Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1128
Persuasive Communication Strategy in Creative Work Digital
Marketing Agency
(Descriptive Study of Creative Works Digital Marketing Agency)
Adel Lia Iralda Wijaya
Universitas Adhirajasa Reswara Sanjaya, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: adelliairaldawj@gmail.com
Correspondence: adelliairaldawj@gmail.com
Communication; Persuasive;
The pandemic period in recent years has made it difficult for
business people and MSMEs to market their products. This is one of
the reasons for the establishment of the digital agency Karya
Creative. This research also focuses on how Karya Creative's
persuasive communication strategy to attract prospective clients to
entrust their brand and what are the factors that influence the
success of persuasive communication by Karya Creative in
attracting clients. In this research, researchers took an approach
used in qualitative descriptive. In using qualitative descriptive type,
where researchers describe or construct in-depth interviews of
research subjects. The results of this study show the process of
persuasive communication strategies applied in Creative Works, the
elements and components of persuasive communication used, and
what factors influence the success of persuasive communication of
Creative Works. Researchers hope that this research can make a
scientific contribution to communication science and be useful for
students who pursue communication research. The advice obtained
from this study is that persuasive communication must be given
continuously to convince clients because it is the basis of the
strength of marketing agencies in promoting. Then it is also
important in building client trust, of course, we need to uphold an
honesty or a transparent communication.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Karya Creative was established on January 10, 2021 in Bandung by Mr. Heri Lucky Purwanto
S.E., as a subsidiary of PT Purwa Adi Karya. The focus is on helping MSMEs, especially during the
pandemic, with social media management services, content creation, live streaming, advertising, and
digital marketing training. They have also become a TikTok agency that offers affordable plans. With
a focus on quality, they successfully serve more than 1000 clients from MSMEs and big brands
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1129
throughout Indonesia. A client in the context of a digital agency is an individual or organization that
relies on the agency to manage and promote their brand or business digitally. They usually want to
strengthen brand trust and increase sales of their products or services. Creative Works helps clients
with digital marketing campaigns, including social media strategies, SEO, and email marketing. They
also seek to build brand trust by improving online reputation and product quality. Client satisfaction
can increase brand loyalty and support sales growth through recommendations to others.
This is a challenge that Karya Creative must achieve to be able to get more clients and, of course,
feel satisfied with all forms of services that Karya Creative provides. Starting from the quality of
content, updates with trends and things that people like, displaying portfolios that show the success
of the brand handled, always providing services as complete as possible according to client needs,
and always providing innovation and creative ideas to advance the client's brand, Building brand
authority to increase customer trust and maintain 2 client satisfaction from time to time to maintain
a loyal customer base. By implementing these innovations, Karya Creative believes it can attract more
clients and maintain client trust and satisfaction.
Client handled by Karya Creative has its own uniqueness in conveying wishes. Various client
characters can make them suddenly disappear or feel that they don't need the services of Creative
Works. Persuasive communication strategies are important for understanding and responding to
client needs, influencing their opinions and attitudes, and building good relationships. According to
Hendri (2019) in his book entitled "Persuasive Communication: Approaches and Strategies",
discusses strategies and approaches in persuasive communication. Persuasive communication is a
communication process that aims to change a person's attitude, opinions, beliefs, and behavior in
accordance with the wishes of the messenger, both verbally and nonverbally. In his book "Persuasive
Communication: Approaches and Strategies" there are several strategies discussed to achieve the
goals of persuasive communication, namely (1) Credibility strategy, which is a strategy that
emphasizes the trust and reliability of the message conveyor; (2) Emotional strategies, which are
strategies that emphasize the use of emotions to influence one's attitude and behavior; (3) Logical
strategy, which is a strategy that emphasizes the use of logic and facts to influence one's attitude and
behavior; (4) Social strategy, which is a strategy that emphasizes the influence of the social
environment on one's attitude and behavior; and (5) Message strategy, which is a strategy that
emphasizes the use of appropriate language and messages to influence one's attitude and behavior.
The term for communication itself or what in English is mentioned as communication comes
from the Latin word communication, and has a source from the word communis which means the
same. The same mentioned here means the same meaning (Effendy, 2003). Communication according
to Everett M. Rogers (in Mulyana, 2004) is a process in which an idea can be transferred or spread
from communicators to one or more communicants, with the aim of changing their behavior. Carl.I.
