Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024
E-ISSN: 2723-6692
P-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1003
The Role of Parents in Shaping the Character of the Alpha
Generation of Elementary School Age in the Digital Era
Fitri Indriani
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
Email: fitri.indrian[email protected].id
Correspondence: fitri.indriani@pgsd.uad.ac.id
The Role of Parents; Alpha
Generation Characters;
Primary Age; Digital Era
This research theoretically analyzes parents' role in shaping
Generation Alpha's character at primary school age in the digital era.
This research method uses qualitative methods of literature study.
Research data sources are obtained from literature relevant to the
research theme, such as books, scientific articles, or journals
accessed from Google Scholar. Data analysis techniques use content
analysis techniques. Furthermore, the results of the content analysis
are concluded in accordance with the research objectives. The
results showed that the role of parents in shaping the character of
the alpha generation with the following details: (1) teach children to
access various information through the internet correctly and be
able to communicate civilly; (2) control or supervise the
impressions accessed by the child; (3) limit the duration of time
children play mobile phones; (4) invite children to play in open
spaces to develop socially; (5) invite children to exercise or play that
can develop children's physical motor. In addition to the five roles
performed above, parents also need to fortify children with strong
aqidah and ahklak and bring children closer to the Quran so that
children's character is quickly developed and formed.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
1. Introduction
Experts often call the digital era the multiscreen era, which offers various conveniences in
accessing information, causing people to experience culture shock and find it difficult to extract
meaning from every scattered information (Budiantoro, 2017). The impact of this digital era has led
to a change in mindset toward individual, social, and community views (Apaydin & Kaya, 2020). The
digital era is characterized by dynamics that are fast-paced and changing (vitality), full of uncertainty,
complicated (complexity), and confusing (Prasanti, 2016). Generation Alpha is very familiar with
digital technology called digital native. According to Bennett (Manuel & Sutanto, 2021), Digital natives
have advanced knowledge and skills in technology that set them apart from previous generations, so
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1004
the difference is felt in education, experience, and expectations. Alpha generation is the most
innovative and multitasking generation, which can apply all activities simultaneously (Assingkily et
al., 2020).
Generation Alpha is the generation born after 2010, 2011-2025 (Danil, 2020; dos Reis, 2018;
Purnama, 2018) from millennial parents. The millennial generation, known as the millennial
generation, is often referred to as Generation Y, also familiarly referred to as the me generation or eco
boomers. According to some experts, it is said, that generation Y was born in 1980-1890 or early
2000, and so on (Widodo & Rofiqoh, 2020). Based on data from the Indonesian Internet Service
Providers Association in 2018 shows that 91% of Indonesian millennials have dominated the Internet
and spend much time accessing the Internet around 4-6 hours a day via desktop and mobile phones
(Widodo & Rofiqoh, 2020).
Along with the rapid development of increasingly sophisticated technology, the Alpha
generation depends on technology. Dependence on this technology impacts Generation Alpha, both
positively and negatively. The positive impact is that the Alpha generation quickly understands
lessons through computers or in class, has much information from the outside world, and is more
critical and informative. As for the negative impacts such as lack of socialization, lack of creativity,
being individualist, happy instant and less appreciative of the process, bossy, dominant, and like to
manage; dislike sharing, unwilling to follow the rules; technology becomes part of their lives, and will
not know the world without social networks; and passive in the real world but active in cyberspace
(Purnama, 2018; Ramadlani & Wibisono, 2017). Some phenomena occur due to the negative influence of
other technologies as the KPAI report on Kompas.com said that most children have been exposed to
pornography through online games; 22% of Indonesian children watch porn; The phenomenon of
market by injuring their own hands among elementary school-age children due to being affected by
TikTok content. Similarly (Kurnia & Edwar, 2021) conveyed that the negative impacts in the
technological era include individuals becoming too lazy to socialize physically, increased fraud as
cybercrime Cyber Bullying, rapidly growing harmful content, slander as well as widespread
defamation keep the close away neglect of duties as well as work; wasting time on useless things;
decreased learning achievement and also one's ability to work.
