Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1061
The Implementation of Traditional Game Media to Enhance
Social-Emotional Relationships Between Elementary School
Samrotul Ilmi, Julianto, Ningsih Ari Kusmati
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Email: samrotulilmi34@gmail.com, julianto@unesa.ac.id, alwialfatih.ari.oke@gmail.com
Correspondence: samrotulilmi34@gmail.com
Traditional Game Media;
Relationships; Elementary
School; Classroom Action
The research investigated using traditional gaming media to
strengthen social and emotional connections among primary school
students. The research focuses on enhancing values such as
collaboration, understanding, and empathy through traditional
games of choice. The method used is classroom action research with
the active participation of grade 5 students of SDN Sidokare IV.
Traditional children's play media was chosen as an intervention tool
because it contains social values such as cooperation,
communication, and empathy. Data were collected through
participant observation, interviews, and questionnaires to assess
changes in social-emotional interactions before and after the
intervention. Data analysis was carried out using a qualitative
approach. The results showed that consistent use of traditional
game media can significantly improve the social-emotional
connection of elementary school students and strengthen the level
of empathy and understanding of elementary school students. This
article provides a foundation for developing more effective
strategies for building learning environments that support the
development of positive social relationships.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
In the contemporary educational landscape, social-emotional development among students has
been increasingly recognized as a fundamental aspect of holistic learning. As children develop through
their school journey, the importance of positive social interaction and emotional well-being becomes
apparent for academic success and overall personal growth and success in life.
Primary school education is not just concerned with imparting academic knowledge but is also
an essential stage in the formation of students' personalities and social-emotional skills. Amid
pressure to achieve rigorous academic standards, educators need to pay attention to children's social
and emotional development. One interesting approach is to utilize traditional gaming media to
improve students' social-emotional relationships.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1062
Maintaining strong social-emotional connections is very important for elementary school
students, especially persons in Grade 5 at SDN Sidokare IV. This developmental stage marks a critical
period in which children perfect interpersonal skills, empathy, and the ability to collaborate
effectively with their peers. However, reaching these developmental milestones can pose challenges
within the classroom environment.
Traditional children's play media offer an exciting path to overcome these challenges. Deeply
rooted in cultural heritage, these games carry inherent social values such as cooperation,
communication, and teamwork. By integrating these kinds of media into classroom settings,
educators have the opportunity to enrich students' cultural experiences and facilitate the formation
of positive social-emotional relationships among classmates.
Traditional games, integral to human culture for centuries, provide more than entertainment.
They reflect social values, cooperative skills, and creativity. In an educational context, traditional
games promise an immersive learning experience, where students learn not only about the rules of
the game but also about teamwork, empathy, and emotional management.
Previous research has shown that traditional gaming media can positively impact children's
social and emotional development (Aulia & Sudaryanti, 2023; Yılmaz & Griffiths, 2023). In addition,
research by Hinduja and Patchin (2020) highlights the importance of a holistic approach to addressing
the problem of bullying, including cyberbullying, in the school environment (Hinduja & Patchin,
2020). Pellegrini and Smith (2021) also emphasize the importance of a comprehensive understanding
of the role of play in children's development (Pellegrini, A. D., &Smith, 2021).
The study provides deep insight into how traditional games can effectively develop social-
emotional skills among primary school students. The results showed that traditional games improve
social interaction between students and help them build empathy and cooperation (Espinosa et al.,
The study examined the impact of traditional play on children's social behavior and emotional
development in primary school. The findings suggest that regular traditional games can improve
students' interpersonal communication skills, empathy, and anger management (Hsu et al., 2021).
This research focused on the influence of traditional games on social interaction among
elementary school students. It was found that traditional games encourage collaboration, mutual
understanding, and the development of close social relationships among students (Chow, 2019).
Recent studies indicate that traditional games not only provide entertainment but also form the
foundation for developing social and emotional skills that are important for children's development
(Ginsburg, 2007). Ginsburg (2007) highlights that through play, children learn to collaborate,
communicate, and understand the feelings of others, all of which are critical skills for establishing
healthy social relationships (Ginsburg, 2007).
Research by Pellegrini and Smith (2021) also confirms the importance of physical play in
forming social-emotional relationships among children. The researchers found that physical play
encouraged interaction between children strengthened social bonds, and reduced their conflict level
(Pellegrini, A. D., & Smith, 2021).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1063
However, Hinduja and Patchin (2020) highlight the challenges students face online and
emphasize the need for a holistic approach to prevent cyberbullying and promote emotional well-
being among students (Hinduja & Patchin, 2020).
In the context of this study, we will further investigate how the application of traditional game
media in primary schools can be an effective strategy for improving students' social-emotional
relationships. This article outlines traditional games such as daikon, bezel ball, monopoly, snakes and
ladders, and chess. By strengthening connections between students and empowering them to manage
their emotions better, implementing traditional games is expected to improve students' overall
learning experience.
This study explores traditional game media's role in improving social-emotional relationships
among Grade 5 students at SDN Sidokare IV. Through the implementation of classroom action
research, this investigation aims to assess the effectiveness of using such media to promote positive
interaction and emotional well-being among students. By examining the impact of these
interventions, valuable insights can be gained about the potential of traditional play as a pedagogical
tool to facilitate social-emotional development in primary school settings.