Hovland (in Mulyana, 2004) also defines if Communication itself as a form of process that allows
communicants to convey stimuli (usually verbal symbols) to change the behavior of others. Thus,
communication is a form of the process of sharing meaning through verbal and nonverbal behavior.
While the definition of persuasive according to Vik and Gilsdorf (in Dewi, 2007) in a book entitled
Business Communication, persuasive is an effort consciously made by individuals or organizations to
modify or change the opinions, attitudes, beliefs, or behavior of other individuals or organizations.
This statement is in line with Colman's opinion (in Fattah, 2010) which states that persuasiveness is
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1130
a process of changing attitudes carried out through the presentation of messages containing
arguments that weaken or strengthen someone, object, or someone's place in directing their attitude.
In the communication dictionary, persuasive communication is defined as communication launched
by a person to change the attitude, views or behavior of others, as a result of which the affected party
carries out with his own consciousness. Then, according to Perloff in Liliweri (2015) in the book
Interpersonal Communication, persuasion is a symbolic process in which communicators try to
convince others to change their attitudes or behaviors about specific problems (Usman et al., 2021).
Based on the description above, it can be understood that persuasive communication is a
communication method used to change the attitudes, behaviors, and actions of others so that the
other person is willing to do what the communicator happily, voluntarily, and without coercion.
Creative Works' persuasive communication strategy aims to attract potential clients and win
their complete trust. By mastering communication strategies, the Karya Creative team can improve
relationships with colleagues, superiors, and clients and improve work effectiveness and negotiation
skills. Napompech and Kuawiriyapan (in Anggraini, 2020) said that if a business wants to achieve
success, then the business owner must understand and meet their customers' needs and desires.
However, even though the services provided are categorized as the best, misunderstandings and
mistakes between the Creative Work team and its clients are still often encountered.
Common misconceptions and fallacies include: (1) misunderstandings about the services
offered: Clients often do not clearly understand what services are offered by digital agencies, which
can lead to misunderstandings in terms of expectations and expected results; (2) misunderstanding
of costs: clients often do not clearly understand the costs required to use the agency's digital services,
which can lead to misunderstandings in terms of budget and costs to be incurred; (3) misconceptions
about technology: clients often do not clearly understand the technology used by digital agencies,
which can lead to misunderstandings in terms of the capabilities and performance of the technology
used; (4) misunderstanding of strategy: clients often do not clearly understand the strategies used by
digital agencies, which can lead to misunderstandings in terms of goals and expected results; and (5)
misunderstanding of time: clients often do not clearly understand the time it takes for digital agencies
to complete projects, which can lead to misunderstandings in terms of schedules and time to be spent.
This is often encountered, and 4 leads to client dissatisfaction which is expressed openly and even
published to cause negative speculation from prospective clients of Karya Creative. These incidents
are often caused by miscommunication that was not straightened out or addressed in the first place.
Therefore, communication is very important in establishing relationships between the Karya Creative
team and the Client.
Success and satisfaction are two things that are easy to say but quite difficult to create,
especially if part of Creative Work itself does not have a good communication strategy. This can cause
the existence that has been built to decrease. In today's digital age, digital marketing is increasingly
important for businesses, and many allocate a large portion of their budget. According to The CMO
Survey (February 2022 edition), marketers are happy to allocate 57% of their budgets to digital
marketing activities and plan to increase spending by another 16% in 2023. This shows that there is
a growing trend towards digital marketing and the use of digital agencies to support such efforts. Also,
using a digital agency can be a good option for businesses that do not have an in-house marketing
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1131
team or are not knowledgeable in digital marketing (Ryan, 2016). So, it is not surprising if the
development of the establishment of digital marketing agencies is increasingly rapid.
This certainly has an important effect on the development and existence of Karya Creative, a
Digital Marketing service provider. If, in a few years, there is no significant update following the
development of the existing market, then most likely, Digital Marketing Agency Karya Creative will
experience a setback. From the presentation of these problems, this study will discuss how Creative
Works handles some of the problems. Focusing the research problem on "Persuasive Communication
Strategy of Creative Work in Attracting Prospective Clients". This research uses the theory of
Elaboration Likelihood Model, commonly referred to as elaboration theory. The theory developed by
Richard E Petty and John T Cacioppo (1980) explains where a person processes a persuasion
communication message he receives to cause an attitude after processing the message (Lien, 2001).