Facing the negative impacts of the digital era on Generation Alpha, the role of parents is very
important. Parents, as the first and foremost educators in the family, are responsible for educating
children by providing correct and appropriate care so that Generation Alpha can successfully live
their lives in the future. The purpose of this study is to theoretically analyze how the role of parents
in shaping the character of Generation Alpha of elementary school age in this digital era so that it is
used as information material and one of the reference sources for parents in shaping the character of
children in this digital era.
2. Materials and Methods
This research uses qualitative methods of literature review. It is said to be a literature review
because literature data is fixed and ready to use in collecting data by studying, reading, recording, and
processing research materials that are directly related to texts or manuscripts. According to (Zed,
2008), Library data is not original primary data but is categorized as secondary data. This is because
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1005
the data researchers obtain is not directly from the field (primary) but from second hand. In addition,
the condition of this library data is not limited by space and time (Zed, 2008).
The data collection technique carried out in this study is a documentation study from various
literature, such as books and journals related to the theme of the study. Data analysis techniques use
content analysis techniques from several theories in books and scientific journals regarding the role
of parents in shaping the character of the Alpha generation of elementary school age in the digital era.
As Weber (Dewi et al., 2020) explains, content analysis is a study that uses a set of procedures to
obtain valid conclusions from a book or document. Furthermore, the results of the content analysis
were concluded in accordance with the research objectives.
3. Result and Discussion
Duties and roles of parents
Children are trusts and treasures entrusted by God to parents to be cared for and guarded so
they can grow into human beings and develop entirely in life. Parents in the family are schools and
teachers first and foremost in laying the foundation of character for children. As the primary
foundation, the roles and duties of parents are very important. The success and failure of the
formation of children's character depends on the roles and duties of parents. Psychologists and
education experts believe that the family, in this case, parents are the main factor that influences the
formation of children's character from birth to adulthood (Kurnia & Edwar, 2021). This shows how
much influence the role of parents is. This is in line with a hadith which means "no human child is
born except in a state of fitrah. It is his parents who will make the child a Jew, a Christian or a Magi"
(HN. Bukhori Muslim). This hadith can be understood that parents are a significant factor in forming
a child's character.
The basic foundation of parents' role in shaping children's character is found in the words of
God, "O believers! Preserve yourselves and your families from the fires of hell whose fuel is man and
stone (Q.S.at-Tahrim verse 6). This verse commands the believer (parent) to take care of himself and
his family, consisting of children, wives, and anyone in the family, to obey Allah and avoid all acts of
disobedience to save the world and the Hereafter(Aโ€™yuni et al., 2023).
Nasution, (2019) explained the main functions of the family, including: (1). Maintaining the
nature of the child. The child is born in a state of nature that has potential and has been installed by
God before birth. This potential is like a sprout that is ready to grow and develop, the task of parents
is to care for and maintain the potential to grow and develop in accordance with their nature (Indriani,
2021); (2) straighten their nature and awaken and develop their positive potential by not making
children victims of parental obsession in the sense that parents do not force children to follow the
wishes of parents. The task of parents is to accompany, motivate, and facilitate so that the potential
of children develops Fitrah; (3). Create a safe and quiet environment and nurture them in an
affectionate, gentle, and loving environment. Maslow (Abdurrahman, 2020; Sada, 2017; Trivedi & Mehta,
2019) explains that every child needs the fulfillment of basic human needs, namely psychological
needs, including the needs of security, love, and compassion, appreciation, a sense of freedom, and
self-actualization; (4). Provide information about the education and culture of the community around
the house, such as language, customs, and social norms, so that they can prepare themselves for
community life later.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1006
Character Education
The formation of character has been the primary mission of the Prophet when sent by Allah
Almighty. As in the hadith, it is said, "Verily I was sent to perfect good morals" (HN. Bukhari). This
shows that character building in children was the main thing before science because the character is
the gate to success. A Muslim figure who has long been involved in character is Imam al-Ghazali
through his famous book, "Ihya 'Ulumiddin, " poured into several volumes. The Western figure who
is in the field of character is Thomas Lickona through the books he wrote. Books critical to his ideas
about character include; 'The Return of Character Education' and the second book titled 'Educating
for Character: How Our School Can Teach Respect and Responsibilityโ€.