Through literature examination, observation, interviews, and reflective analysis of student
interactions during comprehensive play sessions, this study hopes to make a valuable contribution to
understanding how children's use of traditional play media can effectively promote positive social-
emotional interactions in elementary education settings. It also aims to inform educational practices
in fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students can academically and
emotionally thrive.
2. Materials and Methodss
This research uses a qualitative approach method. Qualitative research is a method whose
procedures and methodologies are particular, based on correspondence theory as a theory of
scientific truth, and highly values the diversity of field data without a tendency to generalize(Rosyada,
2020). This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. This type of research is qualitative
descriptive research. This type of qualitative descriptive research is a method that describes facts,
data, and research systematically based on natural situations (Latifah & Supena, 2021). Researchers with
interviews and documentation carry out data collection techniques. The data analysis technique used
in this study is a model from Milles and Huberman, namely analysis in research.
The research stage is, namely the data reduction stage, to obtain essential data based the
research researcher's needs. The presentation of the data obtained in the study is in the form of a
brief narrative description. Researchers conclude by providing explanations of data collection from
interviews and documentation. The research location is at SDN Sidokare IV Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo District,
Sidoarjo Regency. This research was conducted for the 2023-2024 school year. The researcher chose
the location because of the following considerations: 1) Schools have not conducted similar studies;
2) There is a good relationship between researchers and the school when PPL is implemented in
schools. The subjects of this study were Class Teachers and students of grades V-B SDN Sidokare IV
Sidoajo for the 2023-2024 school year, totaling 24 students, consisting of 15 boys and nine girls—
research instruments in the form of interview sheets and documentation. The main objective of
qualitative research is to describe findings or phenomena and present them as they are in accordance
with facts or field findings (Asari, 2023).
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1064
3. Result and Discussion
The application of traditional Dakon game media as an effort to improve social-emotional
relationships between students in elementary schools
Figure 1 Student Play Activities Documentation
The implementation of traditional games in teaching and learning activities show that
students are enthusiastic because the game is not foreign. However, in the world of education, it is
rare to find teachers using traditional game media as a pedagogical tool to facilitate social-emotional
development in elementary school settings. This can be due to various factors; a small example is
digital education and technology; in today's digital era, education is often focused on using
technology in learning. This makes traditional games considered archaic or incompatible with
emerging educational trends. Nonetheless, it is essential to remember that traditional games have
great educative value and can effectively promote children's holistic learning and well-being.
Therefore, an integrated and holistic approach to education may be needed to encourage more
teachers to collaborate with traditional games in teaching and learning activities so that traditional
games do not fade into the world of children.
Traditional games that are habituated to be given to students will preserve the richness of
Indonesian culture. In addition, teachers indirectly train or teach students how to work together in
playing various traditional games such as daikon, snakes and ladders, bezel ball, monopoly, uno,
chess, and so on. Because of things like that, social changes occur that are felt by students.
Researchers understand that students' personality has various characteristics: motivation,
emotional development, and social development. All these differences will be united in an activity,
such as playing a traditional game during break time. The game will make a positive contribution to
increasing the number of social values in children.
After a period of intervention using traditional game media, students' social-emotional
interaction significantly changed. Observations showed an increase in collaboration among students
during traditional play activities. They were more active in communicating, cooperating, and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1065
supporting each other. In addition, the level of conflict decreased significantly, indicating increased
understanding and empathy among students.
Data from interviews and questionnaires showed a clear improvement in students' levels of
empathy and understanding after the intervention. Students report that through participation in
traditional games, they can better understand their classmates' feelings and perspectives. They also
feel more connected to their friends and better able to handle conflict constructively.
Benefits of traditional games in teaching and learning activities
Play is a natural learning medium and an important behavioral characteristic for children. Play
provides context for children to achieve deep learning goals through activities that integrate
physical, intellectual, spiritual, and moral values, fostering growth, learning, and development in
elementary school-aged children.
The main feature of children's games is fun and entertainment. Fun interactions with peers
are essential to stimulating diverse growth and development in children (Mukhlis & Mbelo, 2019).
Learning and play are learning processes designed to develop children's social and emotional
intelligence, encouraging them to discover, create, explore, and express their emotions in fun ways.
It is an activity that provides social opportunities for children and a way to learn and play, training
their social minds (Lubis, 2019).
Applying traditional game media in teaching and learning activities significantly impacts the
development of science and learning innovation. This solely aims to provide comfort for students
while participating in learning activities at school, which is expected to increase learning motivation
and improve students' ability or skills in terms of social, emotional, and academic skills. The
following are the main benefits of implementing traditional games in teaching and learning activities
in schools:
First, Increase learning involvement and motivation: Children will feel happy if invited to play;
this is common for most children because, in essence, the child's world is play, using traditional game
media in teaching and learning activities at school. Teachers can increase children's engagement and
learners' motivation to learn more innovatively. Second, Introduction to local culture and traditions:
We understand that traditional Indonesian games such as daikon and bola bezel have cultural
characteristics. This game contains rich cultural and historical values. By playing this game, we are
promoting local culture and traditions, which will increase the appreciation of cultural heritage.