In processing persuasion messages, the Elaboration Likelihood Model according to Petty and
Cacioppo, (1996) in O’Keefe (2013) explains that two message processing paths can later change a
person's attitudes and decisions, namely the central route and the peripheral route. In line with Peety
and Cacioppo's thinking, this theory of persuasion tries to predict when and how someone will and
will not be persuaded by a message (Littlejohn, 2009: 108) (Tang et al., 2012). This theory also reveals
that a person will be more impressionable if they deeply process the message and consider the
arguments presented.
Few analyses have focused their research on problems in attracting prospective clients in Karya
Creative. The previous research also discussed the concept of persuasive communication strategy,
namely: "Gojek's Persuasive Communication Strategy in Attracting Customer Interest (Gojek case
study in the Ponorogo Area)." compiled by Sulistyastuti (2020). This research discusses 5 persuasive
communication strategies Gojek drivers use to attract customers in the Ponorogo area. The research
is limited to case studies in the Ponorogo area, so the research results cannot be generalized to other
regions, Does not consider external factors that can affect customer interest, such as competition with
similar services or economic conditions of the community, Other research also discusses strategies
on how to increase clients/customers, namely: "The influence of promotion on social media and word
of mouth on purchasing decisions (case study in stores Bontacos, Jombang)." Compiled by Bagas Aji
Pamungkas (2017). This journal discusses the influence of promotion through social media and word
of mouth on consumer purchasing decisions. This study aims to determine and explain the influence
of promotion through social media and word of mouth on consumer purchasing decisions at Bontacos
stores in Jombang. The results showed that promotion through social media and word of mouth
partially and simultaneously influenced consumer purchasing decisions at Bontacos stores in
Jombang. Unfortunately, this study has a limited sample size or has a small sample size, which can
limit the generalizability of findings to a larger population, and This study only focuses on a single
case study of Kedai Bontacos in Jombang, which can limit the generalization of findings to other
contexts or settings In this study, researchers will focus on researching communication carried out
by the Creative Work Team when solving or facing problems that happened. Communication between
each team and prospective clients will be considered regarding how they provide excellent service to
attract prospective clients. This research aims to determine the persuasive communication strategy
carried out by Karya Creative in dealing with miscommunication between the creative work team and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1132
prospective clients. This research is important to provide education on the right persuasive
communication strategy for attracting prospective Creative Works clients.
2. Materials and Methods
Researchers use qualitative methods with an approach used descriptive studies, this is to be
able to learn and understand how Persuasive Communication Strategies Creatively Work in
Attracting Prospective Clients. Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that descriptive
research is a study that describes what and how the subject of research occurs. This research was
conducted directly at Karya Creative's head office on Jalan Bagusrangin no. 8 Bandung City. The study
lasts one month or 30 days, from the beginning to the end of July 2023.
With the data collection techniques, the interview that the researcher conducted will discuss
persuasive communication carried out by the Karya Creative team to attract prospective clients to
entrust their brand to Karya Creative. In addition, researchers will dig deeper into the digital
marketing agency Karya Creative. Researchers will observe how the Karya Creative team attracts
potential clients to trust their brand. A literature study is an initial data collection technique
researchers use to find inspiration and references. Usually, researchers use the latest journals,
relevant sources, and books as sources of information.
Data analysis techniques used are data reduction and data display. Data analysis itself is an
activity that organizes, sorts, groups, provides codes or marks and categorizes data until a new finding
is obtained that can later answer the focus of a predetermined problem (Murdiyanto, 2020).
In this study, researchers used data authenticity tests using the triangulation method. In
addition to being used as a data collection technique, triangulation is also used to test credibility from
various sources, ways and even time (Murdiyanto, 2020). This study uses a type of source
triangulation, because the research subjects are several people in the Creative Work work structure
involving several jobdescs. Triangulation aims to check the correctness of certain data by comparing
it with data obtained from other sources.
3. Result and Discussion
Elements of Persuasive Communication
Elements of persuasive communication used by the Karya Creative team in dealing with client
character. Elements of Persuasive Communication are considered to make the delivery of information
to clients easier and facilitate the process of making a concept. The researcher began the interview by
asking how persuasive communication strategies Creative Works used when dealing with clients. The
reason is, that persuasive communication strategy is one of the important elements in attracting
prospective clients to entrust their brand. In this section of the question, there are some mixed
responses regarding the process of how the Elements of Persuasive Communication are carried out
by the Creative Work team (Arisetiana et al., 2023).