Imam Al-Ghazali defines character as closer to ahklak, namely human spontaneity in acting or
doing actions that have been integrated into humans so that when they appear, there is no need to
think about it anymore(Tohidi, 2017; Wardanik et al., 2021). Lickona defines character as a profound
disposition that can be relied upon to respond to situations in a morally good way (Hikmasari et al.,
2021). Munir defines character as a pattern, be it thoughts, attitudes, or actions inherent in a person,
very strongly and difficult to eliminate (Majid, 2011). Almost is also expressed by Berkowitz, who
interprets character as a characteristic inherent in a person (Zubaedi, 2015). Hetarion et al. (2020)
define character as a distinctive value imprinted in oneself and manifested in behavior.
Based on the meaning of character, according to the experts above, it can be understood that
character is a typical attitude of a person who is firmly embedded and deeply imprinted in oneself
and manifested in behavior, where the behavior that arises is spontaneous without thinking about it
first. The formation of character is a relatively long process, but it can be started in the womb, even
far from it, since looking for a life partner by looking at the elements of seeds, weights, and weights of
prospective parents. If the selection of prospective parents is done well, then these parents will give
birth to good children as well. The primary advice in Islam for the selection of prospective parents is
religion. A good religion will give birth to a good character narrative; at most, minor children born
are easily directed and quickly formed in character. This is in line with an opinion(Saman & Hidayati,
2023) that in Islamic parenting, choosing a partner is the first step in the parenting process. Parents
should be able to educate their children, especially in terms of the use of electronic media. Parents
play an essential role in the education of their children.
Al-Gazali, as quoted by Hanani (2016), conveys that character values that need to be developed
in the process of children's education include purification of the soul and worship, awake, Nicklas,
solidarity, love of helpful knowledge, honesty, simplicity, patience, gratitude, gentleness. The
character formation of Imam Al-Ghazali, as quoted by Sullyadi (2017), can be done through several
methods, including exemplary methods, habituation, advice, reward, and punishment.
Primary School Age Children
The Alpha generation, born after 2010, is composed of elementary school-age children. This
generation has unique characteristics in terms of developmental stage, which can be seen from
several aspects: cognitive, social and emotional, moral, physical, motor, and language.
According to Piaget, in terms of cognitive development, elementary school children are at a
concrete operational stage. Psychosocially, according to Erikson, elementary school children are at
the industry versus inferiority stage. According to Piaget, children aged 7 to 10 are transitional
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1007
between heteronomous and orthonomous morality. Physically, elementary school children use basic
motor skills to balance the body, run, jump, and throw. Metacognitive development encourages
children to realize their cognitive abilities to determine appropriate methods for learning and solving
problems (Trianingsih, 2016).
Regarding language, experts explain that elementary school-age children have mastered about
50,000 to 80,000 words. These words are obtained by children from their environment, both at home,
school, and surrounding environments. Language acquisition at elementary school takes place
quickly because, at this time, the development of children's brain function has developed rapidly so
that children are more able to acquire language. In general, elementary school children have been
able to be good listeners, listen to the stories they hear, and express them again in a logical order and
arrangement (Dewi et al., 2020).
The role of parents in shaping the character of the alpha generation of elementary school age
in the digital age
Character formation begins from the family environment as the main model in realizing
humans as individual, social, intelligent, and religious beings. Parents or surrounding adults should
set a good example in child development (Wahyuni & Putra, 2020).
Along with the rapid development of technology today, the role of parents is needed. Certainly,
it demands creativity in educating children and adapting both methods and approaches that are in
accordance with the demands of the times. (Purnama, 2018) Conveying educating children in digital
ERAH, parents need to pay attention to the following things; : (1) follow the development of
technology, information, and communication, so that parents have provisions and can guide children
to interact with the internet intelligently and healthily; (2) teach children to socialize, so that their
social-emotional development can be well developed; (3) participate in training and developing the
physical-motor aspects of children; (4) also equip children with religious and moral values; (5)
educating children not to be dependent on technology; and (6) play a maximum role as a discussion
partner, a place to ask questions and a place to pour out affection for children.
