e-ISSN: 2723-6692 🕮 p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1047
slower fish," he said, adding that small businesses can become economically dominant if they can use
innovation and digital developments to their advantage (Najih & Hamhij, 2021).
Given that technology was created by humans to facilitate human life, it is imperative that it
is protected through legal mechanisms to prevent misuse. According to Suryadi (2020), Today's
technological advances are changing many aspects of human life. Thanks to ever-evolving technology,
human life now exists in a world without the limits of time and space. According to Azwar (2019),
Today's modern and advanced technologies have paved the way for vast global information networks.
This technology makes it easier for humans to communicate with each other, and the virtual world
allows people to communicate remotely (Rini et al., 2021; Sulistianingsih et al., 2023).
Integrating digital technology, automation, and data interconnection into economic and
production activities is called the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This allows for more responsive and
efficient systems but presents new business ethical dilemmas. Meanwhile, Society 5.0 emphasizes
how technology is integrated into every aspect of society, highlighting how technology can solve
social problems and promote human well-being. The importance of business ethics challenges is
increasing. Ethical business practices have a huge social impact in addition to impacting a company's
reputation. When artificial intelligence is used in business processes, concerns about data privacy,
fairness in decision-making, and impact on the workforce arise.
Advances in knowledge and technology have led to changes in trade in the era of Industry 4.0.
Now, robotics, big data, artificial intelligence, and digital electronics enable electronic commerce.
However, from a different perspective, this phenomenon can have both positive and negative impacts.
They can remove barriers that stand in the way of global human connections, which can contribute
to changes in civilization, progress, and human well-being, resulting in increased productivity,
quality, and corporate investment, as well as changes in culture, economy, and the socio-economics
of society. One of the negative consequences is the emergence of social fragmentation, which leads to
increased economic inequality, changes in the role of conventional markets, the inability of
governments to control technology-based business models, the emergence of disputes, illegal actions
by business actors, and dispute resolution (Muhammad, 2022).
Economic actors are competing to profit by walking to follow current developments.
Technology that moves quickly makes economic activity, this can be done anywhere and anytime.
With the advancement of technology, the Internet has become an integral part of many people's daily
lives. This can help them in various ways, such as interacting with each other, shopping, and
delivering goods. In Indonesia, digitalization is developing in various fields, including the economy,
government, education, etc. Digitalization is converting analog (pre-existing) products or services
into digital form. Digitalization affects the effectiveness and efficiency of time is increasing, because
work can be done more optimally.
Connectivity and digitalization enabled the rapid development of the Industry 4.0 era, with all
systems starting to connect to the digital era. This allows the industry to improve production
efficiency and product quality. Instead, Industrial Revolution 4.0 will negatively impact 800 million
jobs worldwide by 2030 when robots replace them (Satya, 2018). This will challenge Indonesia, a
developing country with a high workforce and unemployment rate.
In the face of the fourth industrial revolution, Indonesia must not remain passive. Many
technologies that marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 have been implemented in