In an excerpt of the interview, NR-1 mentions that in the Elements of Persuasive
Communication, the most powerful is building emotional connections. In persuasive communication,
building emotional closeness between the communicator and the communicant can be one effective
strategy. However, in addition to building emotional closeness, there are several important
components in persuasive communication such as the message, the verbal aspect, and the goal to
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1133
change the response. The message conveyed by the communicator in the process of persuasion can
be in the form of words, gestures, to tone of voice. In the statement, Speaker-1 has included elements
of persuasive communication in the Creative Work Marketing Team in the form of, 1) Persuader or
the person who conveys the message or in this case is the Creative Work Marketing Team. 2)
Persuadee or the person to whom the message conveyed in this case is a prospective client of Karya
Creative. 3) Perception, the message conveyed will determine the client's decision 4) Persuasive
Message where Creative Work tries to build the client's emotional connection by trying to relate the
same message, emotion, experience or value value to the client.
Interviewee-2 said that what they convey to clients should be based on experience and data. So
before offering every list listed on the package offered by Karya Creative such as ad optimization,
content that is in great demand, to Live Streaming strategies to clients, Karya Creative has done these
activities and can be proven by documenting the results it has done. The way of delivery uses language
that is easy to understand so that it can be conveyed well to clients. Plus, building emotional closeness
needs to be done so that what is delivered can be in accordance with the needs and problems so that
it sticks in the client's mind. This is an element of persuasive communication using 5) Persuasive
Channels where the Creative Work Marketing Team conveys through media such as chat, telephone
or online meetings and also face-to-face.
Delivering something based on experience and data is important as a basis for information and
insight before offering services to clients. A data-driven approach involves making decisions based
on data, not mere intuition. Similarly, in terms of marketing, simple language is very important to use
to communicate effectively with clients. Use concise and to the point sentences so that the message is
conveyed more easily. Indirectly, Speaker -2 also revealed that the language used is a strategy in
communicating with clients. Communication starts from providing an explanation of the services
offered, of course, still using persuasive language techniques.
According to Informant -3, the persuasive communication technique used is Door in The Face.
Door in the Face is a technique to improve compliance consisting of two steps, starting with a request
that is so large that it must be rejected, then followed by an actual request that is smaller and
considered reasonable (Cialdini, 2006). This technique is used by Karya Creative if prospective clients
want to take a service package but still feel doubtful. When clients object to the price or package
offered, Karya Creative usually provides a solution by offering a package at a low price. This technique
is used by taking advantage of the human weak point of guilt. Therefore, the guilt of refusal is
instrumental in the success of this technique. When the client has rejected the offer at a price large
enough to be unreasonable, the client may feel guilty and uncomfortable to reject the offer of the
second, third package, and so on. Moreover, the next offer is deliberately made to look lighter. Even
though 22 is actually still in essence the client will take the package that Creative Works laughs at.
This technique uses elements of persuasive communication in the form of 6) Feedback and Effects,
namely the answers and reactions of Persuade or clients when Persuader or Creative Work Marketing
Team conveys persuasive messages, and also communicant effects or changes when receiving
messages through communication.
From the three speakers above, it can be obtained that by making a simple explanation to the
client, the client will entrust his brand to Karya Creative. However, this is certainly balanced with the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1134
solutions provided by the Karya Creative team that can meet client needs. Other findings found in this
study are as follows
1. Establish Connections with Clients.
2. Use easy-to-understand language
3. Answering client problems and needs and can be accounted for.
Results of analysis of elements of persuasive communication in digital agency Karya Creative
Based on the results of data processing, researchers found some alignment between what
researchers found in the field with what researchers obtained when reading several supporting
theories. The results of interviews in the field show that to attract prospective clients, Creative Works
must know what clients really need. Then the Creative Works team gave an explanation using easy-
to-understand language. And apply the elements of Persuasive Communication. This is because 23
Creative Works must be able to adjust between the knowledge they have and the knowledge that
clients have.
