based on the pictures presented above, it proves the application of the Attraction
tourism aspect in Kertalangu Cultural Village with tourists can watch art performances when
festival events are held, one of which is TeBa Majalangu Festival which features Balinese
regional dances and Balinese regional music art called tabuh or beleganjur. Then tourists can
also do other activities such as walking leisurely on the jogging track which has now been
repaired by the local government, swimming in a swimming pool with beautiful rice field
views, fishing in fishing ponds and so on.
2. Accessibility or accessibility of tourism in Government Regulation Number 50 of 2011 is all
types of transportation facilities and infrastructure that support the movement of tourists
from the area of origin of tourists to tourism destinations as well as movements within the
area of tourism destinations in relation to the motivation of tourist visits. Accessibility is
related to transferability which means ease of moving from one area to another so that in this
case it includes road access, public transportation facilities, road directions, the existence of
airports and ports. Researchers see that the implementation of Accessibility aspects has been
successfully carried out and provided by Kertalangu Cultural Village, which can be seen in the
picture below as follows.
(Source: Personal Documentation, 2024)
Based on the picture above, related to the implementation of Accessibility tourism aspects in
Kertalangu Cultural Village, the location is on the main road so that it is easily accessible by
being located on Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, close to I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. In addition,
there are directions and travel routes based on google maps so that this makes it easier for
tourists who want to visit tourist destinations Kertalangu Cultural Village.
3. Amenities or amenities include all public facilities to meet the needs and desires of tourists
while in tourist attractions. Amenities are related to the availability of infrastructure facilities
in order to provide satisfaction to tourists. When a tourist destination is unable to provide
and the condition of existing facilities is not good, it can reduce the interest of tourists to visit.
The availability of adequate public facilities can make tourists feel at home to stay longer in
tourist destinations and provide comfort to tourists who visit. Researchers see that the
implementation of amenities aspects has been successfully carried out and provided well by
the management of Kertalangu Cultural Village, can be seen in the pictures below as follows.
Figure 5 Main Road Access Kertalangu Cultural
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(Source : Personal Documentation, 2024)
(Source: Personal Documentation, 2024) (Source : Personal Documentation, 2024)
Based on the pictures above, it prove that the application of Amenities tourism aspects
in Kertalangu Cultural Village is the availability of a large vehicle parking lot and a safe
entrance system, clean public toilets, and the existence of cafeterias or restaurants that sell
various types of food, ranging from snacks to typical Balinese foods.
4. Ancillary or additional services are services in tourism activities and the existence of
institutions or organizations that manage a tourist attraction. Ancillary relates to the existence
of an organization or people who take care of the destination. These additional services are
provided including marketing, management agencies, and stakeholders who play a role in
tourism. Researchers see that the application of (Fatmawati et al., 2023)the Ancillary aspect
has been successfully implemented by Kertalangu Cultural Village, which is shown by the
Figure 6 Vehicle Parking in Kertalangu Cultural Village
Figure 7 Public Toilets in
Kertalangu Cultural Village
Figure 8 Cafeteria at Kertalangu
Culture Village
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Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1099
existence of a management party determined by the local Village Government, can be seen in
the logo image below which is the logo of one of the managers of Kertalangu Cultural Village.
(Source : https://profil.bumdes.id/kertasariutama, 2022)
Based on the picture above that the application of Ancillary tourism aspects in
Kertalangu Cultural Village since its inception was initiated by Dewa Ngurah Rai on his idea
to preserve rice fields. Later in its development, Kertalangu Cultural Village was managed in
collaboration between Perbekel Desa Kesiman Kertalangu through BUMDes Kerta Sari Utama
with investors.(Ni Putu., 2022)( Goddess et al., 2022)
The components of Sustainable Tourism and aspects of 4A tourism are interrelated in
making a tourist destination a tourist attraction with sustainable tourism. It can be seen that
Attraction in the 4A tourism aspect emphasizes the importance of having an attraction that
includes natural, cultural, and man-made attractions. Environmentally, economically, and
socio-culturally sustainable attractions are important aspects of sustainable tourism, such as
maintaining the authenticity of natural and cultural attractions and developing economically
sustainable attractions for local communities. Then Accessibility in 4A refers to the availability
of adequate facilities and infrastructure to facilitate tourists in visiting tourism destinations.
Sustainable accessibility includes the development of environmentally friendly
transportation infrastructure, such as efficient public transportation and accessibility for all
levels of local society to participate in the tourism industry. Furthermore, Amenities in the 4A
tourism aspect refers.
on all public facilities that support the needs and comfort of tourists during their visit.
