Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1078
Titik High Coffee Marketing Communication Strategy Through
Instagram Social Media
Mega Nur Rahman
Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: meganurrahman2[email protected]
Correspondence: meganurrah[email protected]*
Strategy Communication
Marketing; Media Social;
Coffee Shop
Titik High Coffee is a coffee shop with an industrial concept located
on Jln. Bojong Koneng Atas Bandung. This research aims to find out
the marketing communication strategy for Titik High Coffee via
Instagram social media. The type of research used is descriptive with
a qualitative approach. Researchers carried out objects and held
direct interactions with informants, owners, marketing, consumers
and observing social media on Instagram Titik High Coffee. The data
analysis technique is carried out by gaining an understanding of the
research focus, then drawing a conclusion in the form of a general
understanding based on reality. The findings obtained from this
research show that Titik High Coffee's marketing communication
strategy through Instagram social media is effective as a
promotional medium because most of the consumers who visit are
Instagram social media users.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
The development of business in the city of Bandung is currently very rapid, causing very tight
market competition. Companies must keep up with today's modern developments, and create
creative and innovative ideas so that they can compete between companies. If the company does not
have creative and innovative ideas then it will be outdated. The most visible progress of business
companies is in the culinary field. For example, many coffee shops in Bandung have promising
economic potential, such as Starbucks which is an international coffee shop. A coffee shop is a place
of business that provides coffee and non-coffee drinks. In today's times, coffee shops provide a variety
of light and heavy foods. Even today coffee is no longer to reduce sleepiness, but also a lifestyle for
adults and young people, both men and women in carrying out daily activities such as relaxing or
doing tasks.
With the development of the Coffee Shop business has a communication strategy in delivering
messages through a combination of various communication elements such as frequency, formality,
content, and communication channels so that the message conveyed is easily received and
understood and changes attitudes or behaviors in accordance with the objectives (Haikal Ibnu Hakim et
al., 2022; Nisantika & Putu Egi Santika Maharani, 2021). Communication strategy is management planning
to achieve a goal but to achieve that goal, operational tactics are needed (Puspasari & Hermawati, 2021).
Marketing communication is a means by which a company seeks to inform, persuade and remind
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1079
consumers directly or indirectly according to National and Pillars, 2020) in (Firmansyah, 2020). One
of them is Titik High Coffee which has been operating since 2019.
Titik High Coffee was first established by Mr. Widi Permana in 2019. The first branch is located
on Jln. Sultan Tirtayasa no 19 Bandung. In 2023, Titik High Coffee opened a second branch located on
Jln Bojong Koneng Atas No 88. Titik High Coffee Bojong Koneng branch carries the concept of vertical
gardens and industrial. Many communities hold events at the Titik High Coffee because the place is
spacious and looks beautiful with a view of the city of Bandung. Titik High Coffee has a capacity of 200
people with wifi facilities, acoustic music, and outdoor and semi-outdoor rooms. Titik High Coffee
operates from 12.00 noon to 01.00 pm. Titik High Coffee has a strategic place because the location is
not too far from the center of Bandung and is easy to find for consumers. Several mainstay menus that
make the signature ring coffee from Titik High Coffee are martini coffee non-alcohol, baileys coffee
non-alcohol, and climate coffee. Every corner of this coffee shop is decorated with plants so that it
gives a beautiful and natural impression.
The purpose of this study is to find out how marketing communication strategies and how Point
High Coffee utilizes Instagram as a means of promotion. As in the previous research by Krismanto
(2019) with the title "Coffee Toffee Pekanbaru marketing communication strategy in attracting
customer interest". The result of this study is the strategy used by Coffee Toffee Pekanbaru using
segmentation, targeting, and positioning theory. Coffee Toffee carries out direct strategies such as
offering member cards and attractive promo promos, this is done to increase customer interest to
come and also attract interest. The researcher compared with previous researchers that the strategy
carried out by the researcher to find out the marketing communication strategy of Titik High Coffee
through Instagram media. Based on the background above, researchers are interested in studying the
marketing communication strategy of Titik High Coffee with the title: "Marketing Communication
Strategy of Titik High Coffee Through Instagram Social Media
2. Materials and Methods
The approach method used in this research is a qualitative research method because this
method can be used to determine and understand phenomena that are sometimes difficult to
understand satisfactorily. Using qualitative can be resolved by analyzing the social phenomena that
are the focus of this research and concluding the form of a general understanding of the facts. This is
by the opinion according to Sugiyono, p. (2018, p. 213) qualitative research methods are research
methods based on philosophy used to research in scientific conditions (experiments) where
researchers as instruments, data collection techniques, and qualitative analysis are more pressing on
This research uses a descriptive method, which is a method that examines to tries to describe
objects according to their purpose. Descriptive research carried out with the main objective is to
systematically describing the facts and characteristics of the objects and subjects to be studied
precisely. This study describes the marketing communication strategy of Titik High Coffee through
Instagram social media.