This is in line with the understanding of persuasive communication strategies Hendri (2019)
that persuasive communication is a communication process that aims to change a person's attitude,
opinion, beliefs, and behavior in accordance with the wishes of the messenger, both verbally and
nonverbally. In terms of attracting prospective clients, Creative Works uses persuasive
communication strategies by building emotional connections with clients, using easy-to-understand
language that can answer client needs and can be accounted for.
In addition to alignment with persuasive communication strategies, researchers also found
alignment between the results of the field and one of the strategies in communicating through digital-
based marketing described by Mudani & Ariantini (2022). Ia memaparkan bahwa berkomunikasi perlu
adanya sebuah strategi agar apa yang disampaikan dapat diutarakan dengan baik. Pengaturan
tersebut disusun agar komunikasi dapat berjalan dengan efektif dan mencapai tujuan yang
diinginkan. Tujuan utama melakukan komunikasi adalah untuk menyamakan makna. Makna yang
dimaksud di sini adalah berupa pesan yang disampaikan kepada khalayak hingga membuat
persamaan arti antara komunikator dan komunikan. Menurut pemaparan tersebut Unsur-unsur
komunikasi merupakan elemen yang keberadaannya penting karena dapat mengarahkan orang lain
ke tujuan yang diinginkan. Contohnya, dengan cara menunjukkan sikap ramah kepada klien atau
mengirimkan emotikon senyum ketika chat dan menggunakan bahasa sopan agar khalayak menjadi
lebih nyaman saat berkomunikasi. Alasannya, klien melihat bukan hanya apa yang kita tawarkan
tetapi juga pelayanan yang diberikan. Jika pelayanan bagus maka klien akan lebih
mempertimbangkan untuk mempercayakan brand mereka. Pengertian tersebut selaras dengan
kinerja Karya Creative yang selalu melakukan kinerja yang baik dan tetap berpegang pada peraturan
yang berlaku dalam Karya Creative. Peraturan tersebut berkaitan dengan manner dan attitude setiap
tim Karya Creative terhadap klien.
The manner and attitude displayed by Karya Creative will eventually give rise to two aspects
that attract clients to entrust their brand to the company. This aligns with one of the definitions of
interest by Agus Sujanto (2004:92) as cited inMelindasari & Rachman (2019), which defines interest as a
focused attention that unintentionally emerges with full intention and depends on talent and
environment. This will ultimately lead to the client's purchasing decision. According to Kotler dan
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1135
Amstrong (2016), the purchasing behavior refers to the final purchasing behavior of consumers,
whether individual or household, that buys goods and services for personal consumption. The
purchasing decision is a stage in the purchasing decision process where consumers truly buy. The
decision-making process is an activity that is directly visible in obtaining and utilizing the offered
Components of Persuasive Communication Used by Karya Creative
In the following research question, the researcher focuses on the topic of Components of
Persuasive Communication Used by Karya Creative. Therefore, this question is asked to identify
which persuasive communication components are used by Karya Creative Digital Marketing Agency.
The first presentation by NR-1 stated that they use straightforward and captivating
advertisements. They employ an emotional approach by using sentences that help clients' businesses
grow in digital media. This is clearly one part of the persuasive communication component, namely
Claim, which is a persuasive statement with explicit or implicit goals. NR-1 mentioned the use of clear
and captivating advertising language with an emotional approach to help clients' businesses grow in
digital media. This approach is part of the persuasive communication component, Claim, which is a
persuasive statement with explicit or implicit goals. Emotional ads are often used by Karya Creative
to create a connection with their audience and drive sales. Karya Creative has shown that ads
conveying strong emotions often go viral and yield positive results. By leveraging consumers'
emotions, Karya Creative can provide a good first impression and stand out in the digital marketing
Similar to NR-1, NR-2 also stated that in conducting an advertising campaign, special techniques
are needed. This is one part of the persuasive communication component, namely Warrant, which is
a command packaged with an invitation that does not seem forceful. For example, the use of words
such as 'Ayo' and 'Mari' in Karya Creative's ads.
Warrant is one of the components of persuasive communication that is a command packaged
with an invitation or persuasion, so it does not seem forceful according to Maulana and Gumelar
(2013), as explained by Masruuroh (2020). n example of the use of words such as 'Ayo' and 'Mari' in
Karya Creative's ads is one form of warrant use in an advertising campaign. The 25th invitation
usually starts with special words like 'Mari', 'Yuk', 'Ayo', 'Let's go', and others. CTA or Call-to-Action
is a strong call to action that elicits a response and can create a sense of urgency by using discounts
or special offers that will encourage more clicks on the ad.