Results of research conducted by the British Internet Matters organization (d o s Rei s ,
2018) The Reseach of 1,500 families found that 48% of 6-year-olds currently use technology, and
41% access the internet without parental supervision. The survey also showed that 44% of these
children use the internet inside their bedrooms and 72% online outside the home. This study showed
that children were closer to mobile phones than to parents. Third, participate in training and
developing the physical-motor aspects of children. The physical motor development of children
affects their further development. Children who play on phones for too long will have an impact on
health, such as eye health, sleep quality, difficulty concentrating, decreased learning achievement,
physical development, social development, brain development, and delayed language development in
children (Citta, 2023). Another impact of technology is that children experience dependence and
addiction which results in laziness of children in activities, disruption of physical health, and
increasingly reduced learning concentration (Jalilah, 2022).
Based on the various negative impacts of technology development on the development of
children's character, the role of parents at home includes; (1) the need to teach children to access
various information through the internet correctly and be able to communicate civilly (Widhiyanto &
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1008
Hasanah, 2023); (2) control or supervise the impressions accessed by the child'; (3) limit the duration
of time children play mobile phones; (4) invite children to play in open spaces to develop children's
social; (5) invite children to exercise or play that can develop children's physical motor.
From an Islamic perspective, the role of parents in shaping children's character in the digital
era for the alpha generation is to fortify children's faith by instilling strong aqidah and charity. Aqidah
and morals are the foundation of living life. Having a strong aqidah and morals will make forming and
developing children's character easier. The strengthening of aqidah and morals in children has been
exemplified by Luqman as stated in the Qur'an Surah Luqman verse 13, which means;
"And (remember) when Luqman said to his son when he taught him a lesson: 'O my son, do not
fellowship with Allah.' Indeed, fellowshipping (Allah) is truly a great tyranny." (QS. Luqman:13).
Based on the above verse, it can be understood that one of the reinforcements of aqidah is to
teach children not to fellowship with Allah because it is a very big sin. In addition to directing children
not to shirk to Allah, it also brings children closer to the Quran. Where the Quran is a guide to human
life in living life. As a guideline, children should always follow the instructions in the Quran so as not
to get lost and not be easily exposed to the negative influence of technology.
Parents need to realize that the current generation reflects the results of the previous
formation, while the future generation is the result of today's formation. Children's good and bad
behavior in the future depends on how character development is today. Therefore, parents must
educate children to prioritize strong aqidah values, not weaken their faith. As in Surah An-Nisa, verse
9 explains what it means: "And fear God, those who, if they leave behind them, weak children, whom
they fear for their (welfare). Therefore, let them speak the right words"
Based on the above verse, it can be understood that parents need to prepare their children as
the next generation as well as possible, both from their aqidah and ahklak, to face an era that is much
more complex than the previous or current era.
4. Conclusion
Generation Alpha is a millennial generation who is currently in elementary school. They were
born between 2010 and above. Generation Alpha is known as the generation most familiar with the
internet and digital technology, and the generation claimed to be the smartest compared to previous
generations. However, this generation has a decline in characteristics such as being bossy, likes to
manage, lack of sharing unwillingness to follow the rules, dependence on technology, lack of social
skills, weak motor physique, easy complain, and fragile spirit. On the other hand, digital media offers
vast opportunities and provides positive benefits in addition to digital risks. This is where the role of
parents is needed. Parents have an important role in shaping the alpha generation of elementary
school age in the digital age. The roles performed are; (1) teach children to access various information
through the internet correctly and be able to communicate civilly; (2) control or supervise the
impressions accessed by the child; (3) limit the duration of time children play mobile phones; (4)
invite children to play in open spaces to develop socially; (5) invite children to exercise or play that
can develop children's physical motor. In addition to the role liminal performed above, parents also
need to fortify children with strong aqidah and ahklak and bring children closer to the Quran so that
children's characters are easily developed and formed.
e-ISSN: 2723-6692 ๐Ÿ•ฎ p-ISSN: 2723-6595
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains, Vol. 5, No. 5, May 2024 1009
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