Researchers also selected 10 informants related to Titik High Coffee to provide appropriate
information. The object of the research focuses on the marketing communication strategy of Titik
High Coffee through Instagram media. Titik High Coffee located Jl. Bojong Koneng atas No, 88z Rw
11, Cibeunying, Cimenyan district, Bandung Regency. West Java. The subject of this study was the
owner of Titik High Coffee and the marketing manager who visited Titik High Coffee.
Data collection techniques used in this study are interviews, observations, and documentation
in the form of data obtained in this study in the form of images and videos in the marketing activities
section through Instagram social media.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1080
In this research, data analysis techniques use Miles and Huberman (2014), in other words, the
interactive model analysis method of this technique consists of three components, namely data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
The data obtained by the test uses data entity tests and through data triangulation techniques.
Data triangulation techniques are carried out by comparing the results of interviews with informants
conducted between one source and another. Furthermore, the resulting data will be compared with
the information obtained from observations when visiting the Titik High Coffee. Data will be valid if
it has similarities between one another.
3. Result and Discussion
Titik High Coffe Marketing Communication Strategy
In the results of interviews and observations that have been conducted by researchers, there
are several informant statements regarding marketing communication strategies carried out by Titik
High Coffee (Choirunnisak, 2020).
a. The main components in the marketing communication strategy contained in Titik High Coffee
are: (Alviera & Aulia, 2023)
1) Segmentation
In marketing communication strategy we must know our target audience so that this strategy
becomes one of the effective strategies. In Bandung Coffee Shop there are quite a lot, so Titik
High Coffee needs to segment and determine one of its target markets.
"Female/male men, aged 19-40 who have jobs as students/students to employees and
lifestyles of middle to upper-class communities" (Speaker 1)
So, it can be implied that if the segmentation of Titik High Coffee puts the demographic at the
age of 19 40.
2) Targeting
In segmentation, there is Targeting in the Titik High Coffee market
"The target market of Titik High Coffee is students who like to enjoy coffee." (Nu1)
"Titik High Coffee can target consumers aged 20-30, who have an interest in coffee, lifestyle,
and social media." (Speaker2)
It can be concluded that the target market of Titik High Coffee is consumers who have an
interest in coffee consumption, lifestyle, and social media.
3) Positioning
In communication strategy, one of the other important components is positioning, this is the
process of positioning the brand in the minds of potential customers.
" Titik High Coffee offers quality coffee, this can be done using quality coffee beans, quality
coffee-making methods, and experienced baristas." (Speaker 2)
It can be concluded that the positioning carried out by Titik High Coffee is in the form of
offering quality coffee and experienced baristas.
b. Marketing Mix
In facing market competition, this marketing mix strategy can be used as a guideline (Marc Lim,
2023; Suharto, 2023) by Titik High Coffee as a marketing communication strategy carried out by
Titik High Coffee.
1) Product
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1081
Product strategy is a strategy carried out by sellers in introducing the products that will be
offered to consumers of Titik High Coffee. This is reinforced by the statement
"The products provided to Titik High Coffee consumers can be categorized into two, namely
beverages and food. Beverages are the main products offered by Titik High Coffee. The types
of drinks offered by Titik High Coffee are coffee and non-coffee. Usually available in various
variants such as espresso, latte, cappuccino and so on. While non-coffee variants are available
such as milkshae, juice, squash and tea. Furthermore, there is a food menu which is an
additional product offered by Titik High Coffee. The types of food offered by Titik High Coffee
are usually snacks, such as french fries, cireng, bakwan and salt chili tofu. In addition to
snacks, Titik High Coffee also usually offers heavy meals, such as chicken katsu, chicken fried
rice, and chicken lumur. Speaker 1)
Meanwhile, according to consumers, "food and beverage products are very satisfying,
especially the coffee that has its own characteristics." (Speaker 3)
It can be concluded that Titik High Coffee Products offer diverse product variants so
that their products can attract consumers. Product quality in the food and beverages business
is very important. Because quality has a pronounced impact on the product. This brings the
Titik High Coffee closer to the value of customer value and customer quality.
2) Price
Price strategy is an effort that can be made by Titik High Coffee in designing or regulating the
selling price of products in the market so that consumers are interested in choosing their
products. This is reinforced by statements.
"The price of Titik High Coffee products usually ranges from Rp. 15,000 to Rp. 30,000 for
drinks and Rp. 18,000 to Rp. 38,000 for food. These prices are subject to change depending
on the type of product, location and quality. Titik High Coffee uses high-quality ingredients
and has experienced baristas who will usually set the appropriate product price" (Speaker 1)
while according to another source, "The price of Titik High Coffee products is by the market.