NR-3 emphasized the importance of presenting data and facts in every advertising campaign.
By providing a portfolio of Karya Creative's work and the packages offered to help develop clients'
brands, it can increase the trust of potential clients in seeing the ads offered by Karya Creative.
Presenting data and facts in every advertising campaign is crucial to strengthen the argumentation of
a message's superiority. Karya Creative presents their portfolio of work and the packages offered to
help develop clients' brands. This is part of the persuasive communication component, namely Data
and Facts. Persuasive communication is carried out by Karya Creative using three important
components: Claim, Warrant, and Data and Facts. In the explanations provided by NR-1, NR-2, and
NR-3, there are several reasons why persuasive communication is important in digital marketing at
Karya Creative. These include. 1) Ability to change customer behavior: Persuasive communication
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1136
has the power to change consumer behavior. This can help increase the sales of services offered by
Karya Creative. 2) Opening up new target markets: Persuasive communication can also open up new
target markets for Karya Creative. By persuading through various methods carried out by the
marketing team at Karya Creative, potential clients can begin to shift their attention to buying the
services offered by Karya Creative. 3) Increasing client trust: Persuasive communication carried out
well can increase the trust of Karya Creative's clients.
Findings in research:
1. Use straightforward ad language and compelling ads
2. using special techniques such as "COME" and "LET" calls in advertising campaigns,
3. Display data and facts.
Factors Influencing the Success of Persuasive Communication
The first presentation by NR-1 said that one of the success factors in attracting prospective
clients is not positioning what they are selling. Later, Karya Creative focuses on continuing to offer
(sell) available services. NR-1 also said that by changing the perspective where Karya Creatif was
founded, it was to help clients with their problems. After that, the client's problem will be matched
with the list of packages provided.
NR-1 mentions that Creative Works changed its perspective on how it helps client problems as
a factor influencing the success of persuasive communication. The next source also supports this,
saying that Karya Creative's purpose is to help clients with their problems.
Just like Speaker-1, Speaker-2 also explained that establishing Creative Works is intended as a
forum for business people who want to build their brand but are still confused about where to start.
Speaker 2 also emphasized that Karya Creative is expected to be a means to help market clients'
products/brands through digital media. Of course, all of this happens because of the persuasive
communication factor used by Karya Creative to convey messages to clients. Persuasive
communication has a big influence in digital-based marketing when viewed from the function of
persuasive communication in digital marketing because it is very helpful in carrying out the buying
and selling process or attracting buyers. For example, persuasive communication makes buyers trust
a brand if they have heard or read about the usefulness of the products offered, and social media
becomes a platform that can reach many people. Besides being able to help answer the problems that
clients have, the success factor of Creative Works is the trust of clients. Trust is obtained using
persuasive communication strategies that Creative Works applies to attract prospective clients.
In the excerpt of the interview, NR-3 mentioned that it is better to communicate directly in
building trust from clients because it will increase client trust in Creative Works. NR-3 also said that
Creative Works must also be able to answer client needs when communicating and providing
solutions to the problems faced by clients. By using the sentence that Creative Works will accompany
and maximally assist the client's brand in digital media to achieve the desired goals. Communication
strategies with an emotional approach make clients more likely to accept the message conveyed
because they have established an emotional connection.
Dealing with client trauma is one of the challenges of Creative Work. The reason is the trauma
was experienced when they collaborated with other agencies before, and the results of the
collaboration did not produce the expected results. This is certainly a bad experience for clients, so in
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1137
the future, clients will find it difficult to trust other agencies. Therefore, communication strategies
with an emotional approach are very influential in the success of gaining client trust. In addition to an
emotional approach, Karya Creative provides evidence that the digital marketing agency is a trusted
agency by showing company profiles, MOUs, and a history of cooperation with other clients.
From the three presentations of the speakers above, the fact that researcher obtained was the
factors that influenced clients interested in entrusting their brands to Karya Creative, namely by
answering all problems brought by clients, using communication that can be digested well by clients,
conducting direct meetings to build personal relationships with clients, and taking an emotional
approach to build client trust. In addition, researchers also found several research findings, namely:
1. Answer all problems brought by clients,
2. Conduct face-to-face meetings to build personal relationships with clients
3. using well-digestible communication
4. take an emotional approach to build client trust
Analysis of factors affecting the success of persuasive communication
In the results of interviews on the formulation of the problem this time, researchers found
several research findings, namely (1) communication is the main factor in attracting clients to entrust
their brand; (2) being able to answer and assist all client complaints and problems; (3) complaints
from clients can be used as one of the factors to conduct evaluations in the team in order to increase
client trust in Creative Works. From these findings, researchers also found some alignment between
what happens in the field with what is presented by experts in their theory.