Sustainable supporting facilities include the use of green technology, environmentally friendly
waste management, and economically and environmentally efficient use of resources. Then,
Ancillary in 4A refers to additional services in tourism activities and the role of institutions or
organizations that manage tourist destinations. Additional sustainable services in the form of
environmentally responsible, economic, and socio-cultural management efforts, and involve
the active participation of local communities in decision-making related to the management
of tourist destinations.
Based on constructivist theory that socio-cultural norms and values play a role in
shaping the way international actors perceive and respond to environmental issues. In the
context of tourism in this study, tourists who visit Kertalangu Cultural Village they engage in
social interaction in tourism activities such as watching local cultural art performances and
enjoying the beauty of the surrounding nature which then makes tourists realize that it is
Figure 9 Logo of Village Owned
Enterprises (BUMDes) Kerta Sari Utama
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important to preserve the environment and culture to maintain the sustainability of the
tourist destination. The existence of institutions that manage tourist destinations also plays a
role in shaping sustainable management policies and practices. This research is also
supported by previous research entitled Evaluation of the Development of Kertalangu
Cultural Village Denpasar as a Tourism Attraction. Previous research used the theory of
sustainable tourism development, the theory of sustainable tourism development discusses
development supported by ecology and economy in a decent, fair and socially ethical manner
towards the community (Sustainable Tourism Charter, 1995). The thing that distinguishes
this research from previous research is in the use of theory, this study focuses on
constructivism theory which sees that the ( Five & Son., 2016)implementation of the
development of Kertalangu Cultural Village can be understood as the result of interpretation
and construction of meaning formed through social interaction and socio-cultural values.
In this research, the Denpasar City Government focuses on redeveloping Kertalangu
Cultural Village to become a Tourism Attraction with sustainable tourism with the concept of
environmental preservation and cultural introduction in the middle of Denpasar City. This is
done because of several traditional villages in Denpasar City at this time only Kertalangu
Village has become a cultural village. The existence of a cultural village in the middle of an
urban area can have a positive impact on the development of tourism. The Denpasar City
Government also sees tourism potential where Kertalangu Cultural Village has a large rice
field area and has interesting spots such as education and natural tourism. Especially during
the Covid-19 pandemic which made Kertalangu Cultural Village unmaintained and empty of
visitors, this increasingly made the Denpasar City Government continue to try to revive the
charm of Kertalangu Cultural Village tourism after the Covid-19 pandemic.
The efforts made by the Denpasar City Government in implementing Sustainable
Tourism in Kertalangu Cultural Village to develop or revive this tourist destination have
yielded satisfactory results. This can be seen in the increasing attractiveness of tourists to
revisiting Kertalangu Cultural Village after Covid-19. This is evidenced by data on tourist visits
in Kertalangu Cultural Village obtained from the Denpasar City Tourism Office in 2023, which
are as follows.
Table 1 Official Data on the Number of Tourist Visits
to Kertalangu Cultural Village 146.764
Source: Denpasar City Tourism Office, 2023
Based on the data above, it can be seen that in 2021 there were a total of 4,770 tourists
visiting Kertalangu Cultural Village, this began to increase slightly, namely 15.72% from the
previous year which only had a total of 4,122 tourists in 2020. Then in 2022 there was another
increase of 2,143% with a total of 107,013 tourists. This increase occurred significantly in
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2023 with a total of 146,967 tourists recorded, in this case the number of tourists increased
by 37.33% from 2022. In addition, the success of efforts to implement Sustainable Tourism for
the development of Kertalangu Cultural Village is shown by preserving natural potential
through Subak TeBa Majalangu Educational Tourism Tourism which won the Nusantara
Tourism Village Promotion award at the National Level from the Ministry of Villages,
Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) in 2022
(Government Denpasar City., 2022).
4 Conclusion
Sustainable Tourism is the development of a tourism concept that can have a long-term impact
on the environment, social, cultural, industrial, and economic for all local communities and tourists
who visit. The Denpasar City Government with the management of Kertalangu Cultural Village has
implemented the four aspects of tourism and the four components that are in line with Sustainable
Tourism. The strategy carried out by tourism managers and the government to redevelop Kertalangu
Cultural Village is by promoting through social media and making supporting programs such as
improving sports facilities (jogging track). In addition, an introduction was also made to the Balinese
people about the potential for unique tourist attractions in Kertalangu Cultural Village. The
implementation of Sustainable Tourism in Kertalangu Cultural Village to redevelop this tourist
destination has produced satisfactory results. This is evidenced by the success of the increasing
number of tourist attractions visiting Kertalangu Cultural Village after Covid-19, namely in the 2022-
2023 range. Kertalangu Cultural Village by preserving natural potential through Subak TeBa
Majalangu Educational Tourism Award at the National Level from the Ministry of Villages,
Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) in 2022. Thus,
Kertalangu Cultural Village has now become a Tourism Attraction with Sustainable Tourism.
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