Third, it reduces stress and improves emotional well-being. By playing with friends, students can
momentarily vent stress about the academic load they bear. Playing this game for a while will cause
students to forget some of their anxiety towards subjects they do not like; playing fun and relaxing
games like Dakota allows students to relax and have fun.
Traditional games as a medium to improve social-emotional relationships in students
The fundamental problem of the social interaction relationship of students at SDN SIDOKARE
IV is that there are still children who have individual attitudes. To minimize the individual attitude
of children in social interaction, we must strive for children to learn to have an attitude of help and
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1066
openness to accept the presence of others. Playing various traditional games will form interaction
between children, and skills and cooperation will be shown later.
One aspect of children's growth and development that needs to be encouraged in educating
elementary school-age children is social-emotional skills. These skills make it easier for children to
interact, organize themselves, show social care, stay in trouble, solve problems, and have a good
Children are considered socially intelligent if they have the following characteristics: Children Have
Friends, But Friends Change Quickly. Children easily play with older friends. Playgroups tend to be
less organized and more diminutive. Over time, quarrels often arise to reconcile with friends. Children
are said to be socially intelligent when they express their emotions openly and freely, often compete
for the teacher's attention, and are socially accepted (Nurjannah, 2017)
. Traditional games are activities passed down from our ancestors. In the life of a multicultural
society, each region in Indonesia has different customary traditions that provide benefits for
children's development in social, emotional, artistic, religious, moral, cognitive, and physical motor
The results of literature studies on traditional games and social-emotional development show
that traditional games from any region in Indonesia can be applied to children to stimulate children's
social-emotional development.
Based on the results of Al Ningsih's research, the application of traditional games stimulates
children's social and emotional development so that they can adapt to situations with their friends
through play. It was found that children can gain independence, have a confident attitude, respect
friends, control themselves, and work with tension. Similarly, children's discipline is manifested
according to rules, can form a communicative attitude, love peace in accepting defeat, have a tolerant
attitude, and be responsible for cleaning playground equipment (Al Ningsih, 2021).
Diajeng Aulia also found the same thing. Traditional role-playing can improve social-
emotional intelligence in early childhood. Traditional Indonesian games can develop adaptability,
empathy, self-control, and respect for others in children, allowing them to follow agreed-upon rules
and work together in groups (Aulia & Sudaryanti, 2023).
Improving students' social skills in cooperation through traditional games is an effort to
minimize children's individual attitudes. When interacting socially, try to make children learn to
have an attitude of mutual respect, help others, accept the presence of others, and care for friends
when playing.
Figure 2 Documentation of Observation Activities
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1067
Through the media of games, interaction between children will be formed, and later, social
skills will be shown in mutual respect. On the other hand, game media such as Dakon, Bekel Ball,
chess, monopoly, snakes and Ladders, and others should have rules for achieving a final result of
the game. It is hoped that the direction of game procedures guided by the teacher can effectively
improve children's social skills in appreciating the abilities of their peers. The most visible
attitude of respect is the child's skill in fostering relationships with teachers, fostering
relationships with other children, fostering relationships with groups, and fostering themselves
as individuals. These social skills are formed from a good attitude that makes children skilled in
getting along later in life.
Thus, social skills are an essential part of human life. Because a person cannot live alone,
humans need others to interact and establish communication between groups or society. In the
social education of students, teachers must be able to model an attitude of appreciation in order
to develop children's social abilities towards their peers or with others so that a child will learn
to appreciate the various abilities possessed by others and respect the behavior of their peers.
The results of this study suggest that consistent use of traditional gaming media can
improve social-emotional connections among elementary school students. Traditional games
provide a safe and fun platform where students can learn about cooperation, communication, and
empathy. This illustrates the importance of a game-based approach in education that helps
strengthen students' social and emotional skills.
These findings have important implications for educational practices in primary schools.
Teachers and educators may consider integrating more traditional play activities into their
curriculum as a tool to strengthen social-emotional connections among students. In addition,
educators need to consider social and emotional values in line with academic education to create
a holistic and inclusive learning environment.
While this research provides valuable insights, some limitations need to be acknowledged.
For example, a limited sample size and school-specific context may limit the generalizability of
findings. Therefore, future research can broaden the scope and involve more participants from
various school backgrounds. In addition, further studies can explore more deeply the mechanisms
and strategies that are most effective in using traditional games to strengthen students' social-
emotional relationships.
4. Conclusion
In this study, we aimed to explore the application of children's use of traditional game media in
improving social-emotional relationships among grade 5 students of SDN Sidokare IV. Based on the
study's results, we concluded that intervention with children's traditional play media significantly
improved students' perceptions of their social-emotional relationships and social-emotional skills.
Observations of social interaction also showed a clear improvement in the quality of interaction
between students during traditional play sessions.
These results suggest that children's use of traditional game media can effectively strengthen
students' social-emotional relationships and skills in grade 5. This aligns with our research objectives
to create inclusive and supportive learning environments and improve students' social-emotional
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1068
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