According to Sendjaja in Ritongah, (2011: 45) the purpose of persuasion here is synonymous
with wanting an effect, result, or effect that occurs on the target audience (Saputro & Denafri S, 2023).
In general, the consequences or results of persuasion include three aspects including: (1) Cognitive
Aspects, which concern awareness and knowledge. For example, being aware and remembering,
being knowing and knowing; (2) Affective aspect, which concerns attitudes, feelings, and emotions.
In this case for example agree/disagree, feelings of sadness, joy, hatred, and liking; and (3) Conative
aspects, which involve behavior or actions such as doing something as desired, suggested, or
discouraged. The explanation was in line with the results of the interview conducted. Creative Works
expects the effects, results, and consequences of communication that occurs to clients which are also
explained in aspects in the form of personal relationships between clients and Creative Works
because of the communication that occurs. An emotional approach to building client trust. Then, it
will eventually lead to the client's decision to entrust their brand to Creative Works.
In addition, in this second discussion point, there is also an alignment of what Creative Works
does with the communication theory used in this study. A persuasive theory attempts to predict when
and how a person will be persuaded or not by a message by looking at the way that person 30
evaluates the information he or she receives. The client decided to entrust their brand because of
their interest in the way Creative Works communicates. In line with the thinking of Petty and
Cacioppo (in Littlejohn, 2009: 108) this theory of persuasion tries to predict when and how someone
will and will not be persuaded by messages. The results of the study showed that clients began to be
persuaded to make purchases after the problems they had could be answered using persuasive
communication techniques with an emotional approach. When clients process messages about the
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 đź•® p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1138
message conveyed, they are considered to be very less critical. The possibility is that time they may
be very easily persuaded to purchase due to emotional influences.
Line with the persuasive communication factor in attracting clients to entrust their brand.
Creative Works uses communication techniques that connect emotional feelings between Creative
Works and clients in order to gain attachment to each other which will cause client trust in Creative
Works. In the end, Karya Creative establishes a mutually beneficial cooperation or mutualism
symbiosis, where clients get benefits, namely Creative Works can help the problems they face related
to marketing in digital media, while Creative Works gets clients or customers who must successfully
entrust their brands to be marketed in digital media. Besides being mutually beneficial to each other,
Karya Creative strives to display performance as much as possible by always trying to help the
problems faced by clients, royal, loyal, and responsive to gain client trust. This is done so that in the
future they entrust it back to Creative Work. In addition, it is expected that clients can recommend
Creative Works to help and cooperate in developing their brands (Kuncoro et al., 2023)
4. Conclusion
Based on the research entitled "Creative Work Persuasive Communication Strategy in
Attracting Prospective Clients" with the problem formulation described in the first chapter, several
conclusions can be drawn about the communication strategy in Creative Work. 1) Elements of
Persuasive Communication are considered to make delivering information to clients easier and
facilitate the process of making a concept. In order to understand communication effectively, Creative
Works uses several elements of communication including, Persuader, Persuadee, Perception,
Persuasive Messages, Persuasive Channels, Feedback and Effects. 2) In order for the message to be
conveyed can be received well by prospective clients, Creative Work also applies the Persuasive
Communication Component among its Claims, is a statement of persuasion with express (explicit) and
implied (implicit) goals. For example, advertisements that state with their invitation to buy a certain
product or service straightforwardly. Then there is Warrant, which is an order that is packaged with
an invitation or persuasion that seems not coercive. Like the words "Come on" and "Let". And also
data, facts or data used to strengthen the argument for the superiority of a message from a
communicator. Like advertising milk brands to strengthen bones with the sentence 8 out of 10 people
have tried and proven. 3) The success factor of Creative Work's persuasive communication in
attracting clients to entrust their brand is that the marketing team has the expertise and can be
trusted to attract prospective clients so that prospective clients are interested in entrusting their
brand to Creative Works.
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