Because Titik High Coffee uses the best quality ingredients and provides good
service."(Speaker 2)
while according to consumers "the price offered by Titik High Coffee about the product is still
standard with other Coffee Shops" (Speaker 7)
It can be concluded that this price is the most important strategy that is most relevant
in the eyes of consumers. For this reason, Titik High Coffee can regulate how the price
strategy it does to attract consumer buying interest.
3) Place
In marketing strategy, there is a strategic location selection which is one of the factors that
affect the marketing success of a business. With this strategy, Titik High Coffee will certainly
be helped in marketing its products. This is reinforced by statements.
"About the place is extraordinary because Titik High Coffee uses a natural concept that
provides a cool feeling to gather or do assignments" (Speaker 4) while "Very comfortable and
Instagramable suitable for gathering with college friends to do assignments" (Resource
person 3)
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1082
Based on these results, it can be concluded that in the face of competition, this strategy
is very well done by Titik High Coffee because it has advantages in a comfortable and
instagramable place. The determination of this strategy is very influential on increasing
consumer interest.
4) Promotion
Titik High Coffee promotes products through Instagram social media. This is reinforced by
statements (Dasuki & Wahid, 2020).
"(Speaker 3) discount promotion, especially when I saw Titik High Coffee's Instagram post
that the promo for single and couple packages was very interesting." While "(Speaker 9) the
promos offered are very interesting, especially with the discounts." Meanwhile, "(Speaker 7)
food and beverage discount promotion other packages.”
Based on the results of the interview, it can be concluded that Titik High Coffee arranges
promotional strategies through social media in the form of discount posts or the latest
Utilization of Instagram as a promotional medium for Titik Titik Coffee
Social media is a platform that provides information through technology and also online-based
communication tools where social media users can promote these products and services (Ferica &
Parlindungan, 2020).
Titik High Coffee uses Instagram social media to make it look easy, but also to convince
consumers to like the products uploaded in Titik High Coffee posts. Titik High Coffee utilizes
Instagram features as a promotional medium, namely: (Azizah, 2020)
a. Instagram Story
Figure 1 Instagram story Titik High Coffee
Source: Instagram Titik High Coffee
Titik High Coffee provides the latest information through Instagram stories. This was
reinforced by the informant's statement which said that:
"(Nu7) Yes, of course by doing stories I can find out the latest updates about Titik High Coffee." While
"(Nu4) has so far been very influential by doing Instagram stories, consumers can find out the latest
information about Titik High Coffee." While "(Nu10) I just followed his Instagram Titik High Coffee so
far very interested in promoting his place with his latest product". While "(Nu3) yes, of course by
using instagram story, you can find out the promos or events given by Titik High Coffee." Meanwhile,
"(Nu2) by using the Instagram Story feature effectively, Titik High Coffee can increase Instagram
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1083
social media users' awareness of the existence of Titik High Coffee in attracting potential customers
and increasing sales.”
Based on the results of the interview, it can be concluded that Titik High Coffee conducts
Instagram Stories every day in order to provide the latest information about Titik High Coffee.
b. Reels Instagram
Figure 2 Reels Instagram
Source: Instagram Titik High Coffee
By using reels Instagram Titik High Coffee promotes the brand (Mulitawati & Retnasary, 2020).
This is reinforced by the informant's statement saying that:
(Speaker 2) Yes, the Instagram reel feature is very influential in promoting because this
feature is very popular among Instagram users, especially young people. This feature can be used to
create interesting content and help attract the attention of interested potential customers so that they
find out more about the product or service offered." While "(Speaker 3) has so far been influential in
promoting in the form of interesting video content, in that content can find out the discounts
promoted." While "(Speaker 10) yes, of course in the Instagram reels of Titik High Coffee many of the
products presented are very interesting in my opinion." Meanwhile, "(Speaker 5) has so far been very
influential to do promotions because by making Instagram reels I can find out the latest products or
certain events.
Based on the results of the interview, it can be concluded that Titik High Coffee promotes its
brand through reels in the form of product video content to attract consumers to Instagram users.
4. Conclusion
After analyzing the marketing communication strategy of Titik High Coffee Through Instagram
Eating Media, researchers can conclude, namely: 1) Titik High Coffee conducts a marketing
communication strategy using segmentation, targeting, and positioning. There is also a marketing mix
in the form of products, prices, places, and promotions in targeting the consumer target market. 2)
Titik High Coffee utilizes Instagram media feature features as promotional media such as Instagram
story features, and Instagram reels. The result of all these features can promote the product to become
a consumer attraction.